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August 9, 1945 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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August 9, 1945 |
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Here is a new way to catch fish
with no other tackle than a pair of
shorts. You go swimming in a likely
place and when you emerge the fish
Clint Cox has moved to Iowa City
and will make his home with a nep-
hew. His sister, Mrs. Goldie Ha ney,
will care for him.
O. A~ Shephard returned to Topeka,
Kan., last week after spending two
weeks with River Junction relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Jesse Sanders was called to
Peoria, Ill. last week by the illness
of her mother who remains in serious
condition following a stroke.
Fay Musser and Steyn Westfall
were business callers at the R. E. A.
office in Davenport last week. l
Mrs. J. R. Musser called on hell
daughter, Mrs. Everett Buline, andt
on her little infant granddaughter at
Mercy hospital Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Livingston and
Richard and Mr. and M~rs. Harr~y At-
rig and Shirlee Ann were Sunday vis-
itors in the home of their mother,
Mrs. Lee Donham, in Iowa City,
Mary Lukavsky was an over night
guest of Hazel Atkins Tuesday night
at her cottage.
A R 0 UND 10 WA
will be in the shorts. Sounds fantas-
tic. but Allan Sanderson, a New Hamp
ton boy tried this while swimming
with companions in a pond north of
town. He got his fish.
Persons not going an~vhere should
not get on trains to bid departing
guests farewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
White of Polk City got on a train at
Madrid to chat with recent visitors
till train departure. They failed to
get off in time and were carried on to
Tama, the first stop east. Anyway,
they enjoyed an extended visit with
the relatives.
Thirteen henry county boys called
up in the July draft of the Selective
Service have some reason to believe
in the No. 13 jinx. They left on Fri-
day the thirteenth on bus No. 413
bound for Burlington where they were
to take a train. The bus broke down
at New London and they missed the
train. One of the drafted men had
No. 113.
At Red Oak, employees at the court
house were startled to see a pigeon
mounting the steps and walking into
various county offices as though on a
..... . tour of inspection. The bird first en-
Bernetta Harsen, a 20.year-old I~m-Itered the auditor's office and seemed
metsburg student at Iowa State Teach Iinterested in the files. Next, it in-
ers College, Cedar Falls. was comingIvaded the office 'of treasurer and
home by bus for the week-end recent-ibr°wsed among the' accounts. W'hen
]y. Her trip home was interrupted employees trailed the bird on his tour
by one of those things that sometimes, of inspection, it took cover under an
happen in a bus or train. A suitcase office file.
in the street can cause a fire of suffi-I Pvt. Lyle Fountain wrote home that
cient dimension to necessitate the he is in the hospital with mumps at
calling out of the fire department. Camp Lee, Vs.
This happened at Clarinda where the Mr. and Mrs. Fred MiUer and grand
match thrown on a wet pavement children, Tommy and Ann Davis, Mr.
ignited surface gasoline and started and Mrs. Mose Fountain, Kenneth and
a trail of fire leadingunderneathLarry Hemsted ate picnic supper
a perked automobile. The blaze Tuesday at the Schuppert cottage.
flared up under the car threatening toi
injure the motor. Mr. and Mrs..Kenneth Denzin, Nor-
man and Mark of Monticello were
.... °--~-~ ...... Sunday guests at the Waldo Townsley
Mrs. Douglas Abrams arrived home home. Norman remained for a long-
this morning, Thursday, from Califor- er visit with has grandparents.
nia. She had spent about two weeks
visiting her husband, C. P. O. Douglas
Abrams, who is stationed at Indio,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vander Linden
and two sons left Saturday to return
to their home at Los Angeles, Calif.,
after spending about ~t week in the
home of Mr. Vander Linden's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis ,Vander Linden.
A family picnic was held Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Annie Singleton
near North Liberty honoring her 76th
birthday anniversary. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Speilman daughters
Shells and Linda of Cedar Rapids,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fountain, Mrs.
Vernon Fountain, Anna May, Vera
and Omar of Sharon. Mrs. Lily Zahs.
