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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
February 1, 1934     The Lone Tree Reporter
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February 1, 1934
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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|¥ -J FE.,DITARY 1, 19jr ALLOWED 1 BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS S Shims, Victor, posting Quar- antine sigma ................. 3.60 Dane Company, The, contract __ r Work ............................. 2147.59 Cltne Equipment Co., radiator January 15._1934 supplies and repairs _ Will J., Atty. for De- ................................ $ 10.00 Corbett Lumber Co., coal .... CO., express ...... 1.33 Cra.wford Tractor Co., sup- Jas., Petit Juror ..... 40.60I plies for Material yards _ James, Jury Bailiff_ 24.001 B. Franklin, Printing E to depart 7.50 Tree Reporter, printing 17.75 J. L.. milk, poor ...... 2.48 H. P., supplies, Jail .... 12.48 Grocery &amp; Hardware, poor ............... 5.00 groceries, poor ....... 21.34 J. J., serving Non-Res- Notices ................. 18.20 Frank, checking gravel 23.60 Lucile, mileage for .......................... 13.90 Gertrude A., rent for Kelsey 8.00 V¢. J., Atty. for De 10.09 5ales January 25 February 8 Februarp 22 March 8 March 22 April 5 April 19 your horses to any above dates. N. Gibson Commisgion Co. West Liberty, Iowa We selI all other kinds every Monday year. C. R. & I. C. Ry. Co., freight C. R. I. & P. Ry. Co., freight Cities Service Oil Co.. supplies Frenberger, Jos.. right of way Hawkeje Material Co., sup- ! pile,; [ .................................... Iowa City Plumbing Co., sup plies Iowa Machinery & Supply Co., supplies Koser, -Ed; kerosene ............. Katzeumeyer. Gee., rye ......... Kimmel, Ben, lead ............ Lenoch & Cilek. Hardware .... Means Bros. Grocery, lye ...... Nall Chevrolet Co.. auto parts Ries Iowa Bookstore, supplies Engineer's office .............. Stimmel. Oscar, right of way Strub, Co., The. red percale.__ Sieg Co.. supplies ............... Voss. Chas.. repairs and sup- plies ..................................... WhetstJne Drug Co., supplies for first aid kit ................ Bradley Print Shop, supplies Overseer of Poor .................. Boerner Phramacy, medical suppl,es ................................ Bremers Store, clothing, poor City Fuel Co., fuel, poor ....... City Bakery, bread, poor ..... Dane Coal Co., coal, poor ...... Ewers Shoe Store, shoes, poor Fry's Grocery, groceries, poor Glaasmans Grocery, groceries, poor ................................... .... Gumps Grocery, groceries, poor ............................ Gasoline Alley, fuel, M. Davis Hohenschuh Morttuary. Ambul- ance service, poor ........ glrks Dfry, milk, poor Koser, Ed, Co., Stores, grocer- ies, Imor Pohlers Grocery, groceries, poor ............................. Doyle, Chas., milk, poor __- Hunter, Mrs. Gee., rent for R. W. Earton Hulls Dairy, milk, poor -- 6146 R. J. Baschnagel, Manager • R. Baschnagel & Son REALTORS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance / OFFICE OF THE IOWA CITY NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION (OPganlzed Under the Federal Land Bank of Omaha) R_ J. BASCHNAGEL, Secretary-Treasurer SEE US FOR LOANS UNDER FEDL EMERGFCY FARM MOILTGAGE ACT FEDERAL FARM LOAN8 First Mortgagee Term 4Va% Jmit SSe,000.00 One Per=on FARM COMMISSIONER'S LOAN8 On Second Mortgagee tong Term Intere=t 5 Limit trDooJ)o One Person CALL AT OFFICE FOR DETAILS 7 Jehmmt Cunty Bank Bldg. iowa City, le¢;a Quality Printing Service Enlist our printing services when you have a printing job that demands careful work and quick delivery. Business The most masouaMe pce on all work. The Reporter l f LONE TREE REPORTER. LONE TREE, IOWA Kalene, Bridget, rent for John Wrede Mercy Hospital hospital care for poor Miller Dairy, milk, poor ....... 27.29 Means Grocery, groceries, pore 3.70 Means Bros., groceries, pnor Louis, Henry, Druggist, merit- 582.26 cal supplies, poor ............... 1.51 Nagle Lumber Co., coal. peer 2-64 :Oxford Mercantile Co., grocer- 5.05 I ies, poor ................................... 