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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
June 2, 2016     The Lone Tree Reporter
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June 2, 2016
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Page 2 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, June 2, 2016 By: Terry Kruse Home was one of the more heavily donation will make it possible to The Lone Tree Community used facilities in the community, have the roof replaced this sum- Foundation submitted for a It impacts the lives of hundreds mer. The Lone Tree Legion is very grant of $10,000 to the Washing- of veterans, local citizens and thankful for Jeff Lihs's hard work ton County Riverboat Founda-other community organizations through the LTCF to apply for and tion to help in the cost of replac- by being available for their use. successfully get the grant for the ing the roof on the Legion Post If the roof were to start leaking roof repair. We are thankful that Home. The LTCF pointed out to the building would be closed until the WCRF approved the request as the WCRF that the Legion Post it could be repaired. This sizable one of the 22 made in the area. • ~ :" 67% of 65 or older Americans will need some form of long-term care in their lifetimes. BE PREPARED. Call Patty at Neighbor Insurance for an Auto-Owner's quote! 319-842-2340 ,jfm O. 113 N Main Ave i Alburnett, IA , N $ u R A N C E t~FE • "O~E ' C~R, BUSineSS SA \'TVIEW HOME li lt IIIRU ¢Rli;' lf" Looking back 100 years to June 1, 1916. The graduates of Lone Tree for the Class of 1916 are Donald D. Baker, Lillian K. Zimmerman, Alice L. Day, Helen M. Younkin, Perry S. Holdeman, Ruth Bar- nett, Edward M. Smid, Elma M. Lenz, Ruth Ramer, Frank E. Eden, Wilma E Posten, and Ralph E Mor- risen. The exercises were held in the Fisher opera house and the building was inadequate to hold all those who desired admittance. The much talked of oiled streets are now a reality in Lone Tree and there is the usual amount of praise as well as knocking on the proposition. Memorial Day was fittingly ob- served in Lone Tree Tuesday af- ternoon when one of the best pro- grams ever given here was heard by a crowd that filled the Armory to overflowing. There were 125 members and friends of the Lone Tree high school alumni association pres- ent at the eighteenth annual ban- quet which was held at the Fisher opera house Friday evening. Steve Schuessler and wife have a new daughter at their home. "Jack" Curtis and wife are the proud parents of a boy born May 24th. Lieutenant Glenn H. FairaU has received notice from the Adjutant General notifying him of the dates set for the Camp of Instruction for all Cavalry non-commissioned of- ricers of the National Guard to be held in Lone Tree from June 26 through 29. This will bring be- tween fifty and sixty officers to- gether for the four days. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boyd on May 26. Wm. Bell and wife are proud over the arrival of a little daugh- ter at their home on May 29. The small pox quarantine was raised from the Steve Schuessler home the first of the week. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Halligan on May 30. It is up to the men to say by their votes on June 5th whether or not the women will be allowed to vote By Kris Rife The Lone Tree Reporter in the future. Looking back 75 years to June 5, 1941. The Red Cross quota of hos- pital bed shirts was finished today. Twelve hundred yards of unbleached muslin has been cut and sewed into a total of 343 bed shirts. Miss Pauline Mae Johnson and Hilton L. Yakish were married at 12:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of the bridegroom's par- ents. Work of moving the postoffice to its new room in the Krall block was completed Sunday and the of- rice opened for business in its new location Monday morning. Chester Bell and Dorothy Hen- drix were united in marriage at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the First English Lutheran church in Iowa City in a double ring service. John Behrens was seriously hurt Sunday afternoon while rid- ing in the motorcycle hill climb held at Mehaleck's hill. Behrens suffered severe chest injuries and facial cuts when struck by his ma- chine. Howard Hamilton received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Johns