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July 9, 1925 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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July 9, 1925 |
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Entered at the Lone Tree Post Office
as Second Class Matter
Official Paper In Johnson County
CHAS. A. HACKE, Publisher
No longel is it the universal sentinlent of the white nlan flint
"the only good Indimt is a dtad Indian." From one of extermi-
hat,ion the Italian policy of the white man's govermnent and
the white rnan himself has changed to one of friendly aid. In-
stead oil' wren'are there is education, for destruction has been
subs'fituted proteetim, Froln a condition tff naked savagery
and of cruel exploitation by unserupulolrS white men the Amer-
ican Indian has been raised h less than a eentmw to an appre-
ciation of n/odern civilization and o relative safety from en-
eoaellmen! on his rights alaL property.
The hidian has now been brought into eonstnt contact witli
the white man's civilization. His children are behlg taught tile
Entish language and he hinlself is lel'nilg tile white man's
*,'r'des. The lift, tm tile reservations has been preserved but not
isolated. The res, uh has been hat tile retl man has heen
broulit into ,:omlwttion with his white skinned, brother
eemlomieallv and d:orced to adjust hilnself socially.
While the Indians were left t.o themselves they slowly east off
their native traditions, customs and culture for the whiie man's.
tie preserved his ari:, religious rites and tan,uageonly on the
reservation and in the ribal tepee. But when certain well-recall-
ing indAviduals and groups sought to hfistelt his assimilation
into !Ihe white nmn's civilization bv forbidding to him his an-
cient traditi,ms and e/rlturehe rebelled aml with justification.
Efforts to abolish their cerenlonial dances were mad.e in tile
sl)irit of benevolent ienoranee of the fact that the Indian's cul-
ture is intiniatelv b(und Ul) with his religion and the Indian ex-
presses his religion dn his (lmlce. Those who have described, tile
Indian dances as imlnoral may be astonished to hear that the
hldian makes the same cllarg(; ainst the dances of the white
]'he only really sxrious hid,inn problem which confronts the
nation today is that which the voluntarily-interestett have
constructed for themselves in their missionary zeal. All that
the lZl man WmltS is to be left to live his own'life. All that the
white man must do to grant the Indian his wish is to be tolerant.
It is the will of the general lmblie that the hldian be left to his
pottery, basket-weavhlz and. snake dance for the sake (;' his
own racial salvation, the preservation'of his art and mfltm'e aud
of one of the most interestln heritages of tl,
--Museatine d pu rnal. Anleriean t)eol)le.
Is Your Subscription Due?
: When You Purchase
an Auto tie---
You buy more than outside appearance:
y u buy for quality, endurance and service.
, Appearance is only of passing importance, i!i
i and yet a car without good appearance
would not prove popular. 1!
and the quality, endurance and service *.hat
an automobile man demards. All the00e fac-
tors have been carefully considere.l ar, d
moulded into a car that has fakenJfhc puL lic
by 00torm this year. There i,; no more popu-
l:tr car this season than the Chevrolet.
Provides for boti0000 the beauty of
.L°ne Tree, Iowa .I:
$, .
Pay your subscription wlen due.
Do you owe for the paper? If s,
kindly pay up.
Chas. Hervert spent the weekend
in Riverside with friends.
The recent rains have helped the
raspberry crop greatly.
The rain last Monday evening was
exactly what we had been needing for
lhe corn: ft (lid do some damage to
the oats. however.
Mrs. Gertrude Lenz of Iowa City
has been spending the past week in
the vicinity of Lone Tree. visiting her
sons and their families.
Mr. anti Mrs William T. Platt were
week end visitors in Lone Tree, having
driven from St. Charles, Ilinois to
spend the Fourth with home folks.
H. A. MeMillan and family visite:t
in Burlington at the home of Mrs.
McMillan's parents over the Fourth.
returning to Lone Tree on Monda,"
morning of thi: week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson spent
Sunday at the home of their son. Al-
bert and wife. In the afternoon they
visited with George, who is in the
Rohrbacker sanitarium.
Frank Kaalberg stopped in the
hart, the dealer in Riverside He ex-
pects to-go to Davenport for it the
latter part Of,this week and will drive
it home. "
Friends of the Jahi family grieve
to learn of th tragic death of the 19
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Jahnke of Muscatine. An account of
his death will be found elsewhere in
this issue.
