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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
October 8, 1925     The Lone Tree Reporter
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October 8, 1925
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NS tOW. o sel rter ' wen1 rnin$ yes. Imun dur gas )art ame to lo t Fr d a Lce ,d a atter epar( retur] :on+ ) iting week sell ' from isi the the l rks s e la and 'e al iO0" 'erba d fr wee] cattl :n !re. plea m" ller r !ter ) No. tol d at Id P I /iew + r|l , le e! zetU f+ll8! tTSi s+.Ol e ooki )liar r OCTOBER 8, 1925. LONrE TREE REPORTER, LONE TREE. IOWA "" k GE 5. " " IIIIN Event00 ot the ',gaeek KEEP THE RATS OUT OF " Made Harness - III  In o.€ r€€ a.o ¢ommunlt  II ..... THE GRAIN " Eat at McGuires.--Adv. t Read the ads in this issue, you Th Ch /Will profit by doing so. e eapest Buntes box candies. Brolsma sells ROy G'erot shipped stoek to Chicago theme_Adv, the first of the week and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curtis were[them there. a horse plunges, the hmmess gets the crucial • be it ill go to pieces; maybe it wont. A life : a life may be saved. can always feel safe in driving with harness I I t:se the best leather I can buy and no stra], my inspectioB. There is only a small difference between the harness I make and that made iu "Get My Prices Before You Buy" [ V. Smid Harness and Shoes THEATRE OCTOBER 8, 9 AND 10 Harold Bell Wright's A Son of His father"' .... -- With Warner Baxter and Raymond Hatton newest and best novel, flawlessly screened. fast adventure- romance of Arizona of yester- Admission 20c and 40c OCTOBER 11 Douglas Fairbanks IN Mark of Zorro" Doug. at his best. Admission 10c and 25c OCTOBER 14 Gilbert and Norma Shearer IN "" The Snob" Thrilling, True to Life, Fall of Laughs, In- Dramatic. Admission 10c and 25c l I II I U nl I li i i I I I I I I-/I m Let a g Account Be Your Bookkeeper[ most convenient appointment you can have Sunday visitors at the Everett Hesser honre at West Liberty. Miss Laura Feldman is now employ- ed at the Reuben Askin home east f West Liberty. Car of Red River Early Ohio pots- ,toes in the 'first of week. Farmer Co-operative Store and J. L. Halligan. --Adv. Roy Gerot came over front near verside with his wagon and team Monday and helped Homer Flake 'move to his new location. Mrs. M. S. Day and daughter Flor- ence came down on the train Satur- day evening and spent the weekend at I the Charles A. Hacke home. I Various weights of cardboard for sale at th4 Reporter office. This is camera bime; get your films at Brolsma's Drug store. Bring them in and we will have them developed or you.--Adv. Mrs. Nels B. Johnson left the first of the weetg+for Chicago where she will spend the next several weeks visiting with relatives and friends. Meal tickets at McGuires.--Adv. Car of Red River Early Ohio pota- roos in the first of week. ' Farmers Co-operative Store and J. L. Halligan. --Adv. Miss Micie Twity, who has been working t the Frank Elder home. re- cently, was home to spend Sunday -ith home folks Miss Linn,!e Feldman is home again ,ffter having spent some time at the! John McCollister home where she was employed. Mrs. Roy Gerot spent a couple of days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V¢in- dess. Her husband was n Chicago where he had gone with stock. Cumberlin's meat salt at the Farm- er's Union Exchange, in 35 and 70 pound sacks.--A6 v/- The editor of this sheet was confin- ed to his home with sickness on Tues- day'his week, so may have missed sortie/of the news which should have been printed. Mrs. Joe Hudachek returned Sat- urday evening from Iowa City where she had been visiting relatives. If you are in arrears, kindly pay your Reporter subscription. Miss Anna Rabas returned Saturday evening from Iowa City where she had been visiting friends. Bernard Corbett, a student :.t Grinnell college, was home to spend :he weekend with home folks.. School supplies, a full line at Bro]s- ma's Drug Store.--Adv. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Kessler were Sun- da/ visitors at the parental Frank Patton hm,e, lmWtng driven down by car. Willis Musser, Allice Burr and John Stock.students at the State University of Iowa, were week-end visitors here with home folks. Miargaret Morse got off the train here Saturday evening, having come down from Iowa City for a visit at the home of her mother and with other relatives and friends. Homer Flake and family moved from the Menzer property the first of the week and are now located in the ,Jerome Morse house just west of the, Farmers store. The Priscilla Club met at the home of Mrs. Rose Petsel Friday afternoon. The afternoon was pleasantly spen. in playing 500 after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Blenche gtonebarger won the first prize and Mrs. W. E. Shoqu!st the booby prize. Meyers Red Devil Kernel kills rats. mice, gophers. Brolsma sells them.-- Adv. Mrs. J. L. Evans writes from Chi- cago telling us that she has been hav- ing some trouble receiving her Re- porter recently and asking us to mail her some back copies. She states that she enjoys reading them and does noi wish to miss a single copy. We stopped to admire some excel- lent looking (urge red tomatoes at tle J. M+:' Lee residence a few days ago and as a result, they presented us re, endow Brook chocolates at Mc.I with a liberal supply of them. They were fine ones and very delicious and Guires. Adv. t Mr. and Mrs. Lee have our thanks The Searchlight Club held its open- { for the largest tomatoes that we have ing meeting at the home of Mrs. Mae I seen this season. i Herring on Thursday afternoon. " An 1 Cumberlin's meat salt at :be interesting progranr on "Bird Life" 1 'was much enjoyed. Farmer's Union Exchange, in 35 anti Mr. and Mrs. Veto. Feldman were m m m You (ni do it by building a moden granny" with elevator installe(1, thereby e,.lallling you to save time irt union(ring your cent to the crib at the side, or oats t- bins above. A moderal granary also provides verlnin-lroof seed rooms above for all seed grains. Storage in this type birth/ins costs less than in the old style corn crib, with .eparate building for oats, wheat, etc. Come in and let the ECLIPSE help you plan it. u F m ,4/ONE mECE OR A ¢m. mAD..