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January 14, 1954 The Lone Tree Reporter | |
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January 14, 1954 |
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;R SDA¥.' .jAN ARX, " 14, 1.o4 t: . LONE. TREL REPORTER, LONE TREE, I
t " -: - ul - n i i I n = . . • • *
-- '" --! • • "1 ..... I ~'- - - ...... lelection of officers wa'~ hcld:'Those} At the close of ~he meeting~,:
' mlsce|,aneous ost o nuptlat J " * . .
r .... ]lmumty ...... P .......... e i ,-., e , m', ~ |elected wcre Mrs. George Johnson. [ freshments were served by ~Irs.
~ ~- --.,- • ~ j [isnower at the uaaianu ~cn ....... J~[~~ ~¢~[~[~$[Mrs. William Hartsoek and Mrs. iScott and the assmtant hoste.~s,
[ ~ ~aturaay evening. Harry Hotz Mrs. Frank Eden.
~~_~UJ ,'~ I] x,~,-~ ~'r~nk Kral and Mabel /''~''--~ [ ~Louis Hotz has invited the clubI" " The next regular meeting- " ~ of the.
- |[Mrs'"'E.-C~ XVolford and Mildred ], (Continued from Page 1) | to a housewarming party at hisl Fremont Homemakers ~,ill be held
'[ ..... ~, Tuesda- afternoon callers on[ [ new home on Friday, January 15th.[ Wednesday, l,eoruary lo, lnsteaa
~..--. . ................ .:x~.. EPa ~riesk" at the home ofl /All those attending should br|ngloI l~muay, ~eoru.ary ~, a
~v~amg supper guests of Muurecl vvoitorcl has oeen ~uo ~;"'and'Mrs Ernest Brookhart|installation was held for the 195~[ pie and sa~adwichcs. |home of Mrs. Marmn Carpenter.
Ma'S. George Hudachek stltutmg for the leacher at t,'r -[ [ officers Edna Carl was the m-| The next regular family meeting| /~,Iembers are asked to rememoer
and Mrs. Will Zinklua of mont Nmaber L who is ill. ] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hotz and] stalling'officer• Those being instal-| will be held at the schoolhouse on[ that in February they are to meet
.......... ]family, Mr. and Mrs. Har°ld|led were president, Mac Snyder;|Saturday, January 23rd. Itostess-[at the Drug store to attend a de-
,..__ . Mr. ami Mrs. tlmnara t~as ;r Ot[Schomberg and family, Mr. and|sr Vice president Louise Forbes;|es for this meeting will be Mrs.|monstration on "Color tiarmony in
i'~r Jr., Edwin Westfall Anamosa ~ere week-end guests of]Mrs" Henry Brun and family, Mr.|jrl Vice president, Hattie Klein;ILorcn Burr and Mrs. I.on Burr. |the Home." which will be held at
.-u~ a~urphy left Tuesday , ...... ~- ~n_d Mrs. Edaar~ .~ Johnson and| and Mrs.. Leo Hotz and family• and| Trca~urcr Im'~, Veestfall• , Secretary. ,| The next. regular meeting of the|. Kirwan's in Iowa City..
or. Denver, Colorado family [ Louis Hotz were recent droner| Bessie Brinkmeyer; chaplain, Stel-[ social club will be, Thursday, F~:h-[ --'--
[_l~llapend some time at - ~ . ,igucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Re-|la Krueger; Conductress, Mabel O'-Iruary 4th, at the home of .~rlr'~.| ........... Part" Sunda"•
Stock show. From 2cir. and Mrs• Frank Hulting analbal and family at Solon. |Connor' Assistant Conductress, iHarry Lcnz. A baby show,w will|~":~ a.,u:,~ '~'~,,, ~
"~' plan to go to SaltAllen of Dewitt, Iowa spent the| . /T-~I~,~ ~.~ov' ¢'-uard Rose Lunu-tho h,,hl for Mrs Robert Pets~,l |uu.,,.~.u ....... .~--
Utah and from there topast week-end visiting Mr. and/ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smm niter- q~.'~- ."~"y ' _ , . .... o 1 ........ !
~.The boys expect to be Mrs. Harry Brown and family. ]tained at dinner Sunday .m honor l~est, pAr::l:tactr/::;::~le:t:xaE~h~ell [ 0 [w~:hd~ ::t~l~g~ltlbirrth(~z~y ~ai:y
~t~lately two weeks. _ of their son a~mmm on hiS ~ourtn .._[,, ......... :_.. ^u~ ~rmsen tPinoehle Club Entertained n • .- ~'-~ ......~.~ ~.;.,~a~,
Jackm Wolford returned to low~blrthda'y .... Those present were Mr ......... . • c~" ~'•--~ ......... r,~,~ .r,,.~ Ne..i* ~ Thursda,v I ......
