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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
December 8, 1988     The Lone Tree Reporter
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December 8, 1988
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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short after a fine eff . Thursday, December 8, 1988 Lone Tree Reporter Page 3 grade social of Lone Tree School are put- a used toy for a community are hoping the benefit those that problems holiday season, is allowed to par- We want to en- the surrounding project including L Nichols, River- and Iowa City. we need the help of many !make this project people to word to friends who can either of benefit from hers and also benefit from by getting some to give to each Drop-off sites at the following and Mer- in Lone Tree Elementary of- Tree School, LPeople's Savings in Riverside. All puzzles, and condition will The giveaway Sat. Dec. 17th } A.M. till 12 noon in of the People from 8 older may par- ,By helping in this or receiving from all of us can better, more holiday season! Sincerely, School On Saturday the Lions to In =. Nichols News first game the B fell behind The arrival of Santa Claus Awareness. Decorated 17 to 6 at bald time. They at Town Hall started off a Christmas trees line the ;ndar Jr. High Boys Basketball came on strong in the second very successful Christmas back the_ga e, half to make the final score Open House for the merchan- cut-oum, anu ugnm Dec. lZ WapelloThe Junior High Boys 29-27 in a tough loss. The ball tournament; Basketball season startedAteam came out fired up and ts of Nichols. Santa wasused all a.rot nd, as well as brought to Town Hall by her- lots of garmna. sketball vs. Mid- and it came fast with three led 14 to 11 at half time, but se and surrey driven by As the students entered ae, 4 p.m.; school games in the first week. Highland outscored Lone Marion Barnhart and Kenny they were each i.ven aweri: 7 .m. Tuesday night the young men Tree 22 to 19 in the second Smith. After a short visit boned Jingle oeu to ec. 13PBasketball opened the home basketball half to take the win. , 6:30 p.m.; Jr. season by hosting BenneR_. Both teams are I and 2 and with children there, Santa throughout the night. Prizes was escorted around townwere awarded in the the baskelball vs. ome 4 p.m. The Lone Tree B Team tookhove to imvrove on those where be areeted young and "Wish Upon a Star" contestz the court first and had a hard marks. We would love to old alike Jurrey rides were with prizes awaraea Dec. lS JV time with the Bennett B have your support in the rest in full i"en n i [eavinx from on the color of "star vs. L-M, home, J_ High boys team. As time ran out theof our contests, the uptown park and aking chosen. Me apolis, score was 39 to 13 with the a sweet around the south- The event was well atten- m.; FHA Christ-Lions on the short end. Andy 3:35v.m. Loan topped the Llens with ll PTOCalendar • west part of town. The ded, with70.outof155_stud, " weather was verfect for am tmmg me 1| IMS boys points and Lane Yoder Dec. 10- Discovery Toy Par- horse ride! Bake goods at Awareness ana me mcno tournament, 8 helped out with 10 rebounds, ty, 10-1 Elementary the Town Hall went fast and Community Club were proud dgh boys basket- The Lion A team hoped to Dec. 12 School Board all donations were greatly to co-sponsor this get- !ett, 4p.m. restore the pride with a win Meeting appreciated. Everythiin together and hope everyone )ec. 17 Ibis boys and they did Just that. Led by Dec. 17 Children's Holiday looked and smelled so good =da fun nieht! . ._ tournament con-Jason Moellers 25points aria Party 1-4 p.m. Cafeteria The Nichols Jr Communityunaverones from me 13 rebounds, the Lions slip- Jan.5 PTO Meeting. Club was sel In'g candy and Nichols Community Club ped by Bennett's A team 31 to Christmas light decorations were W.i kamp, 6inaflneteameffort. . as a fund raiser