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August 9, 1945 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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August 9, 1945 |
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~_L '" , . • Prices May Drop [clover plants freely to get a pollenI Lyle McKean who has been in the land Donald, of New Jersey, Earl Pedi-[Harlan Foster of ]
" _ _ ] Beresford and Kutish feel that the|supply, l southwest Pacific is spending a 30-|go and the hosts. - ! Pfc and Mrs. Ard~
I 1 ]movement of feeders off the range~ Beekeeper Can Help lday furlough with his parents, Mr.[ Calvin Singleton will return toidra and Duane hpveb
~mma " 1 ] may come later this year than nor-~ Anything farmers can do to en-~and Mrs. Rollo McKean. ] Conesville and open a welding and I eral days in the ~paul
~ll~ ~WA ~ real. This doesn't mean that feeder'courage the presence of bees in their! Robert Buckman, son-in-law of thelmetal repair shop in the Conesvillet Miss Dollie Jones e
#% I~P&|O -- cattle prices will fall when the heavY|clover fields will increase the produc- McKeans, is also visiting his wife and~garage August 10. Mr. and Mrs.|Eva McKee and Mr•
iIA~B|~N]~ ~ ] runs start, but it does mean the sup-|tien of clover seed, the agronomists two children at the McKean home. He] Singleton have been living in Musca-[ Jones at dinner in Ill
Vl=Igltl~'h|~d q~ ply will be there later in the year.|say" They suggest that beekeepers has been in the European War Thea-ltine. [Kees birthday.
i _l The price will depend upon the con- land farmeI~ cooperate to bring bees ire. ~ CarTel Mulfor_d g 2-_e .... iq ~t~H~n~|
"-- dillon and size of the corn crop, the~to the clover fields. Both will hene- Dewey and Ival Helverson, former lnow in Norman Okla [-
ellowsdisease has been .... ' ' " " - .......
---o-- . _ war situation and possible govern-[ fit they believe. :remdents here, were calling on friends~ Mrs. Wayne Hankins was called toil
Cabbage y . . men|at acuon. [ ------~------ :here Tuesday. They are vislting]Muscatine Friday by the serlnu~ ill[ [ "~],
showing up in some home garoens. The prosect remains, though that[ ~g~rM AW~Pt ~ftUN~Y IN their mother Mrs John Parks in Col ! .............. i i _.t~
...... • -'-has .... ' .~ ~w.~ .-~..J.....~ , • -iness of her mother Mrs Bowser II ~-'~
The appearance o[ tnls cusease m prices probaely won t go up--ann! ~,.... m~-arm "~"b"~ T,,~*~ ~ ..... ' " " .. i ~,
.......... z w~a K "l'~ ................ / wayne ~mgmton and Harold Han-ll f ~
tened by relative|y_ warm . t.~mp~: they may go down. | ..... ::.~:*~._._ v~,,^ ~,,_ 1 Pfc. Burton English is visiting his| kins were hosts Thursday evening art | [ /J~' ~-~
i ayesotthe can= uuattm~u ~ l~m ~ ,~t.~- : . IM w _
tures The lower e . I ] mother Mrs Rae Enghsh and other|- ~h ........ • +~.~. ~_h ....... ,~[| ~ ~.~
e lants become ul lilY ~r~,¢# v=~ r~r~ [ relatives H cam " ~
bag P ............ ~-~e' ............... l~lacements clerical and sales work • e e from New Gulnea|were H. Lee Huston D. R Marshall[[ (~.~-~,-~Ht~
leaves turn yellOW an(] muu~ t,~uua~ [ t~.~*'~ ~==u ~.,,'~r'i~" , ' recentl and while there suffere ' "
iS lost. There is no control after_theI o 15.782service trades. 7,510, skilled hand i~iur- d aland Sheldon Hawkins of Colnmbus[| ~ ,~'~1~
organism gets inside the plant. The Seed Badly Needed and AAA Offers', jobs 13,682, semi-szilleo 3oos 18,03.2,. J Y- I Junction and J. K. McKee. || -~%~ "~
