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January 14, 1954 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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January 14, 1954 |
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"it Ha
May 7--
Supt. R. C. Schlotfelt resigned his
position in Lone Tree and has ac-
cepted a position as Superintend-
ent at the McGregor - Marquette
Rcv. H. M. Grant of the Trinity
Methodist church in Cedar Rapids,
was to address the 1953 graduat-
ing class.
Z'Iay 14--
Marilyn Angelsberg was married
to Robert Burich at the First Pres-
byterian church in Iowa City.
The local Chamber of Commerce
were hosts to the annual athletic
banquet h e I d at St. blary's
May 21--
Frances Lenz and Clifford Mur,
phy were named valedictorian and
salutatorian respectively of the
1953 graduating class.
Frances Lena received the Anter-
icon Legion Award and i~rancis
Loan received t h e Citizenship
Award at graduation exercises held
at the schoolhouse.
Lawrence Jarrard was elected
president of the Lone Tree Lions
May 28--
Herbert Hayes of New Albin,
Iowa was elected Superintendent
of the local school.
Patricia Jarrard, three and one-
half year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Jarrard, had an
emergency operation on her tra-
June 4 ......
Rites were held at the Methodist
church for Lawrence Hall.
Sondra Kline and Vern Schnoe-
belen were married at St. Mary's
church in Lone Tree.
Graduates of 1903 were honored
tit the annual Alumni banquet.
June 11 --
Phyllis Lenz became the bride
of Don Temple in a ceremony per-
formed at the Evangelical and Re-
formed church.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perezek
noted thheir fiftieth wedding anni-
The Rock Island railroad was
ordered to continue operation into
, Lone Tree.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Forbes.
' June 18--
Har~T Horesowsky was elected
~residen of the local Chamber of
Betty Bekker became the bride
of Gerald Forbes at St. Mary's
: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Housel.
Lone Tree merchants were to
sponsor a series of jack pot draw-
June 25--
Jim Hartsock was chosen the
outstanding father in a contest
sponsored by KXIC in Iowa City.
Cars Ruth Walker was married
Good Grade Fore Ql arter
Hind Quarter
Cut, Wrapped, Sharp Frozen
And Delivered
~to Harold Brehm at Bayard, Neb.
July 2--
Rites were held at the Evangel-
ical and Reformed church for Pet-
er Benson, 82.
Shirley Carter and Cleo Dodson
were married at Nichols.
T~-yla Cunningham and Robert
Baker were married at Prescott,
July 9--
A barn owned by Lloyd Burr
was struck by lightning and des-
troyed by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearson
were the parents of a son.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Don Newman.
July 16~-
Herman Martin was elected com-
mander of the lo,ml American Le-
i The Lone Tree Fire Department
held an extensive fire demonstra-
John Hudachek, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Hudachek, was attend-
ing the Boy Scout Jamboree at It-
vine Ranch, California.
July 23--
Ernest Lorence, a medical stu-
dent at the State University of
Iowa, was spending a month here
with Dr. L H. Jacques.
Fred Stock was the winner of
$170 at the Jack-Pot drawing.
July 30
Fremont Lassies and Clover
Blossoms 4-H clubs held their an-
nual achievement days.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Goody.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Schuller at Mallard, Iowa.
August 6
Joe Johnston of Tipton began
his duties as manager of the local
[Locker Plant.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Elwyn Pearson.
.Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor Jr.
were the parents of a son.
August 13--
The Lee Clow home was destroy-
cd by fire•
A son xv,~s born to Mr. and l~,h's.
Donald Pariz(q¢ at Mercy hospital
in rowe City.
August 20
Gary Minc~'r won top honors in
the swim, derision at the Wash-
' in:}ton comity fair.
Daily freight service into Lone
Tree by the Rock Island Motor
Transit Company h'td begun.
A~u~t 27
New faculty members of the lo-
cal school had been announced.
They were Mr. It. F. Cahail, mus-
ic instructor; Mrs. Ruth MCMor-
ran, Home Ee. instructor and Miss
II Iill
the family's greatest II|ft
Ele~kIw enters into almost
ev~.phase of li~ng today. It's
erie Ol tile enmity s greatest g.ttts
-- becam~ it does so many, jolts
ecoaomicMb., l~lecttieity is
~le of the few things that co¢~s
a fmily le~ today ~ h dkt
bek the wu.
