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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
February 19, 1925     The Lone Tree Reporter
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February 19, 1925
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 6. LONE TRITE REPORTER, LONE TREE, IOWA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Lukavsky M0t0r Co. Dodge Brothers Motor Vechicles LONE TREE, IOWA We have the new Dodge Bros. cars on the qloor. Call and look them over. Also some second-hand cars. We carry a full line of tires, accessories and oils. I have for sale an auto top for I91 7 model Buick touring car, almost as good as new. If you can use. it, come in and look it over. Come in and let us Demonstrate INSURANC We write insurance on all Iowa city, Iow ha k ds of farm property and on town and city as wetk Let us insure your automobile and write your liability insurance. 8oukup &amp; Carl Agents Dead Animals R_, Free Of charge Phone 994 H, SCHULMAN lows City, Iows D MORGAN General H, EOGS AND POULTRY Call us by 'phone ad We will come out for .)'oar produce. Mr la Houseal River Junction, Iowa El JOS. M. OTTO Attorney at Law. Offic¢---,ome Floor Johnson County Bank Buildin8 DR. L. G. KIBOURNE DENTISTRY Office upstairs in Fisher, Block Hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. i p. m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment. 'Phone 62. Securrty Aostrsct Company Of Johnson county, Iowa. AlmrL of title carefully and promptly pre pared. Office 5th noor, Johnson Cour ty Bank Building, L. C. W. ciermm ee. Iowa Jl, 1o J E. M. MATHEWS Chiropractor telephone 1107. Monday, Wednesda and Friday at Ir  lt'l ,one Tree, h, wa. DI. W. L, B W&Ti:R Physician d urseon. lclaAlsC iJ IGor, EYe, TLroat and Nto. Olc --I18 hasl Washington Street, ore the Golden Egle Clotlling 8tor /geJ len-,e V/t lItle. /Pttor, im-=Oh. Z88. Rea. g, loa City, lowlk *\\; W. R. BREWTER '-|¢snd Embalmsr and Funeral Director. Telephone---Store N, 81R; RIldsnce No. 86. LONE TREE, IOWA pl Notice for Trappers and Fm'mrs-. Highest prices Imid for raw furs aad hldea. Slap to Muscat4ne Iron & Metal Co. MAX SKOLNIK, Prop. MuscqtIne, Iowa "Phons 497 .527-529 East 2nd St. | Messer, Olaxma,n & Olden Lawyers. Farm loans at lowest rates. Olfice Johnson County Bank Bldg Iowa City, lova. S BACK . Good news for pouIti 7 raisers I EGG a DAY, the powerful new .......... d uoultry tonic is abso- am vy experts to oe toe |utel--= ....... ";- " -  . . Y gtttt-anLeea I;O in- most marvelous poultry tlts- crease the egg produc- every Of the entury.' Stlmu- lion of your hens, when te.s thn egg making glands, used as directed. Money elk. WIito aug shell form mh back tf it fails, llsuallJ faster. Imagine--S5 to $15 ex- makes 6 to 25 times Its tra g money in a 6e package, cost m extra eggs. Come 'ry It, In and get a package. Bert ° P. Daerres / SINN00 IN HEAVEN ,4ulkly he turnea. In astonlsnment. "We may never see any other hu- man beings ," she gasped. With his usual swift penetration he" understood, by the desperation in her voice and eyes, the overwhelming hor- rors raised by this thought. For a m meat he hesitated: then. pulling her hand down into his• he elnsped it dose. saying nothing. At his reassuring touch the awful loneliness faded grad- ually, as the autumn mists when the sun breaks throuh. A sudden omhursr of exultant cries rent the air. The lengthy eulogy (';llne to an end at hist. The pathetic relief I every swarthy breast manifested _ , itself in wild leqps ;rod jubil'ml shouts. (h'oft. like Mr Micawber. was not slow in seizin an oplaortunily for elo- quence. Raising his free hand to com- mand silence, he glihly reeled off other duties assigned to him. It was. im stated confidently, tile ods' desire that he and his wife should live upon the island to assist the tribe in tile recovery of its strength and prosperity. This