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Newspaper Archive of
The Lone Tree Reporter
Lone Tree, Iowa
January 18, 1945     The Lone Tree Reporter
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January 18, 1945
Newspaper Archive of The Lone Tree Reporter produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00 T141E ACTIVITIES STA~FF .... Vernie Abrams -~ .......... Vlvian Hora Nielson Greazel Wiese Prizler Eden ......... ~ ~0k .......... Mrx~ I}a~n L. T. H. S. CALENDAR Nichols, B ~ G~ ~k~q~a11, OF THE LONE TREE SCHOOL TEE LONE TREE REPORTER, LONE TREE, IOWA, THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 1945 PAGE TRRElt - T handling, from whistlin} at the ball games. ! Mrs, Brown is going to be our U. S. The result---success. In Manual Training Barbara Niel | History teacher, since Miss Morrissey We are all rooting for your Clar son was given a square piece of wood] is teachi?g, Economics• ence. Best of luck always, to round off. After one hour or so ofl We didn t have a semester test in L. T. H.S. hard labor, she had trouble finding] we wanted to finish cooking lunch Burton K. Wolfe her piece of wood. At least it was l we wantad to finish cooking lunch passes and sh~ were not hitting very good. After the ~cond half started, the Lone Tree IAons started too. Ever) one seined lu play better and the final score was well in favor of a decisive victory. ~t was 33 to 22. And 4~)w for the hapless boys. The rapid improving boys started out ra,ther slow as compared to their whir~lwind finish. After going into the game as definite ~dogg, the boy~ turned in a brillia~ performance to ~rove that anything ca'a happen iu any kind of game, e~cially when bone Tree is playing. The boys did n't win a scoring v~t~ry, but I'm pus itive that the good g~me they played drought them a moral victory. A great asset t~ ~aeir playing was the fast break• It wasn't perfect, but there is time far :some hard practices before the CoQnty Tournament and practice makeg perfect• eons before we have to give the labor story to the other home economic class. Mary Lou (Continued on Page Four) By Vernie An ambitious student during these last three years is Burt Wolfe• In an effort to protect himself from all the girls. Burr took up boxing. He has participated in this sport for two years, and has also had two years of football and one of hasketball Just for good measure. Burt added to the success of last year's Junior class play by portray the character of "an elderly gentle man•" Since our fair haired boy for this week seems to prefer blondes, it is only natural that he chose Alice Faye for his favorite actress• If he could n't play the part in a movie himself. Burt would Hke to see James Cagney in a picture. When he gets in a music mood, our senior likes to warn off his female fans with Kay Kyser playing "Don't Fence Me In". Of course, he must have someone to sing it and who could do a better job than Bing Cros round ! L. T. H. S. THE POET'S CORNER Ruel "Something new has been added." L. T. has gone poetry haywire: Not the kind of poetry you eat for Sunday dinneL It's the other kind, flowery and without feathers. Each class elected a poet who will write a poem for the School Mirror. One poem will be published each week. Thlg week Leo "Laureate" Lenz represents the JuniOr Class with this poem: New Members Our school should be increased, So lots of students think, To include those from nearby places And fill in the missing link. If Ranshaw could from Tiffin come T'would really suit Doris K. And Druber from near by Riverside Leona M. would say. There are really lots of otherg More than I can name. The scoring "~ttack for Lone Treeby and Oinny Sims. But it isn't 0ossible to get them, was led by 5~;rrard with 13. On theAs to the. future, Burt's is already• I And isn't that a shame*'.. other side of the ledger, Lamansky led planned, Hm Uncle Sam geems to L q" ]-I .q l ..... the winners. :Even though Jarrardhave found a place for him He has ...", .... ".