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August 16, 1934 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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August 16, 1934 |
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The fair and celebration seasoa s just getting nicely
under way now, and I suppose most of ou be taking
in one or more of them. Befor you go driving into the
heavy traffic that you be sul'e t find, Why don't you
bring the car down and have us check it ver and put it
in No. 1 shape for the trip? Have the brakes adjusted
and re-lined if necessary, have the motor tued up so that
driving the car i a pleasure rather than an aggravation,
replace that weak tire with a high-speed Firestone--and
of course be sure that the car is washed and thoroughly
lubricated. *
We pride ourselves a our Washing and greasing
service. Needless ta say, We get 'era clean, and we see
that every bearing has the proper ,lubricant forced
through it at high pressure. Try this service once, and
yot'll agree tkat we do real job.
ff[eighb News
orhood Items
Leslie CO, On and family spoilt Sun-
day at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. Coon.
Ma:'y Swails is visiting at Bruce
Marshall's again the pmst week.
Vi!tors at Mcberlys Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. M G. Boileau and chibl-
reu, Bobby, Marcella. Joan, and Dalsa
Jane. Orvil.le MIboerly nd on Howard
and Miss Pearl Moberly and Glen Lam-
bert. I
Mrt Nunnally is working for Milt
Birka tbs week.
spent Sunda- at'
Raymond Mober]y . . .
Saturday afternoon to see Irs. Eraezt
Wagner and baby son.
Mrs. Harry Abbott returned homo
the Ia.;t of the week from Muscatine
where she had spent several days
v-ith her mother. Mrs, M. L. Rippey, i
v:ho was seriously ill. Mrs. Rippy
was somewhal improved ald Miss
DeNta Atbott went out to spend the
week with her grandmother.
Mrs. Chas, Crtst of Morning Su'l
visited here Thltrsday with her fath-
er, W'. R. Murphy and mother-in-law
, Mrs. Delia. C:rist.
Mr. anti Mrs. Tracy Miller and
ch,ildren. Harry and Dora spent Sun -
dJy with Mrs. Miller's parents Mr. and
,Viliic ;Vebers. l
,Mrs. A. E. Moberly and sons Clar-[
ence aad Leonard did shopping in
V;ashhlgton last Tuesday.
Mrs. John IZath visited a few days
last week with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. W, Colin.
Between 175 and 200 aended the
nnion Sunday school picnic held on
Thursday at the Oakland school
ground. Gmes and contests for the
youner 'hildren were in charge of
the Misses Lorena Maxwell and HllJa
Owen. A basket dinner ws ser-¢ed
Mrs. Roy Hesseltine, near Brighton.
Mr. and fls. Melw:in Crist and Mrs.
Proctor Her(on visited Friday nignt
with their mother, Mrs. Ed Crist at
the University hospital in Iowa City
Ed Crlst was also up to see his wife
on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrard of Eagie
Grove and their nephew. Eldon J:-
rar,2 of Musca,tine isRed Saturday
hero with their grandfather. George
Jarrard. Sr. and other relatives.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Min-
nie Maxwell and dauglter Lorena
we-re Miss Virgdna. Stauffer. Mr. and
Mrs. Brucd ClauSon. Mr. and: Mrs.
Lynn Stauffer all of Cedar Rapids and
Miss Daisy Kemp.
Lyle Goldsberry of Des Moines ar-
caTeteria style at noon. The Mngle rived here FTiday nigit for a short
nen defeted the mrried men 10 to vsit with his paren,ts, Mr. and M.
in a ki,tenball game played during lverne Heither and other relatives.
the afternoon. The single women do He was a Sunday dinner guest at the
feared the married women's kittenbalI.
team and also won the women's repel Elbert"
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peters.
pulling contest. The men's tug-of-warl The marriage of the Roy. H.-C.
was won by the Grace Reformed tDruse, pastor of the Conesvllle Me(h-
church and he Methodist hall teamlc,6ist church to Miss Jennie Hendrick
xon the game played with the Grace
• " t' f N'chols took place on Wednesday,
Reformed church. Prof. Ralph Crab-] July 25 a,t the home of the Roy. aJd
ford and Roy Jean had charge of the ?dr (lark at Sigourney The Roy.
ball games. ( lark a former pastor of Mrs. Drnse.
Miss Mary \\;Vegner cme down from conducted the ceremony.
aerloo Sunday night to spend a few Mrs. George Motheny returned Sun.
days of her vacation with the home,day evening from Central Point, where
folks. She spent last week iu Minn- she had been to ,visit her mother.
eapolis. ] Robert and Valter Volford arrived
Mrs. Eleanor wen.t ,to Wconsln the Friday night from Greeley, Colo.. for
last of the weel on a vacation trip. [ a vJion at the home of their par-
'ents, Ir. and Mrs. Ray Wolford. For
• 'Harry Criss, r'yne Hankins and
"Clyde Volford spent a couple of days
last week in S. Louis. Harry took
a truck load of sweet corn and the
other men aompanied him.