Itg~O LONG as there" remains schools, and more industries
dl a single task being done by every~'here in Iowa will make
men and, women which electric- increased demands on the com-
ity could do as well, electric- panics that serve them.
~y must prepare to do it. Great
days are ahead and electricity Anticipating these increased de-
will have a great part to play." man& for power, the eight ma-
These were the words of Thomas jor power companies of Iowa
are cooperating with one an-
Ed/soo, founder of the power other on the installation of a
industry and they are as true
today as they were the day he $5g,000,000 system of high-
said them. voltage transmission lines called
Electricity does many more jobs the "Iowa Grid" . . . for your
tod~y than just provide lighting, electric future.
Wtlo ,would have thought in The Iowa Grid will torm a net-
1900 that we'd cook with eleo work of power "expressways"
Iricity? Use it to run washers, for the movement of huge quan-
dryers, toasters, radios, even titles of electric power between
electric shavers? And electricity companies. It will mean that
will be called upon to do many power ca~ be fed 1o any $ecfion
mote jobs in the |uture, for who of the state ~gom at lee~ tWO
knows what the woader-~ien~5 directions. It will ~aa that am
d electtmfics has in store fog us ? part*d the state ,will ever~se
Not o~ly wilt electricltT do more widumt all the power it
~obs for you in your home, office It will mean p~aty o~ dec~ic
lind ~ the h~rm in the years power for your 'woodcflld elK-
to come, but more people, more ~ic tomorrow:'
L ht&
Phyllis Beckman, first grade in-I 60th
Ruth Ann Phillips became the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor of
bride of Ivan Draper in a ceremony Manchester observed their, sixtieth
3erformed at Davenport. wedding anniversary on Christmas
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Day. They were married in 1893,.
Jack Ross at LOs Alamos, New
The ear belonging to J. S. Re-
nan St. had been stolen in Iowa
Around Iowa
WAS 91
Cresco lost one of its oldest res-
idents, and Iowa one of its oldest
pioneers, in the death of Mrs. John
Kennedy at Creseo recently. Nine-
ty-four at the time of her death,
Mrs. Kennedy was born in Frank-
ville in 1859.
At Northwood. the Methodi~t
church is richer by $10,000, a be-
quest of the late Mrs. Sarah Bolton.
The check was presented to the
trustees last week by the admin-
istrator of Mrs. Bolton's estate.
Ice-skating at Red Oak was de-
layed a bit recently. The swimming
pool ,a~as filled, for ice-skating, and
vandals threw beer-bottles and
other debris onto the partially fro-
zen ice.
It i
When little Nancy
was born recently to Mr.
Orville Yearling of New
she became the eighth
the family.
Manson now has a
tion retail firm. George
David O'Leary have
from their fathers, a
ally founded by Mr.
father in 1881.
At their farm home
Mr. and Mrs. Elam
eently observed their
ding anniversary.
William Lawler, 67,
farm home near
He was born on the
and had lived there all
On Monday, January 18, 1954 Cudahy
Co, of Cudahy, Wisconsin will open a new hog buying
station located at River Junction, Iowa. (River Junction
is located about 4 miles west of Lone Tree.)
connection will be through the Riverside exchange.
Cudahy Brothers Co., a pioneer Wisconsin
packing company, is not affiliated with a nationally
known organization of a similiar name.
In the new station at River Junction, as at all
Iowa and Illinois buying points, we aim to purchase ho
only for slaughter in our Cudahy, Wisconsin plant.
Your interest and patronage is appreciated.
Hog Buying Station
River Junction, iowa
You'll be surprised and you'll be pl' ase t
. hen you check yc r shopping list ,-gaiv,
these prices! /e've bought c reful!y an !
kept oar rests tow to pass as ma y savings
as possible cn to you--aud the result
these "make your money bigger" values'
Del Monte
A4 oz.
All Flavors
Gold Medal
UR °
1 Del Monte 46
Nestles Chocolate Pkg. 19c I ORANGE JUICE
Del Monte 2 No. 303 I ,Large Size
Hunts- Whole No. I Northern 50 ft.
APRICOTS I Paper Towels "-"
C ppews