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~Asm~ $184.00 ,~rkl~r ~.,l).o wm~n r,~-omm~,t~ 11b~, July 7, 1988 The LoneTree Reporter Page 5
uJtvN~ $11.75 his been made, or J) the memorandum of
8~ & S~rI(~ES, (~ ~IIY.:0 expJ'netiofl hu not been attached to the S E C T I O N I !. C H A N G E I N
CLASSFFlCATKNS. The zoning elnssrlcatlon AMENDI/~ RESOLUTIOH 09-00-82-1
l,c. $6 .i0 Isem nd , ,,tlun. lls .lrrm, I,-tl-,-I
rTY HUSP1TALS D. The eounty sheriff end county OF the following den~ribed reel estlte
located in Penn Township and eou~ d
$1.40 this lnu.e Wberou. ,ohn.o. County, ,owe, ha.
PORMAL MEETING OF u ~l~ $2.0S to utilize such forms is ere necessary to uRpeox/mtely IS0 seres to wit: emterod into • co.trent with the Heritage
Agency on Aging for exemltiun of Title V
:OUNTY BOARD OF Lg~.~ co. ~ FN~iUrTY $72S.00 l uqdement both the whiten recommendation The nerthwest qnsrter of the northwest NutrlUcm P~m for the Elderly within the
t |1, 1188 ~ MIE, ~. $23.S0 ot Ip~ or d/p~al nf the sp~utlen quarter of ~eetien lib ibo the oest 10 -
t toted, eli motions l/llll~ ISS.00 and lhe lelorlndum of expllnitlon 1/1 lerlm of lhi rlorll quorter c~ the IouHI City and Jim C4~llty °runt end
Motion to Ipprove the mlnuter OF the required when the application is northest quarter of Bentlon 10; also, the Wharens Johnson County his certain
P e811ed the Johnson
~ervhmr8 to order tnInformal meetir~ OF June 14 and the foru.d d~ed. south 8 seres OF the 8meUmnst quarter OF duties and raspmwlbBJtJa under the term
me~lq[ nf June 16, 1988. Seetion I!1. Requirements for Premises. the southeast quarter OF BentJm 11, all In OF asJd coat.tot;
? a.m. Present were Mntlcm to approve Payr~l authorizations .PJt tppIJelmt for i Hquor eontrol license, Toweshlp 80 North, R~e ° "Went of the Sth Now, therefore, be it resolved is followm
elafd Myers, Doe 8ehr, submitted by Johnson County dopertment user permit or wine permit, ns i further P.M. 1. ~ Adv~ Board t~hall be appointed
• oM Donnelly. heads, solution zor approve1 by the Board of Also, all that part of the-northwest by the Bo~d of Superv/~rL
We and authorize the RESOMJTION M-il-88-1 Supers, numt give eonnsnt In wrlUng on qusrtor of the northeert quarter of Section L The Advisory Board Jfidl be eomp~
I renewal agreement ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS IN TWO the 8p~ik~tflun that members of the fire, 30, end all that part of the southwest OF Nven members, which stall Inelude two
I lmd the ~tJes of Iow~ IX)CATIONS sheriff, end health departments, and the quarter nf the southeert quertor of SeeUon proKrtm pertkfl~tnts end one member of the ~i
to P~vk}e suP~ementsl m.....- ik i...,. ,-...4. Ii I ~ county ettorne andthe ionia
• .,,~=m .,e .,..-= ~ ~.987. r-:uires y g 19, lying east of the highway running Johmm~ County Board of SupervlaerL The
Jcdmsem County 8F.KT$ that the Board Or Supervisors must administrator my enter upon the promiser through stld treets, except the tract tppetntments shall be three for i term of
three years, two for a term dr two years,
~Jtho~ze Ill stop sJ~ts on the SeCondary w~Lnotr[ a warrant to irmpeet for vloistioes described es follows= Comme~ciq| it the end two for • term of one year.