39.42 7.50 tN°rthwestern Bell Telephone I Co., Telephone service ....... 28.85 8.05 Cakes Bros., c)al, poor ........... 18.00 i Peoples Grocery, groceries .... 7.50 21.20 Pipers Coffee House, coffee, poor ........................................ 2.34 26.83 Purity Bakery, bread, poor .... 24 3.52 Parizeks Grocery, groceries, 125 poor .................................... 5.53 .48 Reyhon Grocery, groeerie:, 14.87 poor ......................... 16.21 3.60 Rose Coal Co., coal, poor ...... 10.88 9.35 Ross Dairy, milk. poor ......... 1.13 V. L. Sharp, rent for Harry 3.90 Kloo3 ..................................... 12.00 7.10 Sidwells Dairy, milk, poor 9.76 13.40 Sheppard, Pearl, groceries. 70.16 poor ................................. 2.25 Stewarts Shoe Store, shoes, 49.93 poor .................................... 3.90 Shoquft, f. E., groceries, poor ................................. 3.00 Sheridan Coal Co., coal, poor 32.50 2.55 Shulman Coal Co., coal, poor 2.50 Swaners Dairy. milk, poor .... 17.85 17.88 Thompsen. Tom, groceries, 3.38 poor ...................................... 13.23 21.00 T&omas Dairy, milk, poor ___ 2.62 .78 University :Hoopital, hospital 10.75 care : cor ........................ 15.90 8.90 Western Union Tel. Co., set- S.66 vice, Overseer of poor ..... 3.62 Watkins Meat Market, meat, 2073 poor ............................................ 2. XV]litebrook, Joe, groceries, 19.80 poor ................................ 2.84 .50 Wicks Grocery, groceries, poor 22.06 Peoples Grocery, "groceries, I0.00 poor ............................ 21.70 1.18 W'hitebrook, Ben, groceries, poor ............................ 11.08 3.52 Yetterz Store, shoes, poor __ 3.69 Healy, Gee.. checking gravel 22.80 10.13 Russell, J. J. serving notices, 1.05 poor .................................. 12.10 Clarkson, The, Publ. Co., L1- 12.00 brary books 1.38 1.05 SocietT, The Grolier, Library books 6.00 Boerners Pharmacy, medlcal supplies ..................... 14.61 Beltz, Uriah, emergency aid, poor ................................. 3.00 Ranshaw, £1eo. G., session, mileage, etc ......................... 53.00 Carey, J.. W.. session, mileage, etc ....................................... 62.00 Peters, D. J., session, mileage, committee work .............. 44.70 Krall. Frank J., session, mile- age, £tc .................... 55.00 Laclna, C. W., session, mlle- ___ age, etc, _.._ 49.95 Jones, R. J., postage, Record- er ................................... 10.if0 Baker, M. E., envelopes, Supt. 3.50 "D.putin3 and &,v;:[, cause g6:f and song. JANUARY /L-%.--:-Z--Wi]l.:am h.%::ir.ley. 25th .z-- President. born I=43. COt)V.a-Fran ce rec°nizes U ni ed States' independence, %]" <:£ 1773. r.. 31--Canada's War Time Pro- hibition Act in force, 1918. FEBRUARY  l,Vatch for the groundhog and his shadow tomorrow.  2--0. S. ends its war with Mexico victoriously, 184. 3--Woodrow Wilson. war- time PresidenL dies 192.4. _. 4--Charles Lindbergh, great• Lone Eagle, Imrn 19ffL Relieved at Hon]e 'WStbeat u e osratSom ugh tim mm of Preserlption whieh has bema In emmt mm  yeara by hundreds  lfltlmleMa in t suceusful trestmsM d tn¢ ns and btdln  It  a wo ect/v aellng aud pealtlwly  mmh¢, It my be easy and qut applli. ed in the bem m af wlout 1o of Ume or e pewe. Price large sim, Ldl trea ment tube $L00 at ymtr drtttm or marled anlv in plata rap per on recei of $10 by I P. 0. Xboratorle HoRon. Kann El relief ts not secured after mflE tube, monet will be promllY . unded. Accept no mbtta A-VOL for Headaches This new, harm__le non-Mrcot tablet endorsed and prescribed b thousands of phy  nrse Instantly relieve sevo bead_. perfod patus, earache in dren. eryousneas, leeplene, musc let, dental or rheumsUe Sold on & posiUve money b tee At your druggist •rom the D. I". C. LBOTO Hoton. Kansas. • qk, quJ s OItdkmt k.. . " 2.00 453.35 4.20 .50 43.83 13.20 ! 12.25 i Baker, M. E., Co., supplies, Treasurer ............................... 10.00 Johns)u County Democrat, proceediags ........................... 4.91 Re,arts, Henry, Janitor work, Court House ............................ 6.00 Baldwin, E. A., Defense in Criminal .................................. 10.00 Droll, A. F., Insurance .......... 