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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
October 11, 2012     The Lone Tree Reporter
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October 11, 2012
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ur.d., Octo00r,Z, 20,2 The Lone Tree Reporter Paso s Wanted: We are looking for bagged leaves, old strew or horse manure for our garden, Please call 319-648- 2184 C41 Wanted: 4 tickets to the lows vs, Nebraska football game, Call Ron Slechte, 319-400.7072 or 319-688- 2273 CTFN *,.ted ll"'"kyo" I The families of Jeanne Wallace wish to express their gratitude for all the csrds, letter=, and phone calls that were reoelved during the time of thelr mother's passing, It meant so much to us to know that our frlends were thinking of us, Kathy and Craig Shellldy Claudia and Mike Klelnmeyer Robin and Jeff Strayer P41 r Lost/Found ] Lost: My high school yearbook from Leveme, Mlnn., I864 Cardinal. Could have been sold at Duws Auc- tion In 2004. Reward offered, 319- 622-3905 P41-42 Lost: 14' log chain, Between Ever- green School dad Hazelwood Ave, Jerome Bontreger NC41 Found: Lagd rope on Hazelwood Ave, Jerome Bontreger NC41 Found: Good 3/8" by 15' long log chain with grab hooks on both ends, found halfway between 540th & 880th on Hazelwood, Owner may claim and pickup at Wilbur Ropps. NC41 GARAGE Garage Sale: 104 11th St, Wellman, 2 blocks north of golf course, OCt, 13; 8-3 P41 Garage Sale: 902 10th St, Kelon|; Oct 12 12-6; Oct 13, 7-2, Library te- hie, old cob box, TV, papa,an chair, Humphrey storm door and windows, microwave, PS2 player & games, men's & ladles' clothes, Mr, Coffee, fsbrlc, household Items, Leveler cus- tom cordless blinds, much mist, P41 Garage sale: 703 F Ave, Kalong; Fd, 8:30-6pm; Sat, 8-1pro, Home Decor, children & women's name brand clothing, books, movies, "r'vs & more, P41 On behalf of the Kslons Hlstorlcsl Society we would like to send out a big thank you to everyone who had a hand In making this year's Fell Festival maybe one of the best. We were fortunate to have two wonderful days of weather that helped with ev- erything, If we didn't have s wonder- ful community who pulls together to help with our event, we never would be able to do this year after year, It le hard to list every individual but you know who you are and you deserve a pat on the back, Thank you very muchl Fall Festival Coordinator Nancy Roth C41 We would like to extend a BIG thank you to Mr, Steve Holland end the Mid-Prairie School District for their recent participation of food do- nltlon collections during the Home- coming game to the Wellmsn Food Pantry, Your support of this €om- munity mission project is very much appreciated, The food pantry is open the first Saturday of every month from 9-10:30 e,m, and Is located In the basement of the Asbury United Methodist Chumh, Albury United Methodist Church Missions Committee C41 I MIscellaneous I ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home, *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Jusu, *Hospitality, Job plsoement assistance, Computer available, Financial Aid If quali- fied, $CHEV authorized, CaB 888- 