)re and authorize the - - ~ of the provisions of state Jaw or Ices1
system; ur~ northwest eomer of seM southwest qunrter The~seftsr, each sppc4ntment shell be for a
u rmew~ agreement toWhere,., the Johnson County Board ofes~nenee8 and regu~th~8, of the smdhenst quitter of Section II, from
qr~e to UnlverldtYU.lpHelKhtSwlth 84q~ has receivnd a request to Install aeetion IV. Repealer. Alnl ~ thence nset to the nertheest corner of the tetmi, of ThuthreeAdvisoryyenrs"
one-w, o.,aln Inter.carlo. in or of ne .i ..thwart q.t. nf .,er Board .ll .erve on
in fi.- e,iou ,1Tom.hip ,, Nerth on. of erd .=e .. of " " "* "--" of the BO. of
outhofize the !~ I West of the fifth PrJJ~Jpel ml _ ~7 Opera northwest to • point on the west line of od~/Nwith thetheHerJts(eBoW of AgeneYlu~ on AKln~on andpoJieinsshel
I~ a Certificate of In Jolmm~ County, kiwi; and ~eetJon V. Savings Clause. ff any section, seJd southwest quartet of the southeast for the program in the Iowa City and ~
~letlon specifying sW~ the Johnson County ~ her mcxt,.er .~...?( tJIJ8 ordlnense shill be querier of Se~tJo~ 19 that Is 34 rods eguth Jo~ County area.
Investigated said Intersections end u~iuqr~ inveuo, Illegal or tmeonstltutional, of the place of beginning, thence north to 4. A ProJent S~q)orvh~r, with day t~ day
kiX'Ii i, 1980, for the Getermdnu" ---- .mt'~'-" ,,' ..... w~quu U~L .......... in ire pUoilc such adjudication shall not affect the the pie or beginning. Ichnlnistritive responsibilities will be
eY i, 1088, tor the In terestandunJumeetr~ mfety toph~e ~tUdltyofthe.or.d~mmeees e wheleor any Nso, eommemdnget e stune on the north epp~4ntedby the Bosrd~Supervlnsrs. in
~ourthonse remodeling ,------ --*.-J .* *~.-- t--,of,,,.., soeuun~ provision or art thereof not
sNe of sam ~eetion 30, from thence south m~d~g this epp~4ntment eem~h.-sUon 8hell
,e the claims on theNow therefore he It resolved by the adjudged lavalM, llisgal or uneomtJtutionsI. 01.1 reds to the center of the northoast be given to the recommendation of the
dcemsun County uoer~ o~ ~*upervlsors upon • •
~mes tpp~oved by i ......... oectlon VI Effective Date This quarter of said 8e~tlun, thence east 650.0 Advt~ Hoard.
• reooam~nsdutiun of the County F.~nee~ erdinsnee shell be In effect after its fine] feet, thensa north to the north line of seJd S. Ruolution 09-09-81-1 Is hereby
I--- $4.20 1. The trifle from the east on the Ben pusege arm publication as part of the SeeUon to reach a point 6S0.9 feet east of resetnd~L
i ~ $~T.°S Jenn dead end (l]dn~ in the NW 1/4 of said Pr~eun~_ rs~ of the Board of SW)ervisors. the place of be~/n~/nK, thence west to the Lotion by Donnolly, seconded by Myers,
' $30.00 Bastion il, Liberty Township, and on the O un ~un.e IS, 1°88, it was moved byplace of beginning, ell of said above to piss ReroJutlon 0~-21-88-3. ,'
$jlS.00 it side of the malq~-mtd) tq)lX,Os~hinK the exenzels sac seconded by Donnelly todescribed land beln~ In Township 80 North, Released at 10:~6 i.e., re.unvaried et
mMn n~td west anti'loath of Hills, Iowa, be approX....e f~t eoeskJemUon of an ordinance Ranlre 6 West c( the Sth P.M. 10Q| i.e.
