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Page 2 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, October 24, 2013
On the Backroads
Just a few words this week
about the stupidity of our Con-
gress before I get to much more
pleasant things. I don't know what
the Congress Critters on both
sides were so busy congratulating
themselves for. They didn't solve a
cotton-plckin' thing. All they did
was kick the can down the road
for three months and then we'll
get to go through all this road
apple thinking again.
In the latter half of January
we'll come to this impasse again
and the mule headed Tea Party
people were already talking about
stopping everything at that point.
They obviously haven't learned
much tn the last three weeks. In
the first place I don't see how they
think that they can defund Obama
Care. This law was passed in 2010
when the Democrats had control
of both houses of Congress. It has
been a law for three years. Maybe,
in all the convoluted shenanigans
that it always seems the Congress
Critters are squeezing through in
their rules, they can really defund
it, but they won't be able to abolish
the program.
The only way I see to abolish it,
since it has been found by the Su-
preme Court to be constitutional,
is to wait until sometime when
both houses of Congress have
Republican majorities and there
is a Republican President. To be
quite honest, I don't see that hap-
pening in the foreseeable future.
Thanks to the stubbornness of
the Tea Party members it seems
to be almost a dirty word to say
you are a Republican. A lot of
people are also disgusted with the
Democrats, but the GOP has taken
the most flak. I think, unless the
Republicans come up with some
By Ron Rife
The Lone Tree
legitimate ideas to control gov-
ernment spending and gets more
cooperative to get things done, the
Republican Party will become the
Whigs of the 21st Century The
Whigs were one of the major par-
ties early in our historg but faded
away in the 1840's and eventually,
in the mid-1850's, the Republicans
took their place.
Enough with politics. Let's get
on to something more pleasant.
I'm going to talk a little bit about
the beauties of Iowa, no matter
what the East Coasters or any-
body else from anyplace else in the
country thinks. Yes, it is true, we
don't have the grandeur of moun-
tains to look at as the western U.
S. and Alaska have. We don't have
beautiful sunsets on the ocean or
pristine beaches or waves for surf-
hag or anything like that. But, we
do have a lot of natural beauty in
this state, at least from spring to
fall. I find it rather hard to find a
lot of beauty in the winter when
we just look at bare trees.
But, just stop and think about
what we have. For the most part
we have really lovely farmsteads
dotting the landscape. That's one
thing I could never figure out
about the people I knew in Ne-
braska. Not continually, but quite
a few times, I had somebody say
that the farms in Iowa were really
shabby Yes, not 100% of them are
showplaces, but most are really
As I drive around this state in
the spring and summer I see the
green crops growing and I see
leafy green trees all over the place.
If those aren't beautiful sights on
a nice, sunny summer day then I
don't know what would make them
happy We also have hills and hol-
lows in this state. Northeast Iowa
is known as "Little Switzerland."
As far as being flat, yes there are
flat places in Iowa. There is some
flat ground near Davenport and
some northwest of Washington.
There is more in north central
Iowa, but if you want to see miles
and miles of flat then take 1-80
across northern Illinois, or U. S.
24 east from Peoria into Indiana.
There is plenty of flat ground in
western Kansas. Iowa and Ne-
braska are gently rolling, they are
not flat
Now for a little humor. This
comes from the Lions Club maga-
Four-year-old Billy was helping
his morn clean house when she
asked him what shape his room
was in. Eager to be of assistance,
he ran to the room, ducked his
head in and came running back
out of breath. "It's O. K. Mommy!"
he reported. "It's still square."
Now for the Thought For The
Week. It is from Calvin Coolidge.
It is: "If you see ten troubles com-
ing down the road, you can be sure
that nine will run into the ditch
before they reach you."
Deanne Eden turns 50
Communictiti()ns. Inc
Deanne Eden turns fifty
on October 25, 2013.
To help celebrate this
milestone please send
your well wishes to: 5376
Sioux Ave. SE, Iowa City,
IA 52240.
