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The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
January 23, 2003     The Lone Tree Reporter
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January 23, 2003
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lone Tree Reporter, January 23, 2003 =t this publication: $220.63 Year to date cost 7/1/02): TES OFTHE FORMAL MEET- 0FTHE JOHNSON COUNTY 0ARD OF SUPERVISORS: JANUARY 9, 2003 irperson Harney called the n County Board of Supervisors [er in the Johnson County Stration Building at 5:15 p.m. !rs present were: Pat Harney, ,ehman, Terrence Neuzil, Sally an, and Carol Thompson. s otherwise noted, all actions en unanimously. on by Neuzil, second by , to approve the claims on the Claim Register, as approved :erity of the Supervisors. ewer & Septic S .......... _70.00 Addis .............................. 28764 I Express ....................... 72.74 lled Engine Sr ................. 10.52 lNberhasky ............... 350.00 |t Utilities ........ . ....... 240.80 Machinery ................. 1,418.18 n Hospital Assoc ........... 31.95 '|Can Lung Assn ................ 200.00 ales : .................... 122.18 dni'(or'00 00rvc ................ 47.26 lvviro,Ftireless .................. 8.98 [.!.o....-are'iiiill ii iiii .............. 439.05 [": .................................. 2,184.00 lsr .................................... 10.41 t .Co Sheriff ....................... 27.32 .r,l.lawk,l.l Co Sheriff ............... 37.30 7ker Company ............... 955.37 ',,ggs---- Company .............. 152.50 "[ I rase ............................ 58.48 rOom Closet .................... 675.00 L  J Ltd ............................. 190.00 an Co Sheriff .................. 69.88 =Ser ................................ 300.00 al Investment .............. 6,138.23 eel Ford ............................ 95.88 Ct Psychiatric .................. 56.75 o Sheriff ...................... 109.51 la Commn ..................... 90.00  rton Inc ..................... 50.00 )1 Iowa City 886 96 la-Util Div ..................... 386.32 Co Sheriff ......................... 2.72 Hlth Care ............ 1,004.00 Services Asso ......... 25.00 rs Co-Op Soc ......... 7,787.50 • = Family Healt ............... 82.00 ng& Health Ct....: ....... 225.00 World .......................... 937.80 n Hose & Suppys ........... 514.61 rocare Pharmacy ........... 530.69 'Auto 8( Truck ................. 166.55 )e ntal Plan -I ............... 4,852. 44 ra Baking Co ............. 250.19 :Is Serv .......... 332.75 a.i Lip ............ : .......... 7,500.00 )hi Engineering ............. 328.00 =Sncy Vehicles .......... 240,000.00 =rning Resourc .............. 50.00 ......................... 142.61 • Inc .............. 2,428.03 Alarms"inc'ii:i:il ............. 332.25 ................... 25.00 "lec Co-Op ................ 285.10 Corp ................ 57.34 ce Dist ....................... 842.89 305.00 Jpply Co ................... 33.46 Ne Iowa ................ 150.40 r ........................... 150.00 Ea .......... 225.00 I,.Ye Lumber Co .................. 37.83 [rleffmeier ..... 250 00 ,IIY Inn Coni'Eirll ................. 84.98 iilrl,, an Epiey Braddock ........ 145.00 1. Fort Des Moine ................. 79.83 [ Pharmacy .................... 193.67 I Food Stores ................... 66.86 If: .................................... 418.06 lce Solution ............... 1,075.68 ;.1 & SUDDIv ............ 2,572.58 p,Jty Brake Inc ............... 1,358.06 [Jf Realtors ..................... 200.00 . Citizen ....................... 566.44 i R .ty egency ................... 500.00 ]Jty Tire & Servi .............. 132.64 ' Sheriff's Offic ...... . ........ 16.00 nt Mfg Co Inc ................ 70.87 |rkforce Developm 259 80 ;n .......... 25.00 CIC [/Vireless ................... .. 29 18 Bank ....................... iiii11"66.00 --. irish..: ..................... i. 10 Co Sheriffs ................... 47.12 IOper Trust ...................... 350.00 lrmation Srvs ................. 382.47 V!P Grp Hlth Trus .............. 484.30 blic Health Vehic ............. 811.16 [er ff .......... 679.33 ......... 550.00 |rOducts Inc ...................... 160.87 n Kell DDS ..................... 166.20 Klein ............................. 200.00 ne Klouda ........................ 32.00 rothers ............................ 26.30  Nygren Inc ...................... 67.15 ark Survey & En ......... 3,004.25 In Leidich ........................... 28.00 boors Inc ................... 1,026.00 ire Service Inc ............... 21.50 bept Human Res ........ 