-:'~,., led the scoring, Hotz and D. Eden had his first physical for the Army~f --~-- helped the 'cause with good passes but if he gets his choice Burt woul I - " • .. ~entor and stea~ly Iilaying. The locals had like to try his luck with the Army! Approximately ten students sat in little trouble controlling the rebound$ Air Force If he doesn't have enough ! .... " ., _ ._ • ~Miss Mormssey's Biology class Men even though Solon had the taller of roCK el his own i m sure ne woulun't . m ........ - " " ' " f r his man nay ornmg ann ~or a wnne mey the two teams, nave to took very ta.r, o .... Y thought they had tuned in on th~ Both teams travel to Riverside the friends will be with ttlm all tne way. wrong station. 16th and-to'Nichols, Friday the 20th. L.T.H.S. t Miss Morrissey was discussing the JUST PLAIN NOSEY If the teams play like they did against semester test with her last semeste~ 8 miles north of Ainsworth and 2 miles east on the oil road, about six miles south of the Y, east of Riverside and then east on oil road, on STARTS AT 11:00 SHARP--(We mean 11:00) 24---CATT L E--24 Consisting of 10 polled Hereford cows, some with calves by side; 7 heifer calves; 2 good, young milk cows, just fresh; 1 Registered Hereford polled bull, sired by Paladin Domino and dam, Florence Domino; this is a red line bull all the way through..• He is quiet and a sure breeder. 2~HORSES---2 Pair of smooth mouth geldings, good workers, weight about 3.500 5--SH EEP--5 4 ewes and 1 young buck. 9C--WHITE ROCK HENS--90 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 2 tractors, 1 F12 McCormick Deering, with cultivator; 1 John Deers G---P--- both ready to go; 1 John Deers corn planter, almost new; 1 John Deers seed er, same as new; 1 Case 14 in. tractor plow; 4 wagons, two high wheel wagons with narrow tires, 1 medium height wagon with wide tires, 1 low iron wheel wagon; 14 ft. hay rack; 1 good wagon box; 2 bobsleds; 3 John Deers discs, 10, 9 and 8 feet long; 4 cultivators; 2 gang plows, one is John Deere, other David Bradley; 2 harrows, 1 four section and 1 three section; 2 hog waterers; manure spreader; .tank heater; 8 ft. McCormick Deering binder; 1 Big Six McCormick Deering mower; one windrower 6 ft.; stirring plow- side rake; dump rake; 1 wood saw; 1 power rip saw; 1 forge; anvil; horse sheers vice: pipe vice; saws; hammers; tongs; cross cut saw; spades; shovels; forks; 50 gal. iron kettle; 150 ft. hay rope, like new; 4 ell barrels with faucets; gasoline engine; pump jack; 40 ft, hay pole; 2 brooder houses, "afile~s we hate out' enSolon, they ought to have a total of 2 Nora ! students while the new students list 8x12 1C~14:1 individual hog house, 6x8; meat grinder; lard press; hay slide, V¢ill not be able to fight victories apiece before the county., --o-- . .. ~ ened Once in a while they were able 16 ft." harness; collars; windcharger; log chains; new fence insulators; ,The :necesSity of get L.T. H• S• There sems to be a ma(i scramme . " ......... - -'~'d the assembly these days Bob to catch a wora or so that they uniter Martin brooder stove; many