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Sullivan's Salvos
By Rod Sullivan
My daughter Rachel is in 7th
grade at South East Junior
High in Iowa City. Her Global
Studies teacher, Mr. Bockle-
man, gave her class an assign-
ment that really resonates with
me. They all need to write an
essay in response to the fonow-
ing question: "What is the sin-
gle biggest issue facing the
world today?" Pretty heady
stuff, sure. But I think it is won-
derful that Mr. Bockleman is
challenging the kids to think
big and take this on.
Rachel decided child labor
was the biggest issue. I am
proud of her choice. I have
given it some thought, and my
answer is greed/selfishness.
So... how would you answer
this question? Can we extend
this thinking to the County
level? What is the single biggest
issue facing Johnson County
today? I would like to hear your
The Supervisors from Linn
and Johnson Counties met
jointly last Tuesday. While
there were not any major deci-
sions being made,: I think the
meeting was very helpful. Our
two counties are too close and
share too much to be strangers.
We need to spend some time
getting to know each other.
Once there is some familiari
we can discuss working togeth-
I recently joined the Board of
the Hawkeye Area Community
Action Program (HACAP). One
of 17 Community Action Pro-
grams acr e tate, HACAP
; 7 coty aret of Eastern/Iowai: !
Locally, HACAP provides sever-
al programs-transitional and
low-income housing, heating
assistance, and Head Start, just
to name a few. HACAP has
assisted thousands of Johnson
County residents dating back to
the '60s. This could change dra-
matically- President Bush's
budget proposal would slash
over half of HACAP's funding.
The Federal Budget matters
tremendously to the low-
income residents of Johnson
The 21st Annual Bowl For
KidsL Sake will take place on
February 26th and 27th at Colo-
nial Bowling Lanes in Iowa
City. The event is the only
major fundraiser for Big Broth-
ers Big Sisters of Johnson
County and accounts for close
to 35 percent of its annual
budget. Your help is greatly
County Auditor Tom Slockett
has held his office longer than
any other County elected offi-
cial, Auditor Slockett was Rrst
elected in 1976, and has served
with 22 different members of
the Board of Supervisors. In
addition, Auditor Slockett set a
county record in the 2004 elec-
tion by receiving 98.8percent of
the popular vote.
Anyone interested in learning
more about County govern-
ment should take a look at the
County website-www.johnson -
county. As always, feel free to
contact me at 354-7199 or rod- I
look:forward to serving you!
Thank you for all the kind
words of encouragement we
have received in cards and
notes. It is always nice to know
our efforts are appreciated.
Last week we started to run
what we hope to be a weekly
feature, "Pet of the Week." We
will feature your pet if you
send or bring in a photo and
"give us some information
about it.
This week we have covered
one of our own pets, the llamas
on page five. We hope to feature
your pets in future weeks, so
The woman collecting for
the Ronald McDonald House
that was featured in last
week's paper lives in West
Liberty and works at the
Lone Tree Family Practice
bring those photos in, folks.
It looks like some great
opportunities are cooking for
Lone Tree in the near future.
Check out the stroke screening
program being brought in by
Farmers & Merchants Savings
The Habitat for Humanity
program is looking for volun-
teers to help raise money for
construction materials and to
actually help build a house
here in Lone Tree.
Anyone who wants to help
can volunteer. There is a
guideline for the labor
teenagers can perform. Con-
struction is scheduled to begin
in August and is hoped to be
completed by Christmas.
For more information call
Sandy Brown at 629-4917 or
visit on the
C OLUMNS The Lone Tree Reporter, Thursday, February 17, 2005
On The Backroads
Wrestling season ender
The peace treaty to end come to mind. Also, anything
World War II was signed in a ; by Pablo Picasso. I'm not into
ceremony in Tokyo Bay on the .... having people's arms coming
deck of a United States battle- out of the sides of their heads.
ship. What was the name of the • I hope Mayor Bloomberg and
battleship? By Ron Rife the citizens of New York are
OTB The Lone Tree happy. I can't imagine some-
I want to say right up front Reporter body not raising some kind of
that I am not against art. I like ruckus about the thing only
to look at a well-painted picture being up for 16 days.
or a nice sculpture. However, it is called when projects like OTB
the farce that has been put up this are done. Apparently, the I saw a personalized license
in Central Park in New York artists have done other projects plate in Iowa City the other day
City is another thing. I read in such as this in other places that surely caused me to look
one newspaper article that the around the world. I know what twice. It read DRG DLR. That
sculpture tiffed "The Gates," I would call it. Stupid. certainly looked like an abbre-
cost $21 million. To spend that kind of money viation for Drug Dealer to me.