Mr. an'd Mrs. Chas. Skip(on, Mrs.
Nan 'hgner und Enest .Wagner and,
daughter Marcia were at Musca:ine!
the past 18 months Walter Wolford has
been employed by the Munsell Shoe
mpany in Greeley. A.ter a I0 dxy
vacation he will return to take ovr
the management of a shoe store at
La Suianta, Colo. Robert V¢olford
will leave Wednesday morning for
School Days
are just around
the corner!
and before hose boys of
yours sarttheir nine months
of sehcol, see that they are
equipped with sensible, solid
We bve just the shoes
and oxds that are needed
by those yaung chaps that
are just naturally "hard on
shoes," priced to suft your
tcketbook. /
One lot tan oxfords at close out ricos that fm-merly
sold for twice What 'e are saking now. They go
at .. ............ • •. ................. . ...... $1.98
Black Oxfords ....................... $1.98 and up
Boy's Black Oxfords . : .............. $1.98 and $2.25
Work Shces ................... $1.85 and up to $4.00
We handle the tood line of tennis hoes, that will
give good service and good appearance at low prices.
Come in and get our prices before you buy.
Harness, Shoes, Sporting Goods Lone Tree, Iowa
Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard VanHorn and
Mrs. Ruth Stingley and children of
Davenport visited Sunday at the par-
ental Franl VanHorn home.
Mrs. Lora Orcutt of Los Angel,
Mrs. Eva McKee. and Miss Defile
Jones visited Friday in Lone Tree
with Mrs. Mollie McCullough. Mrs.
Mc-Cullough and Mrs. Orcutt were
girlhood friends and Mrs. Orcut at-
tended Mrs. McCullough's wedding.
Mrs. Stanford Miller and daughters,
Patricia and Joyce spent last week
with he-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cli
Richey at West Liberty. They re-
named home Sunday.
An eight pound son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vaner Satur-
any, Auz. 11. at the Hershey hospital
ie Muscatine.
Jake Beard of Burlington, a veteran
.';esm,'n for John Blaul's Sons Co.,
who made Conesville for many years
,'.as here Friday calling on friends.
lie was enroute home from Mmcatine
;:here he had visited his sister. Mrs,
Pekeccs Miller. Mr. Beard elebruted
kis 81st birthday on Wednesday, Aug.
Mrs. Forrest Bebb and Una and
Lee have been visiting the past neck
wi(h her mother in Minnesota.
Mrs. Margaret ttankins, who works
near Solon. visited friends here last
A son was born on Wednesday, Aug.
S to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schlicting at
'the Hershey hospital ni Muscatine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiff Jarrard and child-
ren Elaine and Jacl returned home
Friday night from a few days stay
with relatl.'es in Burlington. They
also attended the Tri-S,tate fair.
C,k)vernment iBspectors and I:*A
aot were here. Tliursday malir.7
a final checkup on the new school
ucse which was recently completed.
Tile building approved by PWA
and state officials last Saturday un:t
was accepted by the board of educa-
C. B. Horton. janitor, is working at
(he )u.Hding this wek, pdeoaring f,r
the remowM of furniture and equip-
ment from the old building and dora
ese science cottage in time for the
opening of school', Sept. ,.
James Swaffes anal family, Herb@:
Simmons and Bryce Wolford sight
Sunday at the James I)vorak, Jr.
Frank Mincer and daughters, WI-
ma an Leona Anne were callers in
Roy Hardy and family 'at the park at MORE CORN-HOG CONTRACTS i cluding a full description and
Iowa City Sunday. A large crowd I WILL BE EXAMINED'their condition and catalog
was present as the whole town o- ]has been printed by the
Hills and a few coun, ty people were Johnson county's corn-hog contracsiTho lists are being distributed:
invited. Mrs. Hardy is planning on have been held up temporarily until ir.terested in the purchase of
moving to Washington in a couple of more contracts can be checked by the and can be had by writing to the
weeks. I AAA statisticians, according to word Moines office.