provoked more up- roarious shouting. "Tley would have you to cultivate aln tile taro plant, which now is as a weed: weave nluch tapestry for your huts from the reeds: dry the sliced kernels of tile recount: cultivate the rolt¢m weed, Then. perchance, when we remove to other lands, we shall send great shlp hither with wondrous gifts In return f.r ttle fruits of your claimed ; hut Crdft's experience of na- tives wan to() wide to allow of reliance upo their momentary enthusiasm Flashinu a stern lanee around, he swed them into silence. t "If all this is done peacefully," lie I continued, in threatening tones. "ye shall rest In safety. But if aain yor hands are lifted against us. your bodies shall be bnrnl afresh wtth blue fire-devils! Your wmnen shall be laln; your little ones thrown to the harks! The wrath of your gad will I brIn dovn." waving his band threat enlnly skyward. "and turn you into tortured slaves. If ever aaln ye molest toll" Further shouts arose. "The nd his hand to the while chief's wife!" ods would have ns to visit freely your . he thundered, glaring ferociously at the habitations and show you how to pre- f now trembling figure. vent the pestilences which devour 3:oar I Like a sudden breeze rippling over numbers." a group of poplars, a breath of fear This program was vociferously ac- .wept across the listening crowd. Be- booms began a st..'am of gabbling pro- test : he was unaware of the sinfulness of his action; he had not seen tile zrea! chief nor heard of his mission from the gods ; it was the Vow .... J craftiness or these . also the delicacy of his own position, with the necessity of causin no offense in this first action as overlord. His face set in tts most determined, lmtenetrable lines: his eyes flashed round on all present, inspirin fear in tim hearts of thoe upon whom they occ'sionallv rested. Iteconizina at lust the man he Sllht. be nm*;,m,w hh-, f*.xx.rrd• Larer th:)n most. more brutal ot countenance. Barbara quickly recog- nized her late pllrstler. "What i he called 7" Croft demanded nf t2h hnab,'hoi. "P,:d)6oma. O Grear(,.t of Chiefs :'" The two men reg.qrded each other silently: nnd in the look of the native Croft reconize,1 hatred dad definnce. in spite of the fear lurking in the bold eyes which Ilet his own. - A dull murlnur arose, in which hi ear wan quick to note hostility. Tile old chief's face was full of anxiety as he stepned forward, pulling his beard nervously. "Few have so straight an aim am ah,,,,na. Great Clet. He Is of kin to my house, lie will become chiel' In my stead. Many," he added in a low voice, "would have him now ; for I am old and my heart Is dead with my sons." "He hath not found favor in my sight, '' replied the gods' messenger curtly, frowning upon the wretch, whose expression of defiance was rap- hlly fading. "He hath raised him eyes [ lnqi.:o tile fl:/m, :trie. strMht ana hiab', q'h,,Is sh:d} we know that',mr acrfioe  :('(', ,'it'd hy our gt>d." Tle great white chief i:a('iln,,1 his bead. Ste:!2ng fwward with tile a- uurance af one lls¢,l t uidin¢ ¢:lcri- ficial flames from childhood, he ad- vanced to the :ll'.ar IIurbara watchine him in astonishment. There he paused for H .o]ekln nlOlll(qlt--J,.hether to givc tile effect of fever,nee, or t,, grasI .ome elusive lllelllOry, or frolu sheer Joy in tile situation, she could n0l tell. Sl,)wiy. at last. he raised his arms. waving tie flaring t,,r(-h hl=b above his bead. Then he embark,d upon a short ,lipiay of piwsical drill as If invokinz the spirits of :*n unseen host. It ilnpr-se,l the native. into awestruck silence, while filling the girl with an almost irrepressible desire to laugh. After this perfornmnce, he bent slowly down and hehl his torch to t'11o hvnp of dry stir.ks and leaves. Imme- diately the tire ('aught on. crackling qnd fizzlinr, sen,lin up leaping yelhw flames and thick curling smoke into the somber veldt ill}eve. This instant lind splendid confluara- tion was a i'_,n of tim ,,fferin bein leceptable t,) Balhuaka. An,,ther l)ur.