300.00 Jones, R. P., Telephone ....... 1.65 Ju:;ten, R. H., Envelopes and Cards .................................... 55.76 Central States Theatre Corp., Refund ............................. 176.01 IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 6358 District Court of the United St=,2es Southern District of Iowa Davenport Division In the. matter of ESIMETT MEADE, Bankrupt . Order Fixing Dite for Showing Opposition to Discharge On this 27th day of January, A. D. 1934. o filing and reading the petti- tlon of the above-named bankrupt for his discharge herein, it is ORDERED, that 3rd day of March A. D. 1934. be, and the same is. here- by fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of, and all other persons interested in said estate and in the matter of the discharge In bankruptcy of the said bankrupt, shall, if they desire ¢D oppose the same, file in my said office at qashington, Iowa in said district, their appearance in writing in opposition to the granting of said discharge; and" also wthB1 tett days thereafter, file in my said office speoiflcations of the grounds of sai eppo#.tion. WITNESS, my hand hereto at my office in Washington, Iowa. the day and date herein first above written. T. Is. BROOKHART, Referee In Bankruptcy. Airedale Terrier Knows No Fear of Wild Animals The Airedale Terrier is endowed with inherent qualifications for train- Ing. In his native England he serves in all those roles credited to the Shep- herd strains in Germany. His war record as sentry and message bearer is a matter of record; widely heralded have been his Red Cross activities. But his "bag of tricks" extends In scpc tat" Deyonfl znese puDilc;z g,c of heroism. Without fear of anything that walks or crawls, he is constantly employed In far-off Africa In the cour- ageous task of hunting the lton. In the mountainous regions of America the bear and wild cat know well the ferocity of the Airedale. Lithe, com- pact and fast. he handles these tasks with a decided matter-of-fact playful attitude. His classification. "Terrier," has been challenged often because he does pot go to earth--there being no animal hsbltating the underground worthy of his mettle. Largest of the terrier group, he weighs 45 pounds and standq 23 inches at the shoulder. However above ground he performs every task of the terrier in a very excellent man- ner. As a water dog, he is in his ele- ment. and properly trained, a perfect gn-dog. His grizzle-badger coat. wa- terproof, Is of two-tone halr, the lower portion gray, the top, blak.--Los An- geles Time& Columbus Sought Way to Sail Around the Globe The fourth voyage of Columbus was undertaken in 1502 for the purpose of finding a strait which would lead to a complete circumnavigation of the globe. He was sixty-two years of age and hls health was none too good. He was accompanied by his brother. Don Bartholomew. and bis younger son Ferdinand. The Journey was filled with disappointments. When Columbus reached the West Indies he sent a messenger ashore at San Domingo to wait on Ovando, the governor, with a request that his squadron might shelter in the harbor tmtll an Impending storm had passed. He asked also for s vessel to replace one of his own which was defective. Both requests were ungraciously re- fused. In his search for the strait, the ex- plorer sailed along the coast of Hon- duras, Cesta Rlca. or the rich coast, so-called from the gold and silver mines found in after years among Its mountains, and In the spring of 1503 he was near the entrance to the pres. ent Gulf of Darien. He experienced every knd of hardship that it is pos- sible to tmagine---shlpwreck, mutiny, and scarcity of food. Towards the close of the year he was at Jamaica, whence he sent a meo sage to Ovando. asking for assistance. Two ships came to his relief, and one historian relates that the Indians wept at his departure, still believing him to be a visitor from another sphere. He was taken to San Domingo, and sailed from there on the twelfth of September, 1504, on his last trip home to Europe. Storms swept the At- lantic, and poor Columbus was con- fined to his bed most of the way with the gout, but on the seventh of No- vember he arrived In Spain. "Croatsns  Are Indians The mystery of the "Oroatans?' s group of about 8,000 persons of mlxed white and Indian blood living in outh Carolina. hem been settled, tentatively, by an ethnologist of the Smithsonlan Institution. who gays the are meat probably descendants of Slouxan dlsn stock. The "erosions" were so flamed because of a popular belief that the were descendants of Sir Wal- ter Raleigh's lost colony at Roanoke lland.