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Page4 The Lone Tree Reporter Thursday, January8,2015
.... ' ...... YOUR CLASSIFIED AD First week$7.00 minimum for first 15 words
45¢ each additional word
Method of Payment: Cash, Check or Credit Card (Visa, MC, Discover)
Call: (319) 656-2273 the, Highl.nd
Fax: (319) 656-2299
~FI~:¸ )i¸
HELP WANTED I FOR RENT I SERVICES Write:KalonaNews, Other $1.00 per line for bold type
CHILD CARE I NOTICES I LOST Kalona, IA52247-0430 (Classified Ads must be paid in advance) WWW.KALONANEWS.COMICLASSIFIEDS
THANK YOU I STA'rGwII~= #"~llrr,~ ..........
Classified Ad Deadline: 3 pm Monday Display Ad Deadline: 10 am Monday
Help Wanted
FOR SALE Calendar
Help Wanted
I W HelpWanted I
Help wanted: Currently looking for Duwa Drywall - New construction, For sale: 14 x 60 mobile home w/2 Hay and Straw Auction. Each
a Dozer/excavator operator for con- remodel, drywall & plaster repair, bedroom, 1 bath. New tin roof. 8x12 Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. YoderAuc-
struction business. Mostly doing Hanging, finishing and painting. Call patio. $2,500 OBO. Edward Ropp, tion Building, Frytown. YoderAuction
building site prep and finish work, 319-461-6730 CTFN 2415 110th St., Kalona 319-656- Service 319-683-3600 www.yoder-
water way work, terrace building and 5175 P2 NC
demolition jobs. 2+ years experience George's Painting - Interior, exterior,
preferred but not required. Need to residential, commercial. Free esti- Real Estate 1 I
be a self-motivated team player with mates. Call Ledru 319-683-2832
a positive attitude. Call 319-646- CTFN FOR RENT
2524 P2-5
Zipper replacement, mending and al- Thank you. for the many efforts
ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work terations. No leather coats. Call Co- Farm house for rent rural Kalona. you have madeto show usyour care
from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 lette, 319-936-1141. CTFN $600 month plus deposit. Farmers and concern, we'll be forever grate-
Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. National Company, John Yoemans, ful. Our heartfelt thanks to friends,
Training provided, www.WorkSer- Thorn Creek Construction, Inc. New 319-325-3080 for more information, neighbors, and family for cards, food (INCN) homes, concrete work, additions. Licensed to sell real estate in the and memorials. A special thank you
Fully insured. Tim Thomann 319- state of Iowa. C1-2 to Rev. Jim Bonewald, the organist,
CONTRACT SALESPERSON Sell- 648-5335 CTFN the casket bearers, and the Geo. M.
ing aerial photography of farms on Looking for an apartment? We have Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home.
commission basis. $4225.00 first SERVICE: Fax Services available at 1, 2, 3 bedroom apts. Washer/dryer The family of Gladys Krueger LT
month guarantee. $1,500-$3,000 The Kalona News, 419 B Avenue.on site. Stove& refrigerator supplied.
weekly proven earnings. Travel re-First page $1, 50¢ each additional Water furnished. 319-430-5389 iMiscella I
quired. More info or page. Send foxes to 319-656-2299. CTFN neous
877/882-3566 (INCN) TFN
LOT FOR RENT: Mayflower Mobile
Caring Full or Part-time RN/LPN's SERVICE: Social and business sta- Home Park. Piers provided for new Dish Network -SAVE! Starting
needed! Work close to home. Pro- tionery items are available at The homes. 107 S. 6th St., Kalona. 319- $19.99/month (for 12 months.) Pre-
vide one-on-one pediatric skilled KalonaNews. TFN 656-3034. CTFN mium Channel Offers Available.
care. Call Heartland Home Care, Inc. FREE Equipment, Installation & Ac-
EOE 1-319-339-8600 www.hhciowa. SERVICE: Advance-Fee Loans or Mini-storage: Iocated onCommercial tivation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL
com (INCN) Credit Offers - companies that do Street in Lone Tree. Now taking res- DEALS! 1-800-684-4805 (INCN)
business by phone can't ask you ervations. Call 319-643-7150 CTFN
CNA's, LPN'sCBSStaffing hasimme- to pay for credit before you get it. Advertise.your EVENT, PRODUCT
diate work Opportunities Available. For more information, call toll-free or RECRUIT an applicant in this pa-
Flexible Schedules, Great Pay, Paid 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service per plus 40 other papers in South-
Time Off: Call Now: 515.334.7471 message from The Kalona News and Calendar east Iowa for only $110/week! Call
Online: (INCN) the Federal Trade Commission. 800-227-7636
Enrich your life helping international Cushman Auction, Sat. Jan. 10 at
High School students through plac- SERVICE: Orderyour rubber stamps 10 a.m. Wendel Guy Estate, Owner.
Jng and sUpervising their AmeriCan (standard or self-inking) and ink re- YoderAuction Building, Frytown. Yo-
exchange program experience. P/T, fillsatThe Kalona News, 419 DAve., der Auction Service, 319-683-3600 i it* *
flexible hours, travel incentives, extra Kalona. TFN NO I L ~1~ [
income. Contact Julia Bazal @ mid- NEWPRICE, Color copies for only AntiqueAuction, items from theAma- I:
50¢ for 8.5x11. 75¢ for 11x17. The na Colonies, Jan. 16 & 17. Fri at 5
Flatbed Truck Drivers and CO Need- Kalona News 419 B Avenue, Kalo- p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m. Duwa'sAuction
ed. TanTara Transportation offers no. TFN Building, Wellman. Duwa's Auction
excellent pay, benefits, and home Service, 319-646-6775 duwaauction.
weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or apply I com NC Display Advertising:
Noon Monday
For Rent Farm Toy Auction. Sat. Jan. 17 atWeek of Publication
Hiring Regional Class A CDL Driv- 9 a.m. Yoder Auction Building, Fry-
ers. New Pay Package. Home Most For Rent: Heavy duty- carpet clean- town. Yoder Auction, 319-683-3600Classified Advertising:
Weekends, and $1500 Sign-On Bo- ors - Easy to operate. Gambles NC 5:00 p.m. Monday /
nus! Call 1-888-220-1994 or apply at Hardware 319-656-2911 CTFN Week of (INCN)
• I
$1500 Sign-On Bonus! No-touch,Farm Market , Dietary Aide:
Midwest Based Freight, Home Every
Week, Excellent Pay and Benefits. Pull-Time Days
Class A CDL Required. Apply Online Housekeeper: Or Call For sale: Big round corn stalk bales. Pull and Part-Time Days
888-576-1121 (INCN) 319-656-2303 C2-4 LPIt/RNs:
or Weekend Option
Butler Transport Your Partner in Ex- For sale: Organic alfalfa balage. 1st Pull and Part-Time,
cellence. CDL Class A Drivers Need- & 3rd cutting. Monroe ¥oder VM 319-
ed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 656-2165 Ext 1 P2,3
1-800-528-7825 or www.butlertrans-
port.corn (INCN)
tified Aviation Maintenance training.
Financial aid if qualified -Job place-
ment assistance. CALL now. Aviation
Institute of Maintenance 1-888-682-
6604 (INCN)
Bright Futures Chiropractic needs energetic, professional FT assistant
to assist in patient care and office responsibilities. Requires top quality
patient service, attention to detail, team-oriented attitude, and interest
in promoting wellness.
Resumes accepted through January 9. Send with cover letter to:
%Bright Futures Chiropractic • PO Box 712 • Kalona, IA 52247
i Pioneer Park a small family oriented facility is ]]]
looking for a highly energetic person to work with ]][
the rest of our dedicated team to provide quality ]]]
personal care to our residents. Hours available for]]]
both full-time and part-time positions. Flexible I11
hours and days available. Ill
Please apply in person to:llI
Mary Sue Cline III
Director of Nursing III
501 E. Pioneer Road III
111 " .... Lone Tree, Iowa [[1
:: EOE
Geriatric care in a retirement setting is a fast growing specialty
field for caring individuals. United Presbyterian Home is looking for
caring individuals to add to their progressive care-giving team. The
wages are competitive and the working atmosphere is superb.
Benefits include:
*Health Insurance BCBS *PTO starts at 160 hrs/yr
*Weekend Differential $1/hr*Call-in Differential $1/hr
*Shift Differential $1/hr *Cafeteria Plan
*403 B Pension Plan *Dental Insurance
*Paid meal & meal time *Wellness/Fitness Center
*Higher than normal staffing ratio *Plus Many Other Benefits
Positions available: RN, LPN full-time 2-10 shift;
RN, LPN part-time 6-2 and 2-10 shifts.
If you are interestedin a position in this fascinating field
stop in or call us at:
United Presbyterian Home
1203 E. Washington, Washington, Iowa 52353
Equal Opportunity Employer
SCHNEIDER IS HIRING • 419 B Ave * Kalona IA *
The City ofWellman, IA (pop. 1,408) is hiring a
City Maintenance Worker-Fulltime
Performs work relating to water and wastewater treatment and delivery,
natural gas system operations, and city infrastructure maintenance. Periodic on
call status required. Requires a high school diploma or GED, two years public
contact experience, two years of experience involving the mechanical trades,
and considerable knowledge of gas and water utilities; or any combination of
education and experience that provides the necessary knowledge, skills, and
abilities to perform the job. Prefer natural gas operations certification and both
water and wastewater level 2 certifications-or willingness to obtain.
CDL preferred or able to obtain. Salary range $15.00/hr-DOQ per hour.
Excellent benefits package. Open until filled.
Applications may be picked up at City Hall, 316 8th Avenue,
by mail to PO Box 129,Wellman, IA 52356 or may be submitted
on-line by visiting or emailing 319-646-2154.
J City of Riverside, Iowa - Part-Time Building Inspector%
POSITION FUNCTION: The building inspector's responsibilities include but
are not limited to the following; enforcement of building, electrical, plumbing,
and mechanical codes, Zoning Ordinance, and other related city codes;
review of building and site plans and specifications; inspection of building
construction; communication with contractors, general public, Zoning
Administrator, Board of Adjustment, and Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Building Inspector must exercise discretion and independent judgment
in the day-to-day activities of the Building Department.
a. Enforcement of Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Codes,
Zoning Ordinance, and other related city codes.
b. Check building and site plans to assure compliance with applicable
codes and ordinances.
c. Complete inspections of building construction
d. Coordinate with other city departments with regard to enforcement of
building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical code, zoning ordinance,
sign ordinance, sidewalk, and driveway regulations and other building
development-related codes.
e. Resolve issues with the public, contractors, and other developers by
investigating and responding to concerns and complaints.
f. Issue and record all building, electrical, plumbing permits.
g. Maintain records of all inspections, conditions noted and corrected,
prepare additional records and reports as required.
h. Encourage and promote compliance with safety rules and the use of
safety equipment.
i. Review the building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing code and
recommend updates as appropriate to keep the Code current and
promote safety.
This is an "as needed" position at this point, but it is anticipated that it
will soon have some expanded hours available. Interested persons should
submit a brief resume and a letter of interest by regular mail or email to
the addresses listed below. Hourly rate of pay is based on training and
Riverside is an equal opportunity employer
City of Riverside
PO Box 188, Riverside, Iowa 52327
(319) 648-3501 f,