220-3980 www, (INCN) Lone Tree City Wide Garage Sale ......... Saturday Oct. 13 8am .2pro Maps available at Lone Tree BP & Gins the morntnj of the rode, Lone Tree Le Cost of this publication: 74,34 Fiscal year to date cost (as or711/12): 1721.04 MINUTES OF THE FORMAL MEET- ING OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Administration Building at 9:00 a,m, Members present were: Pat Hamey, Torrance Neuzll, Janelle Rettlg, Sally Stut- sman, and Rod Sullivan, Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken unanimously, Motion by Stutsman, second by Rettlg, to approve the claims on the Auditor's Claim Register, as approved by a morlty of the Supervisors, 4 C's Community Coordl 46438 4a Propenles Lie 350,00 Abho Center For Coma 1773,04 Advanced Dralnase Syst 294, ] 3 Advanced Electrical S 8928J2 Acre Rental Ins 228,15 Alrgas Noah Central 791,28 Allendan Seed Company 2326,00 Alllant Energy 364,92 American Law Institute 32030 Bah'on Motor Supply 118,56 Bessie Hlst Trust 350,00 Brat McLanghlin 40,00 Broadlawns Medical Con 181,77 Btm & J Lid 145,00 Bullde Of Hope GIo 3910,81 Cnter Uniform Co 134,97 Cat'quest Auto Parts St 123,79 Cedar Valley CommunlW 163,16 Centuryllnk 2234,73 Charles H Alberhasky 450,00 Chris J Breckner 150,00 City Croon Ine 30,00 city Orlowa city 2025,55 City Of Iowa City • La 130,08 City Of iowa City - U 3084,05 City Of Iowa City-At 20027,70 City Of Lone Tree 42,26 Clear Creek Amass Chl 1095,00 Community Mental H 70676.25 Consumers Cooperative 2498,00 Control System Special 881,68 CreBcent Electric Suppl 44,73 Four Oaks 629,20 Quality Engraved Signs 15,00 Freeman Lock & Alarm I 130.50 Raeom Corporation 627,19 Future Line 8350,00 Randall ALamm 500,00 Gary Kloubee 48,00 Rapids Reproductions In 60,45 Gazette Communications 330,78 Rlehm'd Dvorak 40,00 Golh, lew Investors Le 285,00 Rlch'd Meal,say Dba 450,00 Graphic Printing & De 1072.32 Robert C Cane 420,00 Harw's Custom Trophies 44,01 Roger L Reader 20.68 Hawkeye Common,teflon/ 601,17 Roland J Achey 48,00 Henry Seheln 1625,06 Roneld J Moore 40,00 HIIIcrest Fp.mlly Set 15587,70 Ronald Sweating 450,00 Hilltop Mobile Homo Pa 290,00 Ronlta S Lebean-Meyerdl 79,00 Hobby Lobby 47,18 Rose M Grace 4,70 Howls Mot'fit 60,00 Ruben Arsate 201,60 Hy-Vee #1080 132,87 Rural Employment Alia 760,68 Hy.Vee # 1281 451,31 S & S Plumbing Heating 825,00 Hy-Vee Inc 586,93 Sandra R Hart 616,25 Hy.Vee Pharmacy # 1281 687,16 Seth D Bartlett 37,99 home 375,00 Spray-Land Usa 17,I0 [an Treasurer 58,00 Staples Credit Plan 437,85 lkechukwu Akahogu 350,00 Stetson Building Produ 753,43 Imagetek Inc 920,67 Slaves E Oaks 295,00 Imprinted Sportswear L 367, I 0 Stitch In Time Ine 420,25 Independent Stationers 4118,78 Storm Steel 140,40 Iowa Business Supply LI 45,68 Su¢cessl Living 720,00 Iowa City Motor*ports Q129,34 Systems Unlimited In 8997,47 Iowa City Tire & Svc 30.19 Tail=rue Business Re 1647,46 Iowa County Attorneys 1350,00 Te Investments Lo 267,50 Iowa Death Investigator 40,00 Teresa Jansen 56,40 Iowa Fire Equipment Co 395,37 Tonlm Rlos 400,00 Iowa Gold Distributing 82,50 Treasurer State Of Io 1218.75 Iowa Lodge lnc 1150,00 Treat America Food Sere 14,28 Iowa Paper 414,32 U ell