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Page6 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, April 18,2013
plinters from the Bench
The Lone Tree track teams
seem to be doing fairly well so
far this year. I also notice that the
girls golf team got a dual meet win
recently. The boys team is rather
green and has a ways to go yet.
Well, I see Iowa's pink locker
room is back in the news again.
It's been awhile since I read the
original article about it so I don't
remember which "What do we
complain about today" group is
doing the complaining. They are
claiming that it denotes sissies,
denigrates girls and women, and
who knows what all else. I don't
know how many times I have read
since the locker room was first
painted that pink is a calming
color and Hayden had it painted
that way thinking to calm the op-
ponent and not make them quite
as sharp at game time. It came out
again during this last brouhaha.
What never seems to come out in
talking to these complainers is
that Hayden was either a psychol-
ogy major or took some psycholo-
gy classes at Baylor. I think it was
his major, but I'm not sure now, it's
been so long.
By Ron Rife
The Lone Tree
Iowa baseball and softball teams
aren't exactly tearing Up the Big
Ten yet. I,m not sure either team
will make the Big Ten Tourna-
ment at the end of the season. I
noticed on the schedule that the
Big Ten has revived the women's
tournament. I'm not sure how
many will go to it. They were tak-
ing eight, I think, at the time it
was discontinued for a few years,~,cated in Midland, Michigan. The
Iowa football Spring Practice Kane County Cougars are in Ge-
has a couple of weeks to go. The neva, Illinois. The Lake County
big game at Valley High School in Captains are in Eastlake, Ohio.
West Des Moines is scheduled for The West Michigan Whitecaps are
Sunday and the final practice in in Comstock Park, Michigan. The
Kinnick will be April 27. Hopeful- Wisconsin Timber Rattlers are in
ly, the weather will come around Appleton, Wisconsin.
and be decent by that time.
The Cedar Rapids Kernels have
::Blake Terrell
Ceremony spotlights "best of
i the best" in academic programs
Kirkwood Community College
:honored more than 140 top-per-
:forming students in its annual
Outstanding Student Recognition
program. The April 1 event was an
opportunity to salute the students
for their superior achievements in
the past year.
Award recipients were cred-
i ited by faculty for cooperation,
-campus citizenship and lead-
:ership, in addition to their top
grades in classes. The 142 honor-
ees represented the top echelon
of Kirkwood students from more
than 20,000 registered in fall and
spring. A student must meet spe-
cific criteria and have a 3.3 gpa in
order to be nominated.
Blake Terrell, son-in-law of Bob
and Julie Buline of Lone Tree,
received the award in his area of
study, Energy Production & Dis-
tribution Technologies.
Pictured right, Blake
Terrell was honored by
Kirkwood Community
College for his work in
the area of Energy Pro-
gotten off to a good start again
this year, sitting just 1/2 game Continued from page 1 to earn top individual honors at
out of first place in their division Levi Satterfield - 53 the event for the boys, and Maken-
coming into action last Saturday. James Lorack - 47 zie Noble was first for the girls
Hopefully, the Twins will leave Ethan Abbott- 70 The Lone Tree golfers went towith 50 strokes.
them enough good players that Thomas Tryon-79 Mediapolis on April 11 and got a
they will be able to maintain corn- Kyler Akers - 68 round in against the Indians of Lone Tree boys:
petitiveness all year long. They Jacob Mackenzie- 79 Wapello and the Bulldogs of Me- Andy Dodson - 51
got off to a good start last year and diapolis. Levi Satterfield - 57
then the Angels began stripping Lone Tree girls: Wapello swept the team event James Lorack - 67
off their best players and they Avery Edwards- 56 with Mediapolis taking secondEthan Abbott-74
wound up in last place overall at Katy Ruth- 51 for the boys. The Lone Tree girls Kyler Akers - 80
the end of the season. They will be Morgyn Edwards - 47 finished behind Wapello and Me- Thomas Tryon - 76
back in town on April 25 to open Liz Griffin - 60 diapolis was unable to field a full
a series with Great Lakes. All the Harley Comer - 61 girls' squad. Lone Tree girls:
games are at 6~35 p.m. Karina Khristich- 70 The Lions got a team-low round Katy Ruth - 57
The league has 16 teams. All but from Andy Dodson who shot a 51 Morgyn Edwards - 78
five of them are named for the at the event. The Lady Lions were Liz Griffin - 72
city in which they play. Bowling led by teammates Katy Ruth and Avery Edwards - 57
Green is in Kentucky, not Ohio. Avery Edwards who both shot Karina Khristich-72
The Great Lakes Loons are lo- rounds of 57 at the event.
Wapello's Jack Walker shot a 45
Lone Tree vs.