Reva Smtth and Vera Shultz of
1 N°ticed Here i
1 and There
iBy The Editor) ]
We met Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huda-
chek and their daughter en Sunday of
Burlington returned to their home on it hi s week. They were in Iowa City at
Sunday after having spent a couple of - • "
the Rohrbacker samtarmm vsmng
weeks here at the home of the form- relatives and friends. Although we
er's grandmother. Mrs. Lucy Stone- have heard of this family for many
barger, i years, we never before met them. As
Mr. anti Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Iota] all who are acquainted with this faro-
Smith and Dallas Lewis drove out lily know, they are fine people and have
from Burlingtm Sunday and visited many friends in and about Lone Treo.
at the home of the young ladies' '16 )'ears ago they moved from what
grandmother. Mrs. Lucy Stonebarger. is now the Werbach farm and settled
They returned o Burlington the same on a farm near VCest Liberty, which
day. place has since been their home. They
are subscribers of the Reporter and
Frank Shea. salesman who makes
have been for many years. We enjoyed
Lonle Tree every Priday morning, meeting them.
dropped dead :n What Cheer on
Mm, day of this week, He was 4n his The wind did a little damage in and
usual state of health and was sitting around Iowa City last Monday eve-
tn a restauran.' when he suddenly ning. Several limbs were blown off
i..a',sed away. His many friends in trees in the city and some oats was
flattened to the ground. Corn was also
Im,e Tree grieve to learn of his sud-
d n demise,, blown pretty well down but that will
all straighten up again before long.
Mrs. Ben Jehle anti baby are in If the same wind had come a few
Muscatlne where they are visitivg weeks later, after the stalks get roast-
at the home of Mrs. Jehle's sister, ing ears on them, it would have be(n
office last Friday morning and an-
Mrs. Mile Rittenhouse for a few much worse.
babY' weeks. Mrs. Jehle is not in very good
I noticed last week that the George
was health and she has gone there to rest Lenz family was putting a fine new
born Friday morning and weighed , l up a bit She asks us to mail the Re- lawns fence in front of the house on
pounds. All are toing nicely.
I porter their farm northwest of town. The
Chas. Hervert has purchased a new says she wishes to keep tip on te steel posts were being set in cement
Overland Coupe from Mr. Rummel-thome news. and when it is all through it will be
not only a beautiful fence, but a last-
List of Expenditures ingoneas well. Its a fine thing to
beautify one's home a little now and
then: it ntakes life more worth living.
Itemized list of erpenditures of the Independent school District of Lone The first farmer in the field with
Tree, Iowa for zhe year beginning Jnly 1st. 1924 anti ending July 1st. 192. his binder that we know anything
C. C. Mantle, salary and sup-
plies ..................... $2412.04
Fern Carl, salary and supplies 1402.43
Margaret Burns. salary ..... 1342.50
Margaret Gearhart. sa.lary... 1350.00
S. U. I. tests, bulletins, etc... 20.98
MeConnell Map Co., map:.. 7.00
t Bi-Laterai Fire Hose Co..
hose .................... 70.56
Baker Paper Co., supplies... 70.05
I Helen . ..... 1215"00 i Educationnl Supplies Co.,
Alice Stiles. salary ......... 97300 supplies ................. 21.98
Dorothy Kilbourne. salary... 895.00 I Educational Music Bureau,
Eliza Eden, salary ......... 915.00 music ................... 28.19
Mildred Shellebarger. salary 932.25 I.Qwa Supply Co., mercury
Thee. Rayner, teaching ...... 44.00 and equipment ...........
Fan nie Patton, teaching .... 7.50 L. W. Stober. cleaning septic
E. L, 5TcRoherts. coaching..
I. B. Duncan, salary ........
100.00 1 tank .................... 120.00
112"00 I'W. R. Brewster, furniture ... 88.6,
about was Charles Cerney. We don t
say that he was actually the first one
this season, but he was the first one
that ,.e noticed out cutting oats.
Charles is always an early bird and
his crops are likewise
for harvest on time.
To Whom It May
Notice is hereby givenJ
meeting of the
Lone Tree Farmers
held at Lone Tree. Iowa,
day of January 1925,
V. of the Articles of
the Lone Tree Farmers
chang[ were amended to!
lows :
a Article 4.
The flairs of this
shall be conducted
directors, elected at the
ing on January 24, 1925.
office for the three
the highest numl)er of
three years and until
are elected and qualified.
office of the two
the next highest number
be two years and until
ors are elected and
term of office of the two
tricing the third highest
votes shall be one
their successors are
ified and at each annnal
thereafter, directors
to fill expirations as they '
their term of office shall
years and until their
elected and qualified.
The election of the
corporation shall be held
I of corporation at
on the fourth Friday of 1
and on the fourth F idl
January hereafter At all
and meetings of
corporation, each
entitled to one vote to
lot by him in person. Ten
by publication in a
lished in Lone Tree,
by mail to each
given of all called or
of stockholders.
George Stocg,
VVm. Fouchek,
Flies destroy horse energy and worry cows
Mat Stark. salary and music. 485.29 kLeo Walker. gasoline .......