Hospitals & CI 4168,64 Iowa Secretary Of State 30,00 U S Cellular 980,48 iowa Secretary Of St 14350,17 Unlv Ofla Credit Union 37,50 Iowa State Association 825,00 US Bank 86236 Iowa State University 340,00 US Cellular 194,88 Irish Repmllng Ins 234,20 V Meter Industrial I 240,78 Isae 260,00 Veto French Community 133,16 Jalll Mostafavl 312,50 Vedon Wireless 360,43 James Roberts S0,00 Visa 227,89 Jenlee Sanchez 300,00 VJ Engineering 1513,95 Jedd Construetlon Inc 100%00 Walmart CommunlW/Gemb 39,65 Jo M Black 234,00 Walter J Plotz 48,00 John And Jody Weber I 5.00 WaIngton County Shed 97,00 John Deere Finanelal 2216,40 Wellmark Blue Cross 141813,15 Johnson County Aedile 1716,30 Weston Reporting 66,50 Johnson County Extensl 175,00 Westport TouehleM Aut 120,00 Johnson Count), MIVDs 13637 Wlndsffeam It.Comm.Ll 3066,12 Johnson County Sheriff 962,56 Zaoh'y Taylor 400,00 Joua F Busard 60,00 Motion by Stuteraan, second by Neuall, to K.Mart 234,27 approve the minutes of the formal meeting of Kevln J Kinney 500,00 September 20, 2012, Kirk A Waken 630,00 Motioo by Rettlg, second by Htmey, to ap- Koch Brothers 31%55 prove the pwrnll authorizations submitted by Larry Lynch 900,00 depmlment heads, as approved by a m,Jorlty Latasha J Massey 74,74 oft he Supelsors, Laurie Rovelslad 21,10 Motion by Hamey, second by, to Llndor Tire Service Inc 19,25 approve and authorl the ChalqNlon to sl@ Llnn County Rec 2239,95 a letter of Interest for plclpitlon In planning Llnn County Sheriff 41,00 for the development and delivery of Mental Lisa A Waul 20,05 Health and Disability Services tlvough a ro- Ll Pellln[ Co Inc 892,50 glonl stuomre with Llnn, Benton sod Jones Loony Pulkrabek 59,00 Counties, Roll ealh e: Neoll, Hamey, Stut- Lowe's 3126 sman, flu!live; nay: Rettls, Lynette J=oby 60,00 Motion by Rittlg, Room by Neuzll, to ap. Merges Taxi LIQ 13,95 point Social Servloe8 CooNInitor l,ynette J=- Mary Martln 350,00 €oby to the Hawkeye Area Community Action Mathews & Associates L 175,00 Program, Inc, (HACAP) Bod of Dlrecto, Mechlcal Service lnc 246,80 Aoumed to [ntbrmal Mating It 9:06 s,m, Menm'ds • Iowa City 1603,86 /#Rod Sulllv, CMIr, Bol of Supervbo This classified spot for sale, Adver- David A Lumberg 300,00 tlu your product or recruit an appll- Davld J Rda 297,50 Mental Health Clinic O 408,00  , .Z_ 37101,5S cant In over 280 Iowa newspaperel Decry Brothers Fo L 1600.00 Only $300/week, Call this paper or Dell Marketing Lp 7863,8t 800-227-7838 www,¢naeds,om Della Denial Of|owe 18,00  ..... (INCN) Purple Wave Auction epe¢lsIlzes In Ilquldstlng equipment and vehicles through no-reserve publlo Internet auctions- providing the easiest and most straightforward way to buy and sell www, purplewave,com (INCN) DenMI D Huodepohl Documem Management Dolphin lntematiooal Don Bulechek Donna Roegseer Dusty's Precldon Auto E & J Eleco In Elam lows Light & P Eastern lowa Pmportie EIU Moothm Ftenal Company Fidellty Seeorlty Lif Fin & Feather Sports C Fountlon 2 Fountaln Transmlssion 1686 72 Metro Pavers Inc .... '.. Michael R Bowers 4O"/g AltO, AmeflOan ar • :,=' ....... MldWt spray Tem & , i, 00 Myrtle gave Apmlment ": :' Neighborhood Centers 13,UU .... Nell Bombel qa,UU  00 Neumn