Mediapolis &
The Lone Tree Middle School choir students School District was the Guest
hosted the SEISC JH Choir Festival Thursday, April pating schools were Lone Tree,
11. Nickolet Sand from the Muscatine Community Wapello.
Conductor. Partici-
Highland, L-M, and
National Honor Society seniors
Congratulations to the following seniors that were
recognized at last night's NHS Ceremony: Kennedi
Buser, Cara Chamberlain, Rachel Davidson, Andy
Dodson, Ella Feldman, Bryan Forbes, Lexie Hu-
dachek, Alena Loan, Gabe Lorack, Katy Ruth, Mag-
gie Schmidt, Jenny Sexton, Eric Slaughter, Riley
Stumpf, Faun Tosse, Lauren Volk, Lindsey Woodi-
wiss and Kimberly Yedlik.
Congratulations to the following students that
were inducted into NHS last night as well. Kaylin
Burr, Mallori Chamberlain, Drake Dauber, Eleanor
Ferguson, Carson Gibson, Travis Gillham, Jacob
Mackenzie, Erik Murry, Makenzie Reynolds, Sarah
Rundlett, Shaundria Squiers, Nick Viner, Thomas
Viner, Julie Wehmeyer and Alex Yedlik
Junior class members - Madelyn Flemr, Allison
HeRman, Karley Hester, Levi Saterfield and Abbie
Vote For Johnson County on May 7th
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Now is the fight time - this is the right plan - to address
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community members and organizations supporting a YES VOTE.
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workshop on May 1 to present an
Continued from page 1 idea for a memorial gift in honor
that. The cameras will be placed Of Katie Birtcher. Mrs. Havel had
in locations that divide the mentioned an electronic sign as
building into zones so that day, a possible project.
night, and overnight activity is Under Open Enrollment the
recorded. The cameras are all Board approved open enroll-
hallway and entryway cameras, ment applications in for Madi-
Cameras were installed in buses son Sobolik (3rd); Mia Bauwens
last month. The Board also ap- (lst); Draven Keep (K); AvaJean
proved the replacement of 24 of Christofferson (K); and out for
the 40 classroom doors and all Ema Miller (1st). The Board ap-
interior locks and mechanisms proved the proposed budget for
for the purposes of added secu- 2013-2014. The proposed budget
rity. All new doors are solid oak leaves the tax rate at $12.81, un-
and meet fire code standards, changed from last year. Also ap-
All locks will be replaced with proved was the Resolution for
all classrooms receiving more an early start date of August
secure locks allowing doors to 20, 2013 and the 2013-2014 School
be locked with a key from the in- Calendar. The Board also ap-
side. Also Mr. Reeves mentioned proved an overnight trip for stu-
that Joanne Havel will be at the dents participating in FFA for
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the State Convention in Ames.
Under personnel changes a
number of resignations were
reported. Mr. Caylon DeVaul re-
signed as Assistant Girls' Bas-
ketball Coach. Mrs. Jaci Visser
resigned as K-12 Vocal Music
Instructor. Mrs. Gwen DeVaul
resigned as Special Education
Teacher. Kelby Bender resigned
as PE and Head Golf Coach. Jana
Sadewasser resigned as 12th
Grade Advisor. Lydia Gatton re-
signed as Fourth Grade Teacher
Bret Jones resigned as MS/HS
Principal and Head Wrestling
Coach. Also Kelsi Shepherd re-
signed as HS Volleyball Coach.
Joining the school staff are
Justin Van Est as Assistant JH
Baseball Coach, Dallas Gille-
land as JH Baseball Coach, and
Jessica Frerich as K-12 Vocal
Music Instructor. The school
also has the several opening to
be filled. These include JH Soft-
ball Coach, Assistant Girls' Bas-
ketball Coach, Special Education
Teacher for 5-12, Fourth Grade
Teacher, High School Principal,
and Head Wrestling Coach.
The next Board workshop will
be Wednesday, May 1, 2013 and
the next Board meeting will be
held Wednesday, May 8, 2013. For
more information on the Lone
Tree Community School Board
of Education visit them on the
web at: http://www.lone-tree.
New Spread-
sheet Helps
Make Better
AMES, Iowa -- A new spread-
sheet that can help pork produc-
ers and seedstock suppliers make
better decisions is now available
from the Iowa Pork Industry
Center ( at
Iowa State University. Professor
of animal science Ken Stalder
developed the free tool along with
animal science graduate student
Caitlyn Abell.
"This spreadsheet can be used
to estimate the total costs associ-
ated with genome-enabled selec-
tion," he said. "Producers also
can see how much improvement
in a weaned pig will be necessary
to breakeven on the costs associ-
ated with genome-enabled selec-
People are invited to register
for a free download of the pro-
gram on the IPIC website.
Stalder, who also is an Iowa
State Extension and Outreach
swine specialist, said producers
can use the spreadsheet to deter-
mine whether they think invest-
ing in animals that have been se-
lected based on genomic methods
is an economically viable option.
Seedstock suppliers can use the
tool when making breeding pro-
gram decisions.