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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
August 9, 1945     The Lone Tree Reporter
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August 9, 1945
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! ??/ i: J! ~~ q P % / !~ ~_!. A1, 1. c1.R - _']'~H[ atinegir!" ~ April 30, 1946 or earner on (~emand ] c "' "~ " t~' l i: / i : gl' s~L°m~":he~:'~:?ca~L°n'~an the o r , be t Mr and Mrs Ard furl~eNahon that is able to dJsclphne it{ M Ii i~eland Stoc~ and Meredith, daughter TY-FOU THE LONE TREE REPORTER, LONg TREE, IOWA THtrRSDAY, AUG. 9, 1945 NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEH ntrles For [Girls To Compete t Mrs. Lmtm H,rt [,- ' .lBab,es Born . . AND r AKM [14-H Club Show IAt Club Show {Dies In California l Jrp.J . liAt Mercy Hospital he largest numbers of 4-HI One hundned and forty-four girls ! Mrs. Linus Hirt of Canoga Park, t[" F El Vide Faye Doerres is the name giv. ;/ is ever to be exhibited in land 28 leaders and officers will partI-'California died Monday after having i l ~ ,~ lien to the baby daughter h0rn Wed- unty, 337 head, has been cipate in the 17th annual 4-H club,been in failing health for the past]I, Ines°ay°flastweekat M.ercyhOspitaI ii,~ ~s it~ ~ entered for the Johnson county 4-H I show to be held in the Iowa City Corn- ~; year, according to word to a sister-in- '| ...... ---o-- ]Pvt! to rVt.Doerresana ismrS'withcnarleSthe armed~°erreS'forces ~i~i~ ~k of the war!club show which is to be held at Iowa munlty building August 15-16. flaw, Mrs. Cloe Feeler, and a brother-| ................. ! _" ....... i~ ~ Japan ta: ~City August 15 16 and 17 .......... • ..... ~ ............. l ~v. ~Hom~,~um Hua~,- ~ana Is smuonea at present at CamI~ ~4apa~to,' [ City Augus , I Isignt 4-H girls clues WIll nave aem- m-taw, ~,. ~. r~Irt. ! .............. :il w 4 bab beef ~ ~gt wneelar J Tnompson army Aoalr ~regon ~soline as you[ One hundred t "o -H y onstration teams and 11 plan to have Mrs Hirt was the daughter of Mr } . : " _. _ " . ~' ' [ .. ' . ." .. ~.I club calves will be shown--48 of exhibit booths in home furnishings, tand ~Irs D A Feeler lo~g time res:le-a nome;rnursaay m. ornln.g to. passeI tory ana ,Mrs. ~ernard Oostend.orp 'in ~~fie W~r nltm~.[ these are An s 34 Shorthorn and 20 .... - ...... " " " ' , i~v flays aetay-en-route wltn ale moth o~ ~lcnoIs nave named tnelr vao be ~~c War alone~ these are ~ gu , , Florence ~'ornes oz iowa ~tate cm- id,~n~ n~ wiv,~r~Id,~ ~nd ws~ r,~ ~d ............ "[- ~ Y Y ~;i~ use w wer fi htin Herefords ' • :.~-~- -:.-'" ~-~=L=.,".=. "~.- ........ er, airs. wlnltrea Tnompson aria ale Itonald Lee. He was born Wednes- ~g j He~f°prud:e bred beef heifers will be lege will ~udge the exhib!ts. .: ,,deed .i, th~t ~y?~,~nit~. - _ _ !siste~, Mrs. Bernard J. Deatsch of !day of last week at Mercy hospital, iii1 ........ An evemng program wni ne present- ~ne IS survive~ Dy net nuseana ana, Lone Tree and Mrs Simeon Deatsch ~ Mrs Oostendor'- win "- ...... "----~ ~ ~,-eKetabel ~]ex~lblte~. Twenty-tour aa~ry nel~-.ed on Wednesda-" Au~"st 15 at 8"30~one son Sidne-- at home Two SiS-I . | • v ,, vv rvxuemv~reu ~itl ~-~ [ers includin~" 19 Guernse"s and fiveI ~, su . , . " ~ :' ?' .. ." [of Williamsburg, also other relatives by Lone Tree folks as Margaret Fox, ~i! , FATS . and Mrs J W Baker and other rela~ erett B fin -- " j ......... fort to ease the transportation burd-~ . r • • . . . u e at Mercy hospital. ~~g. 3t i W-~s-BWms Benteco Pony ]Town And School [e. by permitting storage of this crop!.tlves" C. P..O Bnggs ,s .belng trans-t Mr. and M's.i Harry Swanson have 1 m --c~- [e~ i ed from East ureem~ lch R I to ~~ V2 through Z2. Sept. 30 [ ] D..J--.A*_ Ion farms or in warehouses. Oats as ~ -'" -. _ ~. - ' - • " [a baby girl born Wednesday at Mercy 1 ~ugh El, Oct. 311 The pony which the Benner Tea Co. ]L~UU~t~ t'~JJ ~,a l well as wheat pron~ise record produc-Ithe navy stop yarns at t~ong peach. [hospital. They call her Sherry Jean. 1 ~~ _gave away for a name was won by] --~-- [tlon this year the department said } ........ ----- :. .".-- :. ............ [ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reiss have an I ~~OODS-- iMary Ann Huff, twelve year old Mus-] At regular meetings of the town[ The loans will a,,,q,, t,, --~o ~,~'.:a ~ ~-turlr~s r~um wmtt.t~-r,~r~,-~ [8 pound 4 ounc6 daughter born yes- iBtamps ¥2 Z2, A1, B1 C1, catlne g~rl who submitted the name council and the school boardth~s, . _ .... ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Zelgler have re-[terdav Wednesday also at ~erc~" ' BAugust 31[CRationFree'' because she says 'wee],- budget estimates for the com-Iing number ~ or better and tne ra~esicelved word that their nephew, Sgt-lhospit"al , ps D1 through HI, Sept. 30 ["Mother was having so much trouble ing year were adopted and ape being[ will run from 40 to 60 a bushel. The ]Henry W. Larson has arrived at Ft. [ " .--.----~, ..... 1 ;: 71 :hhrr2ghh HIllS777! i~l:M~thr:ti~ stamps." [certified to the county auditor., l loans wid oe made through tne cur- ! Sheridan, Ill., from the Philippines[ ----'--~-------- 1 rent calendar year and will matura~ ~~, Nov. 30I Lone Tree children had a chance to[ In both cases the estimates, as pre-t :. . ~land is a patient at a general hospital, t ~-~ o ~ ,m~ ., 1 ~STAMP-- ]ride the pony several weeks ago and[piously published in the Reporter] ' " "1 ........ [~#~ ~#~~*~ l ~ A~g~s~ 31]to participate in the contest. ~were adopted without change. [ I ARRIVES IN E. INDIES ] ......... : 1 war bond was given tel The town budget adopted by the ]Set '45 eason Pvt. James Ashton had no mo~ ........ -~o~ .... / ~~od~:LylePflum of Burlington and a $25.301council Monday night asks for $6,700]r.