for their ttose mlt r ewton, Jan Students Next up was a trip to group and reported salesFurhmeister, Ray & Letha Mediapolis on Thursday, were very good. Hot apple Porter. Chuck & Debbie where the Lion B team sts_r- cider, coffee, champagne, Rockwell, Shawn Grosjean ted the night off well with a brownies,cookies and andFriend, Jolce. victory over the B team of various goodies could be Mediapolls 37 to 36. Ands' found at every stop ar ndld The Nichols Community Loan again led the Lions with T he,e a,e about 400.d ,,..t town. Many businesses Christmas Program will be 23 points and II rebounds o, an. in me united States alone. Toots Gordan also helped , , ofdrawlngSsome off°rthePrlzes'itemsWlnnerSare as Communltyheld Decembercenter15 atat 7:00the Lions with 8 points and 7 ,./.. ] follows: Judv Costas-- p.m. Thls program is for rebetmds. The A team didn't Jewery at Nichols Post Of in the community to attend do as well and were beat 33 to fice;Mrs. Vernon Wilson- and/or to partlcipate. We are 29. The Lone Tree defense I .4 v I nativity set at Ceramics & looking for anyone to donate layed in the last 3 Peop,e bel sp ue., Gifts; Donna Ball- their talents to helv round out HILUUIA~. t~t u~m. ~_ ~-~ on the tail of a bird. you will hsve ~ d~(NZlqi~O~l at at the program. On the I/st as of held Mediapolls to 2 Fo good luck. Community Closet; other now include a play about and scored 10 but came up ._-- winners willbe notified.Santa Clans' retirement, in- Attendance was very gooddlvldnal singing perfonnan- In Stock and we hope to see ev,.eryone ces, a skit, and the Foresnics oc se .at next year s Open HighSchooLgr°up from West Liberty The Nichols Community Everyone is encouraged to Club would like to thankparticipate ff you can. H you everyone who participated, can't participate in the attemted, and contributed in program, we hope to see you any way to the Nichols u part of the audience l Christmas Open House, The Nichols Community December 3rd. We hope toClub will be serving make this an annual event! refreshments after the Sixth Graders and Mr. Dickey Polartek 12" Boots Brown or Black Accordin-g to manufacturer the highest standard in cold weather Footwear and guaranteed com- plete satisfaction in keeping your feet warm or your money will be refunded. Sizes 8-13 Red Ball HighTop Boot BrowTt 2 Buckle Insulated When we work as a group aprogram. We also will be lot can be accomplished- havin= a special guest-a tbanksagairL jolly guy in a red suit and black boots! Hope everyone Don't forget to get thosecan in the fun in s ne Christmas lights up! Voting way: takes place Dec 16th thru 23rd at Casey's, Burt's or THE Community Closet is Farmers and Merchants in now open. will be an- Michols. A lot of houses at a later date. All already are lighted- theydonations, both time and a items, would be greatly ap- pJso Northener 3-eyelet, 4-eyelet, 17" high top, zipper and Note: Closed for Lunch at 12:00 Open: Dec. 5th Kalona Horse Sale Day Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays,#Fridays, Saturdays and horse sale days. Mondays and Thursday by chance or appointment. Country Shoe Rt. I Kalona, IA 52247 Highway 22 East - First Pisce East of Farmers Suppy - North Side The Nichols Community The Community Club Center was rockin' Saturday Members met Saturday af- night as the students from ternoon to decorate the Nichols, West Llbery andfor the"Jin le Bell Rock Atalissa attended a "Jingle event: unps , Ann sherfSUn Bell Rock" from 7 to I0 p.m. Wieskamp, Letha Porter, Refreshments of pizza, pop Rose & Bill New ., Debbie corn were on hand with & Chuck Rockwell, Christy, music provided by a d.j.J.T., and Roxanae Meager, from Columbus Junction. Heather GrosJean and Jerry The gym was decorated in the C hrlstmas atmosphere rdecoratlons will also Hillve __ by members of the Nichols be used for the Community uommtmity Club and Km- Christmas program, Dec. mett Butler, from Project 15th. i !:ii > :i