$749.44 stopped, end the County Engineer is further .,proVlmn¢.rer 1oo81 retlew Or liquor control F.leq)t s parcel of land in the J~uth he~ Motion to approve and authorize the
",~. $64L47 .e....,.~ , ,u. ,~_. , ...... license Deer permit and wine ermlt of Section II, ToweshJp 88 North, Range 6 ChaJrpersofl to sJKn an e~rement Johnson
~(~). $4T.10 u..~-~.~-~ in cease .,,: eree~,m, ol vr~r ' P
$23.5.00 Mpdn~. ~ ~t~)!!e~tiom:. Ayes Oaken(aM, Myers, 8ehr, Wart of the Sth P.M. der~rU)nd us followss County vdli pay $6090 to the Hewkeye Ares
'(~ . $75.00 i. The ~ from the west approachings~, .u~lly. /;~ CommenelnK at the south quarter corner of Community Action Program (JU~CAP) to
un dune 21, 1988, it wu moved b
the intersection In the SW 1/4 of sold y
$2"7.55 8oetfOh t1, Liberty Toweship, be stopped, ~Oeken(eb.end seconded by Myers to suspend sam feeflon 19, Townlip 80 North, Range administer • Community g~rk Experience
~,~ $229.~ 6 West of the Sth P.M.; t~e north ~p~m for uble inWvJdnsi u a condition
end the County ~mrinnsr is farther dJroetod Ine requirements G( three eonskSeretJcns the ncrthlonth quarter ins, ?S0.0 feet to iX' reeetvJr( county ale.
~ $I ,S02.H to cause the ~reet~on o( proper s~iidnK before Idoptlon OF an amendment to in the point of b~egJnnin¢; thence 8curb fI Moden by Myers, seensded by Oekenfels,
"~ $310.00 Motion by Ocken~eis, imeonded by Myers, ofd~mnee and to approve second end final
$~6.36 to pm Resolution 045-21-88-1. ~ehskSeretlon of an ordJnar~e providing for degreor 30 miX.tar Eert, 134.0 feet; thence to enter exeeutive session it 10~40 i.e. to
South 2 degrees 33 minutes East, 119.1 diseuN fiscal yeor 1909 salary Increases for
$119.80 ~J(]N M-il-88-i /lOCal. revisw (jr ikluor control lJeer~e, beer feeq thence Smith 63 degrees 07 minutes employees "red-clreled" in tho 1907-09
$39.00 .~.,--~---~,~-~ ,~ r~J . z ~won ozaa r,u r~ "s~'~sn~ tam~. m~,~v ,~*~,..,~ ~ " (~kPermlt and wine pemlt epplieatiom. Aye: Nest, 144.6 tent to the easterly Une OF the
$24.00 SECONDARY /Ub(~DS enfeM, Myers, ~ehr, Bun~, Donnel~j. ooun~ m~ thence North 28 degrees 30~t with PP~E / IBPAT i~al 2003,
$86,6° under 8eetion 10.1?(3), Iowa Codn:
$3?.80 Where~ • need exists to establish a IdoUon to authorize the Director of the mlnuter Wet, 314.2 feet along arid easterly ~Jtrstqy mestlnp of public employers ...
Petty ensh system for accounting purl:~mes Ambulance Services to advertise for a new line OF the ~unty road; tholes 8oath 71 shell bo exempt from the provisions of
$68.00 in the Johnson County Secondary Roads degrees 30 minutes J~t, SS.i feet to the
DrY. $801.09
IO~ $87.12
HC. aS0.00
IN~. $840.00
$111 .?S
LS .78
i~ n.s0
163 .i0
I i]~,r.$4,015.10
$8 ,iOi.Si
$4° .li
, $90.80
$41 .S0
$1 ,i~0.14
Sill .00
$11 .as
t11,121 .TT
lSi .00
$8 .SO
$SST .~0
I~ment; and
~m • $60.00 petty eerh fund would
ProsMa a wotl~bJe systems sad
~eer s maximum of $150.00 per month
will be used by thb m~tem; and
Wherees item to be purehnsed through
this rystom ere the followJnl~
1. Pmt~,e.
i. Small parts and suppUes for shop.
i. Small ~fiee supplies.