~ ~r - e • ithan arrived in the Philippines whenl~r!.s.mlJ,a t;(~ ~.eets - / ' ~ • ' " " e O L w0tn Mrs. w. ~. ~toneaarger ~~l-~bond to Berle Decker of Fairfield. I to he razsed by taxatmn, while the I rag wet rt w , l hewas started off again and word tel Priscilla club nlembers were ue ts L~ There ~vese three $5.00 prize winners I schooI budget, adopted Tuesday night [ ~ [his parents last week is that he is on I .... ... :~ .., ~ ... g S. I h , - • . ~ . el airs. w. rl. ~toneoarger Jrmaay av ~~w period 1~~ and eigl~$1.00 winners, l asks for $t0,000 in the general fund, t Announcement was made this week ian island in the Maluccus group of the/ternoon Brtd-^ wa ............ 1 ........ land $2 500 in the schoolhouse fund, }by Secretary of the Interior Ickes of 1East Indies where lie is located at a l -" sv - .L pZ yu_ w,n , / . ~ score nonors won Dy mrs. ~TltZ Tagge. ~-~Y time after June 1. I A A A g'~g~Ze,~ T~ lexactly the same amount that was~the federal 1945waterfowl hunting,large bomber base and has been sol .......... ..... ~ 1 • ~'~ ~Ul~,~, IU f I in 3 e r' b d e " . xaIete pmzes were glV~u to zvtr~ ~# v. _. Iaske~ o" Ia t y a s u g t. [regulatmns. Ibusy he has had no time to tie llome.[Adams Mrs R D Petsel and Mrs L 1 Close at. Noon [ o--- ] Besides continuing the season at!sick Jim is not superstitious only[ ..... :' "__-" .... 1 ' ' . 't . , . ' . ~ ' " L~'. t~lloourne. -~- ....... . p....... tlast year's 89-day limit despite manytmterested in the fact that he is in thel Mrs Kilbourne ~ill be clu~ h i ;~: . . £vletrgetrt~t rutted, , ' r t ~ " ', " , • • o os- y AAA o~ce in Iowa Cffyi .... lrequests re: an extension Icke~ e- loth alrforce has lo points when he[ .... ,~.^ _,, ........... ~_.. x ......... ed each Saturday at/noon raduate l' urse J,turned the daily baghmlt on most lwas reasmgned sailed on Fmday theirs , 1 once it is ann~h/ced ~ ~ [due:ks to I0. Last year hunters were l13th and is one of 13 boys who were ,, ! is ()' en Monffav throu h ~.r~a.~Hn. ,~-m-~i~ ,-" • allowed an extra five together at Altus Oklahoma and are! - .-o-- 1 P . g x ~.fll be held in - ' ' En B ~~lltS • " ' and 'Friday from 8 a m. to~.oon "and from ....................... ~the b hanel at Mercv hos.ital in Iowa[ The regulations eutabhshed" the op-now located on the same island.., joym=.uasket~,,..a=,Dinner i 5 p. m. Saturday hours ;City Sullday evening foi'-a ,'lass Oilruing season on waterfowl as Sept- -2-----o----- , ~.~, ,u.... l ~vesUlt from the,'evocation by xvl e rom 8 a m till no n ' • embe~ 20 in the northern zone Octa HAS SCARLET FEVER ............. "~ .................. i af w • " • • i "'ll b f . . " o . i nurses, among them Margaret Prues.~ " . .~ " . ~' " at the L~ne Tree park Sunday, the t o orders that had maintain * ~ h bet 13 m the mt~rmethate zone and Mr and ,M~s E~he Dodson had ex -- , ,,==~, ,,,.,., c -~o, re.el ~ m t.e ~ouuturn zt, uuected theiron (.|oo l)OOson A ~" [.l. Pruess. Al~o a member of the class - "- " - -. I P~' - u , _ , • . ]nivez'sa~T of Mr and Mrs Wr- ~M,~ 1 ~~,: Notice is hereby ~iventhat ordin-'is Betty lean daughter of Mr and] Iowa falls in the northern zone.~hovae soon onfurlough after boot i,,,.( ~ ~,,, ~.r .... -x " :" ........ r .~ - ~ ..... . . : ' - ' - .