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Page2 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, July9,2015
I hope all of you had a nice
Fourth of July weekend. My
weekend was pretty bland I had
intended to go to the parade at
Hills, but I missed it. They moved
it up earlier than it has been for
years. It's always been 5:00 or 5:30,
but this year, when I got there
at' about 4:50, I found that it had
already been run. So, I circled
the block and came back home.
Watched some ceremonies on TV
after I got home. The Great Capi-
tol Fourth show, or whatever it's
called, came on at 7:00 p.m. on
Public TV. I didn't turn it on early
because I had heard them ear-
lier in the day advertising what
great 'stars' they were going to
have on. I've heard enough of
those 'great stars' to know that
most of them couldn't sing and
it wouldn't be worth listening to.
I cut to PBS at about 8:10, just in
time to hear the 1812 Overture, see
the fireworks and then hear some
great American marches to fin-
ish things up, including The Stars
and Stripes Forever. Now THAT
According to the schedules,
the Lone Tree ball teams were
supposed to play ball on Monday
night. With the forecast being
what it was I don't know if they
did or didn't. The baseball team
was supposed to have a Senior
Night and the Softball team was
supposed to open District play.
In the major leagues the All-
Star game will be next week.
The Royals are still doing well
and are leading their division.
The American League East has
a real race with four teams vir-
tually running neck and neck.
The only one really trailing is
Boston. Here it is in July and the
Cubs still have a winning record.
On the local level, the Ker-
nels will be home for a three
game series next week with the
Burlington Bees on Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday.
I finally got smart enough to go to
Google to check out the Iowa Pre-
Flight Seahawks. My first choice
had been' to go online' and check
the Press-Citizen. However, while
they have many years in the ar-
chives you can look up, none of
SEATS History
Johnson County SEATS Direc-
tor Tom Brase recently shared
this brief history of his depart-
ment. I thought you might find it
East Central Iowa Transit was
established in 1975 to provide
demand-responsive, rural transit
service in the counties of Ben-
ton, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn,
and Washin on. In earlier years,
transportation services, if avail-
able, .were provided informally by
human service agencies on behalf
of their respective clients.
In 1973, Heritage Area Agency
on Aging (HAAA) received a Fed-
eral Highway Administration
demonstration grant to provide
rural transportation services for
elderly persons in a seven county
area(Benton, Cedar, Iowa, John-
son, Jones, Linn, and Washington
counties). The service was named
Senior Elderly Area Transporta-
tion Services (SEATS). Follow-
ing the expiration of the grant in
1975, individual counties chose to
make their own arrangements for
providing transit services, and
ultimately decided to coordinate
a regional service know as East
Central Iowa Transit.
The role of the transit service
was also expanded to include gen-
eral public riders. Since that time,
ECICOG has served as the admin-
istrative agency and contracted
with a provider in each county
By Kon Rife
The Lone Tree
is worth listening to. On Sunday
I got to Lone Tree for the Sunday
paper, the first one I'd seen since
Thursday, and spent most of the
day with reading and TV. As you
can see, it was really exciting.
The annual Tractor Ride from
River Junction will be held
this weekend. While it ,will be
the last River Junction Trac-
tor Ride it shouldn't be the last
tractor ride, period. The Lone
Tree Lions Club, which has been
co-sponsoring the event for the
last several years, is intending
to continue it into the future. As
far as I know now, the plan is to
run it out of Lone Tree each year.
By Ron Rife
The Lone Tree
Now to fmish Section 5 of Article I 100 Years
Each house shall keep a Jour- Looking back 100 years to July
nal of its Proceedings, and from 9, 1915.
time to time publish the same, A.C. Moyer, of Conesville, was
excepting such Parts as may said to have been among the 20 in-
in their Judgment require Se- jured at Rock Island last Monday
crecy; and the Yeas and Nays of when a 90-foot steel tower at Expo-
the Members of either House sition park crashed to the ground.
on any question shall, at the De- The structure was overloaded
sire of one fifth of those Pres- with spectators who had climbed
ent, be entered on the Journal. to get a better view of the attrac-
Neither House, duringthe Session tions.
of Congress, shall, without the Miss Zella Lutz and R. A. Bates
Consent of the other, adjourn for were united in marriage in St.
more than three days, nor to any John's Lutheran church in Des
other Place than that in which Moines Wednesday noon, June
the two Houses shall be sitting. 30th.