Mrs. Howard Kline and daughter! eceived Monday by M F. Sullivan,! Only- sealed bids will be
Jean Ann are *vsiting in Cascade with president of the county corn-hog
aso- and the highest bidder gets the
Mrs. Kline's sister. Mrs. .qarenc,_! clatter.
arm. Bids must be
Two AAA checkers went over ".p-ta certified check or postal
proximately 70 corn-hog contracts here I der in the full amount of the
lrlday aId Saturday. The only an-tlids not accepted will be
nouncemet made to local officers wS]the bidder.
that the checkers had discovered that Both shotguns of all g'aug
Hotchkiss. this week. -I
Mr. a':d Mrs. Howard Kline have
rented the Hardy home. [
Ch'arles Smith. Jr. has been in p)"
health the last several weeks. He has l
be:.n suffering from heart trouble, t
Mrs. J. L. Strabala entertained a
few ladies at quilting bee at Mrs.]
Susie Lake's Thursday. Thoge proo-
vnt were Mrs. Frank Knebel M:s.
Serph Cringer, Mrs. John Shrder, I
Mrs. Roy Hardy, Mrs. Charles Smt.h,i
St.. Mrs. Henry Kline. Mrs. Charles t
Munster, .Misses Julia and Tillie Dag-]
enh':rt. Mrs. Susie Lake and Mrs. J-!
L. S,rabala. Ice cream and cookies i
were served at a late hour. l
The Hills Independents traveled to
Muctine Friday evening where they-
more contracts needed to be cheek,L i r,fles of many different calibr
It is expected that two new checker I :ncluded in the list
will come here to complete the work. I " _._ " .... _
• The Johnso county re-check w!ll I A fine rain, which fell :nter
ce toaay. t is announced. Iv throghout a good part of
1 ........ ----- !(icy, brought the community
UWA hEGOMMENDS DUCK DATES much needed moietre that
Recommendations have been made
by the Iowa Fish anti Game Commis-
sion to Secretary of Agriculture ,WaN
I.ce for open shooting dtes on mig-
ratory wa¢erfowl in Iowa this fall.
The dates recommen'ded for Iowa
played tlle fast SMAC team. The loc- were from October 10 to November
als Iost by the score of 5 ao 1. Tw) t ]S incmsive and with fle consee,-
truck loads of rooters accompanied tlve shooting days each week. Men-
the team. Museatine are schedu'.ed
to play here the I9th of August. t
" The Hilts Girrg team defeted the.
Richmond girls 17I to 8 Tuesday even-,
ing t Richmond and Thursday even-
fng the)" trounced- Kalona on the home
field 22 to 16.
Mrs. Plath of M:iannesota was a bs-
ness cller in tttIIs Saturday. She
canvasses for the "Farmer's Wife."
Continued from page I)
After .tpper attended the entertaia-
men Wen on baxd.
Tuesday: Got up at 8:30 just in
time for last all f_or breakfast. The
weather and sea is just fine, but a
cold wind came up and the tempe:-
ature dropped to ,about 65 degree
then a cot felt tlen, ty gopd.
A daily paper is. printtd bo:d
land gives all the news in Europe and
iAmerica, the major league box scores
Fend alsG toda). we read that Joh_n
Dillinger was killed in Chicago.
At about 9:$0 P. M. went to tc
]movie show. saw Janet Gaynor and"
Chas. Farrell in some picture take
tn London. Today we saw a sinP
[for .the first time and at 5 P .M. we
passed between two islands, the -
ores. Lant looked good, but as long
as the ocean is like it is today, no one
seems to mind it.
"Wednesday: Got up about 9:30 feel- !
ing fine. There was a strong wind
and it was awfully cold, had to wear
an overcoat to stay on deck. 7;s 'lp
around first class today and saw Rip-
Icy and Irving Berlin at their dinm:r
table. They are going to Europe.
I )%rM1 be in Gibraltar tomorrow.
[ Thursday: Its a fine day and the
/ ocean is calm. We are near the Rock
of Gibval:ar. Saw a 1o¢ of big fish,
i some of them very big. We stop in
Gibraltar, some passengers come
aboard and some land. We leave in
one hour.
Friday is another flue day and we
have a good journey. We see Sar-
dinia Island about 8:30 P, M.
Saturday we are near Italy and wffi
land about 1O: 30 iu Naples. You ,n
see the volcano smoking, just like a
:,tore pipe or chimney. I am sailing
tonight for Sicily Island.
Sunday morning, after going ad
night, I am larding in Palermo, the
seaport of Sicily. I saw a frlend of
mine and my brother With my mother.
They are there with a car to tak- me
home. Everything is very dry here,
and the fruits are ripening. At home
I find my folkts old, hut well.
Monday, after eleeplng a night tn
Italy, I got up early and had some
visitors. I m going to the farm, my
dad has t piece of ground that he takes
care of himsetf, about 4 acres all ta
frutts and vegetahles. Picked some ripe
grapes and figs and they sure Nre
Well Mr. Green this is all for thls
time,. Hello to everybody!