Monson Pe "' Nextel Partners Ine 50,00 Optlmee Liservice 475,25 Petkmd Iowa City 450,00 76,S0 Plp Printlng Piracy Bowes Global Fl 301,33 Postmaster/Tiffin Post 2306,32 Pews,hick County Mental 177,0 Ppg Arehllactaral Finis 1539,45 Ptnunid Sore|€os laG, 83,32 Goad Citles Tas In 882,OO 295,00 15005,1] 40,00 2830,00 26,72 5390,00 I09J6 4865,58 605,22 850,00 9,00 71,0 7,50 171,21] i Attest: Tom Slockett, Auditor RecoNed By Hannah Paul These minutes were sent for formal approval md publicatlon on October 4, 2012, Published In the Lone Tree Reporter Thursdly, October 11, 2012, L- 41 Lone l'm, 01 0ounoll meeting mln. utla 0stober 01, 1811 Mayor O0ren llled to order st 8:$0 PM the regular meeting of the Lone Tres Dlty Counoll with Drown, Ccppinger, Bwlnten Ind Lemley present, Flake srdved It S:3S CONTACT ARNIE SMITH CELL: 319-461 - ! 530 OR KRIS RIFE CALL: 3 1 9-629-$207 FAX: 3 1 9-629-4203 EMAIL: LTN EWS@IOWATELECOM.N ET BONTRAGER Tax, Accountinq & Consultinq, LLC i Loca/ f/nan¢/a/ profau/onal providing tax   : ,';: i,:.'::: and accounting ervlca to Indivldual, !:: , :i  L .i' fmsrs and €mall buslnaue8 €Inca 1943, : 10/itk Itreet, KslSSl, laws * 111-111-1114 * www,lflse,llll Phyllis Poterlon :119-@O-4911 Petoroonlnolowmtelooom. net lOS N. Bevoe RO. lenl I II 11ee, IA eiyee UI Heath Ca00e. IUver Cl'OllIlnl[ v Davld Bedell, M,D, Natallc Lanternler, M,D, Ruth McGowan PA-C Houm Monday. Friday 8 a.m, to 5 p,m. .: (Extended hours 5-7 p,m,) 3056 Rtver Cro##tng Court Rtderstde, lowa 52327 319-467-355 HEALTH CAR£ David Henn D,DJL - P,C, Calh 319.8.0761 Monday,l'iday (IhO0 n,m,,llO p,m) l't00 $11st Ave, gastdMe Plsu, Iowa City ,.tS00c, THINK IN|URANCl THINK YOUNO LON , I 711 Wiehmd Custom Csbinm & Ou?mt00 , N,wllm , (kmmd Cm, lmm? , IbmMdlfloll , Gddmm 62HI tle ilindy 111111111 Oonltnitqlon Gmml Im'dnll ' Rladbl, Cwrm Nm llm* AddWm, Ibmddlq (319) 629-4227 (319) 330'4980 I II PM, Other= present: Merry ThomH, Brad Judge, ABy, Bob Mloheel, Steve Burns, Kelly Tucker, Patrlcls Sexton, Motion8 oerrled with all Ayes unless noted, 8win-. ton, Brown moved to approve the agenda ae presented, CARRIED, Lemley, Copplnger moved to 8pprove the oontent ogende (minutes, reports, bllle r=lved). CARRIED, Water staples were read from the Com- munity Building Ind Car= Center, reported late and filed, The Mayor opened the publlo bering concerning the B, Walker dog oompltlnts, It was the consensus cf the oouncll that the dog be banned from town and ABy," Mloheel wee Inetruoted to serve notloa of the deolelon to Walker. Lemley, 8wlnton moved to clon thl publlo heldng, CAR- RIED, Dave Wilson wee present to update the" counoll on Emergency Management, Brown, Lemloy moved to sutpand tht .... rules end reed ORDINANCE 2012-4' (AMENDING PROVI81ON8 PERTAIN- ING TO SERVICE DIBCONTINUEDAND: : LIEN EXEMPTION), CARRIED, Brown, Copplnger moved to approve- the eeoond reading of Ordlnanoe 201=-4.