NowforanotherStupidCrookstory The Lone Tree Chautauqua
A Good Samaritan noticed an guarantors have decided to put
elderly man being robbed, so on a ticket selling contest over the
he jumped in and punched the next four weeks. The first prize
thief. The thief was so upset, he will be a handsome gold watch.
called the police to complain. Second prize will be two season
Now for the Thought For The tickets to the Chautauqua. Third
Week. It comes from Samuel John- prize will be one season ticket to
son. It is: "Curiosity is one of the the Chautauqua.
permanent and certain character- Mr. and Mrs. Lary Halligan are
istics of a vigorous intellect." happy over the arrival of a daugh-
ter at their home on July 4th.
AP Poll, and 10-1 in 1944 and fin-
ished # 6 in the AP Poll. They
were never ranked in 1942. They
played their home games at Iowa
Stadium, now Kinnick Stadium.
Here's a game by game rundown.
Sept. 16, at Michigan, 7-12
Sept. 23, at Minnesota, 19-13
Sept. 30, Olathe (KS) Navy, 45-12
Oct. 7, 2nd Air Force, at NE 12-6
Oct. 14, at #7 Purdue, 13-6
Oct. 22, Fort Warren,30-0
Oct. 29, at Marquette, 26-0
Nov. 4, Tulsa, 47-27
Nov. 11, Bunker Hill Navy, 33-7
Nov. 18, at Missouri,51-7
Nov. 25, Iowa, 30-6
Sept. 19, at Kansas, 61-0
them are 1942, 1943, 1944. So, to Sept. 26, at Northwestern, 20-12
Google and Voila! There was the Oct. 3, at Minnesota,7-6
complete history, so here goes. If Oct. 10 at Michigan, 26-14
you don't care you can stop read- Oct. 17, at Notre Dame, 0-28
ing now. If you are interested Oct. 31, at Indiana, 26-6 My 1945 Official Football Guide
for nostalgia's sake, read on. Nov. 7, at FortKnox, KY, 13-7 shows that the Seahawks had
The Navy commissioned four pre- Nov. 21 Nebraska, 46-0 eight games scheduled for that
flight schools on college campuses Nov. 28, at #3 Notre Dame, 12-41 year. They were supposed to play
in 1942. They were at the Univer- Dec. 5, Missouri at KC, 0-7 Ohio State, Minnesota,Bun-
sity of Georgia, the University ker Hill Naval Air Station, Fort
of Iowa, the University of North 1943 Warren, Second Air Force, Fort
Carolina and St. Mary's College. Sept. 18, at Illinois, 32-18 Worth Army Air Force, Purdue
They were to be assigned to the Sept. 25, at Ohio State, 28-13 and Wisconsin. I didn't bother to
Pacific Fleet upon graduation. Oct. 2, at Iowa State, 33-13 look them all up, but I suppose
Their head coaches were former the teams on the schedule either
Minnesota coach, Bernie Bier- Oct. 9, Iowa, 25-0
Oct. 16, Missouri at KC 21-6 just spaced it off as an open date
man in 1942, former MissouriOct. 30, Fort Riley, KS, 19-2 or managed to get somebody else
coach Don Faurot in 1943 and for- scheduled in the slot. Anyway,
mer Auburn coach Jack Meaglaer NOv. 7, at Marquette,46,19 there'S your Seahawks history:
Nov. 13, Camp Grant, IL 28-13
in 1944. They were 7.3 in 1942, 9-1 Nov. 20, at #1 No re Daine, 13'i4 " '
in 1943 and ranked #2in the final Nov. 27:, at Minnesota, 32-0
to operate service. Providers in-
clude: Benton County Transpor-
tation, Iowa County Transporta-
tion, Johnson County SEATS,
Jones County JETS, Linn County
LIFTS, and Washington County
In just the past decade, SEATS
has provided almost 1.2 million
rides. Thanks for the history les-
son, Tom!