I am yours truly,
CI'kS. GAmmA
The appropriation of $60,000 to be
used in second,try road work in John-
son county has been made by the lowz
highway commission, according to
word received Thursday by Dan J.
Peters. chairman of the board of sup-
ervisors, from H. A. Maine, of Wtter-
Ioo caairman of the highway odin-
Mr. Maine nformed the hoard of
supervicors that the location of the
ork n which the $50.000 will he ex-
pended will be determined later. The
0pproprtation was made from federal
da?s and Tuesdays would be closed
to shooting. Thirty days of shooting
wouId Le provided under rids plan.
The mratory waterfowl' easons
as recommended hy the Iowa Fish and
Gzn Commission was at the requsest
of the Department of AgricuRure. The
seasons do not become, officthf- unt
approved by the Secretary of Agricul-
ture. Under the plan o4 the Migra-
tory Waterfowl Advisory CouRcil the
C2.of dlmtes btween Oetoe I and
January 15 ..:.3o¢lft up t3 lhe.state.
A limit of thirty shooting days with
open days running consecutively was
set. The stes must then hare made
heir recommendations to Secretary
Vfllace by August 6. Final *approval
isr then given each state and t5e days
Id" dates and included in the tWederal
Ninety-one confisticated guns 'are to
Be sold by the Fish and Game Com-
mission. The guns, which han"e bec
seized by deputy game wardens from
violators of the game laws were turn-
ed over to the courts. The courts or-
0ered the guns confisticated and turn-
ed over to the Staee Oame Wa%len in
avcordance with the law.
The guns have been orde,"dd sold by
the PIsh and Game Comfsion and
sealed bids are being received at the
office of the Commission. All bidJ
must reach the Des Moines office not
later than September 30. 1934.
A llst of the guns to be sold. in-
Ainsworth Monday.
EreIyn Mincer as spending this week 1
at her grandparets, James Dvorak,[
Sr's. - t
Mr. and Mrs. Llnus Yeggy are '-e-
proud arents of a baby girl born or
Friday: She was named Viri:da
Miss Theresa Lear called at the J.
L. Yeggy and Frank Moncer homes on
Joe Snukup and Omer Rath caEcd
at the Henry Prymek home Thursday.
Mr. and Mds. Ray Steele deturned
home ,,:,e] spending a few days ct
tne World's Fair.
Sbafier Walker and Harold Watson
called at the Frank Mincer hopte cn
Mr. aed Mrs. H. Prymek a_d fam-
ilspent Sundy at the parental Jas.
DxCorsk. Sr. home.
Ethel and Evelyn Mincei" and Esh.
Murdock spen Sunda" with the Steele
itlu and attended Sunday School at
.Mrs. Frank Mincer is taking care of
the new girl which arrived at the
Raymond Lorack home Sturday. She
wilt answer to the name of Mar
James Dvorak, Jr. and son James
ar.d John were callers in GIadwin and
Columbus Junction Monday.
Frankie M!ncer, Charlie Podarll and
Shelter Walker spent Sunday evening
in Iowa City.
Mr. and Mrs..leke Lntz entertain-
ed company from Riverside Sunday.
by Marguerite Hardy
fToo Late for Last Week)
A group of girls are camping at a
eatin eght miles south of Muscatine.
t Those camping include Opal Wrede,
Catherne Draker. Ellen Clair, Gwea-
dolyn Rarick. Miriam Smith, Catherin
Hardy. 5arjorie Smith, Marguerite
tla.rdy nd Mrs. A. F. Droll. They
ietmd to spend the week.
The new bank is opened and will
l-e known a the Hills Bank and Trust
Comrrany. Tbe fifty per cent divi-
dends being paid v:ill be a great help
re be srrounding community.
iMarvyl Green is pFmning to have
he:" tonsils take our some time ehs
v:eek. Doctor Donovan will them
cut at the State Hospital.
A farewell picnic was held for Mrs.
considerabIe help to the late
well as fall pastures and forage
The section north of town had
rain Tuesd.zy. as weII.
WANTEffhone and
pupils. Beginners and
See- Otto Volta.
Bet ShifleL Sadie Hartma
East Second, next to Batters o
Phone 381-J. Mscatine.
payment of $50.00: w'rite
Music Store, Newton, a.
LOSTLa.¢her bfl]folil with
it. containing some money,
licere, etc. Fe'wrd.
Eggs ................................
Hel's ....................................
pnngs; over 3 lb.._.
[Spring under 3 Ibtr, . ......
i Butter lrt
mG.00z.00tm00 PALA000
Msic by
IOWA crt
WSU Feature 11 Ira.
Adm: 25e a person
Certo 00dP' Irk
Jar Rintls
No ]Bottle Cbsrse.
- 00tllo
Velietous Bottles/=.t