- " • i . . ; - ,,-= -,o,- --~- ,,-z,,~ ,~enz, nome on epoit ances of the to~u require the cutting • ~here the season opens on September tralmn a Great Lak Naxal ra~ " ~ Mrs. Roy J,.a~ of Conesville" I '" ' I g t " es . - T "n-}furlou~h from c~r~,n .¢~i,.rtu ,'-,,~ I ls weeds by those in char-' " ..- 120. ling Center but instead they have I In t~le groun'~we-i'e MrO"an'd ""*M*;s n "ty in the town. Unless all REBEKAH NOTICE ............. !heard from him, by way of a P~st'}Frea Lenz M~~ ~n,~ M~.~ o~ ..... ~ / ~~'ough- SUCh weeds are cut at once it will he I The regular meeting of Hukill Re-i LONE TREE ME-THODIST CHURCh t scrlpt in one of his letters, that he is [Lenz and iamily,"~r, andOMrs'~."~F_,l~m;7 i ~~ssa]~to have them eutby the !b~kah lodge will be held a, I. O. O. F.~ Edward L. Be,lows, D. D., Minister l recuperating at the camp hospitallLenz, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Westfall. II ~~~town, and the expense charged a-!hall Monday evening of next-week. Itl eo,,.~o-~ e,~ ~ ...... , ~ ~u~ ifrom an attack of scarlet fever lMr and M~s w,~ Yehl, ~n,! n~.~,, gainst theprope ty in question. }is t,at thor ,,ill a ood at-I {hurch School-- 0 ,. ! _. :::,_--=_.._ l:,,r, and Mrs. raok line, Mr. and / , ,,. ~levers, a, ayor. ttenitance, % I Subject for Adult Classes: "Goodl .... t'xPE?T~ .0~ .. iMrs. George Lenz and family, Pvt, ~~ear are Being rein-t ...... t - '" ........ I Will In Action." 1 wpt. James ~toc~ is expectefl to ar. land Mrs. Wayne Lenz and famib. 1H ? ScqL?~sUnd:hia;it~Pliaf~:~7!NOTofp~-t:Oow:2,O~of~h-~e tOo~:E:r~! The Aug~us? 2eNSloCfEthe wom-I ~I:'r~;~g TWoo;;::hlP.~T~le t'eM;ion ofl;:,:'~w~hatLh':ehT:e:rltttd~Yhi:h~:otdaY:}$toek Reunion He~d / m the program fo~ the filet a m ens Relief Cor s will be held Tues Mrs Elsm Stock ~ill be a ~er shmt ~~.he first reminded that the ssess ents for; ' ". " .-I ........ t ...."" , " ' y " " tAt Lone Tree Pa~k i ~~n~Of~ the recent street imnrovement are day evening of next week and be in " to. .... leave Cpl Stock comes from Ros- It • - • ' - - . , . Junmr ~outn r'enowsmp" Ages s to[ " , ~ " " The aninual Stock reunion was ~(l-ue and-pa,'able August 11 and. t'hatlthe form of a picmc at7 ~elock ml.~ ~:. " lwell N. Mexico ,,'here he has been! ............. 2. _ = e School Lunch Pro ram is ' . " " ' -: t~ years 7'~0 p m t ' ' uem ~unaay at the bone Tree parg, ~~te-lsueh as%e'ssrnents wilt bear interest atlthe/r-allroad park. Members are ask~J ~.. '2 -'..: ". ....... stationed at the Ttoswell army airlx~Fl .......... ~etl~ponsor'ithe rate of 6% afrer tha~ date levY/to bring food baskets and ~their! we drt tnls nna item The unrest, tile1d I ' t~ aoou~ ao ~n attenaance. ~oung- ~r Sr:h°n:l] H.A. McMillan, Town Clerk ~own beverages, t'an"Ad2:rC;::~s World belongs to the ] .............. [ ;hte;~%Ta,:SdO:u~te;J;7 ~r:S:nnt ~;r: 1 ~~teaeher groups,I ........... I "---=----o--7 I ..... 1 LEAVES AFTER FURLOUGH :: . '. " • 1 ~~t or-I EVANGI=LICAL AND . I " • • ell-Johnson . ., " "] / arian Carpenter, T5, left Monday~;f ...... 