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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
July 12, 2012     The Lone Tree Reporter
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July 12, 2012
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Page 6 ivan's Juvenile Crime Up in A young man I know well re- Iowa City? cently told me that since he turned 16 (just over two years ago) The Gazette recently ran a head- he has been stopped by the ICPD 8 line stating "Juvenile Crime Dips times. He has been asked to take a in State, Eastern Iowa". The arti- field sobriety test once, his car has cle then explains the successes of been searched twice, and his ID the Sixth Judicial District and the taken every time. Yet he has never Cedar Rapids Police at reducing been charged with anything! juvenile arrests. So, fell0w white folks - have you Read Just a bit further, and you ever been stopped 8 times in just see that the headline should have over two years? Have your kids? addressed CR only, as numbers Has ANY white person you know are up considerably in Iowa City. ever undergone such harassment? Sergeant Denise Brotherton, To his credit, Chief Hargadine speaking for the ICPD, disputed called me to discuss this. I don't the statistics, even though the even know how he knew I was numbers show a clear growth bothered by it, to tell you the from 467 to 533. That is an increase truth, but I appreciated the call. of over 14% - an increase I would I believe him when he says he is call signiflcantl willing to review any/every inci- How is it that CR can see a dent to ensure that proper proce- decrease, while IC sees a 14% duresarefoUowed. increase? Are kids somehow The problem is, the ICPD refus- "worse" in Iowa City? Don't we, es to look at anything as part of the public, deserve an explana- a trend. Each instance is viewed tion? These are our childrenl Do as a separate instance to them. So, we WANT them arrested? Why a kid gets stopped. Big deal. That can't we do what CR has done? is not harassment. Of course not The other - uglier, piece of the - unless you add context. That is story is that black youth are being always going to be the response so stopped and arrested many times long as we look at things through more frequently than white youth a single lens. in Iowa City. That was not men- Remember, the young man I tioned in the Gazette article, referred to earlier is not a career When asked about racial dis. criminal. This is an 18-year-old parities, the ICPD falls back on kid - a good kid. Despite the 8 their usual statement: most at- stops, he has never been charged! rests come from officers respond- And the rest of the 18-year-old ing to a call. I do not dispute this, African Americans in this town but I think it is a red herring, and can all tell you similar stories. Be- needs much further review, cause collectively, they make up First, what does "most" mean? these statistics. Is "most" 51%, 99%, or something Think I'm exaggerating? Look in between? Because the fact is, at our numbers for disproportion- few white kids get stopped for ate minority contact. (They are walking in the street. White kids "our" numbers. You and I bear rarely get stopped for having their some responsibility for them!) trunks ajar. White kids are not These statistics are a matter of typically asked for ID 7-3 times PER YEAR. But black youth in public record. They are appalling. They smack of apartheid! The ex- Iowa City simply deal with this as planations we are being fed sim- a part of life. ply do not hold up. I am tired of Whether the public is calling excuses. We must demand better in reports or not, officers have from the City of Iowa City. I hope discretion once they arrive on the Gazette will foUow up on the site. Why do one set of kids rou- real story here. finely get questioned, ID'ed and The ICPD is not a bad organiza- searched, while others do not? tion. They are the folks who pro- If you had a ratio of one officer tect us every day. The ICPD has for every car, and simply stopped been of service to my family and and searched every vehicle, you me in the past. I am certain they would find that white, black, and will do well by us in the future. Latino families commit crimes in But somehow, some way, things pretty similar numbers. But when are broken in this area. I cannot you stop black youth many times explain why things aren't work- more frequently, you find evidence ing. But they aren't working. I of misbehavior many times more think we need to try to do better. frequently. Trust me, nothing will happen Sergeant Brotherton says in until you care about this issue. the article, ',It's not about pun- You need to call the City Council. ishment." That would be true, IF You need to call the City Manager. Iowa City had improved in the You can make a difference! You same way CR has. The best prac- need to let them know you refuse tices in this field are clear - just to accept this being done in your ask the Juvenile Court Adminis- trators! They do not WANT refer- name. Because face it- if you are not a rals for minor infractions. So the part of the solution, you are a part approach described by Brotherton of the problem. is simply WRONG. We should, and must, change! You may think i am somehow rude or disrespectful to bring this up. That is probably because the odds are you are white, And the odds are that you are not humili- ated by the very people who are supposed to protect and serve you. Summer Safety... The Lone Continued ... from page 5 amount, losing the full benefit of the SPF protection. Reapplication is just as impor- tant as putting sunscreen on in the first place, as sunscreens tend to break down with exposure and can be rubbed off or washed off by sweat or water. So sunscreen should be applied every two hours, and immediately after swimming or a set of tennis. During a full day at the beach, one person should expect to use at least a quarter of