Talking When We Disagree
Recently ! inentioned the abil-
ity to talk dcross ideological lines.
I really cannot emPhasiZe enough
how important this is!
I recently met a guy through
work. This man had decided
ahead of time that we couldn't
really spend any time talking, be-
cause I was a Supervisor in liberal
Johnson County, and he wasa Lib-
ertarian from Western Iowa.
I just wouldn't let him get away
so easily. I learned that we both
have children; his two are a bit
younger than my three. I learned
that we were both farm kids. We
both love the Hawkeyes.
Then the real topper - his wife
is a breast cancer survivor. (My
wife Melissa is currently undergo-
ing treatment for breast cancer.)
As we parted ways, the guy was
almost in tears, saying, "Let me
know how I can help."
feels that way now.
My guess is that this gentleman
and I would disagree on a lot of
political issues. But now I think
we could actually discuss these
differences with mutual respect
and understanding. And wouldn't
that be a wonderful thing?
Blues and BBQ
North Liberty is gearing up for
a ninth year of live music, great
food, family fun and great brews
on Saturday, July 11 in Centen-
nial Park. The purpose of North
Liberty Blues & BBQ presented
by South Slope Cooperative Com-
munications is to bring the com-
munity together for a free, family-
friendly event under the umbrella
of live, Iowa blues music and re-
markable food.
The festival is coordinated by
the North Liberty Community
Betterment Group with the goal
of providing North Liberty resi-
dents and visitors an opportunity
to enjoy the beauty of the area
without spending money. The fes-
tival is paid for by local business
sponsorships and donations.
For more information, visit:
Shaking My Head, Part 1
I am aghast at the terrorist at-
tacks on black churches through-
out the south. At last count 7 black
churches have been burned, while
others have been vandalized.
He is a goodguy.(I l npw that,
now, because.v] . poke. I'd like
to think I'm gb d guy, I hope he
Gladys T. Paterson
Gladys Krueger Paterson, 90,
of Salt Lake City, UT, formerly
of Lone Tree, passed away at
her home Sunday, June 28, 2015,
following an extended illness.
Per her wishes there will be no
Gladys was born September
26, 1924, in Johnson County
to Herman and Anna (Ball)
She is survived by one son,
Allen Paterson of Salt Lake
City, one brother, Fritz Krueger
of Lone Tree, and one sister
Jean (John) Douglas of Iowa
She was preceded in death by
her parents and daughter Carol
Let's be very clear. If ISIL did
this, we would cease all air trav-
el, call out the National Guard,
and every Presidential candidate
except Sanders and Paul would
demand that we bomb a couple
Middle Eastern countries.
But these acts of terrorism are
not even called terrorism! The
violence has barely been covered
on the news. Why? Because the
victims are black, and the perpe-
trators might be white.
What type of country ARE we?
We need to act! The whole thing
just leaves me shaking my.head.
Continued on page 3
By Kris Rife
The Lone Tree
A daughter of the usual weight
and fineness arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Burr on
July 2nd.
At the roller skating rink on
Friday afternoon Mrs. Belle
Brown had the misfortune to fall
while skating, breaking her right
arm at the wrist.
D. M. Riggs is putting a sub-
stantial fence around his elevator
The new law in effect July 4th
forbids giving or taking a tip in
In the election held last week 41
votes were cast for a new school
house in Cone, while 36 were con-
The Johnson county old set-
tlers' picnic will be held in the
Iowa City park on September 8th.
75 Years
Looking back 75 years to July
11, 1940.
The National championship
dirt track auto races of 1940 will
be held at the Iowa State Fair this
summer. The Des Moines track is
rated as the fastest half mile dirt
speedway in the country.
Reports are coming in daffy re-
garding chinch bug damage over
the county, The continued dry
spell is ideal weather for the in-
SeCts. Many farmers are reporting
that they are in the oats and wheat
and in considerable numbers, and
are commencing to do some dam-
age to corn.
A state highway crew started
work in Lone Tree Monday, scari-
fying and grading Highway No.
22 through the town preparatory
to applying a surface of crushed
rock and oil.