298191 Lu Sheriff Dept ................ 472.34 ree Reporter .................... 23.00 ,Co Sheriff ....................... 29.20 Udgren, Dc .................... 135.00 .Ynch .............................. 350.00  Eqpmt Of II, In ............... 314.00 plecommunicatns ......... 1 351.86 lp .................................... 235.10 __erican Energy ........... 1,422.93 ,erican Energy ........... 4,264.77 Mid-St Organized Crime .......... 200.00 Elizabeth Miller ......................... 176.10 Becky Mills ................................. 10.29 Mt Calvary Cemetery ............... 156.00 Mower County (MN) ................... 40.00 Muscatine Co Sheriff ................ 226.95 Mutual Of Omaha .................. 3,123.78 Ntl Assn Local Bd Heal ............ 120.00 National Public Employ ............ 200.00 Neighborhood Centers .......... 1,882.45 New Pioneer Coop Soc ......... ,...69.00 Timothy R O'Conner ................ 255.98 Office Depot ............................. 845.62 Office Team ................................ 71.20 Osceola County Sheriff .............. 29.40 Osco Drug #5078 ..................... 850.12 Osco Drug ................................ 145.68 Pauls Discount Store .................... 4.98 Becky A Paulsen ...................... 185.00 Petty Cash Fund ........................ 85.74 Pitney Bowes inc ........................ 54.14 Brian Platz ................................ 300.00 Pleasant Valley Lp .................... 350.00 Polk County Sheriff .................... 23.64 Polk Directories ........................ 385.00 Positive Promotions ............... 1,157.96 ABC-Legal Services Inc ........... 128.00 Pyramid Services inc ............... 628.28 Quickmedical & Measurem ........ 45.50 Qwest .................................... 4,913.94 Rapids Reproductions ................ 23.35 River City Dental Ca .................. 67.90 Scheers All Sports ..................... 75.00 Donald Schiffke Jr ...................... 75.60 Scott County Sheriff ..................... 2.31 Debra A Shields ......................... 76.00 Slechta Cumin Inc .................... 467.41 Glaxo Smith Kline .................... 606.25 Roy Smyth .................................. 28.00 Sorg Pharmacy ..................... 1,400.00 Beverly Spencer ....................... 275.00 State Med Examiner ............. 1,791.79 Meghan L Stevenson ............... 198.75 Run Stutzman .......................... 150.00 Francis Sueppel ....................... 250.00 Susan Wolf Tank ...................... 625.00 Taylor Technologies .................... 30.71 The Truck Shop ........................ 121.25 Total Access Group Inc .............. 49.00 Towncrest Pharmacy ................ 411.73 United Parcel Service ................ 12,91 Unity Hlth Syst/Pub HI .............. 652.29 US Cellular ............................... 147.68 University Hospitals .................. 386.00 U Of I Hosp & Clinic ................. 178.24 U Of la Hospitals & ............... 3,315.97 US Cellular ................................. 93.22 Van Buren Co Sheriff ................... 8.64 Vanguard Appraisals I .............. 780.00 Elmer Vanorny ............................ 32.00 Verisign Inc ............................ 1,595.00 Verizon Wireless Belle ............. 116.88 Viking Office Products .................. 4.32 Visa ..... , .................................... 518.65 Visiting Nurse Assoc ................ 487.24 WaI-Mart Community Brc ......... 143.10 WaI-Mart ................................... 185.13 Wapello County Sheriff .............. 29.00 Washington Co Pbl Safet ........... 55.77 WCDC Inc ............................. 2,622.00 Webster County Sheriff .............. 20.50 Wellmark Bc & Bs Of .......... 61,155.00 Westaff .................................. 1,260.60 West Group Paynent C ...,....1,564.50 Loretta Wilford .......................... 404.05 Motion by Stutsman, second by Thompson, to approve the minutes of the formal meetings of January 2, 2003. Motion by Neuzil, second by Thompson, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by depart- ment heads, as approved by a majori- ty of the Supervisors. Motion by Lehman, second by Stutsman, to accept the Recorders Report of Fees Collected for the month of November, 2002, in the amount of $140,140.86, as submitted by County Recorder Kimberly Painter. Motion by Stutsman, second by Thompson, to accept the County Auditor's Quarterly Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2002, in the amount of $8,876.70, as submitted by County Auditor Tom Slockett. Convened Public Hearing on the proposal to attach a