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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
January 30, 2014     The Lone Tree Reporter
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January 30, 2014
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page4 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, January 30,2014 HELP WANTED I FOR RENT SERVICES FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE 1 WANTED CHILD CARE I NOTICES I LOST FOUND I REUNION I GAP.AGE SALE THANK YOU I STATEWlDE HOW TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Call: (319) 656-2273 Fax: (319) 656-2299 Write: Kalona News, PC Box 430, 419 B Avenue Kalona, IA 52247-0430 Email: classifieds(¢ CLASSIFIEDS: AD COST First week $7.00 minimum for first 15 words 45¢ each additional word Method of Payment: Cash, Check or Credit Card (visa, Me, Discover) Other $1.00 per line for bold type 00alona KEPORTER the Ifipyhland REVIEW (Classified Ads must be paid in advance) WININ.KALONANEWS.COM/CLASSIFIEDS OVER 14,OOO READERSHIP PLus "I'H = UNTERNE'I" Classified Ad Deadline: 3 pm Monday Display Ad Deadline: 10 am Monday 1 [D He'p Wanted ] [ He'p Wanted I B Services ] B Services ] ; Mid-Prairie Community School Dis- trict is taking applications for the fol- lowing positions:Head Varsity and Assistant Varsity Softball Coach. Please submit your letter of inter- est and a copy of your coaching cer- tificate to Steve Hollan at shollan@ AA/EOE Deadline is February 10, 2014 at 4 p.m. C5-6 Mid-Prairie Community School Dis- trier is taking applications for an an- ticipated special education Associate at Washington Township Elementary. Please submit your application, re- sume, and references to Carmela Ulin at Appli- cations can be downloaded at http:// www.mid-prairie.kl 2.ia.uslpagesl Mid-PrairieCSD, Departments/Pro- grams Tab, Employment and then Support Staff. AA/EOE Deadline is February 7 at 4 p.m. C5 Part-time reception/clerical for Per- formance Therapies - Kalona; 15- 20 hours per week; apply to jobs@ P4-5 Help Wanted: Full time person to work as a herdsman in a 2200 sow operation. Located in North English, Iowa. Duties are day to day feeding and caring for the sows, boars, and piglets. Must be reliable, with good working skills. Competitive wages and benefits to qualified personnel. Farm Market Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale-Start @ .37cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage Bonus. Home Weekends. Insurance & 401K. Apply @ 800-648-9915 (INCN) OTR Drivers needed for Solo & Team Positions. Midwest and West Coast Traffic Lanes, Competitive pay, As- signed 2013 & 2014 Kenworths. Safety/Productivity Incentives, Con- sistent Miles, Call 800-645-3748 (INCN) "Partners in Excellence" OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pas EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 www.but- (INCN) Drivers: CDL-A Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL train- ing available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Op- erator or Lease Trainer. (877) 369- 7895 www.CentraITruckDrivingJobs. corn (INCN)  Childcare DEADLINE: 3Pry1 MONDAY Immediate opening for infant to 5 years for in-home daycare. Profes- sional, experienced and accredited pre-school program. Daily arts and George's Painting - Interior, exterior, residential, commercial. Free esti- mates. Call Ledru 319-683-2832 CTFN Zipper replacement, mending and alterations. Call Colette, 319-936- 1141. CTFN Thorn Creek Construction, Inc. New homes, concrete work, additions. Fully insured. Tim Thomann 319- 648-5335 CTFN SERVICE: Fax Services available at The Kalona News, 419 B Avenue. First page $1, 50¢ each additional page. Receiving $1 first page, 50¢ each additional sheet. Send faxes to 319-656-2299. TFN SERVICE: Advance-Fee Loans or Credit Offers - companies that do business by phone can't ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from The Kalona News and the Federal Trade Commission. TFN SERVICE: Order your rubber stamps (standard or self-inking) and ink re- fills at The Kalona News, 419 B Ave., Kalona. TFN NEW PRICE! Color copies for only 50¢ for 8.5x11. 75¢ for 11x17. The Kalona News, 419 B Avenue, Kalo- na. TFN B For Rent For Rent: Heavy duty - carpet clean- ers - Easy to operate. Gambles Hardware 319-656-2911 CTFN U For Sale I For Sale: Walnut lumber, various widths and lengths, air dryed. 1 5/16"x6"x8'; 3"x3"x6'. Some oak & maple. $5/board foot 319-331-4942 P4-5 Now available at Kalona Junction. House or garage Wooden Quilts. 