4. SmsU asfety sup~es.
i. FUel when traveJUn¢ out of' county.
Therefore he it reso;v~d by the Johmmn
Cmmty Bom-d of Sq~o~ that • $50.00
petty cash fund be established and
accountable for the Johnson County
Secondary Roads Department sad that a
maximum of $1S0.OO per month may be
spent on the five ~es ~ above.
Motion by DonneUy, seconded by Burns,
to Pa~ Resolutlun 0e-11-88-2.
Motion to approve and authorize the
Chairperson to s~n a renpp~eatl6n for a
Class C Beer Pemlt and Sunday 8ales
Privilege for Mid. River Merino, North
Liberty, loire, is eubm/tted by RJek Chime.
pasJUon o( Assistant Director.
Where-- the o~mer hes filed eppllcetlun
S8818 for epproval of a final plat of A
ResubdlvJsfon of Highland Heights
Subdivision, and
Whereer the County Zoning. Commlaslon
hevhq~ studied said Iqq)Uottlon reeommenda
that the I~t he approved.
~ere be It r~o~ved:
1. Thet nsld Fiat he approved.
I. That the Chairperson be threated to
sign asld ~st and SubdtvkSer~ Agreement.
3. This Rasolutlor~ requires the reeerWng
of the following documents: Fence
Agreement, Owner Certlf~nte, Subdlv/d~'s
Agreement, Homeowners AssoelstJon
Document, COnSent to Re-platting. ~t
OF mortl~ee to rephtttlng und City c¢ low•
~ty ~x~eal.
Motion by DonneHy, seconded by Myers,
to apt~v~ciN~ M"II'88-Z1.
Chep~or 11 (Official Meeflnp Open to the
polnt of be~Jnnln~ and except for 1.00 Public]." Ayel Oekordrel, Myers, 8ehr, Barns,
sores, more or leas, commencing ut 8
eonerete monument marking the north Motlo~ by Myers, se*.-~ded by Donnelly,
quarter corner c( Section 30, Township 80 to laeve executive session et 1is17
North, Range 6 West of the Sth P.M., in Ayel Oekenfels, Myers, 8ehr, Burns,
Johnson County, lnwtl thence South 8i Dmmelly.
deSrees 21 minutes East, 115.7 feet to the Adjourned st 11:1i e.m.
center line of the county road; thenec /s/ Don Sehr, Chairperson, Board oi
South 27 degrees 32 minutes East, 700.00 8u~s _ ~ # _
feet alc~ mid center line to the point OF #~ /~ /-~
be&tinning! thence North 93 degroe~ $0
mlnater It, 101.18 feetl l~e South 28 +~
dlees 04 minutes Blit~ 1Tl.e0 feet; Bys Edward Brunner, Administrative
theneo 8outh 01 d~ M mlnuter West~
ISl.~ feet to the canter JJne of the county
road; theneo North ~ ~ 04 minutes
Nest, 17~.00 feet slung asks enntar line to
me print Or he~en~.
And further excepting Lot 1, S~hralber's
First Sut~llvJslon, according to the plat
tbero~ reem~Sed In Book ~0 F~e 00, PIut
Records e( Johnson County, iowa.
• --Is here~ shawled from A-I Rllrel to RS
11tess m/after wore ~mt for publJe~tk~ on
June 28 and for approval on June 30, li88
July 11, 1988
RoB Can, M/nares- Approval,
S~bor~n ~=~ent~. Treas. report - approval, Water
SECTION !!1. DISTRICT MAPS. The samples - safe water,
pertion of the Dis~t Met~ malntslnnd fn
Motlon to approve and authorine the INCREASINO APPROPRIATIONS IN seeerduee with Art°ale V, Seat°an 2 of the ~ present, ~ayor's (~I-
Chui~ to eJfpl epplJestion for Iowa D~ARTM~qrr~ 20 AND 42, DECRJ~ASIMO Johnson County Zoning Ordlnenee ns13~4~i~, ~ ODnJl~t~nt~.