]t~,a. Harry ROss andCity Sunday evening where she isand Mrs• Charles Phillips and Patrmtm instructor, cmra ~o , ] t Those present were ~v~r. an~ ~v~rs.
Monday evening ViM- a student nurse at Mercy hospital• Chuck of Iowa City, Mr. and Mrs.H~stormn: Ella• ~organ,ue er, ~, " ~°)'°r Ix,,,,:~ Mrs. Joy Neal was hostess to i Eugene Schaapveld, Mr•
tr. and Mrs I~a mond Jackie had been s ending the hol- ,. 1 and Ronnie of t~earers- 1, Limays r~r g • . . members of her Pinochle club b~s~ teu ~cnaapvem ot wes~ ~,.~.~.,
, . . Y P Charl~s Skuba , " i ~ "
iday's with her parents, Mr. and Riverside Mr• and Mrs. James Me-O Connor, 3, Hazel Att~g 4, Amel a Thursday night at her home. One Mr• and Mrs. Albert Lenz and fam-
..... Mr~ Jason V¢olford. Mahon ~Ir and Mrs M W Mc- M~cer. . .. guest Mrs Mabel Burr was prc- fly Mr. and Mrs. Howard Krueger
-"~. tt~ert Dougnerty -- - ' '' ........... ~"~:e ~-ouowing the meeting t~unco _^_, ' lind family, Mr. and Mrs. Charms
• • • _~.anon ~ ~/lr. y. ~llll~ H, llU ~l~l . • • .'• s ~lLl.o | •
,~%~re Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Forest Babb,who T;n,,~io ..o,~,i..,,~a runny nie~ ~ifts was played at five tables. PHze. I ,... . ........... ,~_ ,~._, Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krueger,
x¢. a~d Mrs Bernard were married December 20 at the ~."'-:':~ .'Y~.7": ............ " we-e won by Ella Morgan first, ] ~nose winning ~n'~ze~ ~'~ "~"~ i Mr and Mrs Alfred Lennababugh
a~ family at West Christ Methodist church at Belle ~or ms mrmaay. Mabel O'Connor, secondand Alice tevening were .~ars• mutt;mEn; ~v~rs., Mr" Lawrence Owens Mr. Ted
• ore- . - , • • . ~aynara t=erny, secono anti leers• ' ." • '
Plame, were honored at a c Mr. and Mrs. Dick V~atkmson Harmsen, travchng. At the clo.~e1 ........... n "~e Sp|vey of Muscatme and the hun-
and son of Iowa City were Sundayof the evening a verynicehmch l~aad°ma=~::m~ir[°.wN¢~lnlZ~,~ :~ ored guest and his family.
dinner uests of Mr and Mrs Ray- was served by the followingcorn-~ g" • "'. '" " ~' •'"~ -I Durimz the evening canasta wa.~
g " " • • ! freshments to her guests. I "~ •
round Benell. m~ttec, Hazel Att~g, Merle Bekkert ............. nlaved at five tables• Pmzes were
and Bessie Rrinkrn~y@r [ lne next meeung oz me ClUO wm- - .. ......
................ awarded to r~owar~ ~rueger, mEn;
i Mrs Hattie Klein has received . [be held Thursday January 21 nl ~- .........
" .... ~ ' ' i,o•~n~• ~cn in )vein lOW• mrs Len-
word that her son Victor Klein the home of Mrs. Ed Staid• ., .~ - : :i , ,- :...
• nabaugh, il]ffn: an(1 .~trs. Wllma
underwent major surgery last Members of Tuesday Club Met [ --,,-- Schaapveld low Following this a
Wednesda at a Minneapolis Minn With Mrs Harley Kirkpatriek ~ ' " . - -
Y ' " " Card Party Held Thursday - nice lunch was servea. ~vtr. L~enz
hospital. : " ~ ~ o received many nice and useful
Members of the Tuesday cluotAt Robert Oougherty H me . -
Friday dinner gue.~s of Mrs. met this week at the home of Mrs. [ --.. - . ~ .. . .. gifts.
Retractable Push Button Hattie Klein were Mr. and Mrs.~ Harley Kirkpatrick. The meeting,s. ~nurs~ay evemn~, ~tr: an(~ ~wtrs. _--------- .....
• . - r~ooert L~ougnerty c.ntertameo see- .
Delbert Krueger of Iowa C~ty. was a dessert bridge• . • . ,..c..::. ;: ~z.'.:;;:.:..
1 • . . !eral of their fmends at a ce.rd party .:~,'fi~~h*l~,~'~
il Point our,o a* ooo. ..... ....
Sunday droner guests of Mr. and [ ......... i m their home• Those present were ~ ~
- oriage was playea wire prazes De- , ...... ~ -,
Mrs• Henry Schlapkohl of Coral-~ .............. e lMr. and Mrs. Howard Stock, 5It. ~
lng won DV ~v~rs. r~aymonu ~,L , " n Mr
ville were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sch-1. . . - ...... ]and Mrs. Warren McGm ess, , .