V. F. Volta. salary ......... 715.00 |Lone Tree Tel. Co.. switch
J. R. Corbett, coal. luntber, t' charges and calls .........
etc ...................... 1201"80 iCorbett & Ramer. supplies..
Lone Tree Reporter, print- John Krall. supplies ........
lng and supplies .........
Soukup & Carl, insurance..
A. E. Baumer, insurance ....
H. A. McMlllan, insurance...
F. H. Kirchner, Insurance
and labor ..............
Town of Lone Tree. water...
G. B, Kirchner. salary and
supplies .................
Iowa Electric Co.. light and
supplies .................
Lone Tree Savings Bank,
draft for paint flooring
52.30 Iowa Motor Co.. D.S. sup-
149.59 ] plies ......................
137.25 1 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co..
204.24 I paint ....................
Iowa State College, bulle-
157.25 tins .....................
50.25 i Lyon & Healy, music ......
Osborne and ('lark. M. T.
*69.34 Lumber .................
84.95 f Farmers Co-Operative Store
M. T. supplies ...........
I J. Masek, D. S. supplies ....
Lone Tree Farmers Union
• etc.
Beck Duplicator Co.. sup-
plies ....................
Cecil Shellady, livery .......
Baker Paper Co,, paper .....
M, A. Garrett, repairing
piano ....................
J.L. Smith. labor on Gas
Machine .................
W. H. Yakish, freight and
..................... 224.42; Ex.. oats .................
I Shoquist Br,s. supplies ....
17.31 Eclipse Lumber Co., tile
10.00t and nails ................
18.39 M. Spelhnam call to Matthes
I Josephm .her:),.trne, clean-
5.001 ing ......................
Amanda Mum::, eleaniny ...
2;.25 France Heirs. rent .........
Mrs. H. U. Bake:', board and
5,%491 room
46 31
are less productive.
Columbia Fly Killer
, Dr. Hess Fly Chaser
Will save horse energy and increase the
' ply in cows.
, We also have a line of fly nets and horse
in stock.
tegrams ...............
Hugh Dunn. labor .........
Harry Stock. labor .........
Floyd Larew, labor .........
John K, leln, labor ..........
XVm. S. Stout. labor ........
J, C. Platt painting .........
XVm. Rasche. sharpening tools 12.65
C. J. Loehr, draying and
labor .................... 32.80
Muscatine Roofing Company,
roof .................... 465.00
Matt Parrott & Sons. sup-
llies .................... 1.71
Burlington Paper Co., sweep-
ing compound ............. 4.00
J. Rudlick, tqning piano .... 6.00
V. Staid, football supplies... 144.43
Gee. Brolsma, fumigators and
supplies .................. 103.99
Metropolitan Supply Co.,
supplies ................. 66.65
Thurston Supply Co.. M. T.
supplies ................. 10.59
.................... 10.55
70.87 hqrs. Chas. Ziler. board ...... 8.60
85.07 1 V-Iopkins, supplies ..... 4.55
44-00!Baker Paper Co.. towels and
31.05 : supplies ...............
1t.00 !D. Appleton Co. book .......
93.60 F, A. Owen Pt, b. Co., literaturo
series ..................
k. N. Marqui.t. Co.. book ....
Scott Foresman Co.. texts...
Allyn & Bacon. texts ......
D. C. Heath & ('o.. texts .....
Silver Burdett & Co.. texts..
Oinn & Co.. texts ........... 210.82
Newson & Co., texts ....... 31.02
, N. Pahner Co.. texts ..... 4.12
American Book Co.. texts... 30 22
McMillian Co.. texts ........ .9.24
Houghton Mlfftin Co;, texts. 37.42
McIntosh Publishing Co.
texts .................... :1..9
Morris Sanford Co., texts .... 14.g5
The board of directors of the Independent School District of Lone Tree
Johnson County, Iowa, will meet July 94. 1925 at 8.00 P. M., at the Direc-
tors Room of the Lone Tree Savings Bank. Taxpayers will be heard for or
against the following estimate of expenditures at that time.
Ex'aelttures hacome, o, hcr Taxes to Extended Exlnded
E. 1925 Source 1926 ba raised 1924 1923
General .................... $17000 $7000 $7000 $18314.17 16081.7 t
School House .............. 2000 2000 1866.S$ 2068.7
Estimated taxes for $1,000.00 assed value $12.70.
Estimated taxes in mills per dollar of taxable valuation $50.08.
Your teleldmne is a device thl-oUZh,
which,, during the bltsv harvest days, you
ean comlia¢L the servi¢.e of the ] re
Savings Bank wifliont taking time away
from yolrr work.
Remember that we're here to serve you
every tmnking (lay, whether you can visit
the bank in person or not, When you need
us, you'll find read)', willing llellffulness at
our enti of the tel¢phone wire.
Bane of Horse and Cattle