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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
November 22, 2001     The Lone Tree Reporter
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November 22, 2001
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 Church/Local Club News The regular meeting of the Prairlemasters 4-H Club was called to order on Nov. 4 with 24 members answering roll call. Nine members were excused, and we welcomed eight new members! Members should plan to com- plete their re-enrollment forms at the next meeting and pay their $20 membership dues. The annual Family night pot- luck , at the United Presbyterian Church will be Dec. 2, at 5:30 p.m. Please bring two covered dishes and table service. Beverages will be provided. Morgan Buline, Secretary The Fremont Homemakers met at the home of Esther Christofferson Friday Nov. 16 for a pot-luck dinner and meeting. The meeting was opened with President Esther Lincoln leading the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was answered by 14 members and one guest, stating something they were thankful for, by using the first initial of their name. The nominating committee named the new officers for the year 2002. They were v9ted to serve in the following offices: President, Wilma Buline;Vice President, Esther Curtis; Secretary, Gladys Krueger; Treasurer, Gladys Forbes; Courtesy Church. Marilynn Stuart; and Advisor, Esther Lincoln. The Dec. 14 Christmas Party will be at the Harvest Inn in Kalona at 11 and there will be a $5 gift exchange. The Club will entertain at the Care Center for a Christmas Party at 6:30 on Dec. 14 - Members are asked to attend. The meeting adjourned-Bid Euchre was played. Prizes fur- nished by Wilma Buline were given to Ester Curtis, high; Gladys Krueger, second high; Pearl Attig, most lones, and Norma Larew low. Secretary, Gladys Krueger The Retired Firemens Auxiliary met at the home of Marjorie Wieland Monday evening, Nov. 12, with a potluck supper and a Christmas-gift exchange. Pinochle was played with prizes going to Dorothy Johnson, RoseMary Lewis, LaVon Wisor and Marilynn Stuart. A good time was had and plenty of food enjoyed. This will be the last meeting until February as some of the snowbirds will be heading south. The next hostess will be Thelma Smith. Legion Auxiliary requests donations The Lone Tree Auxiliary Unit No. 457 is sponsoring a shower of gifts for veterans in VA facifities. They would like new items only, please. Some suggestions for dona- tions are: Aftershave (non alco- holic), cash for canteen books and for transportation, coffee, combs, cookies (wrapped), cordless electric razors, denture cleaner, denture tablets, deodorant, emery boards (new), hairbrushes hand mirrors, lap robes - 4 feet x 5 feet, magazine subscriptions magnifying glasses, nail clippers newspaper subscriptions, pajamas (all sizes), pens pencils, personal grooming items': , phc)ne cards, playing cards(new) popcorn, salt, peanut oil, postage I want to thank my children, stamps, seasonal men's clothing in Randy and Allen Cook and good condition, snowflakes (prefer 3 Wendy Bishop and their families. inch), stationary, envelopes, tennis ' A big special thanks to Pastor shoes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tra-Ann, Betty Forbes and Raymond chea bibs (4.5 W x 5 L), shampoo, Meyer. I really don't know what I socks - white, soap - bath size, underclothing, underwear - new, VCR tapes (blank and movies), western paperbacks and word puzzle .... books:i They also are in need of volun- teers. Call Sue Smothers, 629-4682. The auxiliary would likey0ur help for this good cause. Please bring all donations to the office at Smothers Insurance or Lone .Tree Post: Office by November 30, Nob;' -- heart=felt THANKS2 don't have to be a member to donate. would have done without them. I also want to thank everyone who called, sent cards and sent flow- ers when.I was in,the hospital. Now that I'm at home, THANKS TO EVERYONE who was there when I had my surgery and when I had to return to the hospital. I know that words could never repay everyone who has helped me out in the past,i A great big Church News in The Lone Tree Reporter  is brought to you by these fine sponsors. Louis Cook LT Chamber of Commerce meets ..... Card of thanks The regular monthly meeting of tile Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce was held at Pioneer Place on Oct. 15, 2001. President Kris Gillham called the meeting to order at 6:48 P.M. with the follow- ing members present: Paul Hain, Grynneth Parizek, Bob Petsel, Russ Forbes, Ron Rife, Delores Rife, Jim Stock, Clarence Tharp, Marvin Klebe, Wilbur Huff, Lester Bell, Gerry Burr and Judy Hills. Moved by Huff and seconded by Tharp to approve the minutes of the 9-24-01 meeting. Motion carried. Moved by Forbes and second- ed by Klebe to approve the 9-8-01 to October 12, 2001 Treasurer's Report. Motion carried. Gillham discussed the 2001 Motodoway. Everyone enjoyed having this event go through Lone Tree. We felt that the support of the Lone Tree residents couldn't have been better. Rife commented that he had talked with Dr.Mills after the event and Dr.Mills had several members of MotorIoway comment that Lone Tree was their best "pitstop." Grynneth com- mented that the Lone Tree Historical Society was very pleased with the number of shirts that were sold and the sales after the event also took place through phone calls. Everyone felt that the boy scouts