only known conS'el is to plant yel-] Special Payment For This Crop [and unskilled 41,723. An increase Is Mrs. Clarence is much improvedI Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tipton, M-'s. Her-]| .... ~k'~
noted m each class~ficatmn Total r
lows resistant varieties such as Mar- --o--- 1 " " " - f om her recent accident when she]be~ Handpicks and son, and Mrsii "=-~~,~
• ~'- - - ~,^h, ~.~ ~sconsin All-~ ,_...~ ¢ ..... ~ ........ a h .......l placement of handicapped veterans fell injuring her knee ]Anna McCullough of Muscatine were ~ ~'~ "
decllnea in June to H ~5o ~ruua tu~
Seasons. mists at Iowa State College to bar-1 ..... ' ...... ' Layton Rouch is vismng his father, lrecent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.][ .... • :
...... m'-ch clover seed as "ossible:~lay tota~ o~ Iz,~L Chas. tcouch. ~Cecil ~chllchting and son. |1 |41"~I~ I|~[l 1
t this year There is an extreme short-1 Sugar Distmbu o ~ Gaylord Maxwell A. S. who is fiiI Mms Mae McCulIough ws~ted re. IS
Do not neglect to harvest onions as iage of adapted clovers and alfalfa,{ Will Be Improved .... u P with scarlet fever at Great Lakes, lql., cently with her cousin, Mrs. Pearl]|
soon as they are mature. Onions.are. • I they point out, and hal~esting the J Secretary of Agriculture.. . Ctmto. t -" is reported much improved. ,' Kennedy. ll ~• --
mature enough to harvest whe.n a~mt seed will be profitable. IAndel~on says that c:~vtlmn d,str~bu Mrs. Mary Maxwell spent severRll Lt. and Mrs. Jack Jean have re-l~ ~~
c nt of the tops have zalten or.- o~ V~h,. ~. tion ot sugar parucutany m eastern da'-- in Muscatine ~ith her mece '"
90 per e ~ !In addition to the mark ........~ • "- " " c " ~ " " . turned from St. Louis where he re- [[
ured omens left in the grouna ~,o m~, ,.~,~ ~- ~ I areas where shortages are most a ute Miss Lorena Maxwell
er. Mat " _.. the seed, grow ...... . ............ ", ....... i . l ceived his honorable discharge. [[ I g~ E ~_
"n rains may develop rot. It is . r he AAA of should be ~mproveu tnrougn a ream- ~ " / "~" " d"
rl nt~v a ment f om t .. . Mr and Mrs E H Settlemire en-I Lt Alden Bebh was honored at a l
du g ce e p y • ~ - •
important to get mactu;dd ;iUlqb:l ~?t $3.50 an acre for harvesting red clo- ~hy::i~na°fred:0ct0tt iT~ilit:~al;:: tertai~ed ,at dinner Monday honor-zollel skating party Tuesday evening, i|
of the ground and . c ver alfalfa and alsike Additional g . . . ~ing the ,e~+b birthday ~nniversary Those attendin~ were Hr and Mr~ | ~
as Possible. P _ . payments of 33~ cents a pound for • . .... ~':. :::,. ;, Donalo K~ller of T..omas Gzpple Mr. and Mrs. Charle~ [
The lants should be ' " curement The action ooes not in- of their ~c ] " ""- ~ ~ " ~ ......
s lead close together in a ~.~o . ..,,.a ~.. crease the to[al amount ot sugar ai- New Jerse~Tl o~ shalin t'e ~ - ' "
pulled and p" . red clover and 2~ c .....,. ....... r .. ~ .... • .-- : ~- '-g n cour- ~h~llabarger Cecil Alien and Lt. |
sin the tops to cover . located for civilian use~ out IS ae- -.,. .. '
single layer, u g . - alfalfa and alszke sold through corn- , . ..... tesy wereMrs. V~ ,ham Wmde~s and Behb of Conesville and ~Ir. aged Mrs. [
bulbs When the tops are wltn m b co 1 c signed to assure more even alsmou S lr e o • "
the . "mercial channels also ay e 1 e t- " h" 1 y,f Ke~kak, Mrs. Joe KeIIeri.euben McCormick and Mr and Mrs '
ered, they may be tied together in tion of available supplies.
bunches and hung in an open garage ed,
Count Seeds in Head ..... '*
found in a head, the clover is worth LE Co..i.