Retail Clgeretto Permits er submitted by ~TJON8 IH D]~ARTME:~J'S 41 AND pe~ldns to the resl estate described In
AJ4. Lie., doing bmb~ms es Pleasant View 4S Section !! of this erdlnenee iS hereby ~]L~'Jt. ~ CO~le~l~.
Lodge, R.R. J, North Liberty; Burns' ¥1b~la . Wherons the Juvenile Jestlce / Huma~ repealed end amended to reflcct theC~lJ~ee 1. Park,
Nook, R.R. 4, Solon; Jolly Rater Reereutkm Servk~er Department (2°) him anticipated " tot'e~oin( ehlnge In eiJrloetJon.
& MnsJnu, R, R. 2, North Ubesty; D~Jco(e !dd~tlomd costs of $2,600 due to instmmed SECTION AV. REPEALER. All other ~1]~E~l'y, Allender; 2 Plc &
Texaco MInlMart, Exit I30 & 1-~0, Oxford; JummUe enses ntthin Je~nnsn County, which
lind l~merert Bait & TSCL~, M..Y,D. 0, ~ amount will be offset by an antleipated
City. decrease in the budget of the Human
Motion to approve and 8utherlne the 8eest~er deportment (45); and
Chairperson to sign sn eppilontion for~ lfl~ereer the Mental Health Department
Fireworks Permit slnnd by BOb landor. ~.
"R. 1, 8olon, for July 3, 1087.
SeeUon L l~. 3~e" purpose of this
ordinance Is to provk~ fer ~ review Or
liquor lJeem~, beer pare/t, and wine permit
applleetlomr In aecerdenee with Chapter
113 Or theJ~
8eeUon IL bwert~etlon of the It.
A. It shall be the respons{blUty of the
Ipplletnt for tn original liquor eontrol
license, beer permit or wine permit to
obtain the epproprleto applle~tlun tn)m the
County /wdJtor. The OpplJeetiun mat first
be submitted to the county sheriff end
nseondly, to the t~vnty attorney, prior to
submbs~e to the Board Or Suporvinsr-- The
ementy sheriff and eounty attorney mast
oseh mike in Investlgstlen to detormlos ff
the applicant is of good m~l eh~rsetsr as
defined In 8eetlon 113.$(1I) of the
CBds. and recommend In wflUng ~pproval or
Or the *psWeatlo~
B. I( the recommendation Is for
dlstpprovsl, the official shall stteeh •
memorandum of explanation to the
upplleetlen prior to returninE It to the
appUemtt. The mummqt~m lhMl set forth
meh facts *rod ~m~les~ns as were u factor
In 8ueh reeommendaUon for dl~pwmml.
C. The offlelel must complete the
Investigation and, If nppllceble, the
memorandum d exFiatmtlon, by the end nf
the f~th worldng d~y following receipt of
ll.i tpplkmtlon. ~ the reeo~tJun
m~ be for dlmpprovll, the eppHosUon sheU
be deemed approved and p~5~sptly rotorned
to the applleunt if, ut the end of five
(4|) hits entlelpsted ndditlonsl costs ot
lll,ll0 due to sn Increase in the nun~ of
clients and unnnt~lpatnd Ineremes In the
slate mentel health rates, which 8mount
wilt be offset by an entk~lpsted deerense fn
the huc~et of the Institutional Accounts
depertnmt (41); end
Nhorose the lows Code requires that
counties shell he responsible for the above
Tharofere Jt Is hereby resolved that the
apprope~Uo~ fer the following ~es~
be emended for flseal ~ 1008 from the
~late hinds ns feUoum:
From the General ~ Fund: Human
Servlees Department 45 deeroased by
Prom the Gene~tl Supplomentsl Funds
JuvenJio Justice / Ruman Servlees
Deqpartment l0 lncroesed by $3'600; Montol
Health Depertm4mt 41 Inerelm~ by $21~01
and lastitnthx~l A~ounts Department 41,
de~ by $11~00.
Motlon by Donne|iv, seeonded by
Oekeofeb, to pe~ R~o~utlon 0g-ll-88-Bl.
