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Ttl,e Lone Tree
5 ¢ Regular edition
Volume CXIV, Issue 4 • Thursday, January 27, 2005 The only paper in the world that CARES about Lone Tree
In Brief
Parents' Night
January 28
The Lone Tree Lions Club
will have their annual Parents'
Night for the Lady Lions bas-
ketball team Friday, January
28 after the Columbus girls'
Before the game, Kaylin
Burr (the little girl who
received the kidneys) will be
announced as the team's hon-
orary captain.
Spaghetti Supper
January 28
The Lone Tree Historical
Society will have a Spaghetti
Supper at the school cafeteria
on Friday, January 28 from
4:30-7 p.m. The cost is $6 and $4
for children under 12 if pur-
chased in advance. The cost at
the door is $6.50 and $4.50 for
children under 12. Carryouts
For tickets call 629-4257, 629-
5145 or 629-4625.
Community Day
February 26
The Lone Tree Historical
Society is selling Community
Day coupon books for $5. Com-
munity Day at participating
stores will begin at 7 a.m. on
February 26. For more infor-
mation please call 629-4257.
Flu Vaccine available in
Lone Tree
The Lone Tree Family Prac-
tice Center has a supply of the
influenza vaccine, which is
available to the public regard-
less of age. Call 319-629-4214 to
schedule an appointment.
Firewood at Kent Park
The Johnson County Conser-
vation Board will open fire-
wood cutting at Kent Park
beginning January 24, 2005. In
order to cut wood you must frill
out a current Firewood Cutting
and Removal Permit.
These forms are at the
Board's operation center, FW
Kent Park. For more informa-
tion please call 319-645-2315.
Page 3
LT's Reading Buddies
Page 3
Fountain of Flowers attends
Page 5
College news
Page 12
Local Tsunami relief
Page 12
Little Lions pictures
Expansion project allows
Lone Tree room for growth
Photo by Melissa Heatherly
The new water tower dwarfs the old with
more than twice the capacity of the old
tower. In the spring, the new tower will be
painted hunter green with white lettering.
By JR Smetak
At the January 3rd City Council meet-
ing, the Council approval the last phase
of Lone Tree's water system improve-
Resolution 2005-C (Adopting Plans,
Specifications, and Form of Contract
for the 2004 Water Treatment Improve-
ments Project) carried unanimously, as
did Resolution 2005-D, which awarded
the contract to Wendler Engineering
and Construction for a base bid of
The project was jump started in Janu-
ary of 2002 when John Hester and
Duane Loreck purchased forty acres
south of Highway 22 and east of the
North Lagoon. They were planning a
housing development and went to the
city for the necessary permits to begin
building. There was a problem, howev-
er: Lone Tree's water system. The cur-
rent water plant was operating at maxi-
mum capacity, which effectively pre-
vented any further development or
Given rapid growth and fievelopraent
in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids Corridor,
it is inevitable that people will be look-
ing south to Lone Tree, Hills, Nichols,
Riverside, and other nearby communi-
ties for affordable housing. In addition,
proposed economic development,
including a :casino in Riverside will
attract more people to the area. Devel-
opment is planned for Lone Tree.
In May of 2004, the city council
accepted a preliminary plat for another
northside subdivision, this one on land
owned by Bob Finley, south of Highway
22 and north of the Old Lagoon. Fin-
ley's subdivision was also proposed as
the new site for an expanded Family
Practice Center, which may relocate
from its current location on West Jayne
Street where it has been since 1952.
The old water plant, completed in 1972
when Lone Tree's population had been ,
approximately 700, replaced an older
system largely dependent on private
wells and septic tanks. Long time resi-
dent Grynneth Parizek recalls that city
..... • WATER TOWER- see page 3
Audio problems still plaguing City Hall
By Melissa Heatherly
Approximately eight minutes
into the Wednesday, January 19
City Council Special Meeting
and work session, a citizen
watching from home called to
report the sound portion of the
broadcast was not coming
The City Council meetings
which are broadcast on the
local cable channel have had
audio problems for at least the
past month. The meetings are
broadcast live and the video-
tapes are kept as record of the
meeting. The videotapes are
available for the public to check
out and view.
The city clerk tape-records
the meetings using her tapes to
write the formal minutes of the
meetings. These tapes are not
allowed to leave City Hall but
citizens can come by and listen
to them. Since the clerk's tape
recorder has had problems, the
city has recently purchased a
new recorder and microphone
for the taping of the minutes.
"The (video) recordings are
basically inaudible," Coun-
cilmember Wieland said. "I
don't think we should hold a
meeting unless we have two
Wieland suggested that the
=AUDIO- see page 8
Burning issue to be addressed at February meeting
By Melissa Heatherly
Lone Tree should soon have a new ordi-
nance regarding the open burning of solid
Representatives from the Eastern Cen-
tral Iowa Council of Governments were
present at the City Council Special Meet-
ing and Work Session held Wednesday, Jan-
uary 19. ECICOG Solid Waste Planner Jen-
nifer Ryan discussed alternatives to open
burning including composting, mowing
leaves and taking yard waste to the John-
son County landfill which is free. Ryan
also presented the ordinance that is in
effect in Iowa City, which states:
Sec. 24-171. Open burning prohibited
No person shall ignite, cause to be ignit-
ed, permit to be ignited, allow or maintain
any open fire.
Sec.24-171. Exceptions
Open burning of the following types may
be permitted in compliance with Fire
• Ceremonial or Controlled Bonfires. Cere-
monial or controlled bonfires allowed with
a permit.
• Disaster rubbish. The open burning of
rubbish, including landscape waste, may
be permitted for the duration of the disas-
ter period in cases where an officially
declared emergency exists.
• Prescribed agricultural burns. The open
burning of fields may be permitted if nec-
=BURNING- see page 3
Members of The Reporter has
Lone Tree's
D,n00, sq=.d address changed
perform during As of this week, the new mailing
half-time of the
varsity boys
game at Lone
Tree on Tues-
day, January 18.
See basket-
ball coverage of
varsity games
on Page 6.
Photo by Melissa
address for The Lone Tree Reporter is: The
Lone Tree Reporter, P.O. Box 13, Lone Tree,
Iowa 52755.
Our offices will remain at 117 North
DeVoe Street. The post office will forward
all mail to the new address.
The Reporter has had P.O. Box 235 for
longer than Mrs. P can remember. The
post office allows a free post office box for
addresses within a quarter mile of the
post office and not on a postal route,
This year the post office is enforcing a
policy that the free box is to be the smallest
size, so The Lone Tree Reporter is moving
its address to the new box.