did a good job with the selling of their doughnuts and popcorn. Moved by Petsel and seconded by Rife for the Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce to pur- chase a $25.00 gift certificate from LT's Fine Grocery for one of the Holiday Drawings and to continue giving away 5 turkeys and 2 gift certificates during the months of November and December. Ed. Eden, owner of LT's GrOcery has ) donated the other $25:00 Gift  Certificate. Moved by Forbes and second- ed by Tharp to have the Santa Claus at the School changed to doing treat sacks for the children at the Little Engine Preschool and not to have Santa Claus present. Grynneth made this suggestion as it was difficult to plan on how many treat bags to prepare and last year we ended up having to take a majority of them to the preschool because of the attendance at the actual event. Moved by Huff and seconded by Klebe to take $5,000.00 from the Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce' savings account and purchase a three month certificate of deposit. When our certificate of deposit #108577 comes due on November 24,2001 we will renew that one for $5,000.00 for another six months and take the interest at that time and deposit it to our sav- ings account. We will then end up with $10,000.00 in certificates of deposits. A reminder went out to all members of the Chamber that their annual dues need to be paid in the amount of $10.00 per person. Paul Hain invited the Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce out to Syngenta for our November monthly meeting. Syngenta will have a meal catered in for the Chamber and after the meal, the Chamber will receive a tour of the plant. Everyone was very open to this idea and was very grateful to Paul Hain and Syngenta for the offer. Moved by Huff and seconded by Klebe to adjourn. Motion car- ried. We would like to thank the wonderful Lone Tree First Responders for their fast response to my medical problem Nov. 7. My five-day stay makes me really appreciate good nurses' and doctors' help. I also want to thank Rev. Rouse's visit and my friends who visited and the get well cards. Ruth Forbes Card of thanks A big Thank You to our family and all our friends for the many cards, calls, food, flowers and prayers while I was in the hospital and since returning home. God bless you. Virginia Schlapkohl Card of thanks Families of Delbert Grecian wish to thank you all for the vis- its, phone calls, cards, flowers, plants, memorial gifts, food and kindness at the time of his death. Special thanks to Rev. Richard Boyd for his service, music and singing. Also to Donna and Linda. Many thinks to Eric Snyder and Sorden-Lewis Funeral Home, Riverside VFW for the military service, all the pallbearers and the Methodist Church ladies for the lunch. Thank you all. Dolores Grecian; Gary & Shelby Grecian & families; Larry & Sharon Grecian & families; Karen & Russell Fox & families; Paul & Lorraine Grecian & fami- lies; Lucille & Dallas Queck & families P47 The Lone Tree Reporter, November 22, 2001 II [ Join Us For Services ] UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LONE TREE Rev Ann E. Rouse, Pastor Church: 629-4900 Home: 629-5526 Thursday, Nov. 22 • Happy Thanksgiving to all! Friday, Nov. 23 • articles for newsletter due Sunday, Nov. 25 ° 8:30 - Choir practice, 9 - Sunday School, 10:30 Worship Service, 11:30 - Christian Ed. Com. Mtg. Monday, Nov. 26 • 7 - Beginners Bible Study, Prepare Holiday boxes for college youth Wednesday, Nov. 28 ° 10 - Care Center Worship, 7 - Kingdom Kids The Parish of St. Mary Catholic Church Lone Tree and Nichols Fr. Benedict Okonkwo, Sacramental Minister Home: 629-5252 Mrs. Carol Kaalberg, Parish Life Coordinator Lone Tree: 629-4225; Nichols: 723-4566 Mass Schedule: Saturday • 5 p.m. -- Lone Tree Church Sunday • 8 a.m. -- Nichols Church 9:30 a.m. I Lone Tree Church Wednesday ° 6 p.m. -- Lone Tree Church Eucharistic Service of Prayer: Tuesday ° 8:30 a.m. w Nichols Parish (office hours follow) Thursday ° 8:30 a.m. -- Lone Tree Parish (office hours follow) Friday • 10 a.m. -- Lone Tree Care Center (Mass-First Friday of the Month) Religious Education Sunday following Mass at Nichols, 9-10 a.m. Wednesday following Mass at Lone Tree, 6:45-7:45 p.m. Confirmation Class: First and Third Sundays, 4-5:30 p.m., Lone Tree Church Instruction in the Roman Catholic Faith (RCIA) Classes onThursdays, 7-8:30 p.m. at Lone Tree Church. wm-mersE= 00reha00ts LoneTree Nichols IowaCity i 629-4222 723-4412 341-5900  I ELDON C. STUTSMAN, INC. BOX 250 • HILLS, IOWA 52235 AGRI-WHOLESALE For All Your Farm-Related Needs LOCAL (319) 679-2281 ° NATIONWIDE WATS (,800) 669-2281 FAX (319) 679-2900 Jim00 Small Engine Repair Lawn Mower • Weed Eaters • Chainsaws 8 to 6 Monday - Friday 8 to 12 Saturdays Owner: Jim Stransky 648-3958 "Authorized Stihl Dealer" Kwik 'N Ez Grocery Grocery & Dell Now Open Call 648-4708 For Carry-0ut Hwy. 22 Riverside • 648-5271 SCHNOEBELEN REPAIR I ,,\\; Your Agco Allis Dealers. We can supply your parts needs for all .,Ik Allis & Duetz Allis tractors & equipment. We have AGCO/AIIis tractors in stock Agco Allis . Same - Fiat- Long Tractors - Artsway Ralph Sehnoebelen, Sales Demco . Gehl Hesston . Mustang. Buffalo- M& W con (319) 648-2481 Riverside, IA 52327 - CrustBuster- Simplicity Lawlt Mowers i Chown Appliance, Inc. Your Lennox Heating & Cooling Center GE & RCA Sales and Service on all products we sell Nichols • 723-4314 This Space is for Rent Call 629-5207