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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
April 3, 2003     The Lone Tree Reporter
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April 3, 2003
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Lone Tree Reporter, April 3, 200  Page 10 L.,.00Io • 41 ir U i " April 15, 2003 to Scott Township Clerk, Theresa Arn, 5236 Lower West Branch Rd. S.E., West Branch, Iowa, 52358, in a sealed envelope marked "Scott Township Mowing Bid" with the name of the bidder. At 7:30 p.m., April 15, 2003, all bids will be publicly opened by Scott Township Trustees and con- sidered by same. The Scott Township Trustees reserve the right to their dis- cretion to reject any and all bids and waive irregularities in bids. Scott Township Clerk, Theresa L Arn PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE (published April 3, 2003) SRF/CDBG Project Status - Lone Tree, Iowa SRF Project 2002-DWSRF-050 / CDBG Project 03-WS-090 The City Council for the City of Lone Tree, Iowa will hold a Public Hearing to review the City's State Revolving Fund / Community Development Block Grant (SRF/CDBG) water system improve- ments project. The City has been awarded a SRF low-interest loan from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). The City of Lone Tree has also been awarded a CDBG Grant from the Iowa Department of Economic Development. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to inform area residents and other interested persons of the proposed project design, anticipated project costs and impact on user fees, and to review the Environmental Assessment the community. The new facility would have an effective storage capacity of 250,000 gallons, and would be used to replace the existing 100,000-gallon water tower. The City's water treatment facility will be renovated to accommo- date the new water source. The pro- posed Well No.3 would replace exist- ing Well No. 2, which is contaminated with high ammonia levels. The project will also include a water meter change- out program. Review of Clearances and Environmental Assessment: The City of Lone Tree has obtained SRF-required clearances from all appropriate State, Federal, and Tribal agencies. The City will complete CDBG environmental reviews later. An environmental assessment prepared for this project has concluded that there are no adverse environmental impacts resulting from this project. Copies of all clearances and environ- mental assessments will be available for public review. Anticipated Project Costs and Impact on User Fees: Total project costs are estimated at $986,000. The City has been awarded a CDBG grant for $359,000, and the balance of $627,00 will be funded by a low interest SRF loan. Current average monthly water bills are approximately $31.00 and may increase to approxi- mately $38.00 a month to cover infla- tion, increased expenses, and a required reserve (savings) account. The City's Tax Increment Financing revenue will be used to cover annual 15reject debt payments. should be addressed to: Attn: SRF/CDBG Public Hearing Lone Tree City Clerk, P.O. Box 337, Lone Tree IA 52755 Tel. 319-629-4615 MARCH 26, 2003 Mayor Havel called to order at 6:32 PM the special meeting of the Lone Tree City Council with all council pres- ent. Others attending: Merry Thomae, Mike Singer, Mike Davis, Steve Flake and John Cord. Motions carried with all Ayes unless noted. Brown, Lihs moved to open the Public Hearing for Amendment to Lone Tree Code of Ordinances Chapter 166, Section 10, pertaining to Design Standards. CARRIED 6:33 PM. No oral or written objections were heard. Wieland, Hayes moved to close the public hearing. CARRIED 6:35 PM. Wieland, Hayes moved to open the Public Hearing for Proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated costs for the construction of the water meter improvement project in and for the city of Lone Tree, Iowa, and the taking of bids for such construction. CARRIED 6:35 PM. No oral or written objections were heard. Lihs, Brown moved to close the public hearing. CARRIED 6:36 PM. Lihs, Wieland moved to suspend the rules and read by title only Ordinance 2003-1 (Design Standards). CARRIED. Brown, Hayes moved to approve the first reading of ORDI- NANCE 2003-1 (AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LONE TREE, IOWA, PER- T=e= Lwled o I ,, t 23,161 LeX:  Delill Taxea- Le Yeet 2 13=723, L Cmclltl to Texpa¢l 3 T3088 Nel Ctmenl Pr0t)  Taxam 4 23r254,450 _pm'Ja, Inmm & C,€ en Taxes 8 328,784 , 23 .99181 131723 730,8 0 23,2'54 450 9,412 32e,784 direr  TI,=I/TIF TIx Revnrmi • 7, 71z609 I1 14r8087 & Plmd g 312,,r L _ ,, Chmg tor t0 L,2e ,,Miemeou t2 L0ee,s42 71)1eO 317.22 15,zIg 70 31966e 17.3315 1lle601  z#te 80,672 1,109t414 422,029 43,1111.TT4 C..metl I.of.Trn De Proceed= 14 .., 0 O Prooee of Fixed  Sales 1 5.2,300 35,0Q0 B7300 ,,Bs =. on Fi.. uses 34 3 10,t53,087 (1 .o45.101) 9,107.906 The motion was rescinded. Hayes, Lihs moved to accept the bid from RMR Services, subject to engineer review and approval CARRIED. Hayes, Wieiand moved to approve RESOLUTION 2003-L (AWARDING CONTRACT COVERING THE WATER METER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT -2003, LONE TREE, IOWA). CARRIED. Wieland, Brown moved to table RESOLUTION 2003-M (APPROVING CONTRACT FOR WATER METERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) until the April 7th meeting. CARRIED. Lihs, Brown moved to approve RESOLUTION 2003-N (SETTING THE DATE FOR THE PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR THE PROJECT STATUS OF THE STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN IN AND FOR THE CITY OF LONE TREE, IOWA). CARRIED. A special meeting and work ses- sion was scheduled for April 23rd. Schaapveld, Hayes moved to approve RESOLUTION 2003-0 (AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO Schaapveld, Hayes movedrate  increase water rates with a flatlyJu 0j & $2.25 per month effective 2003 and a flat rate increase of $2i a] per month effective July 01, 20ui e, CARRIED. I There being no further businesS! come before the Council, the Ms  declared the meeting adjourned ] 7:37 PM. 4 Attest: ti Merry Thomae, City Clerk | submitted for publication 03-27-20031 / Tentative Agenda | LoneTree City Council | a April 07, 2003 | ti: 6:30 p.m. I A Roll Call / L Minutes Approval | b Clerk's Reports Approval | Water Sampl • LEGALS - see page D. 00PORTY OAR00 FOR gPRING $. gUMMER FUN AT GRETTER FOR:I) '02 Ford Thunderbird NEW Demo Save huge $$$, Bright Red, Was $39,990 Only $35,995 '02 Ford Mustang Convertible Leather, 6 disc CO + more, Just in, Silver Only $18,995 '96 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible Only 40k miles. Was $26,995 Now $24,995 5 : !i00!!::iiiii005 .... '03 Ford Thunderbird ' White, Fully loaded, Both tops, Beautiful car ........ - '",;r':;i:.' 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