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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
October 2, 2014     The Lone Tree Reporter
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October 2, 2014
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, October2,2014 The Lone Tree Reporter rago7 )- Iowa City Hospice invites chil- Registration is required. For more dren who have experienced the information and to RSVP for this death of a loved one to attend group please contact Gaff Gar- KUL (Kids Understanding Loss, wood, at 319-688-4217, 800-897-3052 age 5-10) and ROLL (Respect Our or Gail.Garwood@IowaCityHos- Life Losses, age 11-15) on Tuesday, October 7. Parents and guard- "I have been assisting with the ians can attend a separate adult Iowa City Hospice grief support bereavement group at the same groups for children and their faro- time. Groups meet at Wlllowwind flies for the past four years. As a School, 950 Dover Street, in Iowa child life specialist, I understand City, All groups are provided free the importance of peer support of charge. Pizza and drinks are for children going through stress- served from 6:00-6:30 p.m. and ful life situations in a safe and groups run from 6:30-7:30 p.m. therapeutic setting. Seeing first- Referrals can be made by any- hand how the kids in this group one concerned about a grieving support each other and benefit child. Grief support need not be from expressive activities is amaz- connected to the death of an Iowa ing." City Hospice patient. Referrals are Testimonial by -- Emily Mozena, accepted from anywhere in our MA, CCLS, CTRS Lecturer, Child seven-county service area (Cedar, Life Emphasis; The University of Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Louisa, Mus- Iowa catine and Washington counties). ~ UNITED STATE$ Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation POSTAL SERVICE® {All Periodicals PublicaUons Except Requester Publi~Uons) 1. PuN~lkm T~e 2. ~a~cafioa ~ 3. F~n90me TheLonoT=. .er 1013 ]118i_1116 ]01 109-30-2014 4AmJe Fmqu~cy 5 ~ of I.~es Pu~sh~ ~ty e ~muat Su~cr~mn Pnce Weekly 152 I525527532 7 ~Mat~k~gA~d~e~otKn~wn~f~fpubP`~ae~n(N~tp~nmr)(~t~sa~cay~c~ly~stete~ndz~®) I~Peetcm Ronald C Slechta 117 DeVoe St., PO Box 235, Lone Tree (Johnson), IA 52755-0235 ~ ~,~ae) I 319-656-2273 8. Con~ Mailing Addmst of Head--hi o¢ Geneal fkJimel~ Off:ce ot Pul~t~',~t (NOt ptklte~ 117 DeVoe St., PO Box 235, Lone Tree, IA 52755-0235 9 Full Namel and Complete Mailing Ad~ of Pubfleler. E~lor, and Managing F.d~x (Do not leme bJank) Publlaher (Name and ccmpte~ mait~ address) Ronald C. and Helen M. Slechta, PO Box 430, Kalona, IA 52247-0430 Sdllo¢ (Name and comp~e maitir~ ~u) Tim Groff, PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755-0235 Man~ EO~Ot (Name and ~p,~te maiing ~) Kris Rife, PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755-0235 1~ ~wne~ (Do r~ teev~ bt~t ~f me ~ub~catten ~ ~nd by a ~m~a~m~ gae t~ ~&~e ~nd a~e`~ of t~m o~m~a¢g~a ~n~r~Jtet~ fof~`~ by the nemes and ~s~s of ali ~oawofaees owning or ba~vrg l ~m:eof or mom of tnd tot~ amount of oto~ ff not o~nd by a ¢orp~qo~, ~ tt~ r~mes and ~s of the ir~a,t~uat o~rmr~ ff owand by ~ partmm~ip o~ ~r ~ted rmn. gn, e #s neme ~ ~ a~ wnd as ~ho~ of e~J~ indiwl, mt o~mer If the pubtication is put~;~h~ by a nooaro~ organaetaln, ~*e lts name and nddms&) Full Nin~ Cofa~et~ llkdlll~ $~llfdlt Slechta Communications, Inc. PO Box 430, Kalona, IA 52247-0430 1L Known Bond'S, Moft~, ~nd Other Seo~mly H~ O,¢ming Ot HOt~ 1 Pe¢ca~t o~ Morn of Total/~ of Bondl, Mo~g~, oe OItlet Secu#de& Ifno~e, check box I~ O Nol~e Fmi Name ~ ~a~g A~ 12 Tax Status (For comp,~f ~n by i~onptotit ~at~zat;ons author~ed to me# af n~tpm(~t rates) (Check one) The purpose, func~on, end nonprofit s~tes of this orgen~mten and the exempt s~t~l for federal ~¢ome ~x puq~o~es: ~] Hat NOt Cndnged During Preceding 12 Montt~ Ha= Changed Dunng Pmcea~g 12 Moe~ (Pab~,~er mu~t su~ ex,~enat~n of change wah m~ ~*aement) 13 Publi~ Tille ! 14. I, Ii~ue DOtl f~- C~ Datl Be~w The Lone Tree Reporter 9-25-2014 15. ~ and Nature of CIrcofa~on A'~mtge h~. C~,~ No. CO~km Of 81~gle" Local ~ ~ Ourinll Imue P#da~P~d Preceding t2 I#~lhl Neemt ~ Fllln90ate 800 Matled Ou~ P~d Su~ SUed o~ PS Form 3641 (ted~¢ie i~id • ~i'anut,on ~ nom~l r'~. ~.'~s ~' cotx~. ~,nd ~.ehs~e colz~) 90 80 Mi~ I~ pa~l .~bloip~ ~tMed on P~ Fore13641 (Ir~udep~ld d~e~n ~o~e w, m~t ~e. eavemsee~ mo~ r~*~, n~d exof~e~ c~x~s) 340 350 PaiCl Dbtdbutlon Oof~de 1he Mmls In~dmg Sa~e~ ~ DW~ and C,~me~ s~'~we