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Page 6 " The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, November 28, 2013
Lone Tree
Legals . . .
Continued... from page 5
Sc&t Ritter of l hul-Frcdcrick ( ,,H:,,lI:ttil,, I'(
was present t(, ilrls~A el' quc.,Ihln'.
Harney asked Moore to CXpIHiH I. I1~,. rHh!i,
why installing solar i'~a)lcE iC,lUil, :. d, ,',~ rt/,.~
ing from Commercial I. A~_,ricuhur:H ,d,.~,;c
said a Conditional !b,c Pc;'mil liH IHIhJi, illi!i.
ties is allowed in Agricullural httt H,H iH ~ ,uH
inertial zonings.
Board members :111(I sl~ll'l'diSIyHt',c!l HI IcIl!'[h
the advantages ol'dli.s/.HIH!~ *
Motion by Neuzil, ,..t..t:(Hld I)~ %:ltli'~:lll h~
waive the rcquirerncnl of ill)co ,.oIr.idcIHli~Hi,
betbre approvilly ill] ('ddill;lllCt: U!IILIVtilH' lh~
Johnson Cotmly I hfifi,.:d 1 )c~ ch qmhqH ( h
dinance and apw,)vim., /,mi.z, gpi,li~ .~.,H
24803. Roll call: A}c. I dl~, 17~ ,H Ih,, >,',', J I ,i
Section 18. 'lov, H',hil~ 7;; ".i,a:lh I,l.m,,, ~, '~%, .I
orthe5thl),M,,.H(.,,HH, 1,:,,~ ~l,,
property is located .... tl ........ .o .... L ,J ~., ....
tOWtl Road NW", Ill it'. Iilh:l';~ t'htH't !kill] \l;ihq
Avenac NW in I.ihcr('. I(~ir,[Hl~
Scott Rilter oJ'l hut-l'~t.'dcli, k ( ,,H ,rib;Hi!,, [)(
spoke llhoul Iht: al~1flicHdH, HH.I l,w, !drd i~
handoul sllov~ hLp Ihc :H'C;I ol IH iHl,' t;H mi:m,}
on lhe propcrly Ulldt.'l C(ll)v, idt.'l';lllIHI
Board 111elnller% HI)II M;IIt lii;Cll ,:,Ctl lh, Hml
sing and Z()flhll; ('(HIIIIID, NIOII ) Icp.II Ihc
Johnson ('ounly I,and I!',c I'l;lu Ilu ,lll:,lh3 ,~i
the [~lrrllliltl(I, :llld how such H /ollm~ v, IHIhl
afrcct lhc growlh areas
N¢llzil noted Ihal il II~i'~ ',qqHi~Hli,,H i, Hl,
proved, il woHhl In; dillicttll u)iH:JH', m I,,H
applic;Inls tlcnicd simihH ~(,ma;' ~c, lu, ,I, Ih
noted Ihe I,and II'~c I']:m i', dHc 1~,~ 1,, Hv, m
two ye,.Irs,
Rettig sahl if' this ;iplHi~ h!i,,H n', ;Ip)H, ~ .'d ~'
will set it precedent iH;d,m;, il (jilli~:~lt I, ~ ,1, ,,
future simlhir appli~ali,Hr,. ';he i. iHd ihhr
ested in amc)~tlir)~, Ihc I~m¢l i:,.c Iq;m tij)l~i il.
scheduled )'evi(:~
Sulliwm stlpp()rls Hldml(liiH' lilt" I;md I ,"
Plan and he also II(dcd t. OlICt'l'll "lh(lll{ ( [J;ll?'
a prcccdcnl.
I.',thercdgc ['IlVOI"-, I'C;)(,:'~%HI!! Ihq' h)!Hi'(H)
County l,and Ilsc I'l~HI wilh ',m c,,c >,, ~)lhd)~,im, h-
Contintmd I)uhlic ]lc,¢!iH!, ~,( ()ctohvr 1¢)
2013, OIl i.ln ()l'dilmr)t.'¢ A nlt.:l*dhl:: lhc .I,>I)))!., m
County Ilnilqcd l)c~,(.'lolmw)H ~h,Iiml),qon, who suffered a stroke recently, was
, ,:., i'i wiih a very large turn-out. An auction
;~H(I l~l,~dw,,:~ .',,.,, '., !",od ~xi!ll lively participation.
'!-i', : C~ n'(tJi*;~,