• • nign; Mrs. Jonn ~ oro, secono; ; . - ,
lapkohl, Bill and Helen, Jackm [ .............. n" and Mrs. Alvin Schnoebelen, Mr.
......... ~rs, William l,xlrKpatrlcg, lOW a tl --a "'rs H~r~cr" O-hnoebclen and
~or~es, Dale r~ammer oz iowa, ~ ..... travein " ,aim ~v~ . " u" ~ c.c ~,~ m ==ami•
Mrs zt o ~orwatcl g r ~nd Mrs Llo d Cur'ts I
We Have Them City and Virginia Droll of River- I "" '" " ,) .... .Vf.~ ". Y ~" • II~ I! g !11[ | I~
side. I Mara,et-C~r'i~, Uo ~aDsUri~gethendVhnigng ;:idze:'~lc~::'GU~ Ui~t~
Only ¢ 1 nn r~. Tax*ncl. Mrs. Joe Huff of Nichols is a []~[rs. , g' : ,~., "',P Y: ,, ''~
• ~atient in Mercy hos,qtal in Iowa ICelebrate Birthday, rmuay won ny Bir. and Mrs. Alvin Sehnoe-
• ~V ~•" ~e "he unde~'ent sur-erv~ .... o belen. Following this a lunch was COS]~ money
Try One -- You Will Like Them ~ty wn re s . • g - t Mrs. Margaret Crlm,. wno at ~,n( served by Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty. --
~uesoay mormng. | present time is staying m wn- _u__
Ho~s often get heavily infested
Hot Air Furnace and Stoker
Bottle Gas Water*Heater
3 rater Softener z*
On two WELL located full sized lots
Exceptional 2 Car Garage "
POSsession March 1 or Sooner if Desired
---Can be Seen by Appointment---
See H. C Buell or Ralph Hudachek
Johnson County, Iowa at the close of business on De-
with other banks,
reserve balances, and
m process of collection
Government obliga-.
and guaranteed ...........
of States and politi-
discounts (including
owned $27,500.00
[ixtures $5275.0~ ........
deposits of individuat~,
and corporations .......
of individuals, part-
corporations ................
States Govern-
postal savings) .....
States and political~
(certified and of-
etc.) .............................
TIES ................
" ................................................
$ 351,781.73
capital consists of:
ck With total par value of $45,000.00
or assigned to se-
and for other pur-
.................................................. 85,000.00
of loans, certificates
obligations, or por-
Which are fully back-
by agencies of the
GOvernment (other
States Government
direct and gua('an-
................................................ $235,392.82
Wiese, President an-] ~,Vm. P, Ashton, Cashier of the
do solemnly swear and affirm that the above
true, and that this report fully and correctly represents
of the several matters I~crein contained and set forth.
of our knowledge and belief•
• HERMAN WIESF_, President
~,VM. P. ASHTON, cashier
of Iowa, County of Johnson, ss.
to and subscribed before me this 6th day of January,
Notar~j Public.
My commission expires July 4, 1954
: Charles Hot.z, Lon O. Adams, J. E. Ashton. Directors
Mr. and Mrs• Ed Vander Linden liamsburg, will observe her nine-
and Gary were Sunday dinner tieth birthday tomorrow, Friday, Fremont Homemakers Held
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Niman January tbth. Mrs. Crim is now be- Regular Meeting Friday
lieved to be the oldest living rest-
with lice in winter, They pile up
Smith in Iowa City.
),Ir. and Mrs. Greg Snider and
family of In, ca City spent Sunday
at the parental ~,V. H. Stonebarger
dent of Lone Tree.
Twenty Five Attended
~',S.C.S. Meeting ~Vedne~day
The Fremont Homemakers held
their regular meeting Friday, Jan-
uary 8, at the home of Mrs• Rob-
ert Scott. A talk was given by Mrs
Margaret Hausheer, Johnson coun-
ty home economist, on "Intelligent
in the shed to keep warm and
Ike spread from shoat to shoat.
U~e Dr. Hess Dryclde to kill
lice. It's a po~der that you
sprinkle on the hogs and in the
bedding. A dry louse killer is the:
": ~a ~rs L H Youn" s--ent The W S C.S. held their birthday "~Vei-ht Control ......
Mr. a ......... ~ • ~ .. " •. _... ~,. ...... ~ ~ • Only practical thing m freezing
Sunday at the home of Mr. Young's meeting tas~ w~mesaa~:.a~ternoo~ During the meeting, which was -..^,u.o ~,.,,, rt.....'.~ ..... ~,~
• - at the' home oI ~etrs. witiiam ASh- . .. w~,,~...-~ ~.#,.~...~, ..~--'*~
msterand husband, Mr. and Mrs. ton Miss Bess Rayner was assis-~d__bY~:thie new, ?I([[. h¢lpkeephoglicetmderconttol.