Motion to direst the Chairperson to
apply ins approximately $260S In state
grlmt finds tor developing u portlon of •
inowmol)Bi treU Ity Eq~t~D~lly 1/4
mile In length west of So'on.
ORD IHAHCE ~-21-8~Z1
~ ~pplleatlun ZBSO?
iiICTIOll I. PURI~SB. The ~ of this
ordinance is to amend the J01m~m County
Zoning Ordinenee by chlnllng the
e/ff~tUon of the real erects described in
8eetkm Ii beret( from A-I to BS.
~.~er~ of or,.an~es i. ~ Fire, ~anklhJ; 3. ~reets, Less; 4.
~nd- of this ordinate ire Sewer & Wuler, Eckhoff; 5.
SB~ION v. SaVlROS cLAusg. If ..y ~, R. Slaughter.
sentlon,provlslun or p~t of this ordtmmee
shell be adjudged inveild, illelei or ~. Braddock: 1.2ndreading
llemwtltotlonal, such ndJndleaticri ehell not ~ 1988-7 on Fire proven-
affect the validity of the ordinance 8s •
whole or ely section, provislun or part fionamiprot~ion; 2.2ndr~
thereof not edJuqed Invalid, illegal or dog ~ 1968-6; 3. Building
SECTIOM VI. EFFECTIVE DATE. Thll perm/tu ; 4. Report on renovation of
ordlnunou shun be~me e~.~Uve, mar lu bldg. on Devoe and Commercial;
Peasqe end s~, ~ p~llo.tlon ns 5. M/so. items - execut/ve d/scan-
pert of the proe~i~ of the Board Or
sio. for pes ble li n.
On June i, 1i08, It was moved by Eng. Morgan: 1. s mume "s
Donnelly and seeonded by Burns to to
approve first eonsJderetiun of eppUeit~m 2. S ree .
Z8007. Aye: Sehr, Burns, Donnally! ueys
oehe~,, .~ Old Bus/less: 1. TV camera; ~
On June Ii. liOl, it wes moved by ~ shed; 3. Storage
v~unu~ ~ ~ by num. to ,prove Microfilms of Reporters; 4. CDt,(
mRo~d eorgMerstion of eppllostlon Z8S07.
Ayes S~hr, Bwm, ~ounel~; nays Onkeofe~, ~mts.
Myra. New Business: 1. Renew~; L~,,
On JUne 11, li88, It wl moved by Berne
und seconded by Sehr to approve finel
eonsldoretion of eppllcetlen Z880T and
adopt Ordtnanee 00-11*US-Zh Ayel Sehr,
Bums, Dennelly; ouy: ~eb, Myers.
Motion 4o eppoJnt to the Nutrition
Advisory Board for term endlng June 30,
lill, Robert Welsh, Jeanne O~boro tad
Lorne Muthns; for terms endJn~ Jme 30,
11~0, Roy Mnpte ud Grsee JoehlmeN for
lares endJn~ June 3°, 10iS, H~rold M.
Denne~y and ~rveden A. Boer.
Motion to take setlun ~on u matter not
Ineludud In the q[ende In order to eet In •
license for Scotty T's; 2. ~cr~,~,
water rate at hydrant; 3. (:ahi~
~; 4. Payment of iri~+*z,,
benefits for Clerk due to t~, ,~,~
sub-contractor for Cong. meal
vs ~(~/ii; :; * ~ 1
Refuse - bids(?); 7. Set Augum
meeting date; Pay Bills.
tll~ ihlen end ~ sM~ eunU'tcts Renllnder: ~x)lMl(~ illttl~S
bofore July 1, 1088, end tO approve and
authorize the Chairperson to lign sn ~ be seen Tuesday, July 12th
alrcement whereby for $tS0,00i the and Thursday, July 14th on
Berltnge Ageucy on Aging Nutrlllenal
Program provides home-delivered end C~'lnel 19 or the back side ot
acute munM at the ~eelor C4nter end Channel 12.