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Professional Directory
The Lone Tree Reporter, November 22
• Wrap or Twine
o Mowing and Raking Available
Wieland Custom
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Randy Yaklsh
General Contracting, Plumbing, Concrete
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FOR APPT. CALL - 629-5438
Cabinets & Carpentry
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Mike Dick
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Roofing, Siding, Remodeling, Barn Roofs I
Lone Tree, Iowa [
629-5130 or [
330-8632 [
David Berdell, MD Richard Dobyns, MD
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Hours: Men. Tues. Thurs.. Fri.: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. :
Wed: 8 am-Noon ....... N1VE
,0 7 WJayne St. i!ii!ii:': Ltl'ig
Lone Tree, IA 52755 ,iiiii!i,J:,,ii,ii, IOWA
3 19-629-4214 HEALTH CARE
NOVEMBER 8, 2001
Subject to approval by the Board of
Supervisors at a subsequent meeting.
Chairperson Lehman called the
Johnson County Board of Supervisors
to order in the Johnson County
Administration Building at 5:30 p.m.
Members present were: Pat Harney,
Mike Lehman, Terrence Neuzil, Sally
Stutsman, and Carol Thompson.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions
were taken unanimously.
Motion by Harney, second by
Stutsman, to approve the claims on
the Auditor's Claim Register, as
approved by a majority of the
Motion by Neuzil, second by
Thompson, to approve the minutes of
the formal meeting of November 1,
Motion by Stutsman, second by
Harney, to approve the payroll authori-
zations submitted by department
heads, as approved by a majority of
the Supervisors.
RESOLUTION 11-08-01-B1
Whereas, the appropriations for
Capital Projects, Service Area 0, jail
remodeling account are not sufficient
to meet increasing demands for servic,
es; and
Whereas, the capital projects budg-
et was set before the project was
approved, an unexpected increase in
jail remodeling costs that were not
budgeted, the Capital Projects Fund
will deplete its funds; and
Whereas, the Central Technology
Fund temporarily has available funds
in its budget; and
Whereas, pursuant to section
331.434(6) of the Code of Iowa, a
department appropriation may be
decreased without a public hearing if
the decrease is not more than the
greater of $5,000 or ten percent of the
department's total budget; and
Whereas, the Central Technology
Fund has agreed to temporarily
decrease its appropriations from its
budget by $80,000 and
Whereas, it is the intention of the
Board to reverse the Central
Technology Fund appropriation
decrease following a budget amend-
ment prior to the end of the fiscal year;
Therefore, be it resolved that
Capital Projects (Dept. 85) is herewith
appropriated an additional $80,000
from the Centra Technology Fund
(Dept.40) for a total increase of
$80,000 and total appropriation of
$847,000 for fiscal year 2001-2002,
and that the appropriation for the
Central Technology Fund (Dept. 40) is
correspondingly decreased by
$80,000 for a total of $520,077 for fis-
cal year 2001-2002. The relevant
county service area is Non-program &
other finance, which remains
unchanged at $3,288,600.
Motion by Thompson, second by
Stutsman, to approve Resolution 11-
08-01 -B1.
Motion by Stutsman, second by
Harney, to set a public hearing for cap-
ital projects budget amendment for
November 29th at 9:30 a.m. and
authorize the Auditor's Office to pub-
Motion by Harney, second by
Thompson, to approve and authorize
the Chairperson to sign the proposal
for Medioclegal Death Investigator
Program including approval of job
descriptions for Medical Examiner
Field Investigator and Medical
Examiner Field Supervisor.
At 5:40 p.m. the American Legion
presented an American Flag to the
Board of Supervisors.
At 5:45 p.m. County Attorney J.
Patrick White swore in the 2001-02
Americorps Members for Johnson
County's Youth Connections Project.
Recessed at 5:50 p.m.; reconvened
at 5:58 p.m.
Motion by Thompson, second by
Stutsman, to approve and authorize
the Chairperson to sign the Flexible
Benefits Plan renewal with Wellmark
Plan starting January 1, 2002 through
December 31, 2002.
Motion by Stutsman, second by
Harney, to approve and authorize the
Chairperson to sign the Employee
Assistance Program renewal with
Motion by Thompson, second by
Stutsman, to approve and authorize
the Chairperson to sign the letter to the
City Development Board regarding
proposed Tiffin voluntary annexation of
Allen property. Roll call: aye:
Stutsman, Lehman, Thompson,
Harney; abstain: Neuzit.
Motion by Stutsman, second by
Neuzil, to approve and authorize the
Chairperson to sign the agreement
between Johnson County and
Lutheran Social Services for the DAP
(Detention Alternative Program).
Motion by Harney, second by
Thompson, to approve and authorize
the Chairperson to sign the change
order for $1,274.18 for the Jail to pro-
vide a motor operated damper for
exhaust fan #13 kitchen exhaust hood.