2 - . i tlon i b en n I ~ self today t ~ i ~gt ana ~lrs eloward Stocg ~~~'~ing to sport-ti . REFORM~8"~HUReHI e i Cal'fornia the I)a~t few week,,[ - . . . , for Camp Pineda~., Calif., after spen-: 2_ " .. 2" _ . " / a lunch re lan an n and Air John-o has b It is ~ell for us to reauze just/~t n ~ 1 ThOSe attonqlng t/~e reunion were ~~ng n-i "Rev. Wendell !;Ia~shn, Pastor/ 1 . s n a jo looking] .- _?" ......... ~li g a furlough ,~ith his paren.ts, Mr ...... a2 " .~ '. ;:'_ - !~ ~. " " ~al ,~ ~ne-e this processo[ fllSClpllnlng o ~r ancL ~.¥1IS vre(I ~toc~ aria Duane ~rate one ade-I Sunday SchaedC--9:00_A. M. / [after machinery in a saw mill at Su-I .- land Mrs. Ch,~rles Carpenter, and oth-/.. " " " ~ / ~~SDA for j Churcll ~'orship---10"90 A M ~sanville. ]begln~ t er relatives. !~lr. and Mrs. Leland Stock and Sher- ~'- ~al ..... " ' It is eas t e w .... t"e r ..... ~ -.---, I ry ~ea mr and Mrs HatTy Stork, ~~prov-~ Youth FelIowship---8"00 ~P M | --------~, ! y o s e sat is n est~u-, ......... / t .... t ~" Margaret and Bill Mrs Alvin Sch ~~ng~Beginning August 8th the Youth[ EDEN REUNION [sibility of the individual citizen. Or-,~OMING FROM GERMANY - Y' " " " / ' " ...... D ' noel)elen Sgt. and Mrs Howard Stock ~~ingiCenter will be open,each evening for[ The annual reunion of Eden rela-]gamz~d rehglon points the ~ay. Tn onald Crier. grandson of Mrs. Kate . .. , ....... • ~.. - • . ~anli ~ereu]tn Ann ~ai's Robert Dou- ble, one week because. so many young[ fives will be held this coming Sunday,[ this place, here and now, we have op- [ Murphy of Lone Tr..e and son of Mr. - ...... ' .. " . - - / requested it. 'August 12. at the Lone Tree park portunity to do our part. and Mrs. Chas. Crist of Morning Sun gnerty, lwr. an~ ~rs. Ltoya Burr, ~lar, i "-'-'If ~ " " i'"~" ~'~" w"-"h--'~- e .... ~ ........ garet Ann an¢l Junior .Mr and Mrs l rte Rations ; s ....... a, ........ • ........ ..... ,', _ _ _ , - • - i ~o;i:Tfn:dii!~}rgbd} --'~'- .... = ...... ' ~ ;" ~M%~2~'L~r~boUulie:dD~ : t ~tght:;m2donf:lc:~:;: :::d inm~ak:-t Cards From. Vacahoners It I,,= .= ' / ~ian life. Ches-[ I ! !been holtle at)out a nmnth. ] Mr. and Mrs George Ki]e I~ltll I[ ~nistrator of OPAl -~--- -~ I -~------ Jensen, anti wayne Hazen, W'est Lih- B ~on. which Iocl ~/'~ ~ i LIEUT. COONEY HOME ert Mr and MIs Jack Kuteher. Ra ~auon, wnlcn Ioc- I _~-..,~-,. /A -~ ! 1 Y; " . Y. / !i I - I Lieut" B" C°°ney i" he"tug " h°'t Ira°rid and " ean 'lee" a"d I, : War Price and Rationing Boards ..:~=~: ~ d~2~ - , d lay-ell-rout ~ hi , Y begin issuing Au ust 3 1945 is .... ÷~:~G;~:~?" __ ~- ~ . e le being transfer- Sturms and family of Muscatine, Mr l~i~,l fron~ Ro~=ell .~ ~,,, to Soot~!aod Mr. ~ ~ ~i,er of ~urllo.o~ W~'~¢'~ ~" X~'x- ., .. iField, I]I., where he is to report Men-!Mr. and Mrs. John Kile and Mls. [ ~ns of ~as~ ;; " (-;s ns of gasohne. It is restricted ~: , ~/, ~ ~ ~ Y. . .Y g s pa tWllhs Musser and Jelry, of XValford, ~ ~'eterans whoibaveIbeen ristr;:~il ~ ~~~ ~ rents at Brighton and called on Lone ~and Mr and Mrs John Kile of Iowa ! , ~' ~f/~;!