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, Lone Tree Reporter, April 3, 2003
Page 5
Lions wrestling
to hold annual
Little Lions Wrestling
ub will hold their annual ban-
uet on Tuesday, April 8th, at
:00 p.m. Please join the Club at
le American Legion and bring a
eSsert to share Bring table serv-
e for your family, drinks will be
'arnily Night at the
armers Market
Family Night at the Farmers
m[lMarket will be held May 21,
[I,003 at North Parkin Lone
lit'OWn from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
IlL The Farmers Market will also
II, °e held on the following dates:
I[ ne 18, July 16, August 20,
ePtember 10, September 24, and
l Ctober 15, 2003
II Be sure to mark your calen-
dars. Prospective Vendors should
!!op by City Hall to pick up sign-
up sheets.
Everyone is welcome.
,.one Tree Council
anounces dates for
,-Lean-up Day
The Lone Tree City Council
,ants to remind you that Spring
?,can-Up day will be held on
'ay 17th. Garage Sale Day will
be held on May 10th.
New Playground
The Lone Tree City Council
Mayor, Park Board and the Lone
Tree Comnmnity Foundation,
Inc. are lookin'g for volunteers to
help install a playground in a day.
We need all of the help we can
get on Saturday, May 3, 2003 at
8:00 a.m. till done in North Park
(Tank Park).
Lunch will be provided for the
volunteers. Please stop by City
Hall and sign-up. Thank you for
your support.
Lone Tree Chamber
of Commerce
Ag-Day winners
The Lone Tree Chamber of
Commerce drew the names of
five individuals for their Ag-Day
drawing. The following won $20
each in Lone Tree Dollars. Jim
Warden, Susan Zinkula, Wendy
Tryon, Rob Drafahl and M.
00f,ne Tree Fire & Rescue
to hold annual dance
The Lone Tree Fire &
would like to take this
' to invite the public
our Annual Dance on
April 5, 2003 at the
Legion Post in Lone
from 8:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
year's music will be pro-
by Kathy Lee Ogden
The donation of $5.00 per
will be used towards the
purchase of new equipment in
the future or the upgrading of
existing equipment dependent
on the department needs.
The members of the Lone
Tree Fire & Rescue, "THANK
EACH OF YOU', for your con-
tinued support, and we look
forward to seeing you April 5,
2003 for an evening of fun!
Invent Iowa State Invention
Convention showcases the best
F_riday, Apr. 4
khool Menu
reakfast Pizza
Lunch: Mac &
3teen Beans
mit Cocktail / "Cake
2reole Shrimp
with Rice
Fropical Fruit
Monday, Apr. 7
Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Pizza
Swiss Steak
AuGratin Potatoes
California Mix
Butterscotch Pudding
Tuesday, Apr. 8
Breakfast: Pancakes
i Cheeseburgers
Baked Potato
Sunshine Carrots
7 Layer Salad
Oatmeal Cookie
Over 325 Iowa students will
exhibit the best student inven-
tions from around the state at
the annual Invent Iowa State
Invention Convention, to be
held on April 26 at the Iowa
State University, Hilton
Coliseum in Ames, Iowa.
Gina Rayner, a seventh
grader in the Lone Tree
Community School system will
compete at the Invent Iowa
state convention. She will
entering her invention "The
Slide Locker" which won in the
area competition on March 17,
• Invent Iowa is sponsored by
the Connie Belin & Jacqueline
N. Blank International Center
for Gifted Education and Talent
Development and by the
Colleges of Engineering at The
University Of Iowa and Iowa
State University.
Invent Iowa has helped
teachers present the inventive
process as a part of the regular
Alex Lorack
makes the Dean's
List at IHCC
Indian Hills Community
College has released the names of
the students who were on either
the President's List or Dean's List
for the winter term of the 2002-03
academic year. To be included on
the President's List, a student
must be enrolled full-time and
have a grade point average of 4.0
for the term. Students on the
Dean's List are those enrolled
full-time with a grade point aver-
age of between 3.5 and 4.0 for the
Included on this semester's
Dean's List was Alex S. Lorack
from Nichols, Iowa.