Motion by Neuzil, second by
Stutsman, to approve and authorize
the. Chairperson to sign the change
order for $923.00 to add piping to con-
trol unit #11 in office 109 of the
Administration Building.
Application Z01008 of Maynard
Miller, Kalona, Iowa, signed by Stanley
Yodel Parnell, Iowa, requesting rezon-
ing of 10.00 acres from A1 Rural
District to CP2 Planned Commercial
District of certain property described
as being in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
Section 24; Township 78 North; Range
8 West of the5th P.M. in Johnson
County, Iowa (This property is located
on the west side of Highway 1 SW,
approximately 1/2 mile north of its
intersection with 540th Street SW in
Washington Twp.).
Motion by Thompson, second by
Stutsman, to accept withdrawal of
Application Z01008.
Convened Public Hearing on
Platting Applications at 6:13 p.m.
Application $9962 of Denese and
Kevin Toomey, signed by Denese
Toomey, requesting preliminary and
final plat approval of Silver Creek Hill,
a subdivision located in the NW 1/4 of
Section 10, Township 80 North, Range
6 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson
County, Iowa .(This is a 3-lot (2 resi-
dential and 1 8utlot), 62.27 acre, resi-
dential subdivision located on the
south side of Sugar Bottom Road NE,
approximately 1 mile west of its inter-
section with Poplar Avenue NE in
Newport Twp.).
Denese Toomey was present to
answer questions.
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Please call for an appointm
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679-2208 CLOSED Monday :
Whereas, the owner has filed
APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY cation S01016A for approval of
AND FINAL PLAT AND SUBDI- liminary plat of, and
CREEK HILL, JOHNSON COUNTY, Commission hav ng studied sai d=',
IOWA cation recommends that the pl
Whereas, the owner has filed appli- approved.
cation $9962 for approval of a prelimi- Now, Therefore, be it ResOtv
nary and final plat of Silver Creek Hill, the Board of Supervisors of J0P
and County, Iowa:
Whereas, the County Zoning 1. That said plat be approved'
Commission having studied said appli- 2. That the Chairperson be di
cation recommends that the plat be to sign said plat.
approved, Motion by Harney secon! i
Now, Therefore, be it Resolved by Stutsman, to approve Resolut 0p
the Board of Supervisors of Johnson 08-01-Z2.
County, Iowa: Application S01038 of HoWP
1. That said plat be approved. Edwards, Iowa City, Iowa, reqU ;i
2. That the Chairperson be directed preliminary and final plat apprO
to sign said plat and Subdivider's Timber Drive Subdivision, a s
Agreement. sion described as being located I
3. This Resolution requires the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Se¢ti
recording of the following documents: Township 78 North, Range 7 I
Owner Certificate; Dept. of Army the 5th P.M. in Johnson CountY, 0
Easement for Access Road ROW; Title (This is a l-lot, 2.46 acre, farm P
Opinion; Dept. of Army Easement for split, located on the west side of I1
Roadway (30'); Treasurer's Certificate; Avenue SW, approximately five F
Exhibit "C"; 2-Consent of Mortgagee; dred feet north of its intersectioi #
Acceptance of EBS; Subdivider's 480th Street SW in Liberty Twp.), ..
Agreement; ROW Easement Ralph Neuzil spoke for the apP g
Document; Consent of Contract tion.
Holder; Acquisition Ptat; Affidavit RESOLUTION 11-08-01-Z3.
Explanatory of Title; Resolution APPROVING ]'HE PRELIMINA I
Affirming the Stability of the Current AND FINAL PLAT AND SUB0 P,
Motion by Thompson, second by DRIVE SUBDIVISION, JOHNS0
Stutsman, to approve Resolution 11- COUNTY, IOWA
08-01-Z1. ' Whereas, the owner has filed al
Application S01016A of Stanley E. cation S01038 for approval of a pre.
Stutzman, Kalona, Iowa, requesting inary and final plat of Timber O ¢
preliminary plat approval of Terrace Subdivision, and
Acres, Part Four (A Resubdivision of Whereas, the County Zo#
Lot 6 Terrace Acres, Part Three), a Commission having studied said #!
subdivision described as being located cation recommends that the plat'
in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section approved.
11 Township 78 North, Range 8 West Now, Therefore, be it Resolved!
of the, 5th P.M. in Johnson County, the Board of Supervisors of Joh#
Iowa (This is a 13-1ot residential sub- County, Iowa:
division, containing 11-residential lots 1. That said plat be approved.
and 2-outlets, 46.36 acre, located on 2. That the Chairperson be dire;
the west side of Cosgrove Road SW, to sign said plat and SubdivJ#
approximately one thousand feet north Agreement.
of its intersection with 500th Street SW 3. This Resolution requires t
in Washington Twp.). recording of the following docum#
RESOLUTION 11-08-01-Z2
IOWA Continued on page 11