~" [Tree friends X~ ednesday. City. ~hlg 83 days or to o~cers on term- i .i~( ~ ~-------~// I 1 ----o---- 1 --o- / 1 leave recedm thew se aratlon {~ ~I ~1 P " g " P " ~,,, Ml~(/t'~tT~ YJ~D 1 i MEET IN GI:'RMAN¥ tRebekail Lo. , Memb,,, / the service. ~l}~li~l~ ~ ~N I [ Cal~t. F. Rayner Burge has written ':Enjoy River Picnic [ en applying tot their local ~~f,~ b hit\l ihis mother, Mrs. Ann Burge of Iowa I A fine time is reported at the sum- / ~s" for this ration both otlicm~ ~lt~~j~ r l?,lldff7 t City that he ran across T/5 Walter Cmer picnic of the Rebekab lodge held / enlisted men discharged from the \!~'~'? ~ IUt''~'~ i Berntsen at Trier G~rmany, and that;Tuesday evening at the Iowa river [ ~ly must present their copy of War ~: ~-- ~] ~,~ .... ~ ~they had a good visit. The two boys. cottage of Miss Elsie Staid. There / !rtment Form 100 together wlth" _ ~ ~/~d-~!i~:; V2//6 ~ I went through Lone Tree high school were about forty in attendance. I ~eage rationing record. Enlisted -- "~ "-~'~J" E~'~ ~.~ .............. [ Visitors in the Glenn Rayner home iacharged from the Navy, Mar- ~ ~'~ ~* " ~"~" .... P'E ............... [Thursday of last week were Mr. and )rps or Coast Guard must pre- .~,~ 2~ Sg~nes'tt ~;:~le:~h~a2c=~eted I Mrs. Paul Gerstman of Davenport and ~avy Form 553. Marine Corps ~ .. ~: _ _ . :. . ~. . their son Harold, home from boot 78PD or Coast Guarl Form 553 his ~u say leave toliowmg serwce m~. ..................... : ~lischar~ed from the Nav~" Europe and left Wednesday a~ ~reat t,aKes r~aval "lt~raln- " = "~' -" "----"~-"-" " ..... i ..... _..,.,__ ,lug uenter, anu mr. ann Mrs. u. U. Cor s or Coast Guard resent at ~amp U~tUL ~ur ~t~ Sum~u~ ~t ~ta P P ..... . ........... Johnson of Iowa City, Mr. and Mrs. of the orders releasin~ them Luls UOlSpO, ~.'aLlt. l~te has oven vm- ._,. .... . ............. ~ i-" h"re t Mr ~ad !" - oouamm a~ao ~Imnt i:uesuay aria weu- duty." nng is pa ~ s, . airs. James nesday of this week with the Rayner Swailes and other relatives. Jobs offices of the U. S. Employ- Service placed 88.495 war veter- ~fm jobs during June, an increase over the May total of 85,- according to the W~r Manpow. ~mmisaion. Placement of peter= the present war increased June to a total of 74,093 over May total of 69,600. an~ managerial post- 776 of'the June Hugh Dunn and Harold Cox.-~s'~ of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cox of Iowa City, were in the same outfit in the South Paciilc. and Sunday Mr Cox, who with his wife was a visitor in the home of Mrs Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stover, call~l on "Mr. Dunn to hear at .~L. E. Brinkmeyer home. family. Patricla Kilbourne is finishing her~ week and after a few days is to be home for a v~caflon wRh her parent~, Dr. and Mrs. L~ G. Kilbourne, ,Bhe has done the three years of univer- sity work sl~Ce ~uaflng from Lone Tree htgh sehool in the spring of '~. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Joexm were in Muscatfae Sunday to attend the ~u, al Fn~Yermuth retmlo~ St Weed par~