Kenneth Russ turns 90
A 90th birthday cel-
ebration for Kenneth
Ituess will be held Sat-
urday, November 9 from
5 to 10 p.m. at the West
Liberty Community Center
located at 1204 N. Cal-
houn St. Dinner will be
served from 5 to 7 p.m.
with a dance to follow.
All family and friends
are invited to attend. No
gifts please. Cards can be
sent to= 1002 N. Miller
Apt. 209, West Liberty, IA
100 Years
Looking back I00 years to Octo-
ber 24, 1913.
L. P Burr has sold his farm in
Pleasant Valley township to A. C.
A crew if about 40 Rock Island
laborers arrived here Wednesday
night to put in the new switch
tracks. They will be here two or
three weeks at least.
A fence supposed to turn all
trespassers has been erected
along the south side of Railroad
park. This will be removed when
the park becomes sodded.
There is still a demand for more
houses in Lone Tree.
The fact that there is a shortage
of corn cobs for kindling is wor-
rying the town people more than
the shortage of a corn crop is the
Ottumwa had a $470,000 fire
Sunday night. A part of the best
business district was destroyed.
Bert Keeler is still in the hospi-
tal at Iowa City where he under-
went an operation one day last
week. He is doing as well as could
be expected but will not be able to
return home for several days yet.
Holdeman's crew started work
on the walk to the depot Tuesday
and a few days of warm weather
is desired now in order that the
job may be completed.
Our second fall of snow came
Tuesday night, enough to make
the ground white.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smid are
happy over the manner in which
their two year old son is recover-
ing from a severe operation at
Iowa City a couple of weeks ago.
The average yield of corn in
this vicinity will be between 30
and 50 bushels per acre.
The Pennsylvania railroad may
buy the Rock Island system.
At Iowa City on Tuesday Miss
Nellie Mumm of Lone Tree and
Mr. Henry Meyer of Des Moines
were united in marriage.
On Wednesday at Iowa City oc-
curred the marriage of Mr. John
Krueger and Miss Helen Rasche,
both of Lone Tree.
The Lone Tree board of educa-
tion will call a special election
soon to vote on the question of
spending $30,000 for a new school
B. M. Roberts sold the Grand
Hotel building and furnishings
to June Morrison Wednesday and
the latter will take immediate pos-
The university architects have
drawn plans illustrating the "Uni-
versity of Iowa in 1950." They
show a vast campus, extending
over a track nearly a mile long.
75 Years
Looking back 75 years to Octo-
ber 27, 1938.
Michael Schuessler, one of the
communities oldest residents,
passed away at his home at about
11 o'clock Saturday night. He had
been ill for some time and death
was due to complications result-
ing from old age. He was 88 years
of age.
Lloyd Burr, Harry Brenneman
and Arthur Schuessler finished
second, third and fourth places re-
spectively in the annual Johnson
county corn husking contest held
last Friday.
This region got its first taste of
cold weather over the weekend
with a raw Saturday and a mixed
snow and rain Sunday
The polls for the November 8
election will be in the Morrison
hotel building on Commercial
street instead of in the city hall as
has been the case for many years.
Democrats of the community
will hold a rally next Monday eve-
ning at Fisher hall in Lone Tree
at 8 o'clock.
Republicans of the community
held a rally Wednesday evening in
the railroad park.
In honor of their son, Robert's
Looking Back
By Kris Rife
The Lone Tree
seventh birthday, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Brenneman entertained a
group of friends and relatives at
their home last Saturday evening.
Fire from an unknown cause
destroyed a garage and machine
shed at the George Crawford farm
Friday evening at about 7 o'clock.
One car was also burned. The fire
gave the new truck of the Lone
Tree Farmers' Fire company its
first workout. The new equip-
ment performed admirably and by
keeping three streams of water on
the blaze were able to hold the fire
in one spot, preventing the spread
to other buildings.
Henry Walker, 82, lifelong
resident of Fremont township,
passed away Wednesday evening
at Mercy hospital in Iowa City fol-
lowing an extended illness
00terans Day
Special Tribute qlll
Ignoring All Who Served.