small tools: some new hardware; hand corn =xcam -- ' stood, but the rest of the chatter soun sheller; Roderick Lean 7 ft. tandem disc; many other articles too numerous t'me represent. Side Glances At The Seniors .... ta~ our enemies them By Lila by Walker got nts pictures, ded like Latin or Greek. to mention. sheul t Clarence Dmscoll An a I do believe that all of the ut 900 bushels corn, Some Straw m barn, Some d cultivate a dislike o " That yellow flash you saw Monday yw y HAY AND GRAIN--Abe " " " h01d, ~st~ch as super ~larence William Driscoll is a new wa~ N'orma Eden's sweater Of students will agree with me that after ....... l~rticular race the destruc comer to L• T. H• S. but in spite of ..,,,,~ =~ ~hu~. Mc~,~an noticed i't too' ~ we acquaint ourselves with a few of tm~ea craver n~y. -- ...... edltuve,'and the pe~ this he has won instant popularity. ~ .... % ~ ~ ..... ~ the tongue twisters we'll enjoy the HOUSEHOLD GOODS--Bed; complete with springs and mattress; ~nma cam f i=a~[icular races and class With his good looks and keen sense The game Friday night brought out class very much, especially if we get -st" 2 cunboards; water cream separator; other items too numerous to men of humor he has created quite a sen many things. The boys and girls bur• to cut up frogs or small insects. (It :'. ' ~;ln;Aliis war has been ta satton among~ the feminine portion of ted the hatchet,, Barbara Nielson is hoped thought that no one faints non. race as well as the war. If ~he Lone Tree High population,wore a new Norwegian sweater (pret during the process.) ~ -- -~ ~ =,= i#~ • P A qM !.~atred for o~_eaemies, Clarence was born September 29,ty classy!), the boys and g~rls playedi Norms lerms c ~ ~ ~es:t~ the-making of peace 1927 anu acquire~ ms early e~ucauon their best gameS, and Aorams' nan a, ~ )t have remedied any of the ~in Pleasant Valley township. In _a~di chili supper• ] Junior . ~ ~ ~ ~ __ lr~ ~ ~ _ ___ ~s ~hieh cause,/ the war ~tion to his other traits. Clarence Jaas , . ~Semester tests are over, an~ we arc ~ mira _~ • ~ #~ ~= ~ 1 ~ ~ m ~r ~-~ rant According to Ruel s little sister and' ~'~v~r~ wSta~di?a?;Sb:= :gb:a~nht:¢ti?;llu:tdat:d g;°dt~ed ap the remark ,she made.~ at Sunday; getmti:gofS:: :r°etth:k?:g ;:;:rSe~nth2u~: M I ! I- I] H K I F K H ~e in~stlces of reprisal~ pearance of his name on the eighth School Ruel s latest is ~-nyllis ~ms. I es Business Arithmetic was just a -- " tv~s " grade honor roll when he graduated T~a ~a,~' ver seed more bashfuli semester course so some of the Jun l " |11 L,~J I! iJ I it •t I ~3~_:Wise .to change oul, in'41. . cou;le~than Bud Smothel~s and Mary iors are taking Commercial Law and LKluOnt:h::ii:::- :ucts. ........ Pe°pl:i~:~Srags Bank~ ~L~t:;hJGpa£?~: Hhe~ ~~u~i:e:~~h F°ckerVeed~luBdud: o: rnbEdh:]:hn tmMeic: Dani]:~i ] :h7 rest are taking Bi°l°gY this seine: 'd ' .. .'rP.:H.:S. "' " " -"" ...... ar sentence has Mary's name in it.) i .... ~tional Tourney goo~ joe in ~asKetoan tins ye • everyone ' have a smile o~ Clarence, like all the rest of u~ In case no otis has noticed it, Card i / • "~ " ~ ~ ~:''" 2r~m•10•40 to 11-20 on the enjoys movies and his favorite was Walker has a pretty identification _ - .~l ~ ' (,~'¢ :: )f~-r~-.~. ~ ~Q~ w-~= ~'Guadalcanal Diary," and while "we bracelet doesn't she? ~...-._ '.they-----"'~'To..~d "~out"''that the" "'"~ are on the subject of movies his ~z~0r / ' , _- - -- ~ : ~ :--~ ~zfl'Tournament was to be its actor is Humphrey Bogart. Job Wolfe and Norma...