* ff exeitd incanvatinn broke fr,,m ho q.sOP.lh y. |hi' lUlls! cl:l Ilg olF'o 1T1oro blowJn ill)ell [heir r.,eds ;!n,l ho]!'< "r}:c torche. flared, llt  lmlifir, belliml f,rth thiek ffll.<tq t}f |l:llnc an,l -Ilt,:.  lt roar minalh:: with th,, "a;::sS,- :,;:. w:d sin=:n. At lust the lh!nl(" re::o!:od t,l , :<i}'ri- rice and the air ws filh, d wiU the .ulell of hllrn}n f(md. A great shout went tip. Tile _Od was even now eatin= of their offering: Health and prosperity would be theirs for at least the dur"ation of this moon : The music abruptly ceused: the danc- ers sank breathless to the ground; an awed hush fell upon the gathering. When the fire had died down to a tflowlng neap or rea emoers, tne m- lenee broke stormily in an outburst of joyous hilarity. The procession started back to the settlement, the riotous merriment continuing all the way. the waving torches muking th moon seem Imle by contrast. At a small hut on the outskirt Chimabahoi paused, intimating that it was the best they could offer and would in tabu to the great whit( ch'ef Then the revelers dispersed, tile torches flickering like miniqture fire among the neighboring huts. The man and the glrl were left alone. TO BE CONTINUED I I I I I. III I I I I I I : Clothes Cleaned ; World's G'dest Lan. Tfl'lllL.']l lileFl' i NtlIte opini-t. I]illlly ;till ]loril}es lha belief tkal lhc ,,ldest lal3 tll "*Vl)I'lfi iN SlllSkI'il. Uncomplimentary Like the Scorch. Em En relish a jl;e (,n their native arities. A recent book of iniscencos inch]des this story of the old duchesse de and Montr)nd. the French duehese asked the famous your opinion, what animal closely resembles inane" reflected for a minute and plied, gvely. "L'Anglais, Over 1,000,0 Buick Owners After you have the smoothness perfect balance, then the instant sponsiveness of Buick Valve Six - Cylinder after you have its reserve powe Croft waved him away. t1 &__j I --__,J I tnter the worst "'Thou knowest now. Take heed. II qknl::l rresu • .. . over-bohl one'" Then he turned.. . tc I-- -- alter you Have Roowa. still on his knees in despmr. |I   I . " I •  - --. tts very economic .1 "Ronwa." he asked, "thou lovest thy I ,.et ready or Spring I I _. little ones?" "A-aa! As m.vse, f.nhty Chief!" I: by Having Your Cloth-II gasoline consum r care. It was another #lmpse into a • ing ned and Pr s- --you hun,a, sou,. a, ti.,u,, as yet she under ll .. lit hie reason why tl ,toed no,hie of his t00uhlo /" I the reat white chief or his wife!" "It is well. Take heart, Roowa! I are more than a Fear overawed the naties en. My will lsnot tooffer up thy sick[l, v ' Modern Cleaners ] " " I lion BtltlCk owners. thnstasm. They foil on their faces hahe;,bltt to go with thee now to thy I a,ain, babbling iheoherently of oedt- hut. and. Ierchnrrve. cure the child." ence and mercy. He motioned them to The Joy which tran.iured the ha-t; lone Tree, Iowa "1 Lone Tree Motor rise: then he drew back. satisfied. He ttve's face was indescribable. Upon I ! • had established eomparatlvesafety for the dismissal of tim trlhe, be led the II I I I I I I m I I I I • t " them both. for the time being at all visit9rs to hts hut. incoherent in hl events, and exnlatned the scene to excitement. As Croft had ntessed. the • Rarhara. exultantly. 0hild only suffered from fever, needtn.- H .:.::.:.:.:.:: :.::.:::. 