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Page6 , The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree CroSs Country at Keota & Fairfield
by Till Ireff
On a sunny and hot September
4, the Lone Tree boys and girls ran
a short course at Keota, getting a
fourth place team finish from the
girls and a first-place individual
finish from senior Ella Feldman
who clocked a time of 12:34.
"I was extremely proud of how
our girls ran," commented coach
Caylon DeVaul. "It seems like the
girls had several hurdles to clear
before they even ran in their race.
The girls ran without fellow se-
nior Alena Loan, due to illness
and then had to run in 90 degree
heat. They faced these challenges
head on and ran well."
Also at Keota on September 4,
the boys team was split between
JV and Varsity at the meet. Chris
Ford, Shay Hudachek, and Tim
Tryon ran varsity while Jacob
Quigley and Carson Simonsen
competed on the JV level.
Carson finished in twelfth place
running a strong race. Jacob also
ran well with a time of 18:00.
Girls Results
1st- Ella Feldman- 12:34
10th. Paige Doehrmann- 13:29
15th. Jttlle Wehmeyer-13:54
29th. AMe Heitman- 14:52
32nd - Rachel Davidson. 14:59
Boys Results
17th Chris Ford- 13:37
40th Shay Hudachek 15:07
51st Tim Tryon- 16:20
CC at Fairfield
The Lions traveled to Fairfield
on September 6 to run at the Wa-
terworks Park there. The girls
team earned a second place finish
with 64 team points behind Pe-
kin's #1 finish with 28.
"We were able to keep all 6 girls
in top 30 finishers, making it pos-
sible to place second as a team,"
said Coach DeVaul. "When you
have a team that knows how im-
portant it is to run in a pack, it
makes a huge difference."
The boys team once again split
between their varsity and JV
Chris Ford and Shay Hudachek
ran in the Varsity while Carson
Simonsen, Tim Trayon, and Jacob
Quigley ran for the junior varsity.
"Every single boy ran their best
time of the season and they all
were very happy with how they
competed. The progress the boys
are showing iS very positive," said
Girls Varsity
3- Ella. 18:42
9 - Paige- 18:03
10- Julia- 18:05
15 -Alerts. 18:39
27 - AMe- 29:04
29 - Rachel 20:39
Boys Varsity
8- Chris- 18:21
31- Shay- 21:18
Boys JV
30 - Carson - 21:55
36 - Tim. 22:20
43 - Jacob - 23:03
Above, Ell• Feldman pushes her way through the hot, sunny
weather •head of the rest of the field at Keota wlmm she
placed first in the gads' race. klow, Chris Ford clocked • tinm
of 13:37 in • shortened boys race at Kota.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Lady Lions host
Central Ci00Ly & Pekin
Ill Tim graft
The Lone Tree
The Lone Tree girls hosted a
pair of teams in Lone Tree last
week, downing Central City in four
games, 25-21, 27-29, 26-24, 26-17, on
September 4, and falling to SEISC
rivals from Pekin in three games
on September 6.
"The Lady Lion's fought hard,
and played some very good volley-
bail," said Coach Kelsi Shepherd.
"Phe girls did a wonderful job of
playing together and worked very
Madelyn Flemr led the way of-
fensively with nine kills in the front
row. She had six digs and was 17.18
serving with a pair of aces and
three blocks at the net.
Abbie Schmidt had six kills and
a trio of blocks, serving flawlessly,
14-14 with one ace. Setters Avery
Edwards and Karley Hester had 13
assists for the Lady Lions. Edwards,
Carson Gibson, Hester, Makenzie
Reynolds and Lauren Volk each
notched a kill in the win.
Against the Panthers, the Lady
Lions lost in three games, 25-10, 25-
14, 25-21.
Avery Edwards had six assists.
Maddie Flemr had six kills. Maggie
Schmidt had five digs and Maken.
zie Reynolds and Karley Hester
were 100% in serving in the loss to
The Lady Lions will be in action
again on September 11 (after Lone
Tree Reporter publishing dead-
lines) at Columbus Junction and
will host Waco on September 13 in
Lone Tree.
Abbie Schmidt
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Johnson County board & committee vacancies.