portion of Johnson County to the Poweshlek Water Association Rural Water District at 5:20 p.m. Poweshiek Water Association repre- sentatives Clint Van Zee, Sally Lovig, and Brunt Earley spoke for the propos- al to attach a portion of Johnson County to the Poweshiek Water Association Rural Water District. Van Zee explained the rural water district is a public body that functions similar to a co-op. Any rural water customer is a voting member and there is a 9-mem- ber board to govern the Association. Van Zee said the district has existed for well over 20 years. He said con- struction costs are primarily funded by US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, which was formerly the Farm Home Administration. Those construction costs are paid for and retired by water revenue bonds. Van Zee noted a petition for the attachment had been filed with the Board of Supervisors from at least 30% of the owners of property within the proposed expansion of the service area, an area primarily in Monroe Township, west of Plum Creek and north of the Iowa River. He added that this service would enhance fire protec- tion by providing water for fire trucks, Legals though not at the volumes available in cities. Lovig said they are looking at construction in Iowa and Johnson Counties, provided that the attachment is approved. Construction would start in late summer or early fall if the man- dated easements are acquired and the archeological and environmental sur- veys are completed. Stutsman asked if this is voluntary. Lovig said yes, although they may seek easements on properties choos- ing not to hook on, to reach other resi- dents. Stutsman asked if residents can sign up later. Lovig said yes, but it is more costly. Stutsman asked if the 9-member board is geographically spread. Lovig said, yes, at this point. Lehman asked about hookups for live- stock water. Lovig said additional hookups for agricultural use may be made at a reduced rate. Lehman asked about water supply. Lovig and Van Zee said the Association's water comes from 11 alluvial wells near Tama, and they are also now purchas- ing water from the City of Cedar Rapids. Harney asked who maintains the water lines. Lovig said they main- tain them up to the meter pit at which point it is the homeowner's responsibil- ity. Harney asked what happens when there is a break in a main water line. Lovig and Van Zee said they have interconnects with the City of Grinnell and also with the Central Iowa Water Association to allow possible pur- chase. Lovig said within their own sys- tem they can shut valves to part of it and reroute water to continue service. Lehman asked if they excavate or bore. Earley said they trench and bore, depending on the line and geo- graphical location. No one from the public was present to speak for or against the proposal. Assistant County Attorney Andy Chappell suggested the Board wait a week to vote, in order to review a reso- lution presented by Van Zee. Chappell said there is language in the resolution as to the Board's responsibility after the public hearing, to determine whether adding the area to the Poweshiek Water Association Rural Water District is reasonably necessary for the public health, convenience, and comfort, and may benefit fire protec- tion of the residents. If that is the case, they may approve the, attachment. Chappell said people were allowed to submit comments in writing up until the time of the public hearing. No com- ments were submitted. Public Hearing closed at 5:38 p.m. Motion by Thompson, second by Stutsman, to terminate the agreement with Environmental Excess to remove and dispose of deer killed on Johnson County Secondary Roads, for the peri- od from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 and to award the contract to Reasonable Rates. Roll cail: aye: Stutsman, Harney, Lehman, Thompson; nay: Neuzil. Motion by Stutsman, second by Lehman, to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign contracts with the following Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Services Provider Agencies: The ARC of Johnson County, Goodwill Industries, Mayor's Youth Employment Program, Mid-Eastern Iowa Community Mental Health Center, and Systems Unlimited. Motion by Thompson, second by Neuzill to approve and authorize the Chairperson to send Jill Wenger a let- ter of appreciation and certificate for serving on the Johnson County integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Committee. Convened Public Hearing on FY 2003 budget amendment at 5:52 p.m. Budget Coordinator Jeff Home pre- sented the proposed