The biennial school census of
the Lone Tree Independent school
district, shows a total of 165 per-
sons of school age in the district,
composed of 80 boys and 85 girls.
Lone Tree's oldest resident,
John Storm, celebrated his nine-
ty-eighth birthday July 4th quiet-
ly at his home. He and Mrs. Storm
will have been married sixty years
this coming March
Louis A. McCracken, 20, died
at University hospital Saturday
evening following injuries sus-
tained when he fell on a pitchfork
handle while working on a farm
near West Liberty. The handle of
the fork penetrated his abdomen,
causing injuries which proved
Miss Dena Rubelman will cel-
ebrate her ninetieth birthday Fri-
day. July 12.
Grover C. Hudson was elected
commander of John L. Mumm
Post No, 457 at the regular meet-
ing Monday evening.
Senior Dining
July 13 - July 17
Monday, July 13: Goulash, Oregon Bean Medley,
Mixed Salad, Fruit, Rhubarb Dessert
Tuesday, July 14: Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes,
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Apple Salad
Wednesday, July 15: Crispy Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy,
Green Beans, Fruit,
Thursday, July 16: Baked Spaghetti, Italian Vegetables, Garlic
Bread, Fresh Salad, Apricots
Friday, July 17: Chicken Enchiladas, Spanish Rice,
Corn, Fruit
All meals are served with whole wheat bread, margarine and 2 %
milk 'unless noted. For reservations call 629-5144.
Nichols Christian
607 Grant Ave Nichols
Phone: 723-4346
Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - Worship Service
10:30 a.m. - Sunday School
Nichols United
Methodist Church
315 Main, Nichols
Phone: 723-4585
Pastor Don Hodson
Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - Family Worship Service
with Children's Sermon
Our Parish Clust0r
Sts. Mary & J0seoh
Lone Tree: 216 W. Jayne St.
Nichols: Short St & Grand Ave.
Hills: 209 Brady Street
Pastor: Father Mike Spiekermeier
Cluster Coordinator
Mrs. Carol Kaalberg
Lone Tree: 629-4225; Nichols:
723-4566; Hills: 679-2271, Cell:
Saturday Mass 4 p.m. Lone Tree
Mass. 6:00 p.m. Hills
Sunday Mass 8 a,m. Nichols
Mass. 10:00 a.m. Hills
Tuesday & Friday Mass 10 a.m.
Pioneer Park Care CeW~er
United Presbyterian
Church of Lone Tree
110 W. Elm St.
Church: 629-4900
Wednesday July 8
Council Reports Due
10:15 Care Center Worship
Thursday July 9
9:00 to noon Hillcrest training for
2:15 Care Center Bingo
Sunday July 12
10:00 Worship led by Pastor
Betsey Sue Neipert
10:15 Sunday School
11:00 Coffee Hour
6:00 Mainers meet at Hain
Wednesday July 15
Peach Orders Due
7:00 Session Mtg.
7:30 Youth Group
The Lone Tree
July 9
Vol. CXXIV Issue 28
The Lone Tree Reporter
An independent newspaper and official newspaper
for the City of Lone Tree, Johnson County, and the
Lone Tree Community School District.
(USPS 318-160) is published weekly except
Christmas for $25 per year in Johnson and Mus-
catine counties, $27 per year elsewhere in Iowa
and $32 per year in the continental United States
by Greater Iowa News Group, Inc.
The Lone Tree Reporter
117 N DeVoe Street
Lone Tree, IA 52755
Periodicals postage paid at Lone Tree, IA.
pOSTMAsTER: Send address changes to THE
PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755
All items are due by 12 l m. Monday afternoon
for publication consideration in that week's issue.
Deadlines for holidays are Friday by 5 p.m.
Deadlines are strictly enforced, and the Editor
of the newspaper reserves the right to reject any
item submitted for publication, solely at his dis-
Lone Tree Reporter Staff:
Ron Slechta Publisher
Jeff Yoder Editor/Sports
Kris Rife Office Manager
Dan Ehl News
Anna Kahn Ads
Contact Us:
Office: 319-629-5207, FAX: 319-629-4203
Farnlers &
Lone Tree Nichols Iowa City
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