~raf]~.hf= 1 . - -~ - ~ ~, g ~~ I - I I~ • a od time at sinner telling their ~u - - - a • Harry James and his trumpet are .~a go . . / I - - = [] le l~ho~i~ ~. ...... +,~ h ar mong Clarence'g favorites in the must [tunes on their .straws. Of course, / r -- : .N [] ~,,, u= ,,~vw .., -~ . , out r| bt but ..--.. --v =.. is ~ event for the plsy :, cal world. Dinah Shore and Blng /doesn t always come g , | --. -_ .-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~i ........ i With ~e s~udents take¢~¢r0sby are his preferred vocalists, [ from the looks on their faces it is | ~ J a ~ I I ! f t ~-I lIV~lt ~ 1 7th to the 0t iand 'Tll Walk lone" occupies e/fun- I II I 1 --__!! a 11 II IMl .... .[] [] ~eto:seea nice crowd tolhead °f his list °f s°ngs•" . n/ After some of Don Eden's useless I / I =w _ .... , [] ~ur team, so plan ahead for ! Clarence's amoition is to dem a ~U~r [ running around in Sociology class, | i ~ -" - -- - " - J ~ I-1Amcrlcan ]Frait Grewer..•.$2.25 [] vmat ner on a PT boat o; an ar y q ~3Ie schedule will be .... ". " . ..IMrs Brown said "That's all right, ~ -- - " ~ • ~ If q i~ []American Girl $00 [] lalL*r [l~oree pitot and nis pet peeve is coiul~ " - ..... ou'll --row up'" ~ J I I . •k ta ..... "i"7; .......... .'... lib • t ' • - ~ Don some ut~y .v ~, • L] American l-lores, z ]tr~ ...... ~.z~ l .I, .... weather wzth the many comphcation~ I ' t ~ I m I ~ & I • k ~ ~ ........... [] [ L. ~.. Lift. :;~. t .... I ' " " " • l i .--I _ li ¢ 1 I ! m ~! ll i • 41~ LJ Am$¢an romtr~ journal z.l~ I~ L~n m;,,h Scho I ;it brings with it 'rnese are mos~iYI Chuck McLean" 'l oetieve in mxra I ~ i • ! I I • _! ! / m¢~! .......... ~a e Tree ,,.u 0 i ." . t " " ~ m I i ) I -- • ~ ~1~ - i ~ ~ AVlatiOI! lift M, eVleW ............ ~.~3 -~ s m the form of his car not starting cles but not m that' ~lght ~t 'tile Solon ~-~me "a :" " " I " " ;" t I im • -- ~[~ ~k ~ • - - ~ [] Better Cooking & Hmkg... ~.60 [] ~Ood ~,.~ .... * o0~.~,,~ ~o~ali The way that he overcomes theseI ' . . .- I 1 I" $ - - _ - - ~ I-I Canner's Farmer ........2.15 --~uv=~ ~,,~ ~,--,,,,- - - ' . . . ' " lder eo le ot L,one Tree ~_~ ,r ..... w-e ~¢,xw "- -- cheerin- minor ddficult~es sssureg us that the l A lot of o P P . . " ~ -- - ' ~ [] Child Life 3 60 [] ~rls~a~ ~°Urr~-~ss cheeri;; "ta~er ones that he will meet in the [would appreciate it very mUu~n" Ltfn:;nr I ~ ~ [:] Christian H~d":~i~'~--~: $:00 " bewildering offspring o u ~Ys. W~ ....mi.~, tn bury I.f~.~" WMI. rate the same e~emt ] I I ~ [] Coronet ............................... 4~0 ~, let f~ ........... "7 : ! ' --~ t r I [..~5~, [] Correct English .................. 3.60 ,ur gaod for only tnrougn ~ ~ ............. ~-- • . ~ [] Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs. 230 • ' An ..---..-:..._... derst~ag: S B~aA ~ [] Hygela ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3:25 t AIl~ [ I ~x G T 1~ I~ [~Magazine Digest ......... : ...... 3.60 L. T. H ~ " 'C t [] National Digest Monthly.. 3.60 o;Z; [ [ 1 Ttk EI66EST VALUE IN YEARS,I []Nature (101~s.,12 Mo.)..~... 3.60 boys and girls ~he intellif ~_|~ ¢_~iIL:1~J~ .~r~5~ [ l PATHFINDER ................. IYr. i ALL ~[~ l~ []outa 7 (i2 ,a rue.) ~.t~ p~ ....... ce ~ " - - ~= , . ' HOUSEHOLD, ................ .-. ..... 1 Yr. ~b--=.,. ~ ~ [] Pathfinder .................. 2.~ ring a dance. Yes, ~ dan ; . • ;,. r B ~N 1 Yr FOR Photo la $ 0O ....... =tg,. -" -~:~n ~cnoot is ~nvztvu t ~k | \ ~(,a']//~ ~-2--~ ~J.~"~ -~ ~ I 1 FARMER'S WIFE ..... 2 Yr. / I1~ [] Reader's Digest ............ :: .... 