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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
August 20, 1925     The Lone Tree Reporter
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August 20, 1925
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LONE TREE REPORTER, LONE TREE. IOWA CROSS WORD PUZZLE Horizontal. or favor bestowed or a person to induce betray a trust 10--Single Work ox of Tibet state (abbr.) (short) foe t to piece of linen a slat beverages 39--Ilnd of dance 48--Nothing for money owed [chem. sym.). _ raised rai!road t 61--Expire time air 66--Wallet J t(¢. tZ, Western NewSier Union.) Vertical. 2--ote of scale 3---Poem *,--Labor 6Hlghway 7---Colored fluid 8--To live 1 l--Boat 13Nomad 1 t---Gapes 15---Combination of tones sounding in harmony 17--Pedal digit 20--Number of years of life 22--To marry 24--Three-toed sloth 24B--Bronze 27Achlevl 29--Paternal parent 31 Tavern 32 Piece of timber 34--Boy&apos;s name $5--Can Ine 38--To sidestep 39Heavy weight 40---Land measure 4l--Attack 42--To give forth blood 43--Havenward 44--To selz¢ 45---Moneys paid for upkeep of gov- ernnent .47Ttme for arrival 49--That Is (abbr.) 51 Short for a toy dog 56---One of two equal parts of th whole 58--1n place of 60 By way ef 62--To xo astray 63---Conjunct ion 64!3----L1 k¢ SoluIion will appear In next lue W. H. Younkin and ! autoed to Burling- 1, and visited for several l [ there. They re- ay and Myra Younkin em home for a weeks I J G. B. Kirchner are i vacat!on trip spent ] elsewhere. They Blonde Bierman and then went on a most pleasan; is working at Mus- weeks. of Chicago Viviparous Fish The bureau of fisheries says that black perch or the so-called surf fish with his friend s viviparous. In other words, It pro- family, duces living young. Some other vlvip- arous fish are the top minnow andaev- Knussman of eral species of the tropical fish. Such for a visit at the I hsh are not considered as palatable at daughter Mrs. Henry ! spax.vning or producing seasons as oth. family. ' I "w'se'eat tt,em.H°wever' it L perfectly sate Made of Horsehide Through and Through That Makes You Forget You Have Feet! Work shoe so soft and flexible that to wear barefoot on velvet. But how it wears l double tanned to the softness of tops are of chocolate Wolverine Cot- almost no place to rip. The flexible sole is Goodyear welt sewed. For work in summer there is no shoe quite so you'll never be without a pair. and E widths. V. SMID Shoes Lone Tree, Iowa Proceedings of Board n' Q. " l=',derai Sur,y ,'ompany all "d, . . n0rutenro ,:,,,,ty,s righ,,: .:d inte, o., in said i U/ OU pU |lOUlOIdposit ' all its  gts anl intere '.'n I School supplies, largest line we] It;ave ever had. Brolsm::'s Drug Store ] l ary chose in action, either In lw or I  ' - July 6, 1 ( " , • • . 92o at 9 A. M. Board met [in equity, or :n dry recewer s certl i "-Adv" 1 pursuant to adjournment all members le.a,es now is,,.¢: or h¢v:aft.r to be l Melo and Elsie Staid and F:atiel present: The following resolution It';sued to the ',.':t Johnson t:ountv by Dunn were entertained at th Jcn,es was passed: ]read, on of the said deposit ill .11,2 said [Dunn home near Hills for su!)per on went up laet week. Whereas, the Johnson County, Iowa i f Jmmercia' .... Stat Bank, anti that the Monday evening of this week. Tbey GJ+itir Gunderson came in on the is the owner of Lot Seven (7 Block F-¢eral Sure,,-" ('ompanv I)e full!also spent the evening there. Melo eron,ing train Tuesday for a short Four (4) St. Mathias Addition to Iowa if!? °::f!h:: ;i;entYaa:iY::!?'r:::ii i;:: I ii:!:l;:joy: i:i!:!!!: !:;i::a:i :!!:!? :::si:wih S:: rag: andparents Mr and City, and Whereas. the Board of Sup- ".!; ." " ;?'" " " "" ":." - :! " • . " . . , . : : " "" , . r ervisors of Johnson County, Iowa. sold t v ( e said Lot to Frank A. Mezik and o :kholders, l.rectors and oq,.rs lake of the opportunity of entertaining I . Dodge Motor cars took azmther agreed to execute a Quit Claim Deed: t-assed July 20, !925. " • !hJm and the others who wer( nvitetl I dr°p this week. It looks as though Therefore to convey title to said lot Asstest. ED St " EK i Mr and - " "most of the automobiles are going to t . . Mrs Frank Patton and et l C zt la + 'I " " +. to the said Frank A. Mezik. Be It Re ........ - ' " and Mrs. D. Kessler autoed to Tim- Co;tty udi ), ohnson ou v " Mr g ower in price thin .eaz + L+ P. BUlT was the purchaser + f the solved by the Board of Supervisors of GEe. G. RANSI-:AW: ,JEt). E. Zen. , ber Lake, South DakOtavisiteda couIMerelattves.Of McGinnis property which was ¢ohl at i Johnson County, Iowa. that the ishek; R. P. Jones; C. B. Sheilady; J. I w(eks ago and there County Auditor of said County is W. Carey: ?.!embers of the Board oflThey returned the latter part of last public auction last Saturday. It sold t something like $1350 we have been hereby authorized and directed to Supervisors John?on County, Iowa "week. Frank had not planned on ac- Informed.f°r !A.executeMezikanda Quitdeliverclaimt° theDeedSaidforFranksaid :-Atjuly12 20,M" 1925.Beard adjourned to 1:30 P. i companying them. but a few days be- t fore they were to start, he fell from The Sunday edition of the Des [lot:to Iowa City, Iowa, was platted by anann ,,-a_J:u2:ll:::St. h o+.++., +^. -- --_. _____ ant Ou32 Mt Bm°:" i L:3fftl:ai?gh:ndl; .._.._, .,_. Ztb: ::I:Y t:t M°ineScould Ftetdster has a picture of (2arl I Also the following resolution was m o d e all Menzer at Iowa City with a new in- passed: bers present: Claims were examined o .... " - ' I ' r or a week or more, so he got vent!on of his in operation whereby Whereas, the County Seat qf John- and allowed. Following estimate of tt n the car and went along They en he could broadcast from various son County, Iowa. being an addition taxes for 1926 were nmde and filed "o-ed the "ri -" " " - -" • J Y t p greatly, we unaerstano, places. It was a good picture and one ;71925ta( ;feMT.'nA7: [ Morse remained in Iowa City with readily see that It was Carl who the County of Johnson, State of Iowa " "" Y , relatives during their absence, was standing before the machine. and all of-the property within the $9000.00: Court Expense $30000.00:  t plat being owned by said-County, and Poor, $53000.00: State Insane, $12000.-I Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hacke and The clothing store is still open. Al- whereas, it appears from the records CO: County Insane. $12000.00; County lchildren, Joyce and Day, and Mrs. M. though they had expected to close in the office of the County Recorder of Bridge, $79000.00; County Road, I S. Day add daughter Florence. uto- their doors Tuesday evening, busines said county that Iota one (1) and two $12000.D0; Road Building, $25000.00; ed to Ressley's lake near Moscow has been pretty good during the past (2) Block Twenty-Eight (28), in said County School, $15000.00; Bond]Sunday- where they met the Kelley week and they have decided to re- County Seat of Johnson County, Funds, $25000.00; Mother's Pension.] family of Wilton and several other main with Lone Tee for a few days Iowa was solff and deed of convey- $6300.00; County Drainage, $12000.00; relatives from Iowa Falls. Picnic lmore. We do not know just when they ance not being properly executed: Minutes,for July 6-7 aud 20, 1925 were l d inner and supper was served and a I will close; the present operators are And Whereas, It appears that C orge read and on motion were approved as i good time was enjoyed. Those pres-, awaiting orders from headquarters. J. Chadek is the owner of said lots: read. At 5 P. M. Board adjourned to ent were all relatives of the late Dr. The Rfngold Clothing Company has Now Therefore in order to reE.aquish August 3. 1925 at 9 A. M G.L. Day and were as follows: G. W. recently purchased another clothing to the said George J. Chadek any ap- GEO. G. RANSHAW. • [Kelley and daughter Jennie, Mrs. store in Illinois and they are plan- i Alvina Crooker and son Ed of V, rilton; sing a big sale there to start soon. parent interest af said Johnson Chairman of the Board of Supervis- Mrs. Mary Gilbert and nephew, Ken- This company makes a practise of County, Iowa in and to said lots and ors: seth Santee and Mrs. Maude Hensley purchasing stocks that are for sale for the purpose of perfecting title ED. SULEK, and son Merle of Iowa Falls; and Miss thereto, Be It Resolved by the Board and conducting big sales immediately aand (1) said authorized lowa.