La Verne Shebanek is having a two harvesting as a seed crop, the agrono-.
weeks' vacation from her work in the ~uists believe. And if 50 to 75seeds To save
Chicago have formed, an excellent crop is in T-4 Sgt. Orval Van Hot~ arrivedI better flavor---v~n
ripest fruit,
Ordnance Co. and is spending it at her prospect, home Tuesday morning for a visiti rest to ripem
Lone Tree home. The presence of pollinating insectswith his sister. Mrs. Ruth StingleyI
___~[, .... is important to the setting of clover and other relatives.
seed. and honeybees play an import- Fay Kemp has been honorably dis-
..... O
Everett Neal is raking a ten day ant part in the process. Although red charged from the army. He was ser
vacation from his duties as mail car- clover is not a good source of honey, iously wounded last August and ha~
tier starting today, Thursday and his it does pzovide an abundance of pol- since been in hospitals in England
mother Mrs. James Snyder, is carry- len. This pollen is used by the bees and the United Stmes. He holds the
Ing the mail for him. for brood rearing and bees visit the rank of Staff Sergeant.
J. H. Bell has been (luite ill at his
home since Friday. His son, Ralph
Bell, had the mumps last week also
and some of the neighbors lent a help-
ing band with the timothy combining
cud baling.
Supply Small New But Will Lltcely Be
Some Lar:3cr L~ter in Sea,on
Fe~der cattle prices now (early Au-
gust) are abouL as hiet] as they can
go, If they change at all. i hey ~],'ight
go lor. er later in the year, Most
farmers wilt be better off to wait at
least until ~he heavier fail runs start
to buy feeders.
T~hat's the general feeder c~*~[e pic-
ture as seen by Rex t3eresford, iowa
State College beef specialist, and
l~ran,:is Kutish, agricultural econom-
Light Marketin~s
The men point out ~haL right nwv
we ~re in the season of light fee~er
catt!e marketings. That's normal for
this (ime of year. Ti]ese run,~ may be
even lighter than ust'.al because uf the
good grass conditions iu t.he range
areas. Feeder cattle prices are from
$2 to $g higher than they were a year
ago. ]; cattle feeders go on the mar-
ket now for feeders, they will be bid-
ding against themselves and the pack-
ers far a sho"t supply• In ad~Rion,
theh. choice of feeders wilt be limited.
betWr v,'ilh wmr livestock if you
]'e~l bcli~-~ ~;!}itv feeds. And ~',,' think thai y(m c,;~n",
i] :m to f,"ed quality. nw'"
C-.e . ,. ~. ......
CARCd LLS 44 v He-" Supplem.:n , per ton $79.00
Eithel meat or ],,qh'ls
ILlS 32% Dairy Feed, pc, ................ $72.00
e~ a~TT T e, c~-~ ................
.... ..... 1,,'v P;g BuilSer, p ,r lena $73.00
We ]mv Pmfltry. Eg; , and ('ream. Try our s,,r-
v'ce. \Ve 'i
,h n,, vou:ll like ii.
Phoue: 60
Lone Tree, Iowa
CL,a D _ •
. ,.lmom , These Quality Johns-Manville
SA i. Asphalt Shingles w rotect
Lone Tree. See, Hilt CrinL
- your home, give it new beauty.
WANTED--Baby Stroller in good con-
d~tion. Call Mrs. \Valter Krueger,
~~k ~ " • He,e's a shingle that
(t! ~ ~ yet will be low in cost. In addition, you can look fcrw:
to many years of protection from fire and weather wkL: ~.
~eriodic maintenance.
• We gotta help produce aL '~h¢,~ ::Ianville " "easy_ and fire-resis!,ant--joh=:-a - la~d-
1944 ¢ I guess that's wh7 we ~ Asphalt Shingles give you roof that s
get Dr. Hess Poultry Pan.a'.*mlm ,.CC us show you sa~]~les and tell you how little they co~..
• Yes, s/r. For its minerals, e~pe-
dally calcium, phosphoru, and LONE TRE'. Phone 59 ~FI'[
mang~mese. And don't ~orgct the
Harry H OPeSOWSKy,
tonics in ]Pan-a-m}n. They say the
tott~ help keep us _eeHng¢o ch~p-,;~
pee and eating ILk~/itde pills. I ; M gr.
~re ~ope pouItryraen give dta{~
Harnezs and Shoes
Lone Tree, Io va
For the Best in Fruits See Us
Don't Forget to Redeem
Benteco's Peach Coupon
APRICOTS u. s. ,.., w.~.
Memrp~rks; 1~$ ~b.
~ ~:~----
All Varie~ },-
.~k for your "
-ee copy oI
"~4pare and ~b-
~titute Your
~amlly'a Sugar"
by Jewel Gra-
ham, Iowa State
College. Nutri-
tionist Free at
~11 Benteeo
omegrown CABBAGE
I m m
Ohoiee Cheddar
8 Red Potn~