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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
October 27, 2011     The Lone Tree Reporter
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October 27, 2011
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page6 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, Oc Floodplain Forest Field Day hosted by Department of Natural Resour Lone Tree Legals . . . Continued ... from page 7 east of Interstate 380, including the City of Shueyville, and including that portion of Shueyville lying westerly of Interstat 380. Jefferson West-Monroe (Includes Swisher): Monroe Township and that portion of Jeffer- son Township that is west of Interstate 380, except that portion of Shueyville lying west- erly of Interstate 380, and including the City of Swisher. Liberty-Pleasant Valley: Pleasant Valley Township and Liberty Township, including the portion of Liberty Township de-annexed by the City of Hills as filed with the Iowa Sec- retary of State's office on May 20, 2010 and excluding the City of Hills. Madison (includes Clear Creek North): Madison Township and that portion of Clear Creek Township bounded on the east, south, and west by the City of North Liberty and bounded on the north by Madison Township. Newport: Newport Township. Oxford (includes City and Township): Ox- ford Township, including the City of Oxford. Penn (includes East Lucas North): Penn Township, except that portion bounded on all sides by the City of North Liberty, and that portion of East Lucas Township lying north of the Iowa City corporate boundary. Penn West: That portion of Penn Town- ship bounded on all sides by the City of North Liberty. Scott (includes portion of West Branch): Scott Township, including that portion of the City of West Branch lying within Johnson County, Sharon: Sharon Township. Solon: City of Solon. Union: Union Township. University Heights: City of University Heights. Washington: Washington Township, West Lucas: West Lucas Township, includ- ing the portion of said township de-annexed by the City of Hills as filed with the Iowa Secretary of State's office on May 20, 2010. Section Ill Rop,let This ordinance to- peals Ordlnance 09-I 5- I 1-01, Additionally, all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby rapeall, Section IV. Savings Clanso. If any section, provislon, or part of thi ordinance shall be adjudged invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not ajudgvd invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. Section V. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in ef€ect January 15, 2012, after Its passage and publication as part of the pro- ceedings of the Board of Supervisors. On October 6, 201 i, motion by Neuzil, second by Rettlg, to waive the requirament of three considerations befora amending An Ordinance Establishlng Voting Precincts in Johnson County, Iowa, on first and second consideration. Roll call: aye: Harnoy, Neuzil, Stutsman. Sulllvan, Rcttig, Motion by Neuzil, second by Stutsman, to approve An Ordlnance Establishing Voting Precincts in Iohnson County, Iowa, on final consideration and to approve Ordinance I0- 13-11-01. Roll call: aye: Harnvy, Neuzil, Stub smart, Sullivan, Rettig. Motion by Sullivan, second by Stutsman, to approve the Iowa Department of Economic Development Community Development Block Grant Pham Contrast Amendment. Adjourned to Informal Meeting at 6:20 p.m, /s/Pat Hamey, Chair, Board of Supervlsors Attest: Tom Slockett, Auditor By Nancy Tomkovicz, Recording Sterttary These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on October 20, 2011. Published in the Lone Tree Reporter Thumdsy, Odober 27, 2011. L- e32 J|l Open House Home Business Show The Bear-N-ecesslttes Sat. Nov. 5, 9am - 5pm Washington Central Park Community Center South stde of the 1"7 For more information on how you can participate, call Lynnann at 319-241-2791 or e-mall to ennhem-yahotmalLcom Kalona Vet Clinic Fall Food Starting now through November 12 HEALTHY A DVA N TAG E" $8-0ff Any Largest Canine & Feline Science Diet Pet Foods $3-Off Any Medium Canine & Feline Science Diet Pet Foods (7 lb. and larger bags) Ask us about easy "after-hours" diet pick up servtcel Sale ends November 12th NORE At the Swamp White Oak Savanna healthy, diverse floodplain forests. fire, grazing, reed € treatment are stratei Preserve in Muscatine County Nov. 3, 2011from 9.1:00 Many of Iowa's largest remain- ing natural areas are riparian areas and floodplain forests which require unique challenges for man- agement. Increased flooding in Midwestern streams and invasive The Nature Conservancy, with funding support from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Upper Mississippi River Bottom- land Fund, has begun intensive restoration of 80 acres of unique floodplain oak savanna. We will discuss the challenges and successes in managing a rain diversity. We will also discuss edge science being tl io understand how fl cess water and nutri !11 the site is unique, t [" used here may be i floodplain forests tl species like reed canary grass can unique woodland where clearing region. - be serious obstacles to maintaining Large Estate Auction [ Saturday November 12, 2011 At 10:00 AMs00 Large Estate auction with many antique tractors, horse