Fiscal Year 2003 budget amendments. Thompson asked for explanation on why the Sheriff needs an amendment. County Sheriff Bob Carpenter said he doesn't have the money in his budget to take care of any excess costs over $370,000 for jail alternatives and may need the money at the end of the year. Neuzil said he agrees with Carpenter filing a budget amendment now because the Board doesn't anticipate doing more than one budget amend- ment this year. Thompson said she was thinking that the Sheriff could use money from vacant staff positions. Carpenter said he intends on hiring and has 6 months of funds for one offi- cer and 10 months of funds for anoth- er. Carpenter said he doesn't have the money and doesn't have any other place to cut other than wages. RESOLUTION 01-09-03-B1 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2003 JOHNSON COUNTY BUDGET Whereas, the Board of Supervisors has held a public hearing pursuant to Chapter 331, Code of Iowa, to amend the fiscal year 2002-2003 County Budget; and Whereas, the explanation of changes is as follows: Expenditures increased for: Public Safety service area for assistant director salary ($40,058) Page 9 Public Safety service area for jail alter- natives ($90,000) interprogram Services service area for Cost of Jail Task Force ($67,000) Interprogram Services service area for Fisher Building Property Taxes ($7,311) interprogram Services service area for change in employee flexible benefit plan administration ($70,000) Public Safety service area for census adjustment to Haz-Mat payment ($2,305) Capital Projects service area for prior year Conservation adjustment ($6,960) Capital Projects service area for Fiber Optic project with Iowa City ($46,849) Capital Projects service area for Planning & Zoning document manage- ment ($1,000) Capital Projects service area for SEATS vehicle purchase from Washington County ($1,000) Public Safety service area for FY 2002 donations to Juvenile Crime Prevention ($7,054) Public Safety service area for LLEBG Grant for Law Enforcement Proceeds ($125,000) Capital Projects service area for payoff of Mall Drive Property ($700,000) Health & Education service area for payout of Adult Day Trust to Pathways ($4,600) Health & Education service area for adjustment to SIH Consortium Trust grant ($500) Revenues increased for: Miscellaneous revenues for change in Employee flexible benefit plan adminis- tration ($57,700) Intergovernmental revenues for LLEBG Grant for Law Enforcement Proceeds ($125,000) • Intergovernmental revenues for adjust- ment to SIH Consortium Trust grant ($1,000) Whereas, after consideration of all comments at said hearing the Board of Supervisors has determined that it will be necessary to amend the 2002-2003 budget; and Whereas, the amerlment does not increase taxes to be collected in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. Therefore be it resolved that the fol- lowing expenditures of the fiscal year 2002-2003 county budget be amend- ed: EXPENDITURES (by Service Area): Public Safety service area increase by $264,417 to $9,602,398 Health & Education service area increase by $5,100 to $3,115,799 Interprogram Services service area increase by $144,311 to $4,825,354 Capital Projects service area increase by $755,809 to $3,345,501 REVENUES (by type): Intergovernmental revenues increase by $126,000 to $14,934,997 Miscellaneous revenues increase by $57,700 to $1,126,542 Motion by Neuzil, second by Stutsman, to approve Resolution 01- 09-03-B1 RESOLUTION 01-09-03-B2 CHANGING DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS Whereas, the Board of Supervisors has held a public hearing pursuant to section 331.434(3), Code of iowa, to amend the fiscal year 2002-2003 County Budget; and Dept. 86 Adult Day Trust (Health & Education) increases $4,600 for ytd appropriation $4,600; Dept. 89 SIH Consortium Trust (Health & Education) increases $500 for ytd appropriation $1,500. DEPARTMENT REVENUES (Type): Dept. 18 Central Services (Miscellaneous) increases $57,700 for budgeted total of $60,364; Dept. 68 Law Enforcement Proceeds (Intergovernmental) increas- es $125,000 for budgeted total of $2OO,OOO Dept. 89 SIH Consortium Trust (Intergovernmentai) increases $1,000 for budgeted total of $2,000. Motion by Stutsman, second by Thompson, to approve Resolution 01- 09-03-B2. Public Hearing closed at 6:10 p.m. and reconvened Public Hearing of August 8, 2002 on Zoning Application Z02007. Application Z02007 of Lois Wingate, Iowa City, Iowa, signed by Kristin Wingate, requesting rezoning of 11.35 acres from A1 Rural and RS Suburban