2'x2' available or custom size. $20 and up. 319-656-4475 P3-6 For sale: Sweep auger for 30' bin. 319-330-2723 P4-5 For sale: Non GMO corn. Leslie Mill- er 319-325-2817 P4-6 Real Estate 1 FOR $&i m= Lone Tree, 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch near K-12 schools and park. 20 min. to Iowa City, $114,500. Call 319-400- 5350 P5-8 4 bedroom home for sale by owner. 812 13th St, Kalona. Open house Sat. 10-4 P4-7 For sale: New quality built 3 bed- room, 3 bath duplex. Finished base- ment. Country view, Kalona 319- 430-7624 CTFN Real Estate FOR RENT For rent: 2 bedroom duplex in Lone Tree. $500/month plus deposit & util- ities. No pets. Call 319-331-0009 P4-6 Storage Units for rent; 10x10 & 10x20. Call Landon 319-430-6842 Farm & Home Storage, 5 rain. south of Kalona C4-5 Small 1 to large 2 bedroom apts for rent. Stove & fridge furnished. Ready now. 319-430-5389 C3-6 LOT FOR RENT: Mayflower Mobile Home Park. Piers provided for new homes. 107 S. 6th St., Kalona. 319- 656-3034. CTFN Mini-storage: located on Commercial Street in Lone Tree. Now taking res- ervations. Call 319-643-7150 CTFN ,k e ' Maple Grove Pork Co. Ask for Karl crafts - lots of love - hot meals only. tPrmli pC?ill Days 319-655-7070 7 CTF.N4 Call Debra 319-400-9957 __ . P2-5  immml I m  1 ; "l, ml, | 00Tliey MUST GO . ,::: CONTRAC ,ALEPERSONS sell iitji -.----,-i ----- i aerial .photography. of farms,, com-. !: __ , , mission basis, $1,000-$2,000 weekly depending on sales experience. Taxes prepared bye certifiid't':lx :NeWl)13FordEdgeAiiWheelDriveSEL New 2013 Ford Edge AII Wheel Ddve Limited New2013 , :l,'ial Travel required. More info at mspho- preparer. E-filing or mail in W-2 taxes toed.corn or 877/882-3566 (INCN) onl040A or EZ forms - $75 Farms V-6, Loaded, Leather, Panoramic . •--:,/V-6, Loaded, Leather, Navigation, __.-,ii., , 4 Cyl, Loaded. and Schedule C (business). Miller " ', Roof & Morel White // ', Panoramic Roof & Morel i', WhiteMetal!ic Best lease purchase in the USA. TaxService 319-656-3625 P5,7 .....  Platinumin Color. ;' 1! ...... -- Black Metallic . '=-iffR, k tors99€/gal'& trailersfUel program.availableneWeStanywhere.trac- 9, 11 I  =:" =;:"'¢"  : ''::1 :  d ; I r 'a ", #T13212 ',t' ""''::7,,..' :" ........... #T130191n" Color. :-'i " ": : #1"13i93 Top pay, medical insurance program, Torres Lawn Care & Snow Removal. I '.. ' / ;:i iI& :mll,'l good miles. Hirschbach 888-514-Now accepting new customers. We la' ..... plMe' $39,315.00 1"S42,505,00, , ...... "..JlSR S25:410.00: (INCN) also319_400_2503service lawn mowers. CalIp4_7us at I 3 r Price $35,988.93 '$38,941.46'  i pr Price S23,511,25  • I --"I'--lVRebate .1,000.00 "qRebate - 1,000.00 " ...... Rebate - 2,500,00 )' | Ford Credit Incentive** - 500.00 Ford Credit Incentive** - 507.00 Upfit Incentive** : 350.00 | OTR Truck Driver I'" KALONIAL TRANSPORT | J "  -/-J-- -J- " has an opening for Class A CDL Driver. / I New 20t3 Ford Super 0uty Cargo Van ord F150 Supercab 4x4/:i Home Weekends! , / I /'/-|1  9000 # GVWR. : \\; & Silver'Color, ! Competitive pay with Benefits. / I  5.4 V-8, Loaded, s 5.0 V.8, LoadiWhlte I Call Jessica at 319-656-2000 / I tVJ 0xfordWhite i ± ± :: ............. 71", ' #T132I The 201 r : ' I or apply at 110 1st St. South; Kalona, ,A  #T13099 S p $40;990,00 H lp Want d [I P $34.310.00 Ir- ,rPrice $36,722192] e e , --'-'-'GTerice $,187.48 ] | I I I b! r  WRebates .3,5oo:oo ! Steves FarmSupplyinSharonCenter, iAislooking[ I Relate .,,00000 t1'i I I IN",I t FordCreditlncentive** -1,m0! ' U_i ,,,,IU  Retail Trade Incentive** ' 1'500100 ! f°r a full'time feed delivery driver" Resp°nsibilitiesl I . j8 187 -7---.. i $30,r_2/J.. I) ,})'.,..! include: delivering feed from the mill to farms in the I $  P) P) Y_') area, mixing feed and other work in the mill. Must I - i be able t° lift 50# bags °f feed" H°me evenings" S°me I I  / overtime, A valid Class A CDL is a requirement. I Pre Employment drug screen and physical is required. I New 20t3 Ford F 250 Crew Cab XLT Shortbox 4x4 New 2013 Ford Mustang Premium Cou :::: Highly motivated and dependab]e candidates should I I 6.2V-8, Loaded, 10,000#GVWR. I " ! [] I V.6,Auto, Loaded, Leather,&More;il apply via email:  I I -7:q \\;_ Blue Jeans Metallic | [- I i i I '  in Color. #T13174 [  I I / i"R°ckRediniOLi#Fi306;i'  Iowa City, IA 52=40 arm Sup#ly I.c. I |M'P _$46,060.00 J V" .... I ---="' Rebates -3,500.00 i lJl [ | |, | fl I a -$29, 83`= Ford Credit Incentive** - 1,500.00 I I II , | | I I ! | ! | ,r Price $27,12] ** FOR RENT: Ideally located retail Upfitlncentive -1,000.00 111/1 1  - j" . FinalRebate office space, 421 B Ave, Kalona. L.,L.00u NOW AVAILABL|! CONTACT RON SLECHTA PO Box 784, KALONA, IA 52247 OR CALL 319-400-7072 OR 319-656-2273 General Manager Sales Manager Sales Sales Financing & Leasing '."  . .Mon Thurs86.Fri 8 5.Sat 82 I JohnGretter "l'racyOwen, Jtm'Wrt'= 'ad;WW SALES&SERVICE 11 WASHINGTON, IA 319-653-6607 •