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July 5, 1945 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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July 5, 1945 |
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(String, Wax)
Beans, Lima
Preparation Required
Wash, precook 3 minutes,
Wash, string, cut or leave
whole; precook 5 minutes.._.
Shell grade, wash; precook
r5 minutes, then pack ........
Wash, retain stem; cook 15
minutes, slip skins, pack .....
Hot WsterPres~ro C, oeker
l~tth Min. Mfn. Lbs.
180 40 10
180 40 I0
180 $5 I0
120 40 I0
Relearned by Western Newspaper Union.
SIX-YEAR-OLD Beverly Sue
Simmons' motion picture
career couldn't be more of a
surprise to anybody than it is to
her. She was getting on fine in
first grade in public school
when her mother saw an
ad in a Los Angeles (Calif.) pa-
per--Universal wanted a child ac-
tress to play Yvonne de Carlo's
daughter in their technicolor
"Frontier Gal." Beverly Sue looks
Junior Date Frock for Summer
Smartly Tailored Button-Front
--'-- e -- Remove outer leaves, wash; a lot like Yvonne. But her mother ~e?¢I
~a, Dvag , ~rus.precook 5 minutes, add - was working, so she sent the young
sets sprouts fresh water ............ 120 40 I0 ~ady to the studio with her own sis-
; "'Y,
-- . Wash, peel;precookS ,y¢ :~:~
uarrots minutes, pack hot ............ 120 35 I0
.... Remove outer leaves, Wash&
t~auunower precook 4 minutes, pack ..... 150 35 10 ~.t'" -g" t
r, .... r,..k Remove husk; precook $ ....... ¢, ~:~7:
~.~,L ,, v. minutes, pack ............... ztu 6U tu ....'Y¢
Work at householdPutting t.,orn minutes, pack ............... 210 80 I0 , ? ;2
ia cross-stitch on tea r, .... Wash, steam to wilt, _ ..
• .,L~-~,,.~, pack loosely ............... 180 60 1U t!, "~,.'" -d .~
make even dish-dry- Parsnxps, Wash, pare; precook 5" I0 ~ ~..r-
teh Cross-stitch is easy era- 1D.._. Shell grade (use only young); .......
k~by~8 inches;has a stitches.transfer of~ ~-c~a k precook 3 rain. pack loosely_. I~RJ 0U IU
..~Y large demand and Pump in, Cut in pieces, steam.or bake 10 \~ 14.44
~,ttons, slightly more time Squash tmtil tender, pack .........180 60 /[~II\
mmg orders for a few Of. . . Pack cold, add salt, ~..~.~ ~ \|
I~attern numbers. ~auerzraut nn wate- ~n ~ ~,~. Dependable Button-Front
tar to: ........................ B VERLY SUE SIMMONS ~'t/*tP~ ~ ~ I~t CRISPLY tailored button-
0~,~:~ ,~ | [ • a front that is comfortable and
Handy Chart Helps You Can Vegetables ter, and Miss Simmons won out over I I. 18 ~ l] [ attractive -- the sort of frock you
(See Recipes Below) 30 contestants, though she'd never ~ ~fcan depend on all summer long.
I Vegetable Canning Tips r .... , _- . ... ! acted in her life. She used a foun- -- / Easily and quickly made, it's the
I I Lynn unamoers roin~-t~asy I tain pen qor the first time when Summer Date Frock t perennial favorite in every worn-
! The surprise point values on vege- ! I Menus I she wrote her name on her contract [:~OR the young in spirit -- a Ian s wardrobe.
tables when stocks were beginning | B ...... [ and all of a sudden she was in the a charming "date" frock that will ~ p . * *
• tn d~ndlp thi~ | roues :~ausages wire uorn I movies.
• uc ~tt~ ~ttv~wvlzt,uc~ zuveu ut | 1416 1R 20 ~ ~9 ~,~d ~ ¢:~ ~a
i ............ ~^ ,t, ...., .... k^.**~^.....~ -~ I attern I~o. 8797 is designed for s/zes
• ^ar -'a~- man" -----~--~ I Jelhed Tomato Salad I ou m ......... ; ............. ze ..,
---- y r su mer costumes. MaKe It In ~ short sleeves, rexluires 3T~ yards of 39.
li a~orn'an~'vow n~ ~-~]'.~\~J | Biscuits with Honey ] Nowadays the 'teen age girl gay floral prints or cheeks and~inch material.
~IS FASTER to get caught Lemonade comes in for so much comment.-- trim with brilliant ric rac. I Due to an unusually large demand and
I _. L mo ade._ I
~eetler at 10c. 100 tablet~ ', to comment and those who just .... |is required in filling orders for a few ot
Pattern No. 8859 is assignee for s~zes ~ the most Dooular vat er n tuber
~i Though it~ may ~~ i nicks and cracks. Have plenty of criticize -- that everybody ought to __ _ t a _u ___s.
11, 12, 13. 14, 16 and 18. Size 12 requires [ ~,,~ ....... ~,~.. ,...
i mean a few hours ~j~ : covers, etc., on hand. Then, when see the March of Time's latest, a yards ot 35 or ~-inch material; a yards ! .................