// F. J. ULLRICH, Manager m m ml PHONE 59 • W immmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm fi SATURDAY eas, 7 cans for . ........................... OrIl, 7 cans for . ........................... {BeallS, 6; cans for . ........................... Peaches, 5 caP.s for ............... Apricot+, $1.00 5 cans for . ........................... Come in aud hwk over out" new fall mid winter dress goods which inehlde silk stripe crept', ltew satins, myra erel:, dress flannels, washamready crepe, moor- ish prints mi4 also outings, blankets, all wool aud wool nap and cottons in all sizes. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.oo SAVINGS BANK Farnlers of Johnson County and neat%y I . . connties desiring to refinance their farlt loans will do Well to talk the matter over with our officers now. Rates on First Mortgage Loans are very favorable at preseut, and we are prepared o give prompt, efficien seviee. Find out just what we eal! do For you ! A GOOD TIME TO DISCUSS FARM LOANS BANK =o YOU m) her husband also, are employed )n and visited the Rouner Brothers farn:" your business and private financial affairs, m) the Swift Company Packing plant in there and took in other sights along you dispense money by Check instead ot I) lluscatine and Elms states that abe the way. They drove a distance of m I likes the work and that they are 1583 miles before returning +home anq a!ways have both a record and reipt of he Igti'g along nicely, report a most pleasant jou,:ey and week, having gone [m the mornin a. In plain wm'ds, you don't have to remem- mini Friends wilt be pleased to learn that Friday. • , m++ Maynard Flake. former high ,school KNOW where the money went! re[foot hail star. has made the first We iaPe just unloaded a car f • . Freshman tem at the State Uuiver- alt. Gel your supply now. Farmer's of so essential a convenience by open- ! sity cf Iowa and has already played Union Exchange.--Adv. Account with us to-day. Stp in for cam- i with thorn as fulback. There is a tot Mrs. E. C. Wolford won a ccupte of of competCtion in a place like the prizes at Coltmbus Junction last m State University and a man has to b- week when she the re2din. ' i mighty good to get a "peek-in" but contest and placed second and. ac- • Maynard went through wlth flying cording to the Press Citizen. tied fo + MFRCIIANIS SAVINGS BANK colors and we hope h will be able first place in the singing contest, to hold down his Imsttton through singing, "In the Gloaming" also. We Lone Tree, owa I out the remainder of the year and will were nnable to get Mrs. Wolford on get a berth on the varsity eleven ne.: the telephone to get the deta'is con- [] m • mm m m m mm  • am evrnlng Mr. and Mrs. Knox and son Date homeafter a very pleasant trip. Else- from What Cheer and Mrs. Chas Me- where in this issue will be found some- Nabb from Lysle %Vashington and Mrs. thing about their route. +Gillet of Los Angeles California Ms. Ida Virtue of Cedar Rapd/ iaited Sunday and Monday at the is here at the Iva Storms hom' Constan and Kirehner homes here. visiting for several days. Since bMng paul Rapp of this place mourns the here earlier in the spring at the time +death of his father Paul Rapp St. of of Mrs. Roy Bulechek's funeral, Mrs. Muscatine. The aged nran passed Virtue has had three oprations and • away at his home the first of the week for ,q time was not expected to live. and burial was made at that place on but she has recovered nicely and i+ • Tuesday. We extend sympathy to the feeling quite 'ellagain. • relatives. Miss Ethyl 5fcCullough came it: i from Lone Tree Friday morning to Watches and alarm clocks at Brols- attend the funeral of Miss Mary Me- 1 ma's Drug Store.--Adv. . Cullough. Miss McCullough was a] • Car of Red RAver Early Ohio pots- former resident of Wapelio, gradual- / • coos in the first of week. Farmerq ed from out- high school and this wa / • Co-operative Store and J. L. Halligan. her first visit t the old home in te'3] i MAdV" Eirr:a, Strum returned to her years. She and her mother have] • \\;+rs. made tl-ir home in Lone Tree since  • leaving Vapello.--Republican. h£me in Museatine Saturday evenit, g I!after having spent a week here at Frank Zinkula. Charles and Roy 'lthe home of her parents and with Rouner and George Kasper autoed to l i other relatives and friends. She and Onida. South Dakota a few weeks ago 70 pound sacks.--Adv. enterta':ned Sunday when relatives! A week's mission will be preached Farmers "" " -'t,o-uperauve Store and friends came in with welt fill d tin St. Mary's church, Riverside, be V and • • baskets and showered them with[kiffimg''un(lay, Oc=ober lith L Holdeman r. birthday gifts =d wishes endin000000unday October 18th by t,v+ L missionaries of Chicago, Rev. Joseph . one Tree, Iowa Veer haves fresh supply of barrel, Meyer and Rev. John Bragger. tzt,, block and sack salt, from a car 'e have just unloaded. Farmer's Union Dens RubeLman tells us that she I Exchange. Adv. has heard from Mr. and Mrs. Louis I ' /-" Rubelman and that they are safeiy at