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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
March 29, 1945     The Lone Tree Reporter
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March 29, 1945
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE LONE TREE REPORTER, LONE TREE, IOWA. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, !945 PAGE Flare Frank Krueger, Mr, Krueger and Don. and Mrs. Arthur Lenz, Monday evening wbele wedding of Mrs. nephew, Pvt. Gaylord Robertson, both Owens is known a- Tree as he has stayed at different times e on a 15 day furlough al- an army training course Clifford Idle have a second, born Tuesday hospital, He weigh- six ounces and they Gary Dean. HOWard Krueger had what 9 very interesting vis- Schick hospital at they and Mrs. Krueger's and Mrs. Jasper Spivey and her sisters Merle and Work in Iowa City, to see an army pal of SPivey. This friend had Spivey in Europe be- lest back to the U. S. A, them many things they The Spiveys have Sgt. Spivey recently that the army that made the beachhead across the Mvs. Ed Schlapkohl returned home Thursday of last week from Asheboro, N. C., where she had visited her fa- ther and other relatives for seven weeks. When she left North Caroli- na peas were up several inches in the gardens and fruit trees were in full bloom. [ Lucille Kraeger was down from Cedar Rapids to spend Sunday at hel i Lone Tree home. Mildred Wolford spent the week end in Iowa City, the guest of Mrs, Myra Wiese. Doris Jehle of Davenport was a week end visitor at her Lone Tree home. Sunday guests in the Ovie Veatkin. son home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elder of West Liberty, Mr. and Mrs Glen Gelz)t, and Private and Mrs. Lyle Gerot and their daughter, Kay. Pvt. Gerot came from Great Lakes navy hospital for the week end. Mrs. Ella Marshall has company at her home, a niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, who had their household goods trucked to Lone Tree from Cat Creek, Mont. They arrived here Saturday. Ronnie Rife is having a vacation from school due to a light case of scar let fever. ey'll On Kent Starter that flock of baby chicks growing faster o0% CItlCI{ STARTER--the starter to give the baby chick the nutrients that it m the p ,opol:tion. qmcker that you can get those chicks to the greater your profit will be. Keep them by giving them a starting mash that will through those first critical weeks safely, with n of loss. W'e have a strpply of white seed Corn in now, and t re planning to plant any white corn this year m a position to supply you with some good A number of your neighbors raised some white year, and found that they received a nice over t'he price of yellow corn. It might pay grow some this year. oraing back to your chicks again---one of the e factors in keeping your flock in good health is llse of a chick litter tl'mt is dry and sanitar3- at all es' CIrICK-BED is jtrst this idnd of a product; [ cl folks x ho have u ed it hate to go back to the use i [aliY Other litter. Try a bag or so this year, and soy I difference. CLOVER & ALFALFA We have just gotten in a few more bushels of Red seed. This will be all that we will have, so if need any, see us at once. Also 15 bushels of Montana Grimm Alfalfa seed. An Easter Message llillions of people in liberated lands will obseyve East- er this )'ear with the conviction that they ti emselves have experienced a resmTeetion from living death. In manv American homes, too, where glad news has recently come telling of the release of loved ones from prison camps, Easter will be day of prayer and rejoicing. And to those upon whom sorrow has fallen, Easter Will Come with its comforting assurances of resurrec- tion and final reumon- _ * Office at Nichols, Iowa- You BUYING UNITED STATEs DEFENSE SAVINGS BONDS? P U. S. 7 rt,~ary Departmm,~ Mr. and Mrs. John Widmer of Way land spem Tuesday in the home el daughter. Mrs. Atlee Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Clawford en tertained at dinner Sunday honoring Wayne Hahn. coxswain of Corl)us Christi Texas. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henik and Elaine tlahn . of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs Fred Hahn and son of West Liberty and Mr. aml Mrs. Vernon HalIigan of Colchester. Illinois. DEBTS COLLECTED--Why wait lon- ger? Your notes, judgments, mort- gages, aceouma collected, or no charge. Anywhere. 38 year~ exper- ience. References. R.C. Valentine Co.. Ma1.~halltown. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jehle were om from Davenport Saturday niehr and Sunday visitine at the Mike Jehle and Harold Yakish homes. Mrs. Dayton Crim left Sunday :o re tiuFn [O her home at Hawardcn after spending a few days with the Crim and Kral relatives at Lone Tree. Mrs. Mary Solomon returned hem6 Friday from Mercy hospital where she had an oper'Mion a few days be- fore. Andrew Nielsen returned to Cedar Rap),~s Saturday after spending sev- ~l \yes-ks with his brother, Roy NieI. son. and family. Mr. and Mrs B. J. Corbett and Kirk were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Corbett's sister, Mrs. A. K. Hoh- enboken, and her family at Geneseo, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. F. O.Lutz have re- cently received two baskets of mam- moth grape fruit and oranges from their daughter and her husband, Pfc. and Mrs. Homer Berven of Harlingen. Texas. In one of the baskets they found a lemon that measured 15 inch- es in cireumference. Needless to say they are enjoying their luscious treat immensely: Mrs. Oscar Green has written to friends that she is recovering satis- factorily from her recent operation at a Stx~ator. Ill. h~pital. Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson. and family, of Muscatine; and Perry Hol- deman, of Iowa City, were Sunday gp~ests of Mrs. Lateens Feldman and Mrs. Perry Holdeman. Louis Zimmerman who had been working in Iowa City left a few days ago for Nevada where he hoped to get work. Mrs. John Kral went to Montrose. Me., early last week to see her old friend, Mrs. J. V. Kupka, seriously ill at the time. Mrs. Kral accompanied Mrs. Kupka's sister, Mrs. A. R, Drews of Iowa City. Mrs. John Kru- eger of Oxford, a niece of Mrs. Kupka, went to Montrose to attend funeral set vices for Mrs. Kupka Sunday. Mrz. Kral returned home Wednesday. Among those relatives and friends of Lieut. Elmer K. Yakish who attend- ed the American Legion memorial set vice at the community building in Iowa City Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jehle of Davenpot¢; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yakish of Solon; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yakish, Bobby and Jerry, of Lone Tree; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yak- ish of Iowa City; Mr. and Mrs, Bern- ard Oostendorp and Mr, and Mrs. Matt Lindle of Nichols; and Mrs. For- rest Ridenour of West Liberty. -O t ,,, With Those In Service I I I I Jerry Marek was accompanied to Lone Tree Sunday by his wife and their son and daughter of Vinton who have been with him at the depot this week. Lone Tree does not have a corn Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick ,;is- plete monoply on mumps as Orvill~ i~ed iu the home of d~eir son-in-law Walker. S 2/c, was a navy hospital pc- and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hu- tient at San Diego, Calif., three weeks 5achek, in Iowa City Sunday. Mr. recently entertaining them first on Hudaehek exnects to be able to re- one side and then the other. He re- turn to his x~ err ~o(m. aft(q" recupe~- turned to duty two weeks ago, and sting from an appen,tectomy. ~inc~ then has completed his training at San Ilie~o. and is looking forward Sue Abrams ln~t wi~h a painful ac- re .~sea duty. (ident FHday noon while playing b~l! ?Jr. and Mrs. E D. Carl have hears Jn the school yard in Lone "Free. She trom their son. Cap~. Wilbur Carl. wan hit in the mouth hy a baseball ~11o came home fill a. f~tgloll g]l ba'~. t)ne tooth was knocked out end from the tIawaiian Islands recent- another broken, ly, that he is a patio:n! a~ Pat- Win. Keeler has returned from Jef Ite~s°n Field hospital at Dayton. ObOe ferson Barracks. Me.. where he spent Capt. Carl had a leg operation bo- inationa week forbef°re~he hiSarmedfinalgorces.physicalHeexam-was fore l~aving Ha~ aii and his present not inducted. difficulty is due to improper healing of that wound. St. Sgt. Lawrence Wallen of Iowa City, a nephew of Mrs. L. G. Kitbour- ne, is visiting in the Kilbourne home. Sgt. Watlen is home on furlough after two years in the Pacific as a gunner on a Mitchell bomber, and altho he has been around more or less during his training and long service, lm says he would be perfectly happy to come right back to Iowa to spend the re- mainder of his life, He is of the Mar- ines. Robert Green, RT 3/c, ia expected tomorrow from Navy Pier, Chicago, having completed his course and grad sated last week from a navy radio technician's course there. He will spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Green, before going to i the west coast for assignment. [ Mr. and Mrs, James Ramer heard from their son, Pvt. Carrel Ramer, Monday. His letter was written Mar, 7 and is the fi~zt word any of his Feb atives had had since letters written Christmas week. He is in Germany and has been transferred from field I artillery to the 26th infantry and had training for that branch of the serv- Albert Petsel, Jr., who was sent lice in France. by the navy to a radio school at Gulf- port. Miss., a few weeks ago, is a pc- Pfc. John Ford has written back tient at a navy hospital there with an, hem his post with the army in Europe l that winter has gone over there and attack of s~arlet fever. I that the boys in his group will miss the ice cream, which, with imagina- tion they concocted from fresh clean Lieut. Llewelyn Green has complet- ed 71 tlyifig missions over enemy ter ritow, in Europe according to late word to relatives, tie is hoping to come home on furlough soon e snow plus canned milk, sugar, choco- late syrup, and other flavors. Pfc, Yaro Lasek arrived Thursday night from Camp Howze, Texas, and is spending this week with his wife. Gladys Jehle-Lasek, and his parents, Mr. and M~. John Lasek, of Ains.. worth. He is having a delay enroute and. at the expiration of his furlough, wilt ;:o to the east coast for re-assign- menu Pfc. Lasek was in the coast z,m;d nntil going to Camp ttowze and s}n,~e ~hat time he has been in the in- lalltFy. Lie~~. Galyn Loehr left Saturday night rot San Diego after ~pending a few lays with his l~arents, Mr. and Mrs t'. J Loehr. and his brother. Jim, He expects to be in San Diego for a Ieu aeeks before being re-assigned. The Traditional Chan-U A fresh co t of paint for the house or in that living room, bedroom, bath or kitchen will do more to refresh and clean 3,our home than anytMng you can do. Our line of Pratt & Lambert Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers includes everything you will possibly need for your spring decorating and refreshing job. We can help you with your color plans and combinations. "A dime's worth of paint makes a dollar's worth of di florence."' Lumber, Hardware, Coal Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker and family were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Baker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, at Cones- ville. U- Army Air Corps Phot¢ B-26 Marauder of the Mediterra- nean Allied Air Forces showers de- struction on railroad yards at Flor- ence, Italy. The bomber and the seven bombs in mid-air were pur- chased with War Bond funds over here. u. S. 7~'ea,~ry Departmc~ " \ - If you areplanning your work for the next few months, and can use a bank loan to help you accomplish your purpose, come in and see us. Let us help you arrange your borrowing so that you can do a complete Job, instead of merely part of it; • PROMPT ACTION • CONFIDENTIAL SERVICI~ • LOW COST • NO RED TAPE Lone Tree, Iow Lone Tree, Iowa