-. CARRIED, ,, Lemley, Flake moved to euspand ths, " rules and reed Ordinance 2012-4 by tltlI, only, CARRIED, Flake, Brown moved to approve ths third and final rRdlng of Ordinance 2012.4, '' CARRIED, ' ' Lemley, Copplnger moved to allow msln-. " tenance personnel to aBend the annual:," IAMU workshop Ind to pay motel, mile- age and meals. CARRIED, Lemlay, Copplnger moved to pay mlls. age If anyone want to attend the reglonal- meetln0 In Cor=lvllle, CARRIED, , , Flake, Bwlnton moved to pay mllxgs If., anyone wants to ,Bend the wsste man- ogement meeting, CARRIED, Copplngar, Flake moved to designate' ' Sunday, October 28th for Trlok or Treat'- night from (1',00 to 8:00 PM, CARRIED, • - Brown, 8wlnton moved to approve REB-: ' OLUTION 2012-Q (ADOPTING PLAND, 8PECIFICATtONB AND FORM OF CON-,., TRACT FOR THE LINN STREET WATER.- MAIN PROJECT), CARRIED, Flsks, Coppln0er moved to approve" RESOLUTION 2012.R (AWARD CON . TRACT FOR THE LINN BTREET WATER MAIN PROJECT), CARRIED, hlng no rtlr bullnlu, Mlyor O0ron-"' declared the meeting adjourned at 6:44 .- PM, -. FOLLOWING CLAIMB PAID IN 8EPTEM.. DER: GENERAL FUND Johnson County 8hedff, oontr=ot$145,$S i Johnson County Refuse, oontmct 60,00 8tendlll Peat, oontroot I00,00 .... Merry Them|e, poetege 35,10  Lynch, Greenleaf, servloes $01,1t -' " 81echte Communloatlons, lqals $28,8g :-' Iowa Dodlflomlcn, Gods 280,00 B D C, Inspootlons 140,00 la Buslnesl Supply, suppllu ...... 1&14.,. LT's Grooory, tupallOS, = .... I M,I,.-,: Cobb 011 Co, fuel " $11,41 .... M=theeon Trl.Gse, rent 10, O0 Mensrd's, suppllss 170,11 Feldmsn Lawn Csre, mow, trim 806,00 LT 0thai, Iwlm bus gll,ll Brad Judge, r=lmb $1S,00 Air Cooled |nglne, supplies 11,g0,: Vedzon, phonet 1,011'" Wind.Imam, phones 211,71 - AIIIsnt Energy, 0|a & elec 008,$2 .... IC/IB, premium $$15,$1}, IPIRI, pymnt 1858,85 I R 8, pymnt I815,00 Trell It IA, whhld 914,00 Hswksys Foods, suppllas 1785,215 LT'I Grocery, lUppllll 475,$7 - Ken Barton, mlluge I$0,24 Jim 8trebm, mileage 110,00  " LlSl Czy|ewlu, mlls|0e 14,00. " P|yroll, sslsrlss 1451,11 ROAD UB| FUND Metal Dulvertt Ino, oulvertt |888,821 Alllsnt Inergy, st Ilghtt 1488,85 WATIR UTILITY Wlndstream, phones 251,40 Hswklns Ino, ohlortne 088,28 CII'Ul Corp, chemlls 851,00 That Oellulsr Place, phone tO,gO' Munlolpal |upply, suppllss 861,86', Hygllnlo Lib,, teMI 444,00' Hlrt-Fredlrlok, slrvlcel 411,80 UB CIIlullr, phones 44,10., PoetmHtor, postage 11S,12. IOWl One CIII, Ilates 15,015 , Alllsnt Energy, else 888,|I IPIRI, pymnt 1015,14' Tress taste IA whhld 181,00' Tress 8teto IA esloe tax 1814,00 I R 8, pymnt 077,87 Payroll, sslsrlss 8317,10 ' DEMETERY TRUBT ', F & M lank, Invest $000,00 - BEWlR UTILITY Wlndstresm, phonu 114,14. U8 Cellular, phones 44,80" Hyglenlo Lsbs, teete 414,00, lows Ons Call, lectures I $,08 AIIlant Energy, else 740,115 R I D, else 11,$0" - Trail Elate IA, whhld 471,00' - REFU8E Jo County Refuse, oontrect 1251,150 Tress 0tats IA, whhld $01,00, FINANCIAL REPORT RECIIPTB DIIIURBEMINT8 . GINIRAL FUND 1811)2,11/21041,11 ROAD UI! 1|414,t11/411|,41' WATER UTILITY 4077.87/14814,80" WATER REVENUE 700,151 DEBT 8ERVICE 4811,1515 DEMETERY TRUBT 200,00/1000,00 SEWER UTILITY 3725,48/1800,41 REFUBE 1127,10/'4855,150 TOTALB 14000,$I/10NT, 10 CABH IN CHEOKING 1t75580,151 SAVING DERT 1150115,00 RIOK L, OGREN, MAYOR MERRY THOMAE, CITY CLtRKrrRIA. " BURER submitted for publlaetlon 10-02-12 Published In the Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, Ootober 11, 2012, L- 182