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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
October 25, 1945     The Lone Tree Reporter
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October 25, 1945
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT _ ,i t, Brief News Notes From Davis Creek Miss Esther Murdock and friend, Miss Lillie Sowash of Washington, visited over the week-end with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gall Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dvorak. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Forbes. Mr. and Mrs Frank Mincer. Hester and Leona Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lorack, and Mary Anne were visitors Sunday with Mrs. Mary Dvorak and Mrs. An- na RaiL. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Luther visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wieland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mincer. Mrs. R. A. Stolley spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, Stolley at Mercy hospital in Iowa City, -James Dvorak hulled clover Thurs- day a~ternoon Vre extend our symt)athy to the Green family in ttwir sorrow. THE LONE TREE REP0 TER, LONE TREE, IOWA, THURSDAY, OCT. ,i ii , H| settlers here, his mother serving as postmistress here for several years. Mr. Brockway was a telegraph opel"a- mr for the Rock Island railroad for many years and retired with a pen- sion a few years ago. One brother, George Brockway, of Castle Rock, Colo.. survives and on account of his advanced age he didn't come to attend the services of his brother. Mx~. Bernard Steinke and daughter Karen of Muscatine sl)ent the week end at the home of the farmer's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. ALton Maxwell. Mrs. Howard Adams and son Brian visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Adams. Mrs. Maxine Carney and son Roy Lee are Muscatine visitors Tuesday. Miss May McCullough of Museatine apent the week end ~ith her brother ltarold and family. First Sgt. Dale Kennedy arrived in New York Harbor Monda y morning af- ter 21 months overseas and 4~ years in serwiee. He will be sent first to Fort Sheridan and expects to be home he latter part of next week. Dorothy MeCullough and ~'~nces Williams of S. U. I. spent Sunday at their homes here. Pet. Kenneth Kemp of the marine corps is now stationed at Nagasaki. Japan, ~ith the second marine divis ion. He reports he has visited the area devastated by the alomie bomb. Cpl. Allen Kemp. a hrother, is als(~ s~ationed in the same area. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crist have been notified 1hat their son. Melvin. has been assi,zned to a beaching crew at Pensacola. Fla. Itis address now is Melvin K. Crist. $2 'c. Squadron ~A-N. A. T. B.. Pensacola, Fla. \Vilbur Brehme. a former resident. suffeFed serious injtlries at his farnl in West Point recentl), when his trac- tor upset on him. IIe is at. home now after two weeks in the West Point hasr ital. M'. and Mrs. Fred Mills and two dauvhters of Nichols, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Foster. Lirs. Thomas Ewing, Marvin and Lia.:a of San Antonio. Tex.. spenl the 9ast lwo weeks with-her parents, ?,~". and Mrs. George Westaway. 23:s. Allie Lunsford and daughte~- :, ia and Milton Bell of Macon. 3Io,. ,~;e guests last week of their broth- e:" .+ames Bell and family They wer(~ di~ 3 here by the death of an uncle. !q..;k Lutz of Lone Tree. ~v,'rie and Ann Goddard and Louise '~;:~,-mmel of Muscatine were Saturday vi,ltors with Mrs. Mary English. 51;'s, Ed Crist and Mrs. Melvin Crist air, :]ded funeral services for the lab t(q": aura, Mrs. Josephine Yedlick [{ ~:OIl at Lone Tree. Tuesday. 5i"s. Gue Reger el Cedar Rapids ease Friday to visit in the parental ,), 1945 J. F. Coffin home, Mr. Reger. Evelyn and Richard spent Sunday here, Mrs. Effie Annan of Maline. Ill.. vis- ited recently with her sister. Mrs. George Brown. Miss Van Meter and John Osborne of Iowa City visited Tuesday at the James MeKee home. 5it'. and Mrs. lVayne Singleton have purc!nlsed tile farm occupied by the Walter Gerisher family, Mrs. George Norris has received word o£ /he sudden death of hel brother. O:'vitle Futmer, of OHumwa :dr. Kuhner is survived by l~is wife. ti]ree datlghtel'S ~lld six brothers and sisters. Mrs. Norris went to Ottumwa Timrsday. Fune]al rites were sched- uled today. M]s. John Baiter and Mrs. R. L. Zick visited Mrs. John Curtain at Mercy hospital in Iowa City Satur- day. Mrs. Curtain's condition remain~ the same. ----O ..... .J Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ziek of ~1 es, Mr, and Mrs, McKinley I~ Mr. and Mrs. John Baker w~ tained recently by Mr. and fred Forbes of near Nichols. Mr. attd Mrs. R. L. Zick ]~ turned to their home in Des after visiting in tile and Mrs. John Baker home. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Boyd are ing the building the), bought at the south edge of town. Mrs. Bert Oepping, Mrs. seltine. Mrs. Russell Adams D. H. Christianson helped at the Christianson-Pierce Columbus Junction --o- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar V¢iese ghter Miriam. returned afternoon from Terrell. they have visited their sister, Mrs. Donald Lantz t ~o_]: ily. CO]' :ESVILLE I F!].?eudl s~r~ic