Hopkins university on Tuesday, June 3. He recently was awarded a training fellowship by the Rockefeller Foundation and plans to study biochemistry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University in New York this fall. He plans to spend the summer at the Marine Biological laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass. A nice sized crowd was pres- ent at the Lone Tree park Friday morning for the Memorial day services. Donald R. Doerres left Wednes- day for Cedar Rapids from whence he will go to the Great Lakes Naval Training station to begin navy en- listment. He enlisted in the navy Saturday. Miss Gladys Jehle moved her beauty shop last Wednesday from rooms in the Mabel Burr resi- dence to her own home. Lavon Ashton was one of over 1,100 students receiving degrees at the commencement exercises at the state university Monday morning. Miss Ashton received the Bachelor of Arts degree, ma- joring in the field of home eco- nomics. Senior Dining June 6 - June 10 Monday, June 6: Chicken Salad Sandwich, Pasta Salad, Tropi- cal Fruit, Pudding Tuesday, June 7: Sliced Ham, Malibu Vegetables, Pineapple, Dessert Wednesday, June 8: Baked Fish, Seasoned Potatoes, Beets, Fruit Cocktail Thursday, June 9: Vegetable Beef Soup, Fresh Salad, Pears, Dinner Roll, Ice Cream Friday, June 10: Brats, Baked Beans, Peaches, ½ Banana All meals are served with whole wheat bread, margarine and 2% milk unless noted. For reservations call 629-5144. Nichols Christian Church 607 Grant Ave., Nichols Phone: 723-4346 Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School Nichqls United Methodist Church 315 Main, Nichols Phone: 723-4585 Pastor Don Hodson Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. - Family Worship Service with Children's Sermon Our Parish Cluster Sts. Mary & Josenh Lone Tree: ~)16 W. Jayne St. Nichols: Short St & Grand Ave. Hills: 209 Brady Street Pastor: Father Mike Spiekermeier Cluster Coordinator Mrs. Carol Kaalberg Lone Tree: 629-4225; Nichols: 723-4566; Hills: 679-2271, Cell: 319-330-5324 Saturday Mass • 4 p.m. Lone Tree Mass ° 6:00 p.m. Hills Sunday Mass • 8 a.m. Nichols Mass • 10:00 a.m. Hills Tuesday & Fdday Mass. 10 a.m. Pioneer Park Care Center " United Presbyterian Church of Lone Tree 110 W. Elm St. Church: 629-4900 Web Site: www.lonetreeiowachu Pastor: Rev. Jim Bonewald Church Office and Pantry hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon Wednesday June 1 6:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Saturday June 4 6:00 p.m. Potluck Supper at Shady Creek Sunday June 5 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 11:10 a.m. Super Council Meeting 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Big Batch Cooking Class Tuesday June 7 4:00 p.m. Presbytery Meeting in Muscatine Wednesday June 8 Council Reports Due 10:15 a.m. Care Center Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Group The Lone Tree VoL CXXVIssue 22 Thursday June 2 2016 The Lone Tree Reporter An independent newspaper and official newspaper for the City of Lone Tree, Johnson County, and the Lone Tree Community School District. TflELONEIREEREPORTER (USPS 318-160) is published weekly for $27 year in Jdmson Mmcatine cotmtie $29 pet year elsewhere in Iowa and $34 pet yemr in cootinental United States, An E-Edition is available for $27. The Lone Tree Reporter I17 N IkVoe Street Lone Tree, IA Periodicals postage paid at Lone Tree, IA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LONE TREE REPORTER, PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755 Deadlines: All liens am due by 12 Bin. Monday afternoon for publication considexation in that week's issue Deadlines ibr holidays am Friday by 5 gm. Deadlines are strictly enforo and the Editor of llm newspaper r serves the right to reject any item submittei for publication, solely at his dis- Lone Tree Reporter Staff: Ron Slechta ................ Publisher Jeff Yoder ............. Editor/Sports Kris Rife ............. Office Manager Dan Ehl ....................... News Anna Kahn ..................... Ads Contact Us: Office: 319-629-5207, FAX: 319-629-4203 email: Farnlers & Savings Bank Lone Tree Nichols Iowa City 629-4222 723-4412 341.5.900 Chown Appliance, Inc. }'bur Lennox Heating & Cooling Center GE & RCA Sales and S(.) ace on all products we sell Nichols * 723-4314 +