November 11, 2013
On Veterans' Day
Some people think it's only a day when, for some strange
reason, banks are closed, mail goes undelivered and
government offices remain dark.
But there's more to Veterans' Day than a day off work for
some. It's a day to honor those who have helped preserve
our freedoms we enjoy today and our way of life. These
brave men and women deserve our thanks and respect.
Now, you can honor your friend or special veterans
courtesy of Watts Monuments and Slechta
To honor those memories, Wattl Vault k
Monumentl has partnered with Slechta
Communlcationa to publish photos of your
veterans - those currently fighting, retired or
made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us! Sample
John Smith
US Army 1968- 1972
Bring your photo to the Kalona News to
be scanned. The information we need is name, branch and
rank, and years served. Better yet, email the pictures and
information to classifieds(
On Thursday, Nov. 7, the photos will be published in the
Kalona Newa, fiighland Review and the Lone Tree
Reporter honoring the veterans on a special page just for
them. It will definitely be a keepsake for the family.
Hurryl Deadline for this special Veterans' Day page is
Friday, Nov. I at noon.
Join Us For Services
Nichols Christian
607 Grant Ave., Nichols
Phone: 723.4346
Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - Worship Service
10:30 a.m. - Sunday School
Nichols united
315 Main, Nichols
Phone: 723-4585
Pastor Don Hodson
Sunday Services:
9:45 a.m. - Family Worship Service
with Children's Sermon
Our Parish Cluster
Sts. Marv & JoseDh
Lone Tree: 216 W. Jayne St.
Nichols: Short St & Grand Ave.
Hills: 209 Brady Street
Pastor: Father Mike Spiekermeier
Cluster Coordinator
Mrs. Carol Kaalberg
Lone Tree: 629-4225; Nichols:
723-4566; Hills: 679-2271, Cell:
Saturday Mass • 4 p.m. Lone Tree
Mass • 6:00 p.m. Hills
Sunday Mass • 8 a.m. Nichols
Mass * 10:00 a.m. Hills
RCeous EducaUo.
Religious Education
Hills, Lone Tree and Nich
Wednesday 6:30- 7:45 (at L0ne Te)
United Presbvteriag_•
Church of Lone Tree
110 W. Elm St.
Church: 629-4900
Church Office and Pantry are
closed on Fridays.
Wednesday Oct. 23
Newsletter Articles Due
10:15 Care Center Communion
Sunday Oct. 27
9:00 Sunday School for 4th, 5th
& 6th Graders
10:00 Worship Service
10:15 Sunday school for
preschool thru 3rd grade
11:00 Congregational Meeting
11:15 Coffee Hour
12:00 - 4:30 Piano/vocal recital
5:00 Zumba Fitness Class
Wednesday Oct. 30
7:00 Bldg/Grounds Mtg.
Vol. CXXII Issue 43
(USPS 318-160) is published weekly except
Christmas for $25 per year in Johnson and Mus-
catine counties, $27 per year elsewhere in Iowa
and $32 per year in the continental United States
by Greater Iowa News Group, Inc.
The Lone Tree Reporter
117 N DeVoe Street
Lone Tree, IA 52755
October 24
The Lone Tree Reporter
An independent newspaper and official newspaper
for the City of Lone Tree, Johnson County, and the
Lone Tree Community School District.
Periodicals postage paid at Lone Tree, IA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE
PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755
All items are due by 12 gm. Monday afternoon
for publication consideration in that week's issue.
Deadlines for holidays are Friday by 5 p.m.
Deadlines are strictly enforced, and the Editor
of the newspaper reserves the right to reject any
item submitted for publication, solely at his dis-
Lone Tree Reporter Staff:
Ron S:eehta ................ Publisher
Tim Croft .............. Editor/Sports
Kris Rife ............. Office Manager
Dan Ehl ....................... News
Matt Miller ................. Ad Sales
Contact Us:
Office: 319-629-5207, FAX: 319.629-4203
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Lone Tree Nichols Iowa City
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Chown Appliance, Inc.
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