Thursday, Apr. 10
Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Porcupine Meatballs
with Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Carrot & Raisin
Ginger Cookie
Wednesday, Apr. 9
Scrambled Eggs
Lunch: Crispito
Cottage Cheese
Baked Chicken
Broccoli & Rice
Banana Bar
an account of historic Lone Tree
100 years ago
the Iowa State Press:
will pay for transcript in
,Jallaugher case.
here is one case of chicken
in town, also a few
comes to George White
Tree. He was i9. He died
a skull fracture. He was
injured here last week by
off a moving train. The
was prepared for burial and
to Lone Tree. The funeral
held at the Christian
tPel south of town. The
were laid by the side of
mother in the Swank
Week of April 3
Information submitted by Mrs. P
25 years ago
--Lone Tree Care Center News:
the Girl Scouts donated six bed-
spreads with their cookies money.
The residents are coloring eggs[
for Easter with the help of
Volunteer Jean Stork.. Kate
Spears, a former nursing assistant,
stopped by the Center with her
infant son, Kevin. Babies are
always welcome.
Linnmarie Schnoebelen named
a member of softball team for
Central College.
--Solon News: Sisters Laura and
Dawn Erhart are members of
1978 Central College women's
softball team.
50 years ago
Seatnan Duane Lorack is
spending a 30 day leave with his
wife Bernadette and his folks.
Fireman donald Attig is expect-
ed home after three trips to
Korean waters, sometime after
April 13 to spend his leave with
his wife and new baby and his
foks, Mr. & Mrs. Attig.
Joseph Linderman, 79, was
found dead in his bed on Sunday,
March 22 at his home six miles
southwest of Mallard, Iowa. He
formerly lived around Nichols.
Services were held in Nichols
Wednesday morning at St. Marys
church and burial was in St.
Mary's Cemetery west of town.
grade curriculum for over ten
years. During the 2002-2003
school year, over 35,000 elemen-
tary, junior-high, senior-high
school students learned about
inventions and creativity. The
experience culminated with the
students' own inventions,
many of which reflected their
interests in solving problems,
making life easier, or just hav-
ing more fun. The Invent Iowa
High School Division also
encourages students in grades
9-12 to continue to develop their
inventive problem solving
skills and participate in Invent
Iowa. High School Curriculum
guides are available upon
The Colleges of
Engineering sponsorship of
Invent Iowa includes scholar-
ships to four top inventors. Two
inventors from grades 3-8 will
each receive a $500 scholarship.
Two high school division inven-
tors will each receive $1000
7th grader Gina Rayner will
compete at Invent Iowa con-
vention. Her slide locker
(below) won the area compe-
tition held last march
Moore quali-
fies for
Missouri, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Wisconsin, North
Dakota, South Dakota, and
Iowa- will compete on April 6
at the America's Center in
downtown St. Louis.
Rebecca Moore will be one
of sixteen gymnasts to repre-
sent Iowa at the Region IV
Championships in St. Louis.
Selection of the regional team
is based on scores on all four ,I,-L"
events at. the Iowa State
receives top
rating at
State piano
Gymnastics Meet held March
22. Moore, Iowa's youngest
Level 8 gymnast, will enter the
competition ranked tenth in
the state.
The top sixteen Level 8 gym-
nasts from seven states-
Rebecca Moore received a
top I rating at the Iowa Music
Teachers' Association State
Audition Finals in Ames on
March 15. Moore competed in
Level D with 28 other IMTA
Regional winners.
Rebecca Moore on the beam. Moore, Iowa'S
youngest Level-8 gymnast, will enter the
region IV championships in St. Louis
ranked 10th.
photo donated by Paula Moore