George and Helen of Kalona, Mr. and
Mrs. Manly Fountain, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Miller and Esther. Mr. and Mrs.
Mose Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Hemsted, Kenneth. Ruth and Larry,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fountain and Earl,
fell from a rack. striking the glrl on
the head. Emergency treatment was
necessary at Charles City, before the
girl could continue on her way home.
"Always A Good Show"
Sat., and Sun.
August llth and 12th
Anne Baxter--
John Hodiak
Carmen's Veranda
--__- -':'__ .... __ -T-- -_-t
Wed. and Thurs.
August 15th and 16th
2-reel Comedy--
Featu ring Andy Clyde
Two Shows: 7:30 and 9:15
Adults. 35c Children, 14c
m ,,
These moles that raise havoc with
lawns and fields sometimes wear
wedding rings on their bm'rowing
fingers. Or. so thinks Henry Schlich-
te. farmer living near West Union.
He caught one of the ~mole family on
his farm and found it to be wearing
a tiny silver ring on one of its fingers.
Henry wouders what it's mate thought
when it did not return home that
I night.
After 50 years, a group of former
Danish citizens from the same town,
held unexpected reunion in Algona
I recently. Carl Wiuff of Atlantic. and
~h~s brother, Peter Wiuff of Elkhorn
were visiting in Algona when relatives
introduced them to two local merch-
ants, Madson and Hanson, clothiers,
it seemed that all four. men had come
l i from Nykobing, Denmark, and had at-
!tended the same school there, over 50
years ago.
A lighted --o--
match carelessly thrown
Mr. John Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Fountain and Judith all of Iowa City.
Mr. Fred Fountain who lives with his
sister. Mrs. Singleton.
Mrs. Howard Fountain entertained
the River Valley club July 26 with
16 members present. Mrs. Schreiber
and daughter, and Mrs. Lafe Stout
were guests. Mrs. Nell Nolan will
be hostess to the group Thursday af-
ternoon of this week.
The members of the H. G. L. club
md husbands held their annual ice
cream supper Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Norris Lingo broke his right wrist
while mowing weeds last Thursday.
C~apt. and Mrs~ ~~ncis Nolan, Tom-"
my and Patty of Davenport, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Phillips, Alien and Dale,
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Nolan, Sherry and
Barbara, Mrs, Jack Martin, Leo Nol.
an and Fred Schaeffer were Sunday
guests in the Nell Nolan home.
by Adler-Rochester
Next to your birthday suit, here are the coolest clothes
you'll find. You'll find tropical worsteds and other
tropical weaves. They're all made with care to help
them stand up after a tough day in the'heat. Come
in now and see them.
.++ +-
Mrs. Anna Oberman entertained
Mrs. I. M. Mentzer. Mrs. Mose Foun-
tain and Mrs, C. M. Fountain Thurs-
i day afternoon.
' Joe Kerf is in the Mercy hospital
suffering With a broken hip and wrist.
He fell through a trap door in the
barn while threshing Tuesday. His
son Don also has a badly burned hand,
when the tractor got afire the same
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sidwell of Bu-
enos Aires, Argentina are guests of
the former's brothe~-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer.
Mrs. Carl Mumme of Danville. la.
is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Townsley.
A few items from otrr stock of farm needs that
timely and often needed at this time of the year:
BROMANIDE--a new and better fly spraY.
3-4 h. p. Electric Motors.
Auto and Tractor Batteries.
Hot Shot Batteries.
Electric Fencers.
Spark Plugs.
Gates Belts for home and farm, machines.
,ne ree arm
Phone: 21 loas M.iller,
One Complete Stop For All Your Grocery Needs
White or Dark
3 Tall
Van Camp
Zinc Lids, Doz.
Home Canner Lids
Pt. Jars, Doz.
complete, lid & ring
Mt. Grown
Regular or Drip Grind
Size Can
Size Box
Corn or Gloss
Boxes For
Cans For
Stock No. 4
Medium, No. 1
Colby Cheese
Pure Lard
lb 41c
Beef Roast
Cottage Cheese
17 c