'I'ht introduction over. Cbimahahol more airnd cleanliness--the filth and @@ * PUT YOUR lleg In choosing the reat sacrifice t those neeessitiex, he produced from his COAL IN he offered up at the cloe of the tempt, cockers one of his fever antidotes. ;; Should the great white ehfef dectde Meamaa watchin him In terrified be4 u0on human sacrifice--- The oM man wIIderment : then he precipitately b waved toward the crowd eft faces, pushed Barbara out into the fresh air watchln in tense annrehension : again. ;   I  m , "All are here, O M;e:hty Chief." The feast, to which they wore now sentient cries, mixed with shout. of open space between the huts and the "Memnaa! Meama!" The natives lagoon. Only the men squatted round )tossed forward tn ease," anxiety, to eat. the women occupying a lower makes t;ool00tng I wee her not. Ileasant expectation of finishing their :: I I I A i I Where Is Rowa, her husband? And leaving. Laalo. her son?" At the .end of the feast the pair ha- A little Mack flmre was thrust came aware that all eyes wore fastened rouehlv forward. He 'anced round, on thenL The sun had set. The sacrI. fearfully, nncertain whether to cry or flee must be decided upon, An air of  prove the manhtmd of his five years, anxttv, of strained expectation, wa. @€@ :' . ' ecldlng norm fhe former course, his man,test. O* eyes. iu the act of screwln up, en- Croft's wita bad nnt been .lumherfn. ; eo,;nterod thos- of the whl,e rlrl "0or go(N Imve told me." he Informed i; ere is atcbtn him cnrim, sh,: and he rmned, ehi,nall,of eonfidentially. "tbat tby !I; , If th bne-tbing that exasperates a nrIn at ber. his mouth eden. She od. Ralhuaka. doth nothuner for tl,, smt,ed.  w-n*,e._ ri. s, ow, y over- flesh of.n,n ,hismoon: .eit,.e do, l, he an- U-iyn •  cook more than ng else, it's a fir that nroad h!. small finnish face7 and he dos!re fish or hlrd to be off-red nu', ;; e r, ovd n,mrer. Inoktn np at her with blrn. He desireih to taste lhe dsh,  * " " O" h,,,1,s ,d,ratton. . ro, ,last ,re.areal for t,,ose who ha.-e .+ won t burn right. A steady heat s the thm, For tile flrnt time Barhara felt the satled here from lhe skies. All that '+, th 13EN humanity behind tl,e remdsh-e eterlnr we have left une, t-n shall the,, col,eel, at every cook wants and OLD o thee folk. She hld out her free therefore, and offer unto him. It Is i. O  * lwnd. The lfttle fellow came sby!y food t, hu ,, th.. sent .by tt, e cod.: " COAL makes the best heat. toward It. but some nn roughly pl/t|ed th.refare doth he require It beyond all him hack : and .he remembered, with other f<md."  ome ,,mu.e,n,.nt. ,h,,t l,e , t,,hu r iis ,,i.nct ree,,in,.s e,,, mr :i: We will have three cars of this coal on Accompanied hy nluch muttertn and l cbr.'eter with  neevIuh cbihl tlmn scuffling, a mnn whoe face wa. ,ti- a celotbI I,en.: hilt fo Chlmahallol it i; .not, v *.ore tn,e.ient than that of a..e.r,.d n.t,,r:, -,,nh..e .,o..-I  the tracks in a few days. Also Edgeland ninny of hls fol}ow, slowly advanced, m,mlenId the d,,*';;ot to the trDc Crr*ft :watched him ol,,sely. , which sl,o,v..d voclrermsly Its unmts- i  Jellico, the highest grade Eastern Kentuc • '.pp.., !" cr,ed Chfu.,,,ahoI. ".vh t.,,hie re, tel  ky are Moamaa nnd thy bbe, that they The ,nbrstnl remains were tbor coal on the market.- obeyed not the (mmand to greet the fore athered toelher and I)]aced r" I groat white chief?" recentnclos of platted reeds, Lighted - Mnnv ealer vdex,s broke In. before ro.ed torches were rodrteed for every. he ennld reply, bodv. td the DroeeMo sot forfL "Phe hsl)e is sick.liP l,lliefF' bendd by the oht chief and the w!V€ [ Tbe scoItrffe f) ('htef' Tt , an;n vlsltnr.. Tram;aft we.twrd throt+ff, ; white chief :tve us fr}nl (lie scqitre, hhmd to the sacred hahn rove. i at ttn S,'torif}oo of th(* Fi/]l .,Ioon to* ll,qd f, rmod two w,vina tines of la" j rtht---" \\;Vitbin n few nmments the taroh, [ I.e.m-: uttoro :, .ffraat c13". nd feq as the mliw, s divided mmn e!th,r i,?, 1 ou 1de l:e before (rnft. wild of the ecPat',,tl n:th The boa,.er ,c| ttrms o.,l<tw,+c!led, h;d,M,n pr,ttcs+a, tl:o sno,'!fi,'o advnneed nr the ¢-m+o, €I? Lumber and Coal Lone Tree, lowa 'f,m and 91tlfn! .upDti-attons ,nd b%l It ,,ran the, unLh-btod bonfire- The. Wbtt0. m.___ full*', realtzed the the mnsichns n,,u*te, t on the ero,Jn" * nt, ar