an 8 oz. bottle of sunscreen. Fourth, do not let yourself burn. Sunburn is the most immediate and obvious sign of UV damage. When immune cells race to the in- jured skin site to start healing the damage, they produce the redden- ing and swelling. Tanning is the skin's response to this damage and may perma- nently affect skin cells. While many believe a "base tan" will pre. vent damaging burns, that's not the case. There is no such thing as a healthy or base tan. Sunscreens are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. They keep skin looking young and re- duce the risk of many skin can- cers. They must be used properly, however. These five suggestions will help keep you and your skin safe. Dr. Kevin Ronneberg is the as- sociate medical director at Target. h ADVERTISE CONTACT ARNIE SMITH CELL: 319-461 - 1530 OR KRIS RIFE CALL: 319-629-5207 FAX: 319-629-4203 Tree Reporter Lone Tree EMAIL: LTN EWS@IOWATELECOM. N ET Tiffin Fest The booming town of Tiffin holds its 4th annual Tiffin Fest this Friday and Saturday night. A parade and street dance will be held Friday night, and Satur- day includes a 5k, pancake break- fast, games, rides, a talent show, and even a rodeo! Those are only a few of the many things to do in Tiffin this weekend! For all the info on Tiffin Fest 2012, visit their website at: http:// River Junction Tractor Ride The annual River Junction Tractor Ride, sponsored by the Lone Tree Lions Club, will be held Saturday, July 14, leaving River Junction at 8 AM. There will be a break at Stutsman's in Hills at around 8:45; lunch at the Kalona United Methodist Church; an af- ternoon break at Fairview Men- nonite Church; and back to River Junction. On Friday, July 13 there will be a farmer's supper and tractor show at 6PM at Walker Park in River Junction. The dinner is $12, and includes a variety show per- formed by the River Junction The- atre Group! (Not many villages of 20-25 people have theatre groups!) This is a great annual event, and definitely worth a look. To register or for more information call 319-629-5387 or 319-629-5296. Congratulations Mike Van Heell Congratulations to Mike Van Heel of Iowa City, who is retiring after 30 years of service to John- son County. Mike works for facilities, so he has spent the past 30 years moving snow, mowing, planting, weeding, and dealing with clogged toilets, stuck windows, and other assort- ed issues. I am pretty proud of the facilities owned by Johnson County; they function well and look good. This is thanks to the hard work of Mike and his fellow Facilities workers. In addition, Mike is simply one of the best guys you'll ever meet. I'll miss talking baseball with him. Congrats, Mike, and good luck on your retirement! DID YOU KNOW? Tiffin, Iowa was named for Tiffin, Ohio - orig- inal home to some of the area's first settlers. Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website- www.johnson-county. com. As always, feel free to contact me at 354-7199 or rodsullivan@ I look forward to serv- ing you! Rod Sullivan Johnson County Supervisor BONTRAGER Tax, Accounting & Consulting, LLC , Local financial professionals providing tax : ~: and accounting services to individuals, farmers and small businesses since 1943. 307 Sth Street, Kelona, Iowa * 319-666-2614 * www.btac.blz VISIT US ONLINE: WWW.TH ELON ETREEREPoRTE R.COM Highway 22 Lonm Ibm/ Continued... from page 5 needed a hit. Last night our hits fell and tonight they didn't - it wasn't the fault of anybody." Dickey said he made a decision to bring Schmidt into the game because Edwards had worked so hard in the heat for the past few days. "It was really just that we had gotten so much out of her the whole week," said Dickey. "I thought we'd give Maggie a shot and she said she was feeling much better, but it just didn't come down to that. We had chances to break things open when we had a 4-2 lead and we couldn't." "Our kids played as hard as any- body could and we went with that decision - and maybe it wasn't the best one but we thought with the heat that it was something we needed to But they just got hot when they needed to." 4 Hmva m y Eal*u (m Thursday, July 12, 2012 Marquette Offensively, the Lions got four striking out two in six full innings runs on four hits, getting a 2RBI of work. hit from Elyssa Mills and a 2-3 per- The Lions finish their season formance from freshman Maken- with a 15-19 record and will say zie Reynolds who scored a run in goodbye to senior catcher Jenny the win. Jones and OF Elyssa Mills, but Avery Edwards was saddled will return a strong squad next with the loss, allowing three season. earned runs on seven hits while Take a short summer get.away with iowa: Eye to I Tours Thur. & rri., Aug. 18 &172012 /, • Stay in the only Frank Lloyd Wright designed hotel in the world • Have great food • See wonderful Iowa architecture and scenery. • Visit Music Man Square and places around Mason City Call Michael Zahs at: 31~653.6250 or e.maiL' mikeza~iLcom for more information • Water Softeners • Iron/Sulfur Removal • Drinking Water S3~stems • Salt/Deliver)' *RENTAL8 " COMPANY iplete im Insul'sITceR E I N S U it ,4 N Phyllis Peterson tow N. Devoe Street 319-629--4921 RO. Sox tSS Lone Tree, IA 62756 UI Health Care - River Crossing David Bcdell, M.D. Natalie Lanternier, M.D. SEE AD David Henn , D.D.S. - P.C. C ll; 319-338-9761 Monday-Friday (S.~0 am.- 5.~0 p.m) 1700 S 1st Ave. Eastdale Plaza, Iowa City THINK INSURANCE THINK YOUNG LONE TREE, IOWA 52755 629-4922 Wieland Custom Cabinets & Carpentry , New Homes , General Carpentry . Room Additions . Cabinets M~ Dick 629-514~ 629~28 Construction General Contracting, Plumbing, Concrete New Homes • Additions • Remodeling (319) 629-4227 (319) 330-4980 Ruth McGowan PA-C Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Extended hours 5-7 p.m.) -!.~:iUNIVEI~_EI.Y 3056River Crossing t~our~ ~,~ ~ ~, : 02" I/-XXATA Riverside, Iowa 52327 ~'2~ :~.;,~. .... .tkJ VV/-X 319-467"355 HEALTH