°f Quit Suprvisors and deliver County that Claim Two and to the be (2) Deed said of and directed County Block Johnson George for he said Twenty-Eight is to Auditor J.iots Chadek execute CountY,hereby One °fll _ County, AudRor:REXt Mabelle Stoneburner TS0000--l"RIF'.°f Moscow. following., • [known as the County Seat of Johnson/++ AGNES AYRES ' ' [ Claims were examined and allowed POLA NEGRI [ in [ in I" in and miscelaneous business was "The Stoy ,,.., , .s ,., .,, transacted: At 12 m. Board adjourned + "'The Sign of the Cactus" to 1:30 p.m. /, Without a Name | I A fast" ,, uy or me Lrast whirlwind romance [ Romance, Mystery, Adventure l  " / July 6. 1925 at 1:30 P. M. Board met 2 fa.cting love dram, cf the west, pursuant to adjournmgnt all members present: Bids for Corrogated Cul-[ verts were opened and read: Two i bidders filed bids: Klauer Mfg. Co. of for Economical Tran I DubuquIowa: IndependenCe Cot- all-- On [rogatgd Culvert Co. of Mason City, tlowa= The formers hid was $699.00; te latters bid was $650.00. l J.W. Carey and sec- On motion of ended by C. B. Shellady the bid of the Independence C*orrogated Culvert Co. of Mason City, Iowa for purchasing 794 lin. ft. of 15 inch corrogated pipe and 144 lin. ft. of 18 inch corrogated pipe for lump sum of $650.00 i ac- cepted, they being the lowest bidders and the chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into contract for same: Claims were examined and allowed: At 4 P. M. Board adjourned to 4sly 7. 1925 at 9 A. M. July 7. t925 at 9 A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment all members p: esent: /< Claims were exam(ned and allowed: At 12 M. Board adjourned to 1:30 P.M. July,;(925 at+l:30 p. M. Board met i pursuant .to adjournment all mem- her+s present: Claims were examined and allowed: Wm. O. Stepanek aP- pointed Justice of the Peace for Jefferson Township: At 5 P. M. P.oard adjourned to July 20, 1925 at 9 A. M. July 20. 1925 at 9 A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment all. mem- I bers present: Claims were examined and allowed and miseelaneous busi- ness was transacted: The following resolution was pass- ed : Whereas, Chas. b. Berry, the duly elected and qualified Treasurer of Johnson County, Iowa. has made ap- plication to this Board for authority to assign, transfer and set over unto the Federal Surety Company of Day- #aport, Iowa, all the rights and inter- est the County Treasurer has In the deposit of the sald Johnson County, Iowa, in the Commercial State. Bank, Iowa City, Iowa, such deposit being gaa:anteed by the bond is:reed by the said Federal Surety Comp.'y in be- hal/ of tke sai Commercial State[ Rank and, Whereas. th.¢ :.aid Commercial tate Dpk has bezn c+osed ann placed i the hands of a eceiver and demand I nmde upon the said Federal Surety" Company for Tment ,)f tim said ba+.k its stockholders+ dir,+,ctars, €fleers and ltc rec:ver, therefore. IAe I: Resolved :ha' upon peyment of fth. um of ForD¢-four Thousand ninety.two and 15!100 dol- lars ($44,092 15 uy the saul Federal Sarety Company te Chas. I;. BePry a Tr,:asurer of 2, Coa:)t/, the t sa!d Treasurer he and he l:t hereby Chevrolet repr--,nts the highest type of quality car selling at a low price. Public acknowledg- ment of this fact has been evidenced by a greatly in. creased demand for Chevrolet cars. This increased demand has resulted in increased production making possible decreased prices on closed models and improved quality on all the models. Now Chevrolet provides "Quality at W Lo Cost t9 greater degree than ever befor Now Chevrolet pre. serif, s to automobile buyersevery. waere a new meure o ue. We are now making ;a +ial showing of these new cars and would be glad to have you call and see them. I0 V00:A The Coach - - $695 N sdl improved qt4tlity OG IquilPIm,at-- ormer price S7s. The Sedan - - $775 ar, d Improved quality ¢ff luit- Commercial Chassis - . $425 Expre Truck Chassis - $550 ALL PaiCl Y. O. B. FLINT, ICHR;N CO. Tree, Iowa Ray Guernsey was a busines -::{. tcr in Iowa City on \\;Vednesdav ,:: nis "-'v:k. P. L. Smith is in Mounl V,:'::on where he is spending a coupL of weeks at th+. V¢. C. Moltit hom. He ++m++ + +++m+