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The Lone Tree Reporter, Thursday, February 17,2005 C O MMUNITY Page5
Upper Iowa University
Dean's List
Jared Hartsock of West Des
Moines, Iowa has been named
to the Upper Iowa University
Dean's List for the 2004-2005 fall
Jared is a 1997 Lone Tree
School graduate pursuing a
teaching degree in secondary
education. Students named to
the Dean's List have achieved
at least a 3.5 grade point aver-
Upper Iowa University, locat-
ed in Fayette, Iowa, provides
postsecondary education to a
widely diverse student clien-
tele. The University is commit-
ted to maintaining curricular
flexibility, encourages lifelong
learning, and an understand-
ing of the critical and creative
thinking processes.
Kirkwood Dean's List
Kirkwood Community Col-
lege has released its Dean's
List for the Fall 2004 Semester.
These students have achieved a
3.3 grade point average or high-
er after completing 12 or more
credit hours with the college.
Kirkwood students from the
area earning this distinction
Hills - Jessica Issen, Liberal
Arts - Johnson County; Kori R
Rich, Early Childhood Educa-
Lone Tree - Ronald Eugene
Bushell, Lan Management;
Bradley A. Hayes, Liberal Arts;
Stephanie Magruder, Architec-
tural Technology; Amber Lynn
Rollberg, Liberal Arts; Kristen
Ronan, Electroneurodiagnostic
Tech; Becky Schwarzhoff, Lib-
eral Arts - Johnson County;
Jonathan M. Wieland, Entry-
Level Firefighter; Melinda
Wieland, Liberal Arts - John-
son County; Jessica Leanne
Wolfe, Nursing Associate
• From pg 3 - LOOKING BACK
bag $1.29, Heinz ketchup 32 oz.
.98¢, tangerines 6/$1, Post
Sugar Crisp 18 oz. $1.29, toma-
toes .49¢ lb.
Half of the paper was Solon
News, Carla S. Lyon, editor and
Solon's new doctor, Dr. Bruce
Van Hauweling was over from
the Solon Area Heath Service
15 years ago
February 22, 1990
Lyle Beaver gives Lenten Ser-
vice at the United Presbyterian
• Church on February 28, Ash
The Chamber of Commerce
met at the United Presbyterian
Church on Monday, February
19. Randy Yakish gave a festi-
val update. The Edan Junior
Federation Club will be in
charge of the Easter Egg Hunt.
Winners of the Corn and Soy-
bean Contest will be invited to
the next Chamber meeting to
be held in March at St. Mary's
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hawthorn will celebrate their
50th Anniversary with an open
house on March 4 at the United
Presbyterian Church.
The Lone Tree Health Care
Center named Neva Maxwell as
quee and Frank Skala as king
of their Valentine's Day Party.
Mary Forbes and Raymond
played music.
Edward Rossman took sec-
ond place at the 1989 Iowa Mas-
ters Soybean Grower's Contest.
A benefit basketball game
was held Sunday, February 25.
Johnson County Sheriff's
Department played against
Lone Tree Fire Department
and Lone Tree Chamber of
Lone Tree Lion's Club held
its annual frozen fish sale Sat-
urday and Sunday February 24-
The Riverside City Council
voted no to selling land to NES
for the proposed infectious
medical waste disposal inciner-
ator on Monday, February 19 at
a public meeting.
10 years ago
February 23, 1995
Julie Johnson was named All
Conference First Team. Honor-
able Mention went to Kris
Hain, Steff Forbes, and Angle
Lone Tree Chamber to work
on brochure to promote Lone
Tree. They chose the slogan, '
Tree-mendous Place to Live."
The school board accepted
the resignation of Mr. Curt
Countryman as the Raiders
head football coach.
From My Little Corner of the
World: Wednesday is Thinking
Day for the Girl Scouts. We are
trying something different this
year. Hats off to the FFA. To all
the young people past and pres-
ent who have learned a lot for
being a member.
The Lone Tree boys extend
winning steak to 5. Some of the
members of the teams are:
Kevin Spears, Chris Berry,
Tony Hazen, Andy Ratzlaff,
Jim Thomae, Josh Vance, Jere-
mey LeGare, Matt Poeltlier,
Darren Yoder, Greg Brinkmey-
er and Ben Petitt.
5 years ago
February 17, 2000
Lone Tree cancer victims
honored in Relay for Life.
Cate's Crusaders was cap-
tained by her daughter, Jill
Spears for the second year.
Care, who passed away March
(Above) Magic and Mr. Sequoia (who
sired Magic) look for a carrot treat while
hanging out in their Kalona corral. In Mr.
Sequoia's previous life he was a show
llama and the herd stud.
(Right) Kaleidoscope is more the loner,
having come fronl a different family in the
herd. The three llamas were adopted by
Marti Scott of the Lone Tree Reporter,
when their owner had to move and gave
away her 14 llamas to good homes.
Scott has enjoyed the quirky personali-
ties of the llamas for a year and a half. Mr.
Sequoia definately thinks he's the 'boss'
and would like to get all of the treats, if he
1, 1998 was the editor of the
Lone Tree Reporter for ten
Pearson's Promise competed
for Lynn Pearson who died Feb-
ruary 8, 1998. She was the
mother of Ryan and Harley
Pearson. The first place for
raising $13,000 for cancer
Matt Zediker was named tem-
porary librarian. He will take
over for Laura Wolf who will
soon go on maternity leave.
"Love and All That Jazz," a
program from the Lone Tree
Music Department was held at
the American Legion Hall.
Daffodil Days to raise funds
for cancer research will be held
February 24.
Drug dog, Turbo along with
Deputy Dan Quiles came to
school in the D.A.R.E. program
for the sixth grade.
Pets of the Week: Llamas
Statler Construction, Inc.
Nichols Christian Church
j! Soup Supper
to 8:00 EM. .
19th, 2005, .......
Noodle, and Ham
, pie &
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