4.75 [~ ~lNARIAli~tuaybHngafrlend. ~'t~eenI I i " . . []Redbook ...........................3.75 _~Y algo h~s a speoial ;i~ita ~ [ I *Check one el Lhe~e in place el True Slory it youprelcr,i~ ~ Sclen~ Illustrated . 3.60 Lone ~Y f~= the ~opho~ore~ ~ W~~'.~,'~ ~1}"," -'~ =c ~ i i ~ ~M~R]CAN G~ ___l Yr. ~ OPEN ROAD (Boys),___ n~ ~ Scientific D~edi~e ........... $.fi0 @ F on time and at the fight{ .... '-- i 1 ................ 4MO.![] S r en na ........................... s.00 ._.__..~ven thirty Saturday eve~l r~k~l~~~']~,~~2~'~l~L'~ | I HERALD __-----l~r, [~PARENTS MAG ....... lYr. I~ []$iiver~ ....................... $.00 ~tll~ ~"~' written Your LetterT| = ~,= i "{~vL=d~dl~-J~::~ \ -~ =i~ I'~ TRUE OOMIC~ .--I Yr. r-a SPORTS AFIELD ....... 1Yr. =N~ r-~-rN e,,,.~ • ...................... t'eat ~, "---# typi tJ t~m IJ --'=~ ~"'r .......................... "~'" [=-;,.J classes ve.ta ,t % C tt.W=" / E]~HILD LI~.___.__~Mo. E]THE VgOMAN .......... IYr. [] U. $. Camera ........................ 2.65 t = m ri~-.ew this week. Addresses| i 'NAL I K 1 flU. $. CAMERA ....1Yr. [-]SCIENCE ILLUS ....... 6Me. []Walt D'isney's Comics ........ 2.85 [ , I~ m,; tile Service have been 1 ~ v~.. • ;¢. t r~ [ (It byby a~' fter which they will be| ~~~ / t Ot a- p,~x and el ....... t t ,g/~.m~ /-¢'~.~. / II|WSPAI~II ~ I~(giZ lift ~te (12 ............. #.-~,,z.p,.~ ,.. v,-,~--..~ Dn@ (12 I~ws a name and writes to~ !11111 -, ~ 1 ¥~R, UN~ I"~M sHg~ ~.~" Part of his assign] ,ITZ T~_~ to do this for two tea ] ......... "-" ~---rin~ head-uarte~ we've ~ .... -~f them;o *~.* ~+ =.m helnl @ yl~,~l._~ l-lere a¢ ~rumt-~--~,t~ ~ "t . - a~m~a =w~li ~d;'o~'lett'er"~'iting ] decided ~'s high time somebody ~ed .doing. s~a. lor B0r [ Stal2ed" on the sublect ~ the t~mbi~es in this community. l~bey ~l~a a mg }dO ~nts ygar : .:--: ~erel thee ..... ~ ,~¢ " th~ [ ~ W~ want tO make sure they will be in shape for the next )i] UO.. tba,,, .................... : .... ~u ~., anted to • ome of So we're read to tve ours wtmtever ~t neea~-- "~ '~" ~]an' wr~te to s ] ImlweSt, y g Y . . ~dU~ didn't know their ad anything fr~a a simple adjustment tO the works. elv~s as a whole feels T~ ~ thing goes for your tractor and every implement AND flOUR !11@ Were iu She service, they to know laow things were I the old ~hool; so they those in the service Your boy or girl is, you the news from LTHS tied-,-- if at all possible. The haven't forgotten ~ll~ first started the t~IIgtO"-~ halls of Lone Tree CRy, Iowa -""'- T. H. S. CFY SPORTS • ~--~k & Vernie CO. ~rls have done it again• ~d they came out on "he first half looked o o:tae% f the put Z~t ~ity, W~aad Lone Tree gues~ I0 halt ~as over, Our ,r and tool on the place- We are specialists in farm equipment repairs. That's m~r business. When you bring a machine in here it's treated right. We don't wonder how to fix it-we know, and on this knowledge we stake our good reputation as a McCormick-Deering dealer. Make this a "be&ind-to-equipment" week on your farm. Check your ~nes. List the parts you need. Order them now. Tell us what repairs should be made and let us sched- ule your work so that it will be ready on time. We guarantee good service, genuine IHC parts and the best deal you can make on new eqmpment. trm ,ment Co. MAGAZINES S~ ALL FIVE FOR ONLY [2 ~Atu~ Joum~L k PAI~gR~ WIFE ..... 1 Yr. [~ NATIONAL LIVESTOCK ]PRODUCER" .-__.1 Yr. Check magadnd~ desired and endo~ wi~ ceu#on. Geatlemen: Lendo $ .................. lqeaze me dm du ked, wire a Tear' mt.a:r tlon to your t-g r, fftREgT OR R.F.D .......... ~ : ...... IN)STOFHCL ................................. ~ * _ .................