drawn machinery and old cars. In order to startingi Ducommun Estate, we will offer the following at public auction on Saturday November 12 h Directions: On Hwy 3 from Cleghorn, IA go 1 ' comer East and 3A miles North to 4822 1 Ave Clegh Traetors/Eaujpment: McCormick Deering 1020 on steel (motor free); McCormick Deering 10 .,: Farmall B, ser #165651; Farmall B, ser #170892; Farmall F20; WD Alhs Chalmers w/loader; AI  Chalmers C w/belly WD 19592; Allis Chalmers WD 56489; Allis Chalmers sena niount sickle mower, serial #4795i. Chalmers, serial #170267, runs, wide front; Allis ,, " 1 #WC12185;AIIis Chalmers, serial i B.F. Avery model A parts (tractor) 2417955; B.F. Avery model A (complete) 1297816; John De#[ # 10352; Topeka Highway mower J Miscellaneous Farm: Tank wagons--4; 2 Roorda silage wagons w/Westindorfrunning gears; Ng manure spreader, good condition; Allis Chalmers roto baler 1 -New Idea corn picker #6A; Koyker elevator, model 46-26, NICE; Farmers Friend elevator; Whi disk;Allis Chalmers silage blower; Many steel gates; Approx. 400-500 bales of hay in the barn !!! Vehicles: 1939 Chevrolet panel van (complete); 1951 Nash Ambassador super complete, 4 door; 19 ton PU (complete) 5 window; 1948 Chevy 3/4 ton 5 window, no Engine; 1951 Willy's complete & straight; 1952 Desoto Firedome straight, 4 door; 1964 Impala Strai Threshm Machine & Old Machinery: Red River special, 22x36 threshing machi Stationary engine w/gear box; McCormick Deering stationary engine on cart; Waterloo Boy stationi cart; Farmers friend wagon hoist; Side delivery rakes on steel, approx. 6; IH slat bottom plow; Allis  bo! om plow; John Deere 613 & 612 bottom plow; IH corn binder; Yard drag Miseellaneous Antique: Oliver Red River special operators manual, RARE piece; Many wagon Many many neck yolks & eveners; Uncle Sam corn grader; John Deere hand sheller; Wood wagon W 1 many old oil cans; Old wooden boxes; Many wood wagon tongues; Miscellaneous harness pieces; Lo Binder canvases; Barrel kegs; Many rolls of corn planter wire; Wood nail kegs; Many old lawn 1 cupolas; Old bushel baskets; Old bicycles; Chicken feeders; Old chicken nests; Wooden Lane's beve Lots & lots of rope; Ohio Arts children's sand buckets, approx. 25, new old stock .][ Horse Drawn Items: Horse Drawn New Idea manure spreader, brand new, never been us ea, l and shedded. MINT; JD horse drawn drag cart (1922); 3 sleighs, JD horse drawn plow; 2 potato Pl I style buggy, single seat w/top & lights; 2 scat Amish buggy w/lamps; Small buck board; Pony Weber 3 box high wheel wagon, very good condition; JD triumph 3 box high wheel wagon, good c° ° box wagon w/JD seeder; Many old hay loaders including New Idea and John Deere; JD binder, co drawn cultivators, different brands; McCormick Deering horse drawn mower , #7, 6 foot; Many horse mowers including JD & IH; Old plows--l, 2, and 3 bottoms, JD, IH and Allis Chimers; 3 JD horse i planters; 2 single row harrows; 2 half row cultivators; 3 JD horse drawn mowers; Other horse planters;! horse drawn pieces still shedded and unable to catalog at this time. • o ascS Cash or good check accepted. There will be a 5 Vo buyers premium charged on all purch " Auctioneers Note: This is, one of the most unique auctions you will ever see. Most of the machinery & tractors has been stored under roof for 40+ years. There are many more small collectibl! we have not been able to view at the time of print, so expect to see much more by sale time. This sale: to be 2 rings, come prepared! There are many pictures on our website, so be sure to visit that. Www, Owner: Henry Ducommun Trust LANDMARK REALTY & AUCTION, INC. Lee Burggraff  tare roker & Auctioneer #4372 605/366- ! 673 or 605/428-3909 E-mail: landmark@siou× or go to: www, LandMarkRealtyAndAuction,com GULBRANSON AUCTION SERVICE Dean Gulbranson Real Estate & Personal Property Auctioneer #296 Brookings, SD 605/695-0133 or 605/692-2122 E-mail: II I I I I I Frank Eseue Real Estate Brok. e Don Ktg .... Auctioneer Cherokee, IA 712/225-6072 BLUDORN AI Kelan BI Personal Brookings, SD 605/690-7772 SEE yOfl AD H R00POR ER David I'I,! D.D.S. - i ........ Hours: TueS. & J:i [ 6 The . w.,:,:.,,.,, s.a..-':00 I & li,'lKT.,-.g.,,, .lron, SulrurRemoval , FORAPPT.CALL [    l..l- • Lnkin Water ,Systems ' I gllelli t.,)')).,) " .............. r mINK YOI'I I :$11),6(13,24,54 .. 3 "r:::P ' LONE TREE, lO [ The.Complete Water Treatq  ssionals I • SALm • xeRvace -RENTALS • REn'I )) • COMMleaClAt • lincoln Mutual ] gurus € ociation • [)cl:Cl'g()ll l stir: I LLC g'MAIL, n " i Phyllis Potorson os H. n.voe street  l.incoln Mutual Insurance Association [)cters()tl I nsti rancc LLC IS7 Sth Street, gal0na, 10wa * 3ts-sgs-zS14 • www.Ma_n.b/z 3t9=629-4921 Ro. sox 5ss ........... Petersonins4powatelocom,not Lono , flk nz?ss For your free" I mtma • Collision Repair estimate, call " d ll • AutoItailing (319) 629-4504 (J'I Health Care - River CrOSSing RBll • Custom Painting 0  • Welding AUTO BODY 105 W. Jayne, David Bedell, M.D. Natalie Ianternier, M.D. Lone Tree Ruth McGowan PA-C  I I II I ,,, Hours: Monday - Friday ighway 22 e a.m. to 5 p.m.  .Co,tr.r_. By the LOne (Extended hours 5-7 p.m.) UN1VER00FIY : 3056 Rive," Crossing Court (319) 62 .9"A a , 1. Riverside, Iowa 52327 '- '-'9' IOWA (319) 330'zl# ,., 'L 367"355 HEALTH CARE