Residential to RS-5 Suburban Residential of certain prop- erty described as being in the SE 1/4 of Section 23, Township 79 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa (This property is located on the south side of Rohret Road SW, approximately 1.0 mile west of its intersection with Landon Avenue SW in Union Twp.). Harney asked if the driveway issue was resolved. Glen Meisner of MMS Consultants Inc. said yes. Motion by Stutsman, second by Thompson, to waive the requirement of three considerations before amend- ing an ordinance and to approve Application Z02007 on first and second consideration. Roll call: aye: Neuzil, Stutsman, Harney, Lehman, Thompson. Public Hearing closed at 6:13 p.m. Application S9917 of Mark Kennedy requesting preliminary plat approval of Kennedy Subdivision, a subdivision described as being located in the North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 32; Township 79 North; Range 6 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa (This is a 7-lot (4 residential lots and 3 outlots), 40.2 acre, residential subdivision, located on the south side o Osage Street SW, and the west side of Dane Road SW at their intersection in West Lucas Twp.) RESOLUTION 01-09-03-Z1 ,RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF KENNEDY SUBDIVISION, JOHNSON COUNTY, IOWA. Whereas, the owner has filed appli- cation S9917 for approval of a prelimi- nary plat of Kennedy Subdivision, and Whereas, the County Zoning Commission havin 9 studied said appli- cation recommends that the plat be approved. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Johnson County, Iowa: 1. That said plat be approved. 2. That the Chairperson be directed to sign said plat. Motion by Thompson, second by Lehman, to approve Resolution 01-09- 03-Z1. Application S02040 of Raymond Whereas, the explanation of - Brannaman, Lisbon, Iowa, requesting changes is contained in Resolution 01- 09-03-B1; and Whereas, the amendment does not increase the taxes to be collected in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003; and Whereas, all comments from the public have been heard. Therefore be it resolved that the fol- lowing department appropriations be changed as follows: DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES (Service Area): Dept. 01-Ambulance (Public Safety) increases $40,058 for ytd appropria- tion $1,363,380; Dept. 08-Sheriff (Public Safety) increases $90,000 for ytd appropria- tion $4,388,111; Dept. 18 Central Services (Interprogram Services) increases $144,311 for ytd appropriation $363,658; Dept. 20 Block Grants (Public Safety) increases $2,305 for ytd appro- priation $94,985; Dept. 24 Conservation (Capital Projects) increases $6,960 for ytd appropriation $11,525; Dept. 40 Technology (Capital Projects) increases $47,849 for ytd appropriation $707,408; Dept. 44 Capital Expenditures (Capital Projects) increases $1,000 for ytd appropriation $209,590; Dept. 54 Juvenile Crime Prevention Grant (Public Safety) increases $7,054 for ytd appropriation $177,271; Dept. 68 Law Enforcement Proceeds (Public Safety) increases $125,000 for ytd appropriation $2O0,OOO; Dept. 85 Capital Projects (Capital Projects) increases $700,000 for ytd appropdation $998,250; preliminary and final plat approval of Brannaman's North Addition, a subdi- vision described as being located in the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 81 North, Range 5 West of the 5th RM., in Johnson County, Iowa (This is a 3-lot, 11.68 acre Residential Subdivision. Located on the northwest side of White Oak Avenue NE, approximately 200 feet south of its intersection with White Oak Court NE in Cedar Twp.). RESOLUTION 01-09-03-Z2 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT OF BRANNAMAN'S NORTH ADDI- TION, JOHNSON COUNTY, IOWA. Whereas, the owner has filed appli- cation S02040 for approval of a prelim- inary and final plat of Brannaman's North Addition, and Whereas, the County Zoning Commission having studied said appli- cation recommends that the plat be approved. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Johnson County, Iowa: 1. That said plat be approved. 2. That the Chairperson be directed to sign said plat and Subdivider's Agreement. 3. This Resolution requires the recording of the following, documents: Owner Certificate; Title Opinion; Treasurer Certificate; Subdivider's Agreement; Resolution Affirming the Stability of the Current Road System Motion by Stutsman, second by Thompson, to approve Resolution 01- 09-03-Z2. Convened Public Hearing on Zoning and Platting sppllcations at • LEGALS - see page I 0