Continued... from Page 3
ary 1, 2013. These are one-year
terms ending December 31, 2018.
Duties include assessment of
damage to all property taken by
an acquiring agency and located
in the county. No member of the
Compensation Commission se-
lected shall possess any interest in
the proceeding which would cause
such person to render a biased de.
Qualifications include: Owners
of city or town property, owner-
operator of agricultural property,
licensed real estate salesperson or
broker, and persons having knowl-
edge of property values in the
County by reason of their occu-
pations, such as bankers, auction-
ears, property managers, etc.
This person needs to be an eli.
gibie elector of Johnson CounW.
Conservation Board
The Johnson County Board of
Supervisors announces one va.
cancy on the Johnson County Con-
servation Board, starting January
1, 2013, This is a five-year term end.
ing December 81, 2017.
Duties include responsibility
for all real and personal property
acquired by the county for public
museums, parks, pla.vlunds, rec-
reation centers and other county
recreation purposes, They shall
also plan, develop, preserve, ad.
minister and maintain all such
areas previously described and
prepare an annual budget for the
Johnson County Conservation De.
This person needs to be an eli-
gible elector of Johnson CounW.
Historic Preservation
The Johnson County Board of
Supervisors announces two vacan-
cies on the Johnson County HIS.
toric Preservation Commission,
starting January 1, 2018, These are
three-year terms ending December
81, 2016.
Members shall be residents of
Johnson County and demonstrate
a positive interest in historic pres.
ervation, possessing interest or
expertise in architecture histo
historic preservation, planning,
building rehabilitation, conserva-
tion in general or real estate. Resi-
dents residing outside of Iowa City
are especially encouraged to appl.
Duties include, but are not lira-
Red to conducting studies for the
identification and designation of
historic districts and sites, The
Commission shall maintain re.
cords of all studies and inventories
for public tie, mal recommenda.
ttons to the Board of Supervisors
regarding the listing of a historic
district or site in the National Reg.
ister of Historic places and cooper-
ation with federal, state and local
governments in the pursuance of
the objectives of historic presarva.
This person needs to be an eli-
gible elector of Johnson County.
Trails Advisory
The Johnson County Board of
Supervisors announces five vacan.
ctes on the Johnson County Trails
Advisory Committee, starting Jan-
uary 1, 2013. These are two-year
terms ending December 31, 2014.
County Trails Advisory Com-
mittee's role is to give advice and
recommendations on trail funding
priorities, maintenance levels, sag-
nap policies, and other trail.relat.
ed issues.
This person needs to be an eli-
gable elector of Johnson County
Zoning Board of
The Johnson County Board of
Supervisors announces one va-
cancy on the Johnson County Zon-
ing Board of Adjustment, starting
January 1, 2015. This is a five-year
term ending December 31, 2017.
Dutiu are established by Article
XXXI of Johnson County Zoning
Ordinance. Duties include hearing
and deciding appeals where it is
alleged there is an error, require-
ment, decision or determination
made by the administrative officer
in the enforcement of the Zoning
Ordinance. This Board acts on
variance requests from the un-
incorporated areas of Johnson
This person needs to be an eli-
gible elector of Johnson County.
Zoning Commission
The Johnson County Board of
Supervisors announces one vacan.
cy on the Johnson County Zoning
Commission, starting January 1,
2013. This is a five-year term end-
ing December 31, 2017.
Duties include making recom-
mendations to the Board of Su-
pervisors on matters relating to
requests for rezoning and subdi-
vision platting of property in the
unincorporated area of Johnson
County. They also make recom-
mendations to the Board of Super-
visors for updating the Zoning Or-
dinance. They make personal tours
and inspections of sites for which
rezoning or platting has been re-
This person needs to be an eli,.
ble elector of Johnson County and
reside in the unincorpocsted area
of Johnson Cotmt
Appltcatfofi forms are available
in the office of the Johnson Coun-
ty Board of Supervisors, second
floor of the Johnson County Ad-
ministration Building, 918 South
Dubuque Street, Suite 201, Iowa
City, or on the Johnson County
Web page under Press Releases
and the non-paid section under
Completed applications must be
returned to this office by Novem-
ber 19, 2012.
For more information, please
call 8000.
FAX: 3 19-629-4203
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