/'--'J~M ~~ of solid work, ~~~ canning starts, place jars in pans or "Te,en-Age Girls." It shows what ricractotrim. ,--
AKE ~egetable canning ~.~]~ kettles and pour boiling water over they re doing, wearing, reading; | I ~So south Wells St. Chlca~o |
is certain to be ~.~'~'~'~ ~ them. how they talk, how they behave, ~ f g~ /f) II[!~;~!i~ | | E~close 25 cents in coins for each [
worth the time i Filling the Jars. I what they rave over and what they .~ !~!
pattern desired.
and effort put into it. I To fill the jars quickly, s~cespeed hate. It also shows their serious ~/~t.~L~J~r~t~L~l~Ilt~atternNo. ....... Size.__
side,~ portraying them as the worn- . ......
Women who have canned in years ', is impo~:Pant to prevent bacteria an of tomorro~_)~.~ ~ ., .. Name .... [
~ v°'-~t~°~--sm°°th | past find it is just as easy t° put uP i fr°m devel°ping' lay the jars °n a / I [:daress - - "
~~Jco~g--No re- | ,vegetables as any other kind of prod- '~ large utiIity pan, and place it right
~~~q~Z | uce. It is simply a matter of carry- I next to the kettle in which vegeta- At last! All of us who've eam-
.,)2- I
'iam" | in g out a few simpler ules to the- b lea have been cook ed. Ladle in plai ed for years because movie A dress form does not s olve all | ---
from vo., ~,o~e,. | letter. /" vegetables as quickly as possible. In stars look toe much like movie stars fitting difficulties. If you have [ - - I I
! Selection and Prevaration." I most cases, add hquid to within one- when they're shown in getting-up-in- one, use it, though, for locating ] }
~mod. keCreo. ! Young, tender, fres-hly gathered half.inch of the top.. For starchy the-morning scenes are going to getand checking direction of hem andI ri~rl[llJt~yltit
veeetables ar~ a "mu.~t " Any delayvegetables li~e corn ana peas, leave what we've asked for. In "Janie seam lines. [ rat _ ~ _ _~ Iv. ~ [
~RBlUZER from garden to canning kettle givesone rmCh space a~ top. Adjust the Gets Married" Joan Leslie wakes
ove accormng to manmacmrer s uncombed, wi~ake-up. Use cotton thread to mendleath-[---e--- I ~9~-L~t~ ~~- .... [ [I
~~=~ bacteria a chance to develop andulrectmns .... er gloves. Silk thread will cut the ) ___..... )
makes processing more difficult. " In response to a request from the leather and pull:ut again, t ~ ["
--- Tough, overripe vegetables give poor How to Process. Canadian army, Lassie, the collie
. results because canning improves no As soon as the jars are ready, star, made a personal appearance To remave the odor of fish from I [
• . a ..o orate ,ua 0 e =o rec nt ,ooa oo .,0 a
ity. then can that kind of vegetable, cooker or boiling water bath. If you in Vancouver for Metro's "Son of solution of salt in water, without ! | l
k, eeps Preserve the sweet flavor of peas can possibly get a pressure cooker L " "
' " ' i . . . assle. Many sequences were the addition of soap. t | ~ ~| - - I J
• and corn, for example, by pinking use t as zt will save t~me, give bet- made in the beautiful Banff region --o-- .
'them yourself, ff possible and put-ter results. It is the method recom- of the Canadia~o_~ckies. Household sponges are kept] v~ ~, ¢ ~v~ .
I, a way ring them in the canning assembly mended by the United States depart- fresh by soaking in salt water J ~" "!/! / //~/ l.
) P~p~,io~ O~) line as soon as possible. Two hoursment of agriculture. All pressure Vincent Sherman temporarily re- after they have___o__.been washed. [ g.2t~ b't/~r g.JOttttt~.
from garden to kettle is a rule, not cookers vary in some way as to the linquished direction of "Janie Gets Never wash china patterned in [ A, JJ(~
; just something that sounds nice. closing of the cover, and it's bestMarried" to ll-year-old Clare Foleygold in water.containing soda. I gp Tteln
To achieve best results grade veg- to follow directions that come withabout to appear in a scene with
stables for size and ripeness. Washit. Donald Meek. The sequence re-
them thoroughly in large contain- These, however, are points well quired Meek to play with a yo-yo; "
Kellvg, g'~ Rice Krh~e~ e~tml the Whole ripe
in nes¢ly all the j~rot¢ctiv~ food ~Dt$ ~
e~ential to human nutritio~
~d~' .t~,kri Soft--a
"~n¢--vnl! not irritate.
[~t, pleaeant scent.No sickly
~cling to fingers or clothing.
et Spoil delicate fabrics.
the ftme-
and help them to
waste from the
nothins harmful.
Use with eon~le~e~
era with plenty of running water.
Clean vegetables are freed of much
bacteria which the soil itself can
Hot Pack or Cold Pack?
If you have the time, take