--Literar Digest. ----..__.. 1933-'34 HiGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL SCHEDULE tl $ II Lone Tree 38; Riverside, 13. Lone Tree, 34; Conesville. 15. Lone Tree. 15; Iowa City, 37. Lone Tree,20; Muscatine B. 15. bone Tree. 22; Cosgrove 30, Lena Tree, 18; Nichols, 18. Lone Tree. 24. Wash. Center, 25. Lone Tree, 24; Oxford, 26. bone Tree, 20; Sharon, 41. Lone Tree, 18; Riverside. 19. Lone Tree, 25; Nichols, 11, Lone Tree, 22; Oxford 27. Lone Tree, 9; Grandview, 58, Feb. 2Washington Cener, HERE (2nd team) Feb. 2--Wilton Jct.. There Feb. 9---Cosgrove, There Feb. 14, 15, 16--County Tourney. Feb. 16, Wilton Jc., HERE Feb. 20Sharon, There Feb. 23--Grandview, HERE March 1, 2, 3Section Tourney. PAGE THREE i Second Team Gamd  Lone Tree 25; Riverside, 13. Lone Tree. 20; Wash. Center, 11. Lone Tree, II; Cosgrove 10. Lone Tree, 18; Oxford, 10. Lone Tree. 13; Sharon, 18. Lone Tree. 22; Riverside 14, Lone Tree. 20; Nichols, 12. Lone Tree. 34; Oxford. 18, Lone Tree. 14; Grandvlew, 16. pc00. TENTS D TRADE MARKS . A.SNOW & CO. Successful Practice since 1875. Over 25,000 patents obtained for inventors in every section of country. Write for book- let telling how to obtain a patent, with list of clients in your State. 710 8th St., Washington, D. C. m BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY-i .,, , , MESSER & NOLAN --LAWYERS-- SUITE 405 JOHNSON COUNTY BANK BI!ILDING IOWA CITY. IOWA Special Attention to Settlement of Estates and Court Work SECURITY ABSTRACT CO. ABSTRACTS OF TI'JE L. C. W. Clearma, Pres. Carl S. Krtngel, 8ea 114 S. Clinton St. Iowa City, Iowa THIS SPACE FOR SALE 52 ISSUES FOR FIVE DOLLARS OSCAR OROSSHEIM Better Photographs Foy 44 Year= Muscatine. Iowa DR LESLIE ADAMS Chiropr Hours, 9-12; 3-5; 7-8 I,o, ae Tree Phone 23 J. T. BOLAND Mrble and Gr=nlte Works 817 E. ecOnd Muacatlne, Iowa No Atlents--Buy Direct 88va Money I Attornoy At Lw CouaCy Bank Butlt, Iowa I lowit. 0. M. CANTRELL, M. D. Office Hour=: 8:80 a. m. to 12 M. 1:80 p. l,. to I$ p. m,--7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday by appointment. Office Just Wesfl: of The Shell Service station Phone 4 Lone Tree, Iowa DR. O. B. LIMOSETH CHIROPRAOR Ldeensed Palmor Graduate a Croese State Normal Unlvm, Jtl of sconstu UnlerM.v cf Iowa Opposft Jefferson Hotel Wamhington SL Iowa CRy . O. MUNCIL M. Ilv Offioo Hurs: S to 10 s. m. l:JO to 5 ud 7 to SP. m. 8unds 8 to :LI a. m. Be, a p. m. by sppotnt mL --GL&SMm  Phone S0 NICHOLS, tA. KOK FINISNIN( 25C 0., ,o, 0...,o,,. and one prln each o! m size 6 or 8 Ex. Kodak R )1 Film, cash wlth order. Work re turned postpaid. THE PALEN STUDIO CALEDONIA, MINN. Monumenfs AnTona wtlng anything in our will do well by cslllng on us you e aents commlselon. We rry a complete stok t all UmM. MllleP BPos. IOWA CITY, IOWA H. U, BAKER, D. O. SPECIALIZIN in Ano-Recta] dis. eases VE'RICOSE VEINS and HERNIA treated by AMBUI4NT METIIODS, Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days. Paul Helen Bldg., Iowa City, All other hors at Lone Tree, la. CALL ROY NIELSON [ Phone 54 Lone Tree I For I Standard Oil 00., (Ind.) [ Products I MARNER AND ADAMS LIcensed Embalrrr= and Punsral DIr=otor= =hone, =tore 181 Lone Tree. Is. Night Calla Anmered Promptly Realdenee Phone 131 VR L. G. KILBOURNE  Dtt=tn Oce ulirs In Fisher Block Hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to $ D. m. 'vnn by Apl)olntmt. 'Phone 65 Charles Larew AUCTIONEER CrJe all "inda of salea Dates made at thin office. Lone Tree, Ig. $-21 FRED MORRISON Auctioneer Lone Tree, Iowa Cry all kinds of Sales. Dates made at Reorter Office. Is your subscription Due? If so, a remittance would be greatly appreciated. Notice to HOG FEEDERS We have 60% Tankage at $30,00 IOWA CITY RENDERG WORKS Day Phone 6042 Night Phone 6136