I can see some symbolism to for 16 days is just plain stupid. Then I saw the license plate
the idea. New York City was the One New York City fourth- holder around it. Printed on
gateway to the Promised Land grader was quoted that, while that were the words "College of
for a lot of immigrants in the she thought it was fabulous, Pharmacy.."
19th and 20th centuries. What "It's a waste of money." The Thought For The Week
better place to put something I always thought art was this week reminds of some peo-
commemorating New York's something that was supposed ple I have known to spend a lot
place as that gateway than in to last and be enjoyed. Suppose of time flitting around like a
its biggest park. Michelangelo had left the ceil- butterfly and never seem to get
Another nice thing is that the hag in the Sistine chapel for 16 much work done. It's from
'gates' actually look like gates, days and then climbed up there Ernest Hemingway. He said:
There are 7,500 of them cover- and just splotched more paint "Never mistake motion for
ing 23 miles of footpaths in the all over it, covering it all up. Or action."
park. The problem is, they are suppose the artist had taken a The answer to the Brain
only going to be on display for knife or a pair of scissors to the Teaser is the USS MISSOURI.
16 days. That's right, folks. Mona Lisa. The Missouri was one of what
Somebody is spending $21 rail- I will admit that I have never were known as 'Iowa Class' bat-
lion to put up a bunch of arch- claimed to be an art critic, tleships. The Iowa was the first
es in Central Park for 16 days, There are some things that just one built that was that big. I
and then they will be taken don't make sense. Some of the think, eventually, we also had a
down. sculptures in the rest areas Wisconsin and a South Dakota
I don't know what kind of art along Interstate 80 in Nebraska in that class.
From My Little Corner...
Who turned out the lights?
• My corner got a little that causes all the troubles.
brighter this week, thanks to Laughter is the shock
Dave Parsons, new publisher absorber that eases the blows of
for the Reporter. The light went life.
on again in my little world. (He If you can read the writing
replaced the light bulb in the By Mrs. P on the wall, your children are
library's microfiche machine The Lone Tree old enough to know better.
that Mrs. P uses to research her Reporter Counting time isn't so impor-
Looking Back columns). Look- tant as making time count.
ing Back will be in the Reporter The best angle to approach
again for the 100, 50 and 25-year nesses like the Reporter, which any problem is the TRY angle.
entries. If you liked the past is over 112 years old, would die Every mom knows which
two week's columns where I along with the other business- side the bread is buttered, the
used h, 10 and 15-year archives es. side the kid dropped on the
of the paper, let the editor So it is a red-letter day for me. floor.
know. If we don't hear from The light is in and all is well Flattery is like soft soap, 90 %
you people, we will know it was with my world, A BIG thanks lie.
not a good idea. to Dave. Lessons in thrift-Use it up,
The Looking Back column is So let's keep our school and wear it out, make it do, or do
a big part of the paper and for town and be grateful for it: Be without.
two months, I have waited for proud of the fact we can sup- Change your thoughts and
someone to fix the machine so I port and stand behind it 100 you can change the world.
could write my column. A little percent. If ain't bragging if you really
light bulb, which went out These sayings are from Book done it.
sometime in December. Who No. 2. You can't have everything,
would think something so Learn from the mistakes of where would you put it?
small would cause so much others. You can't live long The buds are the tree's host-
trouble. This machine is locat- enough to make them all your- esses to the future.
ed in the school library, and the self. Buds are promises that there
school is the life of this town. Conscience is the small voice will be a tomorrow. •
Without the school, this town that makes you feel even small- There is no such thing in any-
would not grow. And if this er. one's life as an unimportant
town doesn't grow, the busi- All marriages are happy, it's day.
the living together afterwards
Johnson and
$25 per year else-
February 17
The Lone Tree Reporter
117 N Devoe Street
Lone Tree, IA 52755
Periodicals postage paid at Lone Tree, IA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
PO Box 13, Lone Tree, IA 52755
An independent newspaper, and official newspaper for the
City of Lone Tree, Johnson County, and the Lone Tree
Community School District.
All items are due by 12:00 p.m. Monday
afternoon for publication consideration in
that week's issue.
Deadlines are strictly enforced, and the
Editor of the newspaper reserves the right to
reject any item submitted for publication,
solely at his discretion.
Contact Us:
Off]co: 319-629-5207 or 319-530-7274 mobile
FAX: 319-629-4203
Ron Slechta ............... Publisher
Dave Parsons ........... Co-Publisher
Marti Scott .................. Editor
Mclissa Heathedy ............. Editor