~/cn ~oagers in t~avenport. • • " ~.. ~ . natty ~t ~, tn~ ~ruup ur~w ~m ~s .....
tinthostess lllere were twenty
'•- ' . " for secret pals for the coming ~'~0es and ~u~[0ers
Mrs. R. S. Davis of Milford, Iowa fivemembers presenL year A discussion was held on en ^..~ "
is spending several days in the H. During the afternoon devotions tertainment and refreshments to owrsnoes ,
~. Hamilton home Mrs. Davis is and a lesson "A Mighty Fortress]ho ~riv~n at n 1.qt~,r el~to a* *h, ,tr., IT --/ 0
a smter of Mrs Hamilton Is Our God were g~ven by Mrs ,
• " " " ' ~r'' " "" l erans hospital in Iowa City ~o omlfl ~z ann
Lloyd Kin~, and Mrs. Raymond I ' "
Mr, and Mrs. Jay Felcay of Man- • -
h itx~~~ae~n td~?: g: :~mpi i ! lfB~ro~'t~el/i:Ft:l IO:~g t::rvmde tbyg ~ ~ |
P "" .- ..... l The next regular meeting ,viii be,I _.._L IC'_.. L_ IIL_L
of thcir uaughter ann tamily l.~r. '! baU !1 rur ne vv eett
and Mrs. D. F. "Mossman. Methodist church.
Sunday guests in the home -of [ In a Wester w o n "'~ -~en*'e ........ ~'~ *'"
Dr and Mrs t~ ~ Mossman a a • n " a sa on "
, " .. " .~ " " _ ..... Friends E tertatned at Party t • I n when, w~thout warning, a young cowhand dashed out,
i mmuy were L~r nu ~ars r~ ~
. . .. . a . :.: :~- " In Albert Bekker Home Salatrday , took a flyipg leap from the sidcv'alk and landed in tiac gdt-
~aossman ot t.,ysart ana lvtrs, tloy 1 ter '
Miller and daughter Rovan~ of Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. i - "
Fairfield " Amert" ........ lY, egKer ana zanaily enter, - The. ,man hurried., over, to h~m .... "Ar'~ .you ...... hurt " he asicce
tained at a card party in their 'q~o,' was the angry reply, "but I'd shore like to meet Lhe
Mrs. Ethel He.Icy has been stay- home. Those present were Mr. andso-and-so who moved my horse."
Mrs. Darts Forbes, Lois and Low-
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Forbes, Mr.
ing at the Clarence Forbes at
Conesville while Mrs. Forbes was a
patient in Mercy ~ospital. Mrs•
Forbes returned to her home Wed-
....... O .....
Avoid the wear on your tires, Bring your car
in for a front-end alignment before busy Spring
work" starts.
Our Motto: 0omplete and Satiseact rv Service
Phone 44 Lone Tree. Iowa
Mrs~ Rhoda Hanson and Mrs.
Alice Hi!lyer visited Matt Sorenson
Sunday. Mr. Sorenson is a patient
at University hospital since he suf-
fered a fall Thursday•
The baby daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Robert . Eagle of Wichita,
Kansas, is a patient at Mercy hos-
pital. She- underwent surgery last
Tuesday. Mrs. Eagle is the former
Joy Coon.
A shotgun accident took the life
of Kenneth Reese, 9, of near La-
mont. He was playing with a eou-
,and Mrs. Arthur Schuessler and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Duffey and family.
Daring the evening bid euchre
w~,s played. High prizes were won
i by Lois Forbes and Arthur Schues-
sler; low prizes were won by Ger-
ald Forbes and Mrs. Arthur Schues-
sler. Travclin~ prize was awarded
to Mr. Schncssl,cr. Following the
card games Mr. and Mrs. Bekker
served a lunch to their guests.
Mrs. llarry Jlotz Hostess To
.North Lincoln ,eJoeial Club
The North Lincoln Social club
met Thursday afternoon, January
7, at the home of Mrs. Harry Hotz
There were twcnLy-four present.
!Three new members, Mrs. Sylvia
i Foraker. Mrs. Helen Graham and
Mrs. Reid Ford and one guest, Mrs.
Tom Wetzel attended this meeting.
During the afternoon a bake
sin when the gun was discharged, lsale was held and the group also
I They had believed it to be unload- held a baby shower in honor of
~d• ~frs• Henry Brun• Following this.
Phone 212
We're more tl/an pleased when you s ol .
talk with us. You can always
count on us for "a friendly, wd-
come- and all the help